[Evergreen-catalogers] Label printers

Chrisy Schroth Chrisy.Schroth at kentonlibrary.org
Thu Jul 7 12:50:12 EDT 2022

We mostly print our call number labels from OCLC Connexion Client on foil-backed, laser printed labels. For “one-off” labels, in the early 2000’s we used to use a Dymo thermal printer that didn’t have a ribbon. Instead the text was more or less burned into the paper, and we found that those labels either faded over time, or if patrons left the book in direct sunlight, the whole label would turn completely brown or even black.

We currently use Zebra TLP2824 Plus, which prints with a resin ribbon onto the labels. Even with those we have experienced some fading over time when they were used on “permanent collection” items. They seem to do ok on items we are going to regularly replace, like travel guidebooks or test study guides, but we don’t use them on anything we plan to keep more than a few years. We do have them in the branches for staff there to replace a label if they need to, or to put labels on reference serials that we will later bind, but we rarely use them in Cataloging. In fact, 2 of our 4 catalogers asked IT to remove them from their desks, as they found them to be more trouble than they were worth.

Thanks and have a great day!

Chrisy Schroth
Assistant Cataloger/Serials Coordinator
Kenton County Public Library
3095 Hulbert Avenue
Erlanger, KY 41018
859-578-7924 work


From: Evergreen-catalogers <evergreen-catalogers-bounces at list.evergreen-ils.org> On Behalf Of Kate Coleman via Evergreen-catalogers
Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2022 10:58 AM
To: Evergreen Community Catalogers <evergreen-catalogers at list.evergreen-ils.org>
Cc: Kate Coleman <kcoleman at jeffcolib.org>
Subject: [Evergreen-catalogers] Label printers

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I know this subject is talked about to death on various listservs, but I've tried to search archives and I'm just not having luck. Anyway, I'm looking to hear from people that have experience using a higher quality thermal label printer like Zebra. We currently use Dymo, and while we are happy for the most part, we also know that we're getting what we're paying for. We have fading issues, but the fading that goes under laminate (that we do in-house) is to an unacceptable level.


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