[Board] Outreach report

Rogan Hamby rogan.hamby at equinoxoli.org
Wed Jul 17 17:10:03 EDT 2024

Good morning,

As always I am submitting a report ahead of the meeting.

I have filed a help request with LinkedIn to get control of
https://www.linkedin.com/company/evergreen-open-ils-org with the goal of
getting it under the umbrella of the board.

I am also working on a budget request that will include a graphic designer
for the annual report, a social media management platform and possibly a
mailing management service.  The social media platform request will be
dependent on the outcome of a review we have started on the best social
media platforms for library engagement. Katheryn Nesbit of NCCardinal is
heading that up and will be reporting on her findings at the next Outreach

The mailing management service would be to start doing a monthly community
newsletter.  I will bring a more fleshed out plan for this to a future
board meeting.

Outreach is drafting a community survey for feedback on the website.  This
is both to get feedback about the new skin and solicit input on future
content improvements.

I am also investigating some new project management tools for ongoing
efforts in Outreach to ensure that tasks are accomplished and followed
through on especially with an eye to making sure that information is
reliably posted on each of our end points such as the web site, Bluesky,
press releases and so on.

Rogan Hamby (he/him/his), MLIS

Data and Project Manager

Equinox Open Library Initiative

rogan.hamby at equinoxOLI.org

1-770-709-5555 x5570

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