[Evergreen-catalogers] Just filed a new bug asking for certain results to open in new tabs

Mary Llewellyn mllewell at biblio.org
Thu Nov 29 10:18:37 EST 2018

I don't know if this has been covered before (I couldn't find a similar bug
so I just created a ticket:


When merging bib records in a record bucket, it would be helpful if the
resulting record is displayed in a new tab instead of replacing the display
of the bucket.

When importing a bib record with Z39.50, it would be helpful if the
imported record is displayed in a new tab instead of replacing the Z39.50
screen when you click on the Go to Record button.

When overlaying a bib record with Z39.50, it would be helpful if the
overlaid record is automatically displayed in a new tab. This is the way it
works in XUL.
If anyone is interested, please do pile on.


Mary Llewellyn
Database Manager
Bibliomation, Inc.
24 Wooster Ave.
Waterbury, CT 06708
mllewell at biblio.org
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