[Eg-newdevs] Follow up on bug 1631005 - patron ident fields

Terran McCanna tmccanna at georgialibraries.org
Wed Aug 25 14:36:24 EDT 2021

Hmm, I added the ident_value fields to the default_field_visibility section
like Josh suggested, but now it seems.... worse?

   // field visibility cache.  Some fields are universally required.
    // 3 == value universally required
    // 2 == field is visible by default
    // 1 == field is suggested by default
    var field_visibility = {};
    var default_field_visibility = {
        'ac.barcode' : 3,
        'au.usrname' : 3,
        'au.passwd' :  3,
        'au.first_given_name' : 3,
        'au.family_name' : 3,
        'au.pref_first_given_name' : 2,
        'au.pref_family_name' : 2,
        'au.ident_type' : 3,
        *'au.ident_value' :3,*
        'au.ident_type2' : 2,
        *'au.ident_value2' :2,*
        'au.photo_url' : 2,

I set these values in the library settings editor:

Show ident_value = true
Show ident_value2 = true
Suggest ident_value = true
Suggest ident_value2 = true

Show ident_value = false
Show ident_value2 = false
Suggest ident_value = false
Suggest ident_value2 = false

Show ident_value = unset
Show ident_value2 = unset
Suggest ident_value = unset
Suggest ident_value2 = unset

But now, regardless of which branch I log in as, I see all four fields on
suggested and required. (This is on
https://terran-master.gapines.org/eg/staff on top of the original branch.)
Would appreciate another set of eyes! (Feel free to change the settings.)

Terran McCanna, PINES Program Manager

Georgia Public Library Service | University System of Georgia

2872 Woodcock Blvd, Suite 250 l Atlanta, GA 30341

(404) 235-7138 | tmccanna at georgialibraries.org

http://help.georgialibraries.org | help at georgialibraries.org


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