[Evergreen-circ] transit list

Teresa Tidwell ttidwell at cville.lib.mo.us
Wed Jul 19 16:08:22 EDT 2017

I print off Transits To and From our library at least once a month (usually
more regularly) I recently learned about the setting for "from the
Beginning" and used it to pin down a number of items that had evaded checkin
or are lost by the courier. I will do this at least monthly also from now


Teresa Tidwell, Director

Caruthersville Public Library


From: Evergreen-circ [mailto:evergreen-circ-bounces at list.evergreen-ils.org]
On Behalf Of Diane Disbro
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 1:53 PM
To: evergreen circ listserv <evergreen-circ at list.evergreen-ils.org>
Subject: [Evergreen-circ] transit list


Good afternoon!


How do you use the Transit List report in the Admin tab? We at Missouri
Evergreen are trying to come up with a procedure for member libraries to
regularly check that report and report lost in transit items to the state
courier company.


Thank you.


Diane Disbro

Circulation Coordinator/Branch Manager

Union Branch

Scenic Regional Library

308 Hawthorne Drive

Union, MO     63084


ddisbro at scenicregional.org <mailto:ddisbro at scenicregional.org> 

www.scenicregional.org <http://www.scenicregional.org> 



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