[Board] Minutes for the June/July TEP meetings

Tiffany Little tlittle at georgialibraries.org
Wed Aug 11 12:45:17 EDT 2021

Good afternoon,

I have the minutes for the June and July TEP meetings available for review,
with my sincere apologies for the delay.



I do need one thing for the July minutes. The recording didn't show a list
of attendees. I was able to glean some of it, but I need attendance
information for a couple of people.

Katie, Chris Owens, and Joe -- can you tell me if you attended the July
meeting so I can update the roll call for the minutes?

For anyone else who attended, were there any guests that I should note?

Thanks very much!

Tiffany Little, PINES Services Specialist: Acquisitions


Georgia Public Library Service | University System of Georgia

2872 Woodcock Blvd, Suite 250 l Atlanta, GA 30341

(470) 512-1454 | tlittle at georgialibraries.org
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