[Board] monthly outreach report

Rogan Hamby rogan.hamby at equinoxoli.org
Thu Jan 18 10:13:15 EST 2024

Good morning,

In advance of our meeting this afternoon, here is the monthly outreach

Stephanie has continued to run into blockers working on the web site. With
community discussions underway that may affect the direction and vision of
the project we have decided to table any large efforts on the site until we
can be sure that the work aligns with board direction. Additionally, we
discussed the need for a content guide both for the web site and social
media. This is also put on hold until we know where board planning is
headed to make sure it aligns.

Katherine has sent out the 3.12 press release and has already been picked
up by Marshall Breeding. https://librarytechnology.org/pr/29626

The annual report is currently in progress. Last year's report is heavily
being used as a template. We would like to solicit a volunteer from the
community with a layout and graphic design skill set to help us continue to
develop the newsletter. If we can not solicit someone from within the
community we are likely to request budgetary support in hiring someone next

Rogan Hamby (he/him/his), MLIS

Data and Project Manager

Equinox Open Library Initiative

rogan.hamby at equinoxOLI.org

1-770-709-5570 x5570

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