[Board] TEP board - updated conference budget for consideration

Katie Greenleaf Martin kgm at sparkpa.org
Mon Nov 6 08:33:47 EST 2023

Hello TEP Board - (sending this on the public board list & copying Gina in case there are further questions)

After our October meeting, we asked the 2024 Conference Committee to clarify a few items in the budget, (specifically the Pheedloop costs and the two honoraria), Gina has updated the budget for our consideration. They would like to keep moving on some things, so if anyone were to make a motion to go ahead and adopt the updated budget, I think that would be welcome (& we can ratify it at the next full board meeting).

Thanks all!

Here's the budget spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Sf0iLjAvcT6Ab9hlFJCr0iP2qdlyIEF6iEyOQjuZHs4/edit?usp=sharing

And here are Gina's comments:
I highlighted the areas in orange.  Again, the captioning has gone down since the last quotation, but the new agreement with Pheedloop will bring the price up by $400.  Ideally, we would like to use Pheedloop to host a separate Hackfest event there, and with the original plan, it was confirmed at the time that we were able to do that.  Now with the new contract, we may be able to depend on how many people register and we'll need a contingency plan of using Zoom if necessary.

We don't have a primary keynote speaker but I would like to ask that we still have the budget voted for the possibility of a keynote honorarium and the additional guest speaker funds slotted for another $1,500 as it says in the budget.

[cid:image001.png at 01DA108B.F50699C0]Katie Greenleaf Martin (she/her), Executive Director
Pennsylvania Integrated Library System (PaILS) | SPARK
(717) 873-9461 | kgm at sparkpa.org<mailto:kgm at sparkpa.org>
support.sparkpa.org<https://support.sparkpa.org/> | support at sparkpa.org<mailto:support at sparkpa.org>

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