[Evergreen-catalogers] Computers In Libraries Metadata Literacy article

Allen, Rich rallen at noblenet.org
Fri Dec 13 11:10:01 EST 2019


Computers In Libraries has an article called *Metadata Literacy: What Every
Librarian Needs to Know About the Changing Landscape *that mentions

*Following the line of thinking associated with the ETL concept and
warehousing metadata in a data warehouse for a variety of uses, the
importance of SQL scripting—and its various forms—is brought to the
forefront of must-know metadata literacy concepts. The ability to locate,
manipulate, and move metadata to perform various functions is key to both
operation and analysis for most current library repository and discovery
systems. *

* For example, both the Evergreen and Koha open source ILSs rely on
PostgreSQL scripting for major functions, including managing bibliographic
and item metadata. Additionally, knowing how to develop and execute SQL
queries at various OS access points (i.e., Linux command line, BASH script,
Shell script) gives librarians a better understanding of the questions they
are trying to answer with the data as well as a concept of where the source
data is located and how it flows. *

For the whole article:

*http://tinyurl.com/rpf23jr <http://tinyurl.com/rpf23jr>*


Rich Allen
Technical Services Librarian
Winthrop Public Library
2 Metcalf Square
Winthrop, MA 02152
rallen at noblenet.org
North Of Boston Library Exchange(NOBLE)
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