[Eg-newdevs] Bug Squashing Week: Wednesday Update

Terran McCanna tmccanna at georgialibraries.org
Wed Sep 22 18:37:49 EDT 2021

We've passed the mid-week mark of Bug Squashing Week!

*Some highlights: *

   - The Triggered Event Log timeout bug for large sites
   <https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1207533> has been tested and
   signed off! This bug was opened in 2013 and was a bear to fix! Kudos to all
   of the developers and testers involved!
   - A total of 19 patches (see complete list)
   have been signed off so far, with lots of improvements to different
   - 22 signed off patches have been given a final review by the core
   committers and committed to master for inclusion in Evergreen 3.8!
   - 30 wonderful and intrepid people
   have gotten their names on the statistics board so far!

*More to test:*
There are still two days to go and lots of opportunities for testing! For

On Terran's test server:
Port patron interfaces to Angular - this involves an overhaul of a whole
lot of pages, and needs a lot of eyes on it providing feedback. If you
looked at it during last month's Feedback Fest, Bill has updated the code
with most of the feedback that was provided, so those areas need re-testing
as well.

On Tiffany's test server:
Angularization of the Load MARC Order Records interface - this code has
been updated based on earlier feedback and needs to be re-tested

And there are several more that are loaded and ready for testing on the
rest of the test servers as well - complete list at:

*Other ways to contribute:*
And, as always, if you've tested as much as you are able, you can also
contribute by going through Launchpad and checking old bugs to see if they
are still relevant, confirming bugs that have been reported and not yet
confirmed, and more! See Bug Squashing Info page for details

Terran McCanna, PINES Program Manager

Georgia Public Library Service | University System of Georgia

2872 Woodcock Blvd, Suite 250 l Atlanta, GA 30341

(404) 235-7138 | tmccanna at georgialibraries.org

http://help.georgialibraries.org | help at georgialibraries.org


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