[Evergreen-catalogers] Cross matches from 035$a and 035$z on Vandelay

Tina Ji tina.ji at bc.libraries.coop
Thu Dec 5 17:43:16 EST 2024

Hi all,

I wonder whether this is an issue to you.

When matching records on Vandelay, we can only match 035$a with 035$a, or 035$z with 035$z. We cannot cross match 035$a with 035$z. But we found we need cross matches between 035$a and 035$z when handling merged records, esp. those from OCLC.  The merged record's old 035$a became 035$z in the new record, which can no longer be matched with the 035$a in our existing record.

More and more  e-resource vendors supply records through OCLC now, and many of them have 035$z, sometime multiple.  I appreciate it if you could share how you match the records if not relying on cross match from 035$a and $z.

Thank you,

Tina Ji

BC Libraries Coop

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