[open-ils-commits] r8055 - in trunk/Open-ILS/src: . reporter

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Fri Nov 9 21:22:03 EST 2007

Author: dbs
Date: 2007-11-09 21:06:00 -0500 (Fri, 09 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 8055

Delete reporter cruft.
Rename success and failure templates to match config file defaults.
Ensure current reporter code gets installed as part of openils_all target.

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/Makefile
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/Makefile	2007-11-10 01:53:29 UTC (rev 8054)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/Makefile	2007-11-10 02:06:00 UTC (rev 8055)
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+# vim:noet:ts=4
 export LDFLAGS			+= -L . -L$(TMP) -L $(OPENSRF_LIBS)
 export CFLAGS			+= -pipe -g -Wall -O2 -fPIC -I$(LIBXML2_HEADERS) -I$(APACHE2_HEADERS) -I$(APR_HEADERS) \
@@ -11,7 +12,7 @@
 install:	perl-install web-install server-xul string-templates-install xsl-install c_apps-install circ_rules-install offline-install storage-bootstrap cgi-bootstrap
-web-install:	webcore-install autojs-install mod_xmlent-install offline-install
+web-install:	webcore-install autojs-install mod_xmlent-install offline-install reporter-install
 	@echo $@
@@ -141,12 +142,11 @@
 	@echo $@
-#	@echo "Installing Reporter templates to $(REPORTERDIR) and example configs to $(ETCDIR)"
-#	cp reporter/report_base.example.xml $(ETCDIR)/reporter.example.xml
-#	cp reporter/tables.example.xml $(ETCDIR)
-#	cp reporter/widgets.example.xml $(ETCDIR)
-#	mkdir -p $(REPORTERDIR)
-#	cp -r reporter/templates/* $(REPORTERDIR)
+	@echo "Installing Reporter email templates to $(REPORTERDIR) and example configs to $(ETCDIR)"
+	cp reporter/clark-kent.pl $(BINDIR)
+	cp reporter/report-fail $(DATADIR)
+	cp reporter/report-success $(DATADIR)
+	mkdir -p $(REPORTERDIR)
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/config.sql
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/config.sql	2007-11-10 01:53:29 UTC (rev 8054)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/config.sql	2007-11-10 02:06:00 UTC (rev 8055)
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-CREATE SCHEMA reporter;
-CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW reporter.date_series AS
-	SELECT	CAST('1900/01/01' AS DATE) + x AS date,
-		CAST('1900/01/01' AS DATE) + x AS date_label
-	  		0,
-	  		CAST( EXTRACT( 'days' FROM CAST( NOW() - CAST( '1900/01/01' AS DATE ) AS INTERVAL ) ) AS INT )
-		) AS g(x);
-CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW reporter.date_hour_series AS
-		CAST(date + CAST(h || ' hours' AS INTERVAL) AS TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) AS date_hour_label
-	  FROM	reporter.date_series,
-	  	GENERATE_SERIES(0,23) g(h);
-CREATE TABLE reporter.date_dim AS
-        SELECT 
-                EXTRACT('year' FROM date_label)::INT AS year,
-                EXTRACT('month' FROM date_label)::INT AS month,
-                EXTRACT('day' FROM date_label)::INT AS day
-        FROM
-                (SELECT '1900-01-01'::date + g.x AS date_label
-                   FROM GENERATE_SERIES(0, EXTRACT('days' FROM NOW() + '10 years'::INTERVAL - '1900-01-01'::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE)::INT) g(x)) as y
-        ORDER BY 1,2,3;
-CREATE TABLE reporter.time_dim AS
-        SELECT 
-                a.x AS hour,     
-                b.x AS minute, 
-                c.x AS second
-        FROM
-                   GENERATE_SERIES(0, 23) as a(x),
-                   GENERATE_SERIES(0, 59) as b(x),
-                   GENERATE_SERIES(0, 59) as c(x)
-        order by 1,2,3;
-CREATE TABLE reporter.stage2 (
-	id		serial				primary key,
-	stage1		text				not null, 
-	params	  	text				not null,
-	owner		int				not null,
-	pub		bool				not null
-							default false,
-	create_date	timestamp with time zone	not null
-							default now(),
-	edit_date	timestamp with time zone	not null
-							default now()
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION reporter.force_edit_date_update () RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$
-		NEW.edit_date = NOW();
-	END;
-CREATE TRIGGER force_edit_date_update_trig
-	BEFORE UPDATE ON reporter.stage2
-	EXECUTE PROCEDURE reporter.force_edit_date_update ();
-CREATE TABLE reporter.stage3 (
-	id		serial				primary key,
-	stage2		int				not null 
-							references reporter.stage2 (id)
-								on delete restrict
-								deferrable
-								initially deferred,
-	params	  	text				not null,
-	owner		int				not null,
-	disable		bool				not null
-							default false,
-	pub		bool				not null
-							default false,
-	create_date	timestamp with time zone	not null
-							default now(),
-	runtime	timestamp with time zone	default now(),
-	recurrence	interval
-CREATE TABLE reporter.output (
-	id		serial				primary key,
-	stage3		int				not null
-							references reporter.stage3 (id)
-								on delete restrict
-								deferrable
-								initially deferred,
-	queue_time	timestamp with time zone	not null default now(),
-	run_time	timestamp with time zone,
-	run_pid		int,
-	query		text,
-	error		text,
-	error_time	timestamp with time zone,
-	complete_time	timestamp with time zone,
-	state		text				check (state in ('wait','running','complete','error'))

Copied: trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/report-fail (from rev 8053, trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/report_failure.tmpl)
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/report-fail	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/report-fail	2007-11-10 02:06:00 UTC (rev 8055)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+To: {TO}
+From: {FROM}
+Reply-To: {REPLY_TO}
+Subject: Report failed: "{REPORT_NAME}" 
+Your report, named [{REPORT_NAME}], scheduled to run at {RUN_TIME},
+has failed with the following error message:
+The SQL command attempted was:
+ {SQL}
+If you are unsure of the meaning of this message, please contact your
+ILS adminstrator or support staff and give them both the error message
+and the SQL command.

Copied: trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/report-success (from rev 8048, trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/report_success.tmpl)
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/report-success	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/report-success	2007-11-10 02:06:00 UTC (rev 8055)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+To: {TO}
+From: {FROM}
+Reply-To: {REPLY_TO}
+Subject: Report finished: "{REPORT_NAME}" 
+At {RUN_TIME} the report "{REPORT_NAME}" finished running with a complete
+time of {COMPLETE_TIME}.
+You can view the report at the following URL:

Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/report_base.example.xml
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/report_base.example.xml	2007-11-10 01:53:29 UTC (rev 8054)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/report_base.example.xml	2007-11-10 02:06:00 UTC (rev 8055)
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<reporter xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
-	<setup>
-		<files>
-			<output_base>/openils/var/web/reporter/</output_base>
-			<!-- <chart_logo>/openils/var/web/opac/images/small_logo.gif</chart_logo> -->
-		</files>
-		<database>
-			<driver>Pg</driver>
-			<host></host>
-			<port>5433</port>
-			<name>develooper</name>
-			<user>postgres</user>
-			<password/>
-		</database>
-	</setup>
-	<xi:include href="tables.example.xml">
-		This file sucks in table definitions
-	</xi:include>
-	<xi:include href="widgets.example.xml">
-		This file sucks in widget definitions
-	</xi:include>

Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/report_failure.tmpl
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/report_failure.tmpl	2007-11-10 01:53:29 UTC (rev 8054)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/report_failure.tmpl	2007-11-10 02:06:00 UTC (rev 8055)
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-To: {TO}
-From: {FROM}
-Reply-To: {REPLY_TO}
-Subject: Report failed: "{REPORT_NAME}" 
-Your report, named [{REPORT_NAME}], scheduled to run at {RUN_TIME},
-has failed with the following error message:
-The SQL command attempted was:
- {SQL}
-If you are unsure of the meaning of this message, please contact your
-ILS adminstrator or support staff and give them both the error message
-and the SQL command.

Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/report_stage1.example.xml
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/report_stage1.example.xml	2007-11-10 01:53:29 UTC (rev 8054)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/report_stage1.example.xml	2007-11-10 02:06:00 UTC (rev 8055)
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<reporter xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
-	<report
-	  type="stage1"
-	  name="Silly"
-	  fact-table="silly.fact">
-		<description>Silly Report base</description>
-		<dims>
-			<dim include="silly_word_dim"/>
-			<dim include="silly_sayer_dim"/>
-		</dims>
-	</report>

Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/report_success.tmpl
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/report_success.tmpl	2007-11-10 01:53:29 UTC (rev 8054)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/report_success.tmpl	2007-11-10 02:06:00 UTC (rev 8055)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-To: {TO}
-From: {FROM}
-Reply-To: {REPLY_TO}
-Subject: Report finished: "{REPORT_NAME}" 
-At {RUN_TIME} the report "{REPORT_NAME}" finished running with a complete
-time of {COMPLETE_TIME}.
-You can view the report at the following URL:

Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/reporter.schema-gen.pl
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/reporter.schema-gen.pl	2007-11-10 01:53:29 UTC (rev 8054)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/reporter.schema-gen.pl	2007-11-10 02:06:00 UTC (rev 8055)
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-use strict; use warnings;
-use XML::LibXML;
-use OpenSRF::Utils qw/:datetime/;
-use DateTime;
-use DateTime::Duration;
-use DateTime::Format::ISO8601;
-my $dt_parser = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->new;
-my $log = 'OpenSRF::Utils::Logger';
-my %chunkmap =
-	(	doy => '%j',
-		woy => '%U',
-		month => '%m',
-		year => '%Y',
-	);
-my $parser = XML::LibXML->new;
-my $doc = $parser->parse_file($ARGV[0]);
-print "BEGIN;\n\n";
-for my $table ($doc->findnodes('/reporter/tables/table')) {
-	my $tname = $table->getElementsByTagName('tablename')->string_value;
-	(my $pkey_name = $tname) =~ s/\./_/gso;
-	$pkey_name .= '_pkey';
-	warn "$tname\n";
-	my (@primary, at other, at indexed);
-	for my $field ($table->findnodes('fields/field')) {
-		my $fname = $field->getAttribute('name');
-		my $fdatatype = $field->getAttribute('create-type') || $field->getAttribute('datatype');
-		warn "\t$fname\n";
-		if ($field->getAttribute('indexed')) {
-			my $itype = $field->getAttribute('index-type') || 'BTREE';
-			push @indexed, [$fname, $itype];
-		}
-		if ($field->getAttribute('primary')) {
-			push @primary, [$fname, $fdatatype];
-		} else {
-			push @other, [$fname, $fdatatype];
-		}
-	}
-	warn "\n";
-	print	"DROP TABLE $tname CASCADE;\n";
-	print	"CREATE TABLE $tname (\n\t".
-		join(",\n\t", map { join("\t", @$_) } (@primary, @other))."\n".
-		do {
-			@primary ?
-				",\tCONSTRAINT $pkey_name PRIMARY KEY (".
-					join(", ", map { $$_[0] } @primary). ")\n" :
-				''
-		}.
-		");\n";
-	print "\n";
-	if ($table->getAttribute('partition')) {
-		my ($part) = $table->getElementsByTagName('partition')->get_nodelist;
-		my ($field) = $part->getElementsByTagName('field')->get_nodelist;
-		my ($chunk) = $part->getElementsByTagName('chunk')->get_nodelist;
-		my ($start) = $part->getElementsByTagName('start')->get_nodelist;
-		my ($end) = $part->getElementsByTagName('end')->get_nodelist;
-		$field = $field->textContent;
-		$chunk = $chunk->textContent;
-		$start = $dt_parser->parse_datetime( $start->textContent );
-		$end = $dt_parser->parse_datetime( $end->textContent );
-		while ( $start->epoch < $end->epoch ) {
-			my $chunk_end = $start->clone;
-			$chunk_end->add( DateTime::Duration->new( $chunk => 1 ) );
-			$chunk_end->subtract( DateTime::Duration->new( seconds => 1 ) );
-			my $tpart = $start->epoch;
-			my $where = "BETWEEN '".$start->strftime('%FT%T%z').
-					"' AND '".$chunk_end->strftime('%FT%T%z')."'";
-			print	"CREATE TABLE ${tname}_${chunk}_$tpart () INHERITS ($tname);\n";
-			print	"ALTER TABLE ${tname}_${chunk}_$tpart\n".
-				"\tADD CONSTRAINT \"${tname}_${chunk}_${tpart}_test\"\n".
-				"\tCHECK ($field $where);\n";
-			print	"CREATE RULE \"${tname}_${chunk}_${tpart}_ins_rule\" AS\n\tON INSERT TO ".
-				"$tname \n\tWHERE NEW.$field $where".
-				"\n\tDO INSTEAD INSERT INTO ${tname}_${chunk}_$tpart VALUES (NEW.*);\n";
-			for my $i (@indexed) {
-				print	"CREATE INDEX \"${tname}_${chunk}_${tpart}_$$i[0]_idx\" ".
-					"ON ${tname}_${chunk}_$tpart USING $$i[1] ($$i[0]);\n";
-			}
-			print "\n";
-			$start->add( DateTime::Duration->new( $chunk => 1 ) );
-		}
-	} else {
-		for my $i (@indexed) {
-			print	"CREATE INDEX \"${tname}_$$i[0]_idx\" ON $tname USING $$i[1] ($$i[0]);\n";
-		}
-	}
-	print "\n";
-print "COMMIT;\n";

Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/tables.example.xml
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/tables.example.xml	2007-11-10 01:53:29 UTC (rev 8054)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/tables.example.xml	2007-11-10 02:06:00 UTC (rev 8055)
@@ -1,758 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-	<table id="wide-circulation" partition="false" fact-table="true">
-		<label>Circulation</label>
-		<description>Base table for creating circulation reports</description>
-		<tablename>stats.fleshed_circulation</tablename>
-		<fields>
-			<field
-			  name="id"
-			  primary="true"
-			  create-type="serial"
-			  datatype="int">
-				<label>ID</label>
-				<description>Circulation ID</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="circ_lib"
-			  datatype="int"
-			  indexed="true">
-				<label>Circulator</label>
-				<description>ID of the Circulating Library</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="checkin_lib"
-			  datatype="int"
-			  indexed="true">
-				<label>Checkin Library</label>
-				<description>ID of the Checkin Library</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="owning_lib"
-			  datatype="int"
-			  indexed="true">
-				<label>Owner</label>
-				<description>ID of the Owning Library</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="start_date_day"
-			  datatype="date">
-				<label>Start Date</label>
-				<description>Date of the copy's cataloging</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="start_date_hour"
-			  datatype="timestamptz">
-				<label>Start Date and Hour</label>
-				<description>Date and Hour of the circulation start</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="due_date_day"
-			  datatype="date"
-			  indexed="true" >
-				<label>Due Date</label>
-				<description>Day the circulation is due</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="due_date_hour"
-			  datatype="timestamptz"
-			  indexed="true" >
-				<label>Due Date and Hour</label>
-				<description>Day and Hour the circulation is due</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="due_date"
-			  datatype="timestamptz"
-			  indexed="true"
-			  default="now()">
-				<label>Due Date</label>
-				<description>Timestamp of the circulation due date</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="xact_start"
-			  datatype="timestamptz"
-			  indexed="true"
-			  default="now()">
-				<label>Start Time</label>
-				<description>Timestamp of the circulation start</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="xact_finish"
-			  datatype="timestamptz"
-			  indexed="true"
-			  default="now()">
-				<label>Finish Time</label>
-				<description>Timestamp of the circulation end</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="finish_date_day"
-			  datatype="date">
-				<label>Finsh Date</label>
-				<description>Date of the circulation end</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="finish_date_hour"
-			  datatype="timestamptz">
-				<label>Finish Date and Hour</label>
-				<description>Date and Hour of the circulation end</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="item_lang"
-			  datatype="text">
-				<label>Language</label>
-				<description>MARC Item Language</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="item_form"
-			  datatype="text">
-				<label>Form</label>
-				<description>MARC Item Form of Material</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="item_type"
-			  datatype="text">
-				<label>Type</label>
-				<description>MARC Item Type</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="call_number_label"
-			  transform-group="call_number"
-			  widget-family="string-input"
-			  datatype="text">
-				<label>Call Number</label>
-				<description>Copy Call Number Label</description>
-			</field>
-		</fields>
-		<links>
-			<link
-			  field="start_date_day"
-			  table="generic_day_series"
-			  id="circ_start_day"
-			  key="date"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="start_date_hour"
-			  table="generic_hour_series"
-			  id="circ_start_hour"
-			  key="date_hour"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="finish_date_day"
-			  table="generic_day_series"
-			  id="circ_finish_day"
-			  key="date"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="finish_date_hour"
-			  table="generic_hour_series"
-			  id="circ_finish_hour"
-			  key="date_hour"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="due_date_day"
-			  table="generic_day_series"
-			  id="circ_due_date_day"
-			  key="date"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="due_date_hour"
-			  table="generic_hour_series"
-			  id="circ_due_date_hour"
-			  key="date_hour"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="checkin_lib"
-			  table="org_unit"
-			  id="circ_checkin_lib"
-			  key="id"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="owning_lib"
-			  table="org_unit"
-			  id="circ_owning_lib"
-			  key="id"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="item_lang"
-			  table="marc_lang_map"
-			  id="circ_language"
-			  key="code"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="item_form"
-			  table="marc_form_map"
-			  id="circ_item_form"
-			  key="code"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="item_type"
-			  table="marc_type_map"
-			  id="circ_item_type"
-			  key="code"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="circ_lib"
-			  table="org_unit"
-			  id="circ_circ_lib"
-			  key="id"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-		</links>
-	</table>
-	<table id="wide-copy" partition="false" fact-table="true">
-		<label>Copies</label>
-		<description>Base table for creating snapshot reports on copy information</description>
-		<tablename>stats.fleshed_copy</tablename>
-		<fields>
-			<field
-			  name="id"
-			  primary="true"
-			  create-type="serial"
-			  datatype="int">
-				<label>ID</label>
-				<description>Copy ID</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="barcode"
-			  widget-family="string-input"
-			  datatype="text">
-				<label>Barcode</label>
-				<description>Copy Barcode</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="owning_lib"
-			  datatype="int"
-			  indexed="true">
-				<label>Owner</label>
-				<description>ID of the Owning Library</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="circ_lib"
-			  datatype="int"
-			  indexed="true">
-				<label>Circulator</label>
-				<description>ID of the Circulating Library</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="create_date_day"
-			  datatype="date">
-				<label>Create Date</label>
-				<description>Date of the copy's cataloging</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="create_date_hour"
-			  datatype="timestamptz">
-				<label>Create Date and Hour</label>
-				<description>Date and Hour of the copy's cataloging</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="create_date"
-			  datatype="timestamptz"
-			  indexed="true"
-			  default="now()">
-				<label>Create Date</label>
-				<description>Timestamp of the copy's cataloging</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="edit_date"
-			  datatype="timestamptz"
-			  indexed="true"
-			  default="now()">
-				<label>Edit Date</label>
-				<description>Timestamp of the copy's last edit</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="edit_date_day"
-			  datatype="date">
-				<label>Edit Date</label>
-				<description>Date of the copy's last edit</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="edit_date_hour"
-			  datatype="timestamptz">
-				<label>Edit Date and Hour</label>
-				<description>Date and Hour of the copy's last edit</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="item_lang"
-			  datatype="text">
-				<label>Language</label>
-				<description>MARC Item Language</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="item_form"
-			  datatype="text">
-				<label>Form</label>
-				<description>MARC Item Form of Material</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="item_type"
-			  datatype="text">
-				<label>Type</label>
-				<description>MARC Item Type</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="call_number_label"
-			  transform-group="call_number"
-			  widget-family="string-input"
-			  datatype="text">
-				<label>Call Number</label>
-				<description>Copy Call Number Label</description>
-			</field>
-		</fields>
-		<links>
-			<link
-			  field="create_date_day"
-			  table="generic_day_series"
-			  id="copy_create_day"
-			  key="date"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="create_date_hour"
-			  table="generic_hour_series"
-			  id="copy_create_hour"
-			  key="date_hour"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="edit_date_day"
-			  table="generic_day_series"
-			  id="copy_edit_day"
-			  key="date"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="edit_date_hour"
-			  table="generic_hour_series"
-			  id="copy_edit_hour"
-			  key="date_hour"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="owning_lib"
-			  table="org_unit"
-			  id="copy_owning_lib"
-			  key="id"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="item_lang"
-			  table="marc_lang_map"
-			  id="copy_language"
-			  key="code"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="item_form"
-			  table="marc_form_map"
-			  id="copy_item_form"
-			  key="code"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="item_type"
-			  table="marc_type_map"
-			  id="copy_item_type"
-			  key="code"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="circ_lib"
-			  table="org_unit"
-			  id="copy_circ_lib"
-			  key="id"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-		</links>
-	</table>
-	<table id="wide-call-number" partition="false" fact-table="true">
-		<label>Call Numbers/Volumes</label>
-		<description>Base table for creating snapshot reports on call number/volume information</description>
-		<tablename>stats.fleshed_call_number</tablename>
-		<fields>
-			<field
-			  name="id"
-			  primary="true"
-			  create-type="serial"
-			  datatype="int">
-				<label>ID</label>
-				<description>Call Number ID</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="owning_lib"
-			  datatype="int"
-			  indexed="true">
-				<label>Owner</label>
-				<description>ID of the Owning Library</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="create_date_day"
-			  datatype="date">
-				<label>Create Date</label>
-				<description>Date of the call number's cataloging</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="create_date_hour"
-			  datatype="timestamptz">
-				<label>Create Date and Hour</label>
-				<description>Date and Hour of the call number's cataloging</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="create_date"
-			  datatype="timestamptz"
-			  indexed="true"
-			  default="now()">
-				<label>Create Date</label>
-				<description>Timestamp of the call number's cataloging</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="edit_date"
-			  datatype="timestamptz"
-			  indexed="true"
-			  default="now()">
-				<label>Edit Date</label>
-				<description>Timestamp of the call number's last edit</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="edit_date_day"
-			  datatype="date">
-				<label>Edit Date</label>
-				<description>Date of the call number's last edit</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="edit_date_hour"
-			  datatype="timestamptz">
-				<label>Edit Date and Hour</label>
-				<description>Date and Hour of the call number's last edit</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="item_lang"
-			  datatype="text">
-				<label>Language</label>
-				<description>MARC Item Language</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="item_form"
-			  datatype="text">
-				<label>Form</label>
-				<description>MARC Item Form of Material</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="item_type"
-			  datatype="text">
-				<label>Type</label>
-				<description>MARC Item Type</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="label"
-			  transform-group="call_number"
-			  widget-family="string-input"
-			  datatype="text">
-				<label>Call Number</label>
-				<description>Call Number Label</description>
-			</field>
-		</fields>
-		<links>
-			<link
-			  field="create_date_day"
-			  table="generic_day_series"
-			  id="call_number_create_day"
-			  key="date"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="create_date_hour"
-			  table="generic_hour_series"
-			  id="call_number_create_hour"
-			  key="date_hour"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="edit_date_day"
-			  table="generic_day_series"
-			  id="call_number_edit_day"
-			  key="date"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="edit_date_hour"
-			  table="generic_hour_series"
-			  id="call_number_edit_hour"
-			  key="date_hour"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="owning_lib"
-			  table="org_unit"
-			  id="call_number_owning_lib"
-			  key="id"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="item_lang"
-			  table="marc_lang_map"
-			  id="call_number_language"
-			  key="code"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="item_form"
-			  table="marc_form_map"
-			  id="call_number_item_form"
-			  key="code"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="item_type"
-			  table="marc_type_map"
-			  id="call_number_item_type"
-			  key="code"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-		</links>
-	</table>
-	<table id="org_unit" partition="false" fact-table="false">
-		<label>Organizational Units</label>
-		<description>Table containing library hierarchy definition</description>
-		<tablename>actor.org_unit</tablename>
-		<fields>
-			<field
-			  name="id"
-			  primary="true"
-			  filterable='true'
-			  widget-family="lib-choose"
-			  create-type="serial"
-			  datatype="int">
-				<label>Unique Library</label>
-				<description>Globally Unique Library Identifier</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="name"
-			  widget-family="string-choose"
-			  datatype="text">
-				<label>Library Name</label>
-				<description>Friendly Library Name</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="shortname"
-			  widget-family="string-choose"
-			  datatype="text">
-				<label>Short Name</label>
-				<description>Library Short (Policy) Name</description>
-			</field>
-		</fields>
-	</table>
-	<table id="marc_lang_map" partition="false" fact-table="false">
-		<label>MARC Language Codes</label>
-		<description>Table mapping MARC three character codes to language names</description>
-		<tablename>config.language_map</tablename>
-		<fields>
-			<field
-			  name="code"
-			  primary='true'
-			  datatype="text">
-				<label>Code</label>
-				<description>MARC Language Code</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="value"
-			  widget-family="string-choose"
-			  datatype="text">
-				<label>Language Name</label>
-				<description>Name associated with the MARC code</description>
-			</field>
-		</fields>
-	</table>
-	<table id="generic_day_series" partition="false" fact-table="false">
-		<label>Constant day series</label>
-		<description>View providing a day series starting at 1900 and ending at 'now'</description>
-		<tablename>reporter.date_series</tablename>
-		<fields>
-			<field
-			  name="date"
-			  primary='true'
-			  filterable='true'
-			  hidden='false'
-			  datatype="timestamptz">
-				<label>Date</label>
-				<description>Date</description>
-			</field>
-		</fields>
-	</table>
-	<table id="generic_hour_series" partition="false" fact-table="false">
-		<label>Constant hour series</label>
-		<description>View providing a hour series starting at 1900 and ending at 'now'</description>
-		<tablename>reporter.date_hour_series</tablename>
-		<fields>
-			<field
-			  name="date_hour"
-			  primary='true'
-			  filterable='true'
-			  hidden='false'
-			  datatype="timestamptz">
-				<label>Date and Hour</label>
-				<description>Date and Hour</description>
-			</field>
-		</fields>
-	</table>
-	<table id="marc_form_map" partition="false" fact-table="false">
-		<label>MARC Item Form Codes</label>
-		<description>Table mapping MARC three character codes to Item Form names</description>
-		<tablename>config.item_form_map</tablename>
-		<fields>
-			<field
-			  name="code"
-			  primary='true'
-			  datatype="text">
-				<label>Code</label>
-				<description>MARC Item Form Code</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="value"
-			  widget-family="string-choose"
-			  datatype="text">
-				<label>Item Form Name</label>
-				<description>Name associated with the MARC code</description>
-			</field>
-		</fields>
-	</table>
-	<table id="marc_type_map" partition="false" fact-table="false">
-		<label>MARC Item Type Codes</label>
-		<description>Table mapping MARC three character codes to Item Type names</description>
-		<tablename>config.item_type_map</tablename>
-		<fields>
-			<field
-			  name="code"
-			  primary='true'
-			  datatype="text">
-				<label>Code</label>
-				<description>MARC Item Type Code</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="value"
-			  widget-family="string-choose"
-			  datatype="text">
-				<label>Item Type Name</label>
-				<description>Name associated with the MARC code</description>
-			</field>
-		</fields>
-	</table>
-	<!-- 
-	<table id="silly.fact" partition="true" fact-table="false">
-		<label>Silly Fact table</label>
-		<description>Base table for creating reports on silly words</description>
-		<tablename>stats.silly_fact</tablename>
-		<partition>
-			<field>said_when</field>
-			--><!-- Valid options:  years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds  --><!--
-			<chunk>months</chunk>
-			<start>2005-09-01</start>
-			<end>2005-12-31</end>
-		</partition>
-		<fields>
-			<field
-			  name="id"
-			  primary="true"
-			  create-type="serial"
-			  datatype="int">
-				<label>Silly entry id</label>
-				<description>Silly entry id</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="silly_word_dim"
-			  datatype="int"
-			  indexed="true">
-				<label>Silly word dim</label>
-				<description>Silly word entry dimension link</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="silly_sayer_dim"
-			  datatype="int"
-			  indexed="true">
-				<label>Silly sayer dim</label>
-				<description>Silly sayer entry dimension link</description>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="said_when"
-			  datatype="timestamptz"
-			  core="true"
-			  indexed="true"
-			  default="now()">
-				<label>Silly word timestamp</label>
-				<description>Silly word entry timestamp</description>
-			</field>
-		</fields>
-		<links>
-			<link
-			  field="silly_word_dim"
-			  table="silly.word_dim"
-			  key="id"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-			<link
-			  field="silly_sayer_dim"
-			  table="silly.sayer_dim"
-			  key="id"
-			  type="has_a"/>
-		</links>
-	</table>
-	<table id="silly.word_dim">
-		<label>Silly word list</label>
-		<description>Silly word list</description>
-		<tablename>stats.words</tablename>
-		<fields>
-			<field
-			  name="id"
-			  primary="true"
-			  create-type="serial"
-			  datatype="int">
-				<label>Silly word id</label>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="word"
-			  datatype="text"
-			  indexed="true"
-			  index-type="BTREE">
-				<label>Silly word</label>
-			</field>
-		</fields>
-	</table>
-	<table id="silly.sayer_dim">
-		<label>Silly word sayer list</label>
-		<description>Silly word sayer list</description>
-		<tablename>stats.silly_sayers</tablename>
-		<fields>
-			<field
-			  name="id"
-			  primary="true"
-			  create-type="serial"
-			  datatype="int">
-				<label>Silly person id</label>
-			</field>
-			<field
-			  name="sayer"
-			  widget-family="string-choose"
-			  datatype="text"
-			  indexed="true"
-			  index-type="BTREE">
-				<label>Silly person</label>
-			</field>
-		</fields>
-	</table>
-	-->

Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/widgets.example.xml
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/widgets.example.xml	2007-11-10 01:53:29 UTC (rev 8054)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/widgets.example.xml	2007-11-10 02:06:00 UTC (rev 8055)
@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-	<!-- String selection from user input -->
-	<widget-family name="string-input" datatype="text">
-		<label>String matching from user input</label>
-		<widget name="exact">
-			<label>Exactly match a user supplied string</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget filters a column based on an exact string
-				match.
-			</description>
-		</widget>
-		<widget name="multistring">
-			<label>Exactly match one of several user supplied strings</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget filters a column based on an set of strings.
-			</description>
-		</widget>
-		<widget name="initial-substring">
-			<label>Match the begining of a string from user input</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget filters a column based on an initial substring
-				match.
-			</description>
-		</widget>
-	</widget-family>
-	<!-- String selection from in-database data -->
-	<widget-family name="string-choose" datatype="text">
-		<label>String filter from known data</label>
-		<widget name="dropdown">
-			<label>Exactly match a string chosen from a dropdown</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget filters a column based on an exact string match.
-			</description>
-		</widget>
-		<widget name="multiselect">
-			<label>Match multiple strings chosen from a multiselect box</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget filters a column based on multiple strings.
-			</description>
-		</widget>
-	</widget-family>
-	<!-- Comparative time range selection -->
-	<widget-family name="comparative-timerange" datatype="timestamptz">
-		<label>Comparative time-range widgets</label>
-		<widget name="month">
-			<label>Compare runtime relative time months</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget allows the user to pick an arbitrary time range
-				on which to report.
-			</description>
-			<filter-code type="perl">
-				$full_col = "CAST(DATE_TRUNC('month', $full_col) AS DATE)";
-				$where_clause = 
-					"$full_col IN ( CAST(DATE_TRUNC('month', NOW() - CAST( ? || ' month' AS INTERVAL )) AS DATE), ".
-					"  CAST(DATE_TRUNC('month', NOW() - CAST( ? || ' month' AS INTERVAL )) AS DATE))";
-				push @$bind_list, $$val{target}, $$val{target} + $$val{compare};
-			</filter-code>
-		</widget>
-	</widget-family>
-	<!-- Specific time range selection family -->
-	<widget-family name="specific-timerange" datatype="timestamptz">
-		<label>Specific time-range widgets</label>
-		<!--
-		<widget name="any">
-			<label>User defined time range</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget allows the user to pick an arbitrary time range
-				on which to report.
-			</description>
-		</widget>
-		-->
-		<widget name="day">
-			<label>Choose a specific date</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget allows the user to pick a specific date on which
-				to report.
-			</description>
-			<filter-code type="perl">
-				$full_col = "DATE_TRUNC('day', $full_col)";
-				$where_clause = "$full_col = CAST(? AS DATE)";
-				push @$bind_list, sprintf('%d/%02d/%02d', @$val{qw/year month day/});
-			</filter-code>
-		</widget>
-		<widget name="week">
-			<label>Choose a specific week of the year</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget allows the user to pick a specific week of the year
-				on which to report.
-			</description>
-			<filter-code type="perl">
-				$where_clause =
-					"( EXTRACT('year' FROM $full_col) = ? ".
-					"  AND EXTRACT('week' FROM $full_col) = ? )";
-				push @$bind_list, $$val{year}, $$val{week};
-			</filter-code>
-		</widget>
-		<widget name="multiweek">
-			<label>Choose a range of weeks of the year</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget allows the user to pick a range of weeks of the year
-				on which to report.
-			</description>
-			<filter-code type="perl">
-				$where_clause =
-					"( EXTRACT('year' FROM $full_col) = ? ".
-					"  AND EXTRACT('week' FROM $full_col) ".
-						"BETWEEN ? AND ? )";
-				push @$bind_list, $$val{year}, $$val{start}, $$val{end};
-			</filter-code>
-		</widget>
-		<widget name="month">
-			<label>Choose a specific year and month</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget allows the user to pick a specific year and month
-				on which to report.
-			</description>
-			<filter-code type="perl">
-				$where_clause =
-					"( EXTRACT('year' FROM $full_col) = ? ".
-					"  AND EXTRACT('month' FROM $full_col) = ? )";
-				push @$bind_list, $$val{'start-year'}, $$val{'start-month'};
-			</filter-code>
-		</widget>
-		<widget name="multimonth">
-			<label>Choose a range of months</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget allows the user to pick a range of month on which to
-				report.
-			</description>
-			<filter-code type="perl">
-				$where_clause = 
-					"DATE_TRUNC('month', $full_col) ".
-				push @$bind_list,
-					sprintf('%d/%02d/01', @$val{qw/start-year start-month/}),
-					sprintf('%d/%02d/01', @$val{qw/end-year end-month/});
-			</filter-code>
-		</widget>
-		<!--
-		<widget name="quarter">
-			<label>Choose a specific year and quarter</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget allows the user to pick a specific year and
-				quarter on which to report.
-			</description>
-		</widget>
-		<widget name="multiquarter">
-			<label>Choose a range of quarters</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget allows the user to pick a range of quarter on which
-				to report.
-			</description>
-		</widget>
-		-->
-		<widget name="year">
-			<label>Choose a specific year</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget allows the user to pick a specific year on which to
-				report.
-			</description>
-			<filter-code type="perl">
-				$where_clause = "EXTRACT('year' FROM $full_col) = ?";
-				push @$bind_list, $val;
-			</filter-code>
-		</widget>
-		<widget name="multiyear">
-			<label>Choose a range of years</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget allows the user to pick a range of years on which to
-				report.
-			</description>
-			<filter-code type="perl">
-				$where_clause = "EXTRACT('year' FROM $full_col) BETWEEN ? AND ?";
-				push @$bind_list, $$val{year}, $$val{year} + $$val{year-count};
-			</filter-code>
-		</widget>
-	</widget-family>
-	<!-- Specific time range selection family -->
-	<widget-family name="relative-timerange" datatype="timestamptz">
-		<label>Relative time-range widgets</label>
-		<widget name="day">
-			<label>Choose a date relative to the report runtime</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget allows the user to pick a date relative to the
-				report runtime on which to report.
-			</description>
-			<filter-code type="perl">
-				$where_clause = 
-					"CAST($full_col AS DATE) = ".
-						"CAST((NOW() - CAST(? || ' day' AS INTERVAL)) AS DATE)";
-				push @$bind_list, $val;
-			</filter-code>
-		</widget>
-		<widget name="week">
-			<label>Choose a week (sun-sat) relative to the report runtime</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget allows the user to pick a week (sun-sat)  relative
-				to the report runtime on which to report.
-			</description>
-			<filter-code type="perl">
-				$where_clause =
-					"( CAST(DATE_TRUNC('week', $full_col) AS DATE) = ".
-					"  CAST(DATE_TRUNC('week', NOW() - CAST(? || ' weeks' AS INTERVAL) ) AS DATE) ";
-				push @$bind_list, $val;
-			</filter-code>
-		</widget>
-		<widget name="month">
-			<label>Choose a month relative to the report runtime</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget allows the user to pick a month relative to the
-				report runtime on which to report.
-			</description>
-			<filter-code type="perl">
-				$where_clause = 
-					"CAST(DATE_TRUNC('month', $full_col) AS DATE) = ".
-						"CAST(DATE_TRUNC('month', NOW()) - CAST(? || ' months' AS INTERVAL) AS DATE)";
-				push @$bind_list, $val;
-			</filter-code>
-		</widget>
-		<!--
-		<widget name="quarter">
-			<label>Choose a quarter relative to the report runtime</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget allows the user to pick a quarter relative to the
-				report runtime on which to report.
-			</description>
-		</widget>
-		-->
-		<widget name="year">
-			<label>Choose a year relative to the report runtime</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget allows the user to pick a year relative to the
-				report runtime on which to report.
-			</description>
-			<filter-code type="perl">
-				$where_clause = 
-					"CAST(DATE_TRUNC('year', $full_col) AS DATE)= ".
-						"CAST(DATE_TRUNC('year', NOW()) - CAST(? || ' years' AS INTERVAL) AS DATE)";
-				push @$bind_list, $val;
-			</filter-code>
-		</widget>
-	</widget-family>
-	<!-- Library selection from in-database data - special to OpenILS -->
-	<widget-family name="lib-choose" datatype="text">
-		<label>String filter from known data</label>
-		<widget name="dropdown">
-			<label>Exactly match a Library chosen from a dropdown</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget filters on an exact Library Name match.
-			</description>
-		</widget>
-		<widget name="multiselect">
-			<label>Match multiple Libraries chosen from a multiselect box</label>
-			<description>
-				This widget filters based on multiple Library names.
-			</description>
-		</widget>
-	</widget-family>
-	</widgets>

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