[Eg-oversight-board] EOB Meeting at Conference?

Elfstrand, Stephen F stephen.elfstrand at mnsu.edu
Tue Dec 27 17:53:01 EST 2011

Can we begin to get specific dates and times of any EOB meetings or presentations during the Evergreen Conference?

I heard Elizabeth suggest Saturday. That might be difficult for me. I have a gig in the Twin Cities at 6 PM on Saturday and so would really like to leave on Friday evening. I might be able to leave Saturday if our meeting is early enough on Saturday. I feel bad about this because I had to leave early last year.  So if I have to, I can get a sub for that date. Work comes first and they're paying my way and all.

How do conference times wind up conflicting with infrequent gigs two years in a row? Must be a conspiracy :) Are there any other plans for the Board during the conference? Present rules of governance  to the attendees, etc.?

I hope there is a conference schedule up on the web site soon.

Stephen F. Elfstrand
Executive Director, PALS
(507) 389-5059
(507)  381-6999 mobile

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