[Evergreen-circ] State of Evergreen Survey

Chris Burton cburton at evergreen-ils.org
Thu Aug 5 14:27:51 EDT 2021

Hello from the Evergreen Strategic Planning Subcommittee!

We are currently working out what the future of Evergreen could look like
and we want your input!
If you want to have your voice heard, please fill out this survey at your
earliest convenience to help guide our early discussion.

Evergreen Feedback <https://forms.gle/K89rP9LsdPHH58c69>

We are looking for any and all things on your mind and submissions are
completely anonymous!

We appreciate any and all feedback you provide.

If you want to reach out to any one of us to discuss ideas on the future of
Evergreen, the subcommittee is:
Chris Burton
Debbie Luchenbill
Galen Charlton
Tiffany Little

Thank you, ESPS

 Evergreen Feedback
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