[Evergreen-catalogers] Vox books and their icons

Kathryn Riedener kriedener at owwl.org
Thu Feb 9 12:34:57 EST 2023

Hi all, 

How are people adding audio-enabled books (VOX or Wonder books) to get them to generate an appropriate Evergreen icon? 

I have found that if I load them as a book (with all the requisite 006 and 007 fields), Evergreen generates a e-book icon. People then expect this title to be digital rather than physical. 

I have manipulated (or slaughtered) the MARC record in order to get a better-fitting Preloaded Audio icon to display, but that really goes against my cataloger's grain. 

I look forward to hearing how you're all handling these newer-technology items. 


Kathryn Riedener 
Collection and Resource Coordinator 
OWWL Library System 
2557 State Route 21 
Canandaigua, NY 14424 

Phone: 585.394.8260, ext. 1114 
Fax: 585.394.1935 
Email: kriedener at owwl.org 
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