[Evergreen-circ] Call Number Prefix ID's on Holds Pull List

Morgan, Michele mmorgan at noblenet.org
Tue Aug 15 10:20:43 EDT 2023

Thanks John!

I always forget to search the term "affix" when looking for anything
related to prefix/suffix! I updated the description to enhance findability.

Thanks for the suggestions. I did find that the initial print generally did
not show the issues. I also found that refreshing the page would allow all
the prefixes to print.

It's also worth noting that I was NOT able to reproduce this issue in the
Angular pull list (3.8 and beyond).


Michele M. Morgan, Systems Support Specialist
North of Boston Library Exchange, Danvers Massachusetts
mmorgan at noblenet.org

On Tue, Aug 15, 2023 at 9:50 AM John Amundson <jamundson at cwmars.org> wrote:

> Hi, Michele:
> This happens to us from time to time.
> It took a little digging, but I found an LP bug for it -
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1821179
> It seems to happen on subsequent pull list prints, so my suggestion when
> it comes up is to exit out of the Pull List and then go back in if it needs
> to be printed again.
> If it's happening on initial prints, maybe clearing cache (and perhaps
> cookies) would help? or maybe there's an odd line of code in the template?
> Maybe there's a field that the library is printing that others aren't that
> is causing the trouble?
> John
> John Amundson | Library Applications Supervisor | CW MARS
> jamundson at cwmars.org | 508-755-3323 x322 <%28508%29%20755-3323>
> https://www.cwmars.org
> he/him/his <https://www.mypronouns.org/he-him>
> On Tue, Aug 15, 2023 at 9:39 AM Morgan, Michele via Evergreen-circ <
> evergreen-circ at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:
>> Hello Evergreeners!
>> We are seeing intermittent strangeness with call number prefixes when
>> printing the pull list.
>> Our print template uses this code for the prefix:
>> {{hold_data.volume.prefix}}
>> Generally it prints the prefix label as it should. Intermittently,
>> however, the prefix database id prints on the pull list instead of the
>> label.
>> I can reproduce this issue reliably in the browser print preview (Hatch
>> disabled). The first time I click Print Full List, everything usually looks
>> fine. If I close the preview and click Print Full List again, some of the
>> prefixes show the ids instead of the labels. I will also occasionally see
>> -1 printed for call numbers that do not have prefixes.
>> This issue does NOT appear to be related to any of the following:
>>    - Browser - I've seen it in both Chrome and Firefox
>>    - Hatch - I've seen it with and without Hatch enabled
>>    - Server - I've seen it on several servers running different
>>    releases, including our production and training servers, a test vm, and the
>>    community server demo.evergreencatalog.com
>> I just previewed a pull list for BR1 on demo.evergreencatalog.com, and
>> two of the call numbers printed as:
>> -1 FIC 222
>> -1 MR 248
>> The reporting library indicated this started about two months ago. Has
>> anyone else seen this?
>> Any ideas?
>> Michele
>> --
>> Michele M. Morgan, Systems Support Specialist
>> North of Boston Library Exchange, Danvers Massachusetts
>> mmorgan at noblenet.org
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