[Board] Outreach monthly report

Rogan Hamby rogan.hamby at equinoxoli.org
Thu Jul 15 11:24:30 EDT 2021

Post-conference press release went out in June.

Merchandise - we have decided to table spinning up a Redbubble alternative
until transitions are complete and we can be confident no one else has a
claim to filing DMCA requests over our logos.

Several community members have offered to give us access to a Word Press
testing instance.  We are working out those details now.  Our plan is to go
with an open-licensed theme but may request funds at a future point for a
web designer to help customize things.

The Hack-A-Way is going online again.  Our dates will be October 25th -
27th.  We are looking at products.  So far the lead alternative to Hopin is
Pheedloop.  However, it is much more expensive with a base cost of $1,000 a
month.  While we found Hopin to be problematic for a scheduled conference
it has worked well for the Hack-A-Way in the past and likely would again.
It also has the advantages of being low cost and a known entity.

Rogan Hamby (he/him/his), MLIS

Data and Project Analyst

Equinox Open Library Initiative

rogan.hamby at equinoxOLI.org

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