[Eg-oversight-board] Fwd: Re: Fwd: draft agreement to send to MOBIUS

Mike Rylander miker at equinoxinitiative.org
Tue May 22 14:05:13 EDT 2018

Hello EOB and Karen

Since there's been some question about the evergreen at sfconservancy.org
mailing list (some folks seem not to be receiving the emails, but should
be) I'm forwarding Karen's recent email to the community-run list as well.
This is also good
for archiving purposes, of course.

Karen, would you mind keeping eg-oversight-board at list.evergreen-ils.org on
the CC list, at least for the time being, until I have a chance to
coordinate with Brett to make sure we're set up as expected?

Thanks, all

| Mike Rylander
| President
| Equinox Open Library Initiative
| phone:  1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
| email:  miker at EquinoxInitiative.org
| web:    http://EquinoxInitiative.org

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Karen M. Sandler <karen at sfconservancy.org>
Date: Mon, May 21, 2018 at 5:05 PM
Subject: Fwd: Re: [Eg-oversight-board] Fwd: draft agreement to send to
To: <evergreen at sfconservancy.org>

>> The project has to cover any loss.  It's a risk we take each year,
>> unfortunately.  Insurance can offset that, though I don't have the
>> details of the plan, if any, that SFC holds currently.

> I think we need to adjust the agreement in order to make this the
> case. I'll talk to the EOB about the right way to accomplish this.

hi EOB! All of our conference hosting agreements to date have had the
hosting organization take on the liability of the conference, while we
being guaranteed a minimum revenue. That aligned everybody's interests
nicely. This situation is totally different, since you tell me MOBIUS
isn't taking profit. Here, we could do this in a few different ways, but
I think keeping it simple will be best.

We could say something like in the event that the Conference Gross
Profits are a negative number, Conservancy agrees to reimburse MOBIUS up
to $X of Conference specific expenses.

This way, it protects Evergreen from MOBIUS incurring a large amount of
unexpected expenses. As they'll be the ones with access to all of the
revenue, they'll be in the best position to know how close the
conference is to the margin and they'll be negotiating the liability
limits in the contracts.  $30,000 seems like a reasonable number in this
context but let me know.


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