[Board] monthly outreach report

Rogan Hamby rogan.hamby at equinoxoli.org
Thu Jun 17 09:29:43 EDT 2021

In my ongoing quest to be short and sweet, the monthly outreach update in
list form:


   The conference is over.  Some Outreach members are willing to work on
   next year’s conference if we go in the direction of an online or hybrid
   event again to provide some continuity.  More in Andrea’s report.

   A press release about the conference is in the works.

   Next month will begin planning for a revamp of the website.  We are
   hoping we can solicit a community member with the resources to host a test
   server for setting up a new WordPress installation to be used to test
   moving over content and designs.  The goal is to create something
   aesthetically pleasing that is more maintainable than the current site.
   The goal is to have it ready to re-launch at next year’s conference.

   The initial plan had been to have the Hack-A-Way again in person this
   year.  However, several factors are contributing to us leaning towards
   instead moving back to an online event.  Notable among these are 1)
   trailing vaccination rates in states of likely attendees, 2) new variants
   of COVID-19 that may escalate a risk in those states, 3) the hotel’s
   difficulty in getting guidance about best practices for use of its meeting
   spaces, 4) wanting to make sure that Evergreen Indiana does not have a high
   risk in losing resources and at this point, they have not made any
   commitments.  A decision will be made in the next week.

Rogan Hamby (he/him/his), MLIS

Data and Project Analyst

Equinox Open Library Initiative

rogan.hamby at equinoxOLI.org

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