[Evergreen-catalogers] Deleting Prefixes and Suffixes

Thomsen, Elizabeth et at noblenet.org
Fri Apr 22 12:52:49 EDT 2022

Hi, Catalogers!
Our libraries use a lot of prefixes and suffixes, which is great until they
want to delete ones they're not using anymore.  There's no delete flag on
these tables so they can't be removed without removing references from
deleted call numbers in the database.  This means the libraries can't
manage these themselves, which they want to do (and we want that too!)

Just looking to add a little heat to this bug from 2017!
Bug #1713120: Call number prefix and suffix tables should have a deleted
flag <https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1713120>

Elizabeth B. Thomsen
Member Services Manager
NOBLE: North of Boston Library Exchange
Danvers, Mass.
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