<div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_quote"><div class="gmail_quote"><div class="im">Hello,<br>
I am new to Evergreen. I hope that this is the right mailing list for this kind of question.<br>
I have tried to install Evergreen 2.3.4 on Ubuntu Precise following the official instructions<br>
(<a href="http://evergreen-ils.org/documentation/install/README_2_3.html" target="_blank">http://evergreen-ils.org/documentation/install/README_2_3.html</a>). In step 11. "Testing connections to Evergreen" I have failed to login. I<br>
have got "Received no data from server" instead of the described proper response. I have continued with <a href="http://settings-tester.pl" target="_blank">settings-tester.pl</a> and the<br>
troubleshooting:checking_for_errors page until I got to the instruction to contact the mailing list.<br>
Can you please help me?<br>
<br></div>This is my second post to this mailing list. My first post is still awaiting moderator approval since it was too big. Therefore I am not attaching any files this time around.<br><div class="im">
I have encountered these errors in Step 7: "Start the OpenSRF C services and check for errors" in the troubleshooting:<br>
opensrf@green:/openils/conf$ grep ERR /openils/var/log/*.log<br></div><font face="courier new, monospace"><div class="im">
/openils/var/log/osrfsys.log:open-ils.cstore 2013-03-12 21:49:35 [DEBG:1854:oils_sql.c:435:] No data found for class [ssr]: 0, ERROR: "search_result" is a composite type<br>
/openils/var/log/osrfsys.log:open-ils.pcrud 2013-03-12 21:49:35 [DEBG:1856:oils_sql.c:435:] No data found for class [ssr]: 0, ERROR: "search_result" is a composite type<br></div>
/openils/var/log/osrfsys.log:open-ils.reporter-store 2013-03-12 21:49:35 [DEBG:1855:oils_sql.c:435:] No data found for class [ssr]: 0, ERROR: "search_result" is a composite type<br>
...<br></font><div class="im">
Before that I have noticed in Step 6 that I have no OpenSRF controller and master processes running. But I do not know how severe is that.<br>
Before that I have had <a href="http://settings-tester.pl" target="_blank">settings-tester.pl</a> report that:<br>
<br><font face="courier new, monospace">
Checking libdbi and libdbi-drivers<br>
libdbi PostgreSQL driver not found in shared library path;<br>
you may need to edit /etc/ld.so.conf or add an entry to /etc/ld.so.conf.d/<br>
and run 'ldconfig' as root<br></font>
I am not sure about severity of that either.<br>
Before that, I was confused in step "9. Creating the Evergreen database" where it says to replace "<user>, <password>, <hostname>,<br>
<port>, and <dbname> with the appropriate values for your PostgreSQL database (where <user> and <password> are for the evergreen PostgreSQL account you just created)". I was not sure what values for <hostname>, <port> and <dbname> should be appropriate, whether they could be arbitrary or not. I have used "green", "5432" an "green" as a guess.<br>
Before that I have had problems with the OpenSRF installation since my server didn't have a fixed hostname. I am installing Evergreen on a virtual server in AWS and AWS, by default, assigns a different hostname to the server each time it starts. And ejabberd was confused when the hostname changed. I have had to fix the hostname and delete all files in /var/lib/ejabberd/ to continue.<br>
Otherwise the installation seemed to go reasonably smooth.<br>
<span><font color="#888888"><br>
Petr Broz<br>
</font></span></div><a href="mailto:petr.broz@gmail.com" target="_blank">petr.broz@gmail.com</a>