[Evergreen-admin] Fresh 2.5.2 install error connecting via Staff Client (Windows)

Alexander Tim TAlexander at triley.co.uk
Tue Feb 11 12:28:06 EST 2014

Log file was too big.

From: Alexander Tim
Sent: 11 February 2014 17:21
To: 'Elliot Voris'; evergreen-admin at list.evergreen-ils.org
Subject: RE: [Evergreen-admin] Fresh 2.5.2 install error connecting via Staff Client (Windows)

Indeed it is all on the local box.  The reason I poked around the pg_hba.conf was I was initially getting a "Connection Refused" error while using the perl script to generate the database.  I googled about and added the following to pg_hba.conf:

host all all trust

I then amended postgresql.conf with:

listen_addresses = '*'

This then allowed the perl script to generate the necessary database etc.

I am using the username root, laziness on my part while setting this up for a test.  This is the admin username I setup while running the perl script.

I have attached the log file.  I note there are some errors from this morning in there but anything from about 1300 on should be about correct for the current run of the installation process.



From: evergreen-admin-bounces at list.evergreen-ils.org [mailto:evergreen-admin-bounces at list.evergreen-ils.org] On Behalf Of Elliot Voris
Sent: 11 February 2014 16:57
To: evergreen-admin at list.evergreen-ils.org
Subject: Re: [Evergreen-admin] Fresh 2.5.2 install error connecting via Staff Client (Windows)

Hi, Tim

You mentioned that this is a test setup. Are you setting up everything on one server (database, evergreen, ejabberd, etc.?), or are you putting some components onto separate servers?

If everything's on one server (which should be the case, if you've been following right along with the install docs), you shouldn't have to mess around with pg_hba.conf since everything is happening locally. I know that I've messed up my setup when I tried playing around with pg_hba.conf, so I try to avoid doing that. Mine is using /32, everything local, so it shouldn't be a matter of opening up the local subnet.

In that auth error, it looks like you're trying the username 'root'. Is that so? Make sure you're using the admin-user and admin-pass that you set up when you were creating the evergreen database: http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/2.5/_creating_the_evergreen_database.html#_creating_the_evergreen_database_and_schema
Would you mind sending along the ejabberd log file /var/log/ejabberd/ejabberd.log? Based on your original message, it strikes me as something with ejabberd (granted, I'm not the foremost authority on this stuff haha)


Elliot J. Voris

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