[open-ils-commits] r8004 - in branches/rel_1_2/Open-ILS/src: perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Storage/Publisher sql/Pg support-scripts

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Mon Nov 5 13:52:19 EST 2007

Author: miker
Date: 2007-11-05 13:36:52 -0500 (Mon, 05 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 8004

backporting PGPASSWORD addition and the settings tester script

Modified: branches/rel_1_2/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Storage/Publisher/metabib.pm
--- branches/rel_1_2/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Storage/Publisher/metabib.pm	2007-11-05 18:35:47 UTC (rev 8003)
+++ branches/rel_1_2/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Storage/Publisher/metabib.pm	2007-11-05 18:36:52 UTC (rev 8004)
@@ -1794,11 +1794,8 @@
 							AND br.deleted IS FALSE
 							AND cn.deleted IS FALSE
 							AND cp.call_number = cn.id
-							AND (	cn.owning_lib = d.id
-								OR (	cp.circ_lib = d.id
-									AND cp.deleted IS FALSE
-								)
-							)
+							AND cp.circ_lib = d.id
+							AND cp.deleted IS FALSE
 						  LIMIT 1
@@ -2235,17 +2232,15 @@
 			  FROM	($select) s
 			  	LEFT OUTER JOIN $source_table src ON (s.source = src.id)
-			  	SELECT	1
-				  FROM	$asset_call_number_table cn,
-					$asset_copy_table cp,
-					$descendants d
-				  WHERE	cn.record = s.id
-					AND cp.call_number = cn.id
-					AND cn.deleted IS FALSE
-					AND (	cn.owning_lib = d.id
-						OR (	cp.circ_lib = d.id
-							AND cp.deleted IS FALSE
-						)
+    			  	SELECT	1
+	    			  FROM	$asset_call_number_table cn,
+		    			$asset_copy_table cp,
+			    		$descendants d
+				      WHERE	cn.record = s.id
+    					AND cp.call_number = cn.id
+	    				AND cn.deleted IS FALSE
+		    			AND cp.circ_lib = d.id
+			    		AND cp.deleted IS FALSE
 				  LIMIT 1

Modified: branches/rel_1_2/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/build-db.sh
--- branches/rel_1_2/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/build-db.sh	2007-11-05 18:35:47 UTC (rev 8003)
+++ branches/rel_1_2/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/build-db.sh	2007-11-05 18:36:52 UTC (rev 8004)
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
 # args: {db-host} {db-port} {db-name} {db-user} {db-password} {db-version}
-echo "You may be prompted several times for your database password..."
+# echo "You may be prompted several times for your database password..."
-PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 000.english.pg$6.fts-config.sql
-PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 001.schema.offline.sql
-PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 002.schema.config.sql
-PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 005.schema.actors.sql
-PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 006.schema.permissions.sql
-PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 006.data.permissions.sql
-PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 010.schema.biblio.sql
-PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 011.schema.authority.sql
-PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 020.schema.functions.sql
-PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 030.schema.metabib.sql
-PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 040.schema.asset.sql
-PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 070.schema.container.sql
-PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 080.schema.money.sql
-PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 090.schema.action.sql
+PGPASSWORD=$5 PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 000.english.pg$6.fts-config.sql
+PGPASSWORD=$5 PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 001.schema.offline.sql
+PGPASSWORD=$5 PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 002.schema.config.sql
+PGPASSWORD=$5 PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 005.schema.actors.sql
+PGPASSWORD=$5 PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 006.schema.permissions.sql
+PGPASSWORD=$5 PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 006.data.permissions.sql
+PGPASSWORD=$5 PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 010.schema.biblio.sql
+PGPASSWORD=$5 PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 011.schema.authority.sql
+PGPASSWORD=$5 PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 020.schema.functions.sql
+PGPASSWORD=$5 PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 030.schema.metabib.sql
+PGPASSWORD=$5 PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 040.schema.asset.sql
+PGPASSWORD=$5 PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 070.schema.container.sql
+PGPASSWORD=$5 PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 080.schema.money.sql
+PGPASSWORD=$5 PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 090.schema.action.sql
-PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 500.view.cross-schema.sql
+PGPASSWORD=$5 PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 500.view.cross-schema.sql
-PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 800.fkeys.sql
-PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 900.audit-functions.sql
-PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 901.audit-tables.sql
+PGPASSWORD=$5 PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 800.fkeys.sql
+PGPASSWORD=$5 PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 900.audit-functions.sql
+PGPASSWORD=$5 PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f 901.audit-tables.sql
-PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f reporter-schema.sql
+PGPASSWORD=$5 PGUSER=$4 PGHOST=$1 PGPORT=$2 PGDATABASE=$3 psql -f reporter-schema.sql

Added: branches/rel_1_2/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/settings-tester.pl
--- branches/rel_1_2/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/settings-tester.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/rel_1_2/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/settings-tester.pl	2007-11-05 18:36:52 UTC (rev 8004)
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+# vim:noet:ts=4:
+	eval "use OpenSRF::Utils::Config;";
+	die "Please ensure that /openils/lib/perl5 is in your PERL5LIB environment variable.
+	You must run this script as the 'opensrf' user.\n" if ($@);
+	eval "use Error qw/:try/;";
+	die "Please install Error.pm.\n" if ($@);
+	eval "use UNIVERSAL::require;";
+	die "Please install the UNIVERSAL::Require perl module.\n" if ($@);
+	eval "use Getopt::Long;";
+	die "Please install the Getopt::Long perl module.\n" if ($@);
+	eval "use Net::Domain;";
+	die "Please install the Net::Domain perl module.\n" if ($@);
+my $output = '';
+my $perloutput = '';
+my ($gather, $hostname, $core_config, $tmpdir) =
+	(0, Net::Domain::hostfqdn(), '/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml', '/tmp/');
+	'gather' => \$gather,
+	'hostname=s' => \$hostname,
+	'config_file=s' => \$core_config,
+	'tempdir=s' => \$tmpdir,
+while (my $mod = <DATA>) {
+	chomp $mod;
+	my @list = split / /, $mod;
+	my $ok = 0;
+	for my $m (@list) {
+		$ok++ if ($m->use);
+		print "$m version ".${$m."::VERSION"}."\n" unless ($@);
+	}
+	unless ($ok) {
+		if (@list == 1) {
+			warn "Please install $mod\n";
+			$perloutput .= "Please install the $mod Perl module.\n";
+		} else {
+			warn "Please install one of the following modules: $mod\n";
+			$perloutput .= "Please install one of the following modules: $mod\n";
+		}
+	}
+use OpenSRF::Transport::SlimJabber::Client;
+use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsParser;
+use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use DBI;
+(my $conf_dir = $core_config) =~ s#(.*)/.*#$1#;
+OpenSRF::Utils::Config->load(config_file => $core_config);
+my $conf = OpenSRF::Utils::Config->current;
+my $j_username    = $conf->bootstrap->username;
+my $j_password    = $conf->bootstrap->passwd;
+my $j_port    = $conf->bootstrap->port;
+my $j_domain    = $conf->bootstrap->domains->[0];
+my $settings_config = $conf->bootstrap->settings_config;
+my $logfile    = $conf->bootstrap->logfile;
+(my $log_dir = $logfile) =~ s#(.*)/.*#$1#;
+print "\nChecking Jabber connection\n";
+# connect to jabber 
+my $client = OpenSRF::Transport::SlimJabber::Client->new(
+    port => $j_port, 
+    username => $j_username, 
+    password => $j_password,
+    host => $j_domain,
+    resource => 'test123'
+my $je = undef;
+try {
+    unless($client->initialize()) {
+        $je = "* Unable to connect to jabber server $j_domain\n";
+        warn "* Unable to connect to jabber server $j_domain\n";
+    }
+} catch Error with {
+    $je = "* Error connecting to jabber:\n" . shift() . "\n";
+    warn "* Error connecting to jabber:\n" . shift() . "\n";
+print "* Jabber successfully connected\n" unless ($je);
+$output .= ($je) ? $je : "* Jabber successfully connected\n";
+my $xmlparser = XML::LibXML->new();
+my $osrfxml = $xmlparser->parse_file($settings_config);
+print "\nChecking database connections\n";
+# Check database connections
+my @databases = $osrfxml->findnodes('//database');
+foreach my $database (@databases) {
+	my $db_name = $database->findvalue("./db");	
+	if (!$db_name) {
+		$db_name = $database->findvalue("./name");	
+	}
+	my $db_host = $database->findvalue("./host");	
+	my $db_port = $database->findvalue("./port");	
+	my $db_user = $database->findvalue("./user");	
+	my $db_pw = $database->findvalue("./pw");	
+	my $osrf_xpath;
+	foreach my $node ($database->findnodes("ancestor::node()")) {
+		next unless $node->nodeType == XML::LibXML::XML_ELEMENT_NODE;
+		$osrf_xpath .= "/" . $node->nodeName;
+	}
+	$output .= test_db_connect($db_name, $db_host, $db_port, $db_user, $db_pw, $osrf_xpath);
+print "\nChecking database drivers to ensure <driver> matches <language>\n";
+# Check database drivers
+# if language eq 'C', driver eq 'pgsql'
+# if language eq 'perl', driver eq 'Pg'
+my @drivers = $osrfxml->findnodes('//driver');
+foreach my $driver_node (@drivers) {
+	my $language;
+	my $driver_xpath;
+	my @driver_xpath_nodes;
+	foreach my $node ($driver_node->findnodes("ancestor::node()")) {
+		next unless $node->nodeType == XML::LibXML::XML_ELEMENT_NODE;
+		$driver_xpath .= "/" . $node->nodeName;
+		push @driver_xpath_nodes, $node->nodeName;
+	}
+	my $lang_xpath;
+	my $driver = $driver_node->findvalue("child::text()");
+	while (pop(@driver_xpath_nodes) && scalar(@driver_xpath_nodes) > 0 && !$language) {
+		$lang_xpath = "/" . join('/', @driver_xpath_nodes) . "/language";
+		my @lang_nodes = $osrfxml->findnodes($lang_xpath);
+		next unless scalar(@lang_nodes > 0);
+		$language = $lang_nodes[0]->findvalue("child::text()");
+	}
+	my $result;
+	if ($driver eq "pgsql") {
+		if ($language eq "C") {
+			$result = "* OK: $driver language is $language in $lang_xpath\n";
+		} else {
+			$result = "* ERROR: $driver language is $language in $lang_xpath\n";
+			warn $result;
+		}
+	} elsif ($driver eq "Pg") {
+		if ($language eq "perl") {
+			$result = "* OK: $driver language is $language in $lang_xpath\n";
+		} elsif ($driver_xpath =~ /reporter/) {
+			$result = "* OK: $driver language is undefined for reporter base configuration\n";
+		} else {
+			$result = "* ERROR: $driver language is $language in $lang_xpath\n";
+			warn $result;
+		}
+	} else {
+		$result = "* ERROR: Unknown driver $driver in $driver_xpath\n";
+		warn $result;
+	}
+	print $result;
+	$output .= $result;
+print "\nChecking libdbi and libdbi-drivers\n";
+$output .= check_libdbd();
+print "\nChecking hostname\n";
+my @hosts = $osrfxml->findnodes('/opensrf/hosts/*');
+foreach my $host (@hosts) {
+	next unless $host->nodeType == XML::LibXML::XML_ELEMENT_NODE;
+	my $osrfhost = $host->nodeName;
+	my $he;
+	if ($osrfhost ne $hostname && $osrfhost ne "localhost") {
+		$result = " * ERROR: expected hostname '$hostname', found '$osrfhost' in <hosts> section of opensrf.xml\n";
+		warn $result;
+		$he = 1;
+	} elsif ($osrfhost eq "localhost") {
+		$result = " * OK: found hostname 'localhost' in <hosts> section of opensrf.xml\n";
+	} else {
+		$result = " * OK: found hostname '$hostname' in <hosts> section of opensrf.xml\n";
+	}
+	print $result unless $he;
+	$output .= $result;
+if ($gather) {
+	get_debug_info( $tmpdir, $log_dir, $conf_dir, $perloutput, $output );
+sub test_db_connect {
+	my ($db_name, $db_host, $db_port, $db_user, $db_pw, $osrf_xpath) = @_;
+	my $dsn = "dbi:Pg:dbname=$db_name;host=$db_host;port=$db_port";
+	my $de = undef;
+	my $dbh, $encoding;
+	try {
+		$dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $db_user, $db_pw);
+		unless($dbh) {
+			$de = "* $osrf_xpath :: Unable to connect to database $dsn, user=$db_user, password=$db_pw\n";
+			warn "* $osrf_xpath :: Unable to connect to database $dsn, user=$db_user, password=$db_pw\n";
+		}
+		my $sth = $dbh->prepare("show server_encoding");
+		$sth->execute;
+		$sth->bind_col(1, \$encoding);
+		$sth->fetch;
+		$sth->finish;
+		$dbh->disconnect;
+	} catch Error with {
+		$de = "* $osrf_xpath :: Unable to connect to database $dsn, user=$db_user, password=$db_pw\n" . shift() . "\n";
+		warn "* $osrf_xpath :: Unable to connect to database $dsn, user=$db_user, password=$db_pw\n" . shift() . "\n";
+	};
+	print "* $osrf_xpath :: Successfully connected to database $dsn\n" unless ($de);
+	if ($encoding !~ m/(utf-?8|unicode)/i) {
+		$de .= "* ERROR: $osrf_xpath :: Database $dsn has encoding $encoding instead of UTF8 or UNICODE.\n";
+		warn "* ERROR: $osrf_xpath :: Database $dsn has encoding $encoding instead of UTF8 or UNICODE.\n";
+	} else {
+		print "  * Database has the expected server encoding $encoding.\n";
+	}
+	return ($de) ? $de : "* $osrf_xpath :: Successfully connected to database $dsn with encoding $encoding\n";
+sub check_libdbd {
+	my $results;
+	my $de = undef;
+	my @location = `locate libdbdpgsql.so |grep -v home`; # simple(ton) attempt to filter out build versions
+	if (scalar(@location) > 1) {
+		my $res = "Found more than one location for libdbdpgsql.so.
+  We have found that system packages don't link against libdbi.so;
+  therefore, we strongly recommend compiling libdbi and libdbi-drivers from source.\n";
+		$results .= $res;
+		print $res;
+	}
+	foreach my $loc (@location) {
+		my @linkage = `ldd $loc`;
+		if (!grep(/libdbi/, @linkage)) {
+			my $res = "$loc was not linked against libdbi - you probably need to compile libdbi-drivers from source with the --enable-libdbi configure switch.\n";
+			$results .= $res;
+			print $res;
+		}
+	}
+	return $results;
+sub get_debug_info {
+  my $temp_dir = shift; # place we can write files
+  my $log = shift; # location of the log directory
+  my $config = shift; # location of the config files
+  my $perl_test = shift; # output from the Perl prereq testing
+  my $config_test = shift; # output from the config file testing
+  my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
+  my $oils_time = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d_%02dh-%02d-%02d", $year+1900, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
+  # evil approach that requires no other Perl dependencies
+  chdir($temp_dir);
+  my $oils_debug_dir = "$temp_dir/oils_$oils_time";
+  # Replace with something Perlish
+  mkdir($oils_debug_dir) or die $!;
+  # Replace with File::Copy
+  system("cp $log/*log $oils_debug_dir");
+  # Passwords will go through in the clear for now
+  system("cp $config/*xml $oils_debug_dir");
+  # Get Perl output
+  open(FH, ">", "$oils_debug_dir/perl_test.out") or die $!;
+  print FH $perl_test;
+  close(FH);
+  # Get XML output
+  open(FH, ">", "$oils_debug_dir/xml_test.out") or die $!;
+  print FH $config_test;
+  close(FH);
+  # Tar this up - does any system not have tar?
+  system("tar czf oils_$oils_time.tar.gz oils_$oils_time");
+  # Clean up after ourselves, somewhat dangerously
+  system("rm -fr $oils_debug_dir");
+  print "Wrote your debug information to $temp_dir/oils_$oils_time.tar.gz.\n";
+Net::Z3950 Net::Z3950::ZOOM

Property changes on: branches/rel_1_2/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/settings-tester.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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