[Eg-newdevs] Evergreen 3.11 Feedback Fest Week Starts Now!

Terran McCanna tmccanna at georgialibraries.org
Mon May 8 09:46:36 EDT 2023

Hi everyone!

Now is your chance to take a test run of Evergreen 3.11!

A couple of test servers are up and ready to test 3.11 plus assorted
proposed  bug fixes and features (be sure to scroll all the way down the
page for all of the test servers -  "EOLI Server 2" only has one small
change on it in addition to the 3.11 beta version, so that is a good one to
test your typical workflows on). Here is the list of test servers along
with the list of proposed fixes and features that are applied to them:


These test servers are all loaded with a set of fake data ("Concerto") and
have basic configurations so they may not be configured exactly the same as
your live system. The list of Concerto staff logins as well as an overview
of ways to participate in Feedback Fest are linked at the top of the

Please report any issues you find in Launchpad (

Please feel free to reach out to me directly at
tmccanna at georgialibraries.org if you have any questions about how to test,
how to report bugs, how to search Launchpad for existing reports, how to
sign off, or anything else!

Happy testing!

Terran McCanna, PINES Program Manager

Georgia Public Library Service | University System of Georgia

2872 Woodcock Blvd, Suite 250 l Atlanta, GA 30341

(404) 235-7138 | tmccanna at georgialibraries.org

http://help.georgialibraries.org | help at georgialibraries.org


Join our email list <http://georgialibraries.org> for stories of Georgia
libraries making an impact in our communities.
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