[Evergreen-admin] installation problems

BUNTON, GLENN BUNTONGA at mailbox.sc.edu
Thu Mar 13 16:01:24 EDT 2014

Hope someone can assist.

We have followed the instructions for installing OSRF and Evergreen and have run into a couple of problems that have led to a couple of questions:

1.     Does Evergreen require java to function?
When we try the --enable-java directive with the configure command the "make" fails with the error message "missing dependency java_memcached-release_2.0.1.jar"

If we use the --enable-python directive it seems to "make" correctly

2.  When we try to start osrf we receive two errors.

If we try just osrf_ctl.sh -l -a start_all as instructed we receive the error "command not found". We followed the path and .srfsh.xml instructions correctly.

If we force the command with /openils/bin/osrf_ctl.sh -l -a start_all we receive the error message

"Starting OpenSRF Router
/openils/bin/osrf_ctl.sh: 158: /openils/bin/osrf_ctl.sh: opensrf_router: not found

Any ideas or suggestions?

Glenn Bunton                                                                 (803) 777-2903
Director of Library Technology Services               buntonga at mailbox.sc.edu<mailto:buntonga at mailbox.sc.edu>
Thomas Cooper Library
University of South Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina  29208

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