[Evergreen-catalogers] Checkbox limiters on Angular staff catalog

Thomsen, Elizabeth et at noblenet.org
Wed Nov 18 09:15:53 EST 2020

In the Angular staff catalog, checking or unchecking the limiters doesn't
automatically re-execute the search.  This came up on a more specific
Launchpad bug, and Galen said it would be good to have a separate Launchpad
bug to discuss whether these should rerun automatically on toggle:

Christine Morgan created one:
https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1896787 and I am hoping we can
get some interest and discussion on this issue (and heat on that Launchpad

Personally I think it's important that both sides of the catalog (public
and staff) treat these checkboxes the same way, we have lots of staff move
back and forth between the two catalogs, and I don't see any logical reason
for the behavior to be different between the two.

However, I have always had a problem with the way these checkboxes work --
when you toggle them, there's no spinner or other indication that they are
working. (I don't think people should be expected to notice things not on
the screen itself, like the tab or the URL in the lower right corner.)
Depending on the speed of the system and the number of search results, the
delay can be more than a couple of seconds. People sometimes think nothing
is happening and then click the search button, causing the search to
re-execute again, or assume the results have been limited and be scrolling
down the page when the page suddenly reloads.

Elizabeth B. Thomsen
Member Services Manager
NOBLE: North of Boston Library Exchange
Danvers, Mass.
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