[open-ils-commits] SPAM: r10428 - in trunk: Evergreen Open-ILS/xul/staff_client Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Sun Aug 24 17:18:16 EDT 2008

Author: erickson
Date: 2008-08-24 17:18:07 -0400 (Sun, 24 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 10428


More cleanup of the Evergreen directory.  This change replaces the Open-ILS version of the
user editor (deprecated) with the Evergreen version, which is the maintaned version.  
Also removes the portion of the XUL makefile that copies files over from the Evergreen tree.

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/Makefile
--- trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/Makefile	2008-08-24 16:34:17 UTC (rev 10427)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/Makefile	2008-08-24 21:18:07 UTC (rev 10428)
@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@
 	cp build/chrome/content/main/simple_auth.xul build/server/main/simple_auth.xul
 	cp build/chrome/content/OpenILS/data.js build/server/OpenILS/data.js
 	cp build/chrome/content/OpenILS/global_util.js build/server/OpenILS/global_util.js
-	# Is the following portable?
-	for i in `cd ../../../Evergreen/xul/staff_client/server/ && find -type f |grep -v \.svn|cut -f2- -d/`; do cp ../../../Evergreen/xul/staff_client/server/$$i build/server/$$i; done
 	external/prune_dirs.sh build/

Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue.js
--- trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue.js	2008-08-24 16:34:17 UTC (rev 10427)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue.js	2008-08-24 21:18:07 UTC (rev 10428)
@@ -1,654 +0,0 @@
-var cgi							= null;
-var clone						= false;
-var patron						= null;
-var counter						= 0;
-var identTypesCache			= {};
-var statCatsCache				= {};
-var surveysCache				= {};
-var surveyQuestionsCache	= {};
-var surveyAnswersCache		= {};
-var userCache					= {};
-var groupsCache				= {};
-var netLevelsCache			= {};
-var guardianNote				= null;	
-function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }
-/* fetch the necessary data to start off */
-function uEditInit() {
-	_debug('uEditInit(): ' + location.search);
-	cgi		= new CGI();
-	session	= cgi.param('ses'); 
-	if (xulG) if (xulG.ses) session = xulG.ses;
-	if (xulG) if (xulG.params) if (xulG.params.ses) session = xulG.params.ses;
-	clone		= cgi.param('clone'); 
-	if (xulG) if (xulG.clone) clone = xulG.clone;
-	if (xulG) if (xulG.params) if (xulG.params.clone) clone = xulG.params.clone;
-	if(!session) throw $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.ue.uEditInit.session_no_defined');
-	fetchUser(session);
-	$('uedit_user').appendChild(text(USER.usrname()));
-	setTimeout( function() { 
-		uEditBuild(); uEditShowPage('uedit_userid'); }, 20 );
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* Fetch code
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-function uEditFetchIdentTypes() {
-	_debug("uEditFetchIdentTypes()");
-	var req = new Request(FETCH_ID_TYPES);
-	req.send(true);
-	return req.result();
-function uEditFetchStatCats() {
-	_debug("uEditFetchStatCats()");
-	var req = new Request(SC_FETCH_ALL, SESSION);
-	req.send(true);
-	return req.result();
-function uEditFetchSurveys() {
-	_debug("uEditFetchSurveys()");
-	var req = new Request(SV_FETCH_ALL, SESSION);
-	req.send(true);
-	return req.result();
-function uEditFetchGroups() {
-	_debug("uEditFetchGroups()");
-	var req = new Request(FETCH_GROUPS);
-	req.send(true);
-	return req.result();
-function uEditFetchNetLevels() {
-	_debug("uEditFetchNetLevels()");
-	var req = new Request(FETCH_NET_LEVELS, SESSION);
-	req.send(true);
-	return req.result();
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* fetches necessary and builds the UI */
-function uEditBuild() {
-	fetchHighestPermOrgs( SESSION, USER.id(), myPerms );
-	uEditBuildLibSelector();
-	var usr = cgi.param('usr'); 
-	if (xulG) if (xulG.usr) usr = xulG.usr;
-	if (xulG) if (xulG.params) if (xulG.params.usr) usr = xulG.params.usr;
-	patron = fetchFleshedUser(usr);
-	if(!patron) patron = uEditNewPatron(); 
-	uEditDraw( 
-		uEditFetchIdentTypes(),
-		uEditFetchGroups(),
-		uEditFetchStatCats(),
-		uEditFetchSurveys(),
-		uEditFetchNetLevels()
-		);
-	if(patron.isnew()) {
-		if(clone) uEditClone(clone);
-		else uEditCreateNewAddr();
-	} else {
-		$('ue_barcode').disabled = true;
-		unHideMe($('ue_mark_card_lost'));
-		unHideMe($('ue_reset_pw'));
-		uEditCheckEditPerm();
-	}
-	if(PERMS['BAR_PATRON'] == -1) 
-		$('ue_barred').disabled = true;
-/* if this user does not have permission to put users into
-	the edited users group, they do not have permission to 
-	edit this user */
-function uEditCheckEditPerm() {
-	var perm = uEditFindGroupPerm(groupsCache[patron.profile()]);	
-	_debug("editing user with group app perm "+patron.profile()+' : '+
-		groupsCache[patron.profile()].name() +', and perm = ' + perm);
-	if(PERMS[perm] != -1) return;
-	/* we can edit our own account, but not others in our group */
-	if( patron.id() != USER.id() ){
-		_debug("we are not allowed to edit this user");
-		$('ue_save').disabled = true;
-		$('ue_save_clone').disabled = true;
-		uEditIterateFields(
-			function(f) {
-				if( f && f.widget && f.widget.node )
-					f.widget.node.disabled = true;
-			}	
-		);	
-	}
-	var node = $('ue_profile').parentNode;
-	node.removeChild($('ue_profile'));
-	node.appendChild(elem('span',null,groupsCache[patron.profile()].name()));
-	var field = uEditFindFieldByKey('profile');
-	field.required = false;
-	removeCSSClass(field.widget.node, CSS_INVALID_DATA);
-	uEditCheckErrors();
-/* creates a new patron object with card attached */
-var uEditCardVirtId = -1;
-function uEditNewPatron() {
-	var patron = new au(); 
-	patron.isnew(1);
-	patron.id(-1);
-	card = new ac();
-	card.id(uEditCardVirtId--);
-	card.isnew(1);
-	patron.card(card);
-	patron.cards([card]);
-	patron.stat_cat_entries([]);
-	patron.survey_responses([]);
-	patron.addresses([]);
-	patron.home_ou(USER.ws_ou());
-	uEditMakeRandomPw(patron);
-	return patron;
-function uEditMakeRandomPw(patron) {
-	var rand  = Math.random();
-	rand = parseInt(rand * 10000) + '';
-	while(rand.length < 4) rand += '0';
-	appendClear($('ue_password_plain'),text(rand));
-	unHideMe($('ue_password_gen'));
-	patron.passwd(rand);
-	return rand;
-function uEditResetPw() { 
-	var pw = uEditMakeRandomPw(patron);	
-	$('ue_password1').value = pw;
-	$('ue_password2').value = pw;
-function uEditClone(clone) {
-	var cloneUser = fetchFleshedUser(clone);
-	patron.usrgroup(cloneUser.usrgroup());
-	if( cloneUser.day_phone() )
-		$('ue_day_phone').value = cloneUser.day_phone();
-	if( cloneUser.evening_phone() )
-		$('ue_night_phone').value = cloneUser.evening_phone();
-	if( cloneUser.other_phone() )
-		$('ue_other_phone').value = cloneUser.other_phone();
-	setSelector($('ue_org_selector'), cloneUser.home_ou());
-	setSelector($('ue_profile'), cloneUser.profile());
-	/* force the expire date to be set */
-	$('ue_profile').onchange();
-	for( var a in cloneUser.addresses() ) {
-		var addr = cloneUser.addresses()[a];
-		if( cloneUser.mailing_address && 
-				addr.id() == cloneUser.mailing_address().id() )
-			patron.mailing_address(addr);
-		if( cloneUser.billing_address() &&
-				addr.id() == cloneUser.billing_address().id() )
-			patron.billing_address(addr);
-		patron.addresses().push(addr);
-	}
-	uEditBuildAddrs(patron);
-/* Creates a new blank address, 
-	adds it to the user and the fields array */
-var uEditVirtualAddrId = -1;
-function uEditCreateNewAddr() {
-	var addr = new aua();
-	addr.id(uEditVirtualAddrId--);
-	addr.isnew(1);
-	addr.usr(patron.id());
-	addr.country(defaultCountry);
-	if(!patron.addresses()) 
-		patron.addresses([]);
-	if(patron.addresses().length == 0) {
-		patron.mailing_address(addr);
-		patron.billing_address(addr);
-	}
-	addr.valid(1);
-	addr.within_city_limits(1);
-	uEditBuildAddrFields(patron, addr);
-	patron.addresses().push(addr);
-	uEditIterateFields(function(f) { uEditCheckValid(f); });
-	uEditCheckErrors();
-/* kicks off the UI drawing */
-function uEditDraw(identTypes, groups, statCats, surveys, netLevels ) {
-	hideMe($('uedit_loading'));
-	unHideMe($('ue_maintd'));
-	dataFields = [];
-	uEditDrawIDTypes(identTypes);
-	uEditDrawGroups(groups);
-	uEditDrawStatCats(statCats);
-	uEditDrawSurveys(surveys);
-	uEditDrawNetLevels(netLevels);
-	uEditDefineData(patron);
-	uEditIterateFields(function(f) { uEditActivateField(f) });
-	uEditIterateFields(function(f) { uEditCheckValid(f); });
-	uEditCheckErrors();
-/** Applies the event handlers and sets the data for the field */
-function uEditActivateField(field) {
-	if( field.widget.id ) {
-		field.widget.node = $(field.widget.id);
-	} else {
-		field.widget.node = 
-			$n(field.widget.base, field.widget.name);
-	}
-	uEditSetOnchange(field);
-	if(field.widget.onblur) {
-		field.widget.node.onblur = 
-			function() { field.widget.onblur(field); };
-	}
-	field.widget.node.disabled = field.widget.disabled;
-	if(field.object == null) return;
-	var val = field.object[field.key]();
-	if(val == null) return;
-	if( field.widget.type == 'input' )
-		field.widget.node.value = val;
-	if( field.widget.type == 'select' )
-		setSelector(field.widget.node, val);
-	if( field.widget.type == 'checkbox' )
-		field.widget.node.checked = 
-			(val && val != 'f') ? true : false;
-	if( field.widget.onload ) 
-		field.widget.onload(val);
-/* set up the onchange event for the field */
-function uEditSetOnchange(field) {
-	var func = function() {uEditOnChange( field );}
-	field.widget.node.onchange = func;
-	if(field.widget.type != 'select')
-		field.widget.node.onkeyup = func;
-/* find the current value of the field object's widget */
-function uEditNodeVal(field) {
-	if(field.widget.type == 'input')
-		return field.widget.node.value;
-	if(field.widget.type == 'checkbox')
-		return field.widget.node.checked;
-	if(field.widget.type == 'select')
-		return getSelectorVal(field.widget.node);
-/* update a field value */
-function uEditOnChange(field) {
-	var newval = uEditNodeVal(field);
-	field.object[field.key](newval);
-	field.object.ischanged(1);
-	if(field.widget.onpostchange)
-		field.widget.onpostchange(field, newval);
-	uEditIterateFields(function(f) { uEditCheckValid(f); });
-	uEditCheckErrors();
-function uEditCheckValid(field) {
-	var newval = uEditNodeVal(field);
-	if(newval) {
-		if(field.widget.regex) { 
-			if(newval.match(field.widget.regex)) 
-				removeCSSClass(field.widget.node, CSS_INVALID_DATA);
-			else
-				addCSSClass(field.widget.node, CSS_INVALID_DATA);
-		} else {
-			removeCSSClass(field.widget.node, CSS_INVALID_DATA);
-		}
-	} else {
-		if(field.required) {
-			addCSSClass(field.widget.node, CSS_INVALID_DATA);
-		} else {
-			removeCSSClass(field.widget.node, CSS_INVALID_DATA);
-		}
-	}
-/* find a field object by object key */
-function uEditFindFieldByKey(key) {
-	var fields = grep( dataFields,
-		function(item) { return (item.key == key); });
-	return (fields) ? fields[0] : null;
-/* find a list of fields by object key */
-function uEditFindFieldsByKey(key) {
-	return grep( dataFields,
-		function(item) { return (item.key == key); });
-/* find a field object by widget id */
-function uEditFindFieldByWId(id) {
-	var fields = grep( dataFields,
-		function(item) { return (item.widget.id == id); });
-	return (fields) ? fields[0] : null;
-function uEditIterateFields(callback) {
-	for( var f in dataFields ) 
-		callback(dataFields[f]);
-function uEditGetErrorStrings() {
-	var errors = [];
-	uEditIterateFields(
-		function(field) { 
-			if(field.errkey) {
-				if( field.widget.node.className.indexOf(CSS_INVALID_DATA) != -1) {
-					var str = $(field.errkey).innerHTML;
-					if(str) errors.push(str);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	);
-	/* munge up something for all of the required surveys 
-		(which are not registered with the fields) */
-	if( patron.isnew() ) {
-		var sel = $('ue_survey_table');
-		if( sel ) {
-			var rows = sel.getElementsByTagName('tr');
-			for( var r in rows ) {
-				var row = rows[r];
-				var sel = $n(row, 'ue_survey_answer');
-				if(!sel) continue;
-				var qstn = row.getAttribute('question');
-				if(qstn) {
-					qstn		= surveyQuestionsCache[qstn];
-					survey	= surveysCache[qstn.survey()];
-					var val	= getSelectorVal(sel);
-					if(!val && isTrue(survey.required()))
-						errors.push($('ue_bad_survey').innerHTML + ' : ' + qstn.question());
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-	if(errors[0]) return errors;
-	return null;
-function uEditAlertErrors() {
-	var errors = uEditGetErrorStrings();
-	if(!errors) return false;
-	alert(errors.join("\n"));
-	return true;
-/* send the user to the database */
-function uEditSaveUser(cloneme) {
-	if(uEditGetErrorStrings()) {
-		uEditAlertErrors();
-		return;
-	}
-	/* null is unique in the db, but '' is not */
-	if( ! patron.ident_value() ) patron.ident_value(null);
-	if( ! patron.ident_type2() ) patron.ident_type2(null);
-	if( ! patron.ident_value2() ) patron.ident_value2(null);
-	if(! patron.dob() ) patron.dob(null);
-	var req = new Request(UPDATE_PATRON, SESSION, patron);
-	req.alertEvent = false;
-	req.send(true);
-	var newuser = req.result();
-	var evt;
-	if( (evt = checkILSEvent(newuser)) || ! newuser ) {
-		if(evt) alert(js2JSON(newuser));
-		return;
-	} else {
-		/* if it's a new user and a guardian note was created for this user,
-			create the note after we have the new user's id */
-		if( guardianNote ) {
-			guardianNote.usr( newuser.id() );
-			var req = new Request(CREATE_USER_NOTE, SESSION, guardianNote);
-			req.alertEvent = false;
-			req.send(true);
-			var resp = req.result();
-			if( checkILSEvent(resp) ) {
-				alertILSEvent(resp, $("patronStrings").getString('staff.patron.ue.uEditSaveuser.error_creating_note'));
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-		alert($('ue_success').innerHTML);
-	}
-	if(cloneme) {
-		/* if the user we just created was a clone, and we want to clone it,
-		we really want to clone the original */
-		if( clone ) cloneme = clone;
-		else cloneme = newuser.id();
-	}
-	if (window.xulG && typeof window.xulG.on_save == 'function') {
-		_debug("xulG funcs defined...");
-		if( !patron.isnew() && cloneme ) {
-			_debug("calling spawn_editor to clone user...");
-			var ses = cgi.param('ses'); 
-			if (xulG.ses) ses = xulG.ses;
-			if (xulG.params) if (xulG.params.ses) ses = xulG.params.ses;
-			window.xulG.spawn_editor({ses:ses,clone:cloneme});
-		}
-		window.xulG.on_save(newuser, cloneme); 
-	} else {
-		_debug("xulG funcs not defined, refreshing page..");
-		var href = location.href;
-		href = href.replace(/\&?usr=\d+/, '');
-		href = href.replace(/\&?clone=\d+/, '');
-		if( cloneme ) href += '&clone=' + cloneme;
-		location.href = href;
-	}
-function uEditCancel() {
-	var href = location.href;
-	href = href.replace(/\&?usr=\d+/, '');
-	href = href.replace(/\&?clone=\d+/, '');
-	var id = cgi.param('usr'); 
-	if (xulG) if (xulG.usr) id = xulG.usr;
-	if (xulG) if (xulG.params) if (xulG.params.usr) id = xulG.params.usr;
-	/* reload the current user if available */
-	if( id ) href += "&usr=" + id;
-	location.href = href;
-var uEditDupHashes = {};
-var uEditDupTemplate;
-function uEditRunDupeSearch(type, search_hash) {
-	if(!patron.isnew()) return;
-	_debug('dup search: ' + js2JSON(search_hash));
-	var req = new Request(PATRON_SEARCH, SESSION, search_hash);
-	var container = $('dup_div_container');
-	if(!uEditDupTemplate)
-		uEditDupTemplate = container.removeChild($('dup_div'));
-	/* clear any existing dups for this type */
-	iterate( container.getElementsByTagName('div'),
-		function(d) {
-			if( d.getAttribute('type') == type ) {
-				container.removeChild(d)
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-	);
-	req.callback(
-		function(r) {
-			uEditHandleDupResults( r.getResultObject(), search_hash, type, container );
-		}
-	);
-	req.send();
-function uEditHandleDupResults(ids, search_hash, type, container) {
-	_debug('dup search results: ' + js2JSON(ids));
-	if(!(ids && ids[0]))  /* no results */
-		return uEditDupHashes[type] = null;
-	/* add a dup link to the UI and plug in the data */
-	var node = uEditDupTemplate.cloneNode(true);
-	container.appendChild(node);
-	node.setAttribute('type', type);
-	var link = $n(node, 'link');
-	link.setAttribute('type', type);
-	unHideMe(link);
-	$n(node,'count').appendChild(text(ids.length));
-	for( var o in search_hash ) 
-		$n(node, 'data').appendChild(
-			text(search_hash[o].value + ' '));
-	uEditDupHashes[type] = search_hash;
-	switch(type) {
-		case 'ident' :
-			if(confirm($('ue_dup_ident1').innerHTML)) 
-				uEditShowSearch(null, type);
-			break;
-	}
-function uEditShowSearch(link,type) {
-	if(!type) type = link.getAttribute('type');
-	if(window.xulG) {
-		window.xulG.spawn_search(uEditDupHashes[type]);	
-	} else {
-		alert($("patronStrings").getFormattedString('staff.patron.ue.uEditShowSearch.search', [js2JSON(uEditDupHashes[type])]));
-	}
-function uEditMarkCardLost() {
-	for( var c in patron.cards() ) {
-		var card = patron.cards()[c];
-		if( patron.card().id() == card.id() ) {
-			/* de-activite the current card */
-			card.ischanged(1);
-			card.active(0);
-			/* create a new card for the patron */
-			var newcard = new ac();
-			newcard.id(uEditCardVirtId--);
-			newcard.isnew(1);
-			patron.card(newcard);
-			patron.cards().push(newcard);
-			/* reset the widget */
-			var field = uEditFindFieldByWId('ue_barcode');
-			field.widget.node.disabled = false;
-			field.widget.node.value = "";
-			field.widget.node.onchange();
-			field.object = newcard;
-		}
-	}
-function compactArray(arr) {
-	var a = [];
-	for( var i = 0; arr && i < arr.length; i++ ) {
-		if( arr[i] != null )
-			a.push(arr[i]);
-	}
-	return a;

Copied: trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue.js (from rev 10427, trunk/Evergreen/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue.js)
--- trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue.js	2008-08-24 21:18:07 UTC (rev 10428)
@@ -0,0 +1,778 @@
+var cgi							= null;
+var clone						= false;
+var patron						= null;
+var counter						= 0;
+var identTypesCache			= {};
+var statCatsCache				= {};
+var surveysCache				= {};
+var surveyQuestionsCache	= {};
+var surveyAnswersCache		= {};
+var userCache					= {};
+var groupsCache				= {};
+var netLevelsCache			= {};
+//var guardianNote				= null;
+function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }
+/* fetch the necessary data to start off */
+function uEditInit() {
+	_debug('uEditInit(): ' + location.search);
+	cgi		= new CGI();
+	session	= cgi.param('ses'); 
+	if (xulG) if (xulG.ses) session = xulG.ses;
+	if (xulG) if (xulG.params) if (xulG.params.ses) session = xulG.params.ses;
+	clone		= cgi.param('clone'); 
+	if (xulG) if (xulG.clone) clone = xulG.clone;
+	if (xulG) if (xulG.params) if (xulG.params.clone) clone = xulG.params.clone;
+	if(!session) throw $("patronStrings").getString('web.staff.patron.ue.session_no_defined');
+	fetchUser(session);
+	$('uedit_user').appendChild(text(USER.usrname()));
+	setTimeout( function() { 
+		uEditBuild(); uEditShowPage('uedit_userid'); }, 20 );
+function uEditSetUnload() {
+   _debug('setting window unload event');
+   /*
+   window.onbeforeunload = function(evt) { 
+      return $('ue_unsaved_changes').innerHTML; 
+   };
+   */
+function uEditClearUnload() {
+   _debug('clearing window unload event');
+   /*
+   window.onbeforeunload = null;
+   */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Fetch code
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+function uEditFetchIdentTypes() {
+	_debug("uEditFetchIdentTypes()");
+	var s = fetchXULStash(); 
+	if (typeof s.list != 'undefined') 
+		if (typeof s.list.cit != 'undefined') return s.list.cit;
+	var req = new Request(FETCH_ID_TYPES);
+	req.send(true);
+	return req.result();
+function uEditFetchStatCats() {
+	_debug("uEditFetchStatCats()");
+	var s = fetchXULStash(); 
+	if (typeof s.list != 'undefined') 
+		if (typeof s.list.my_actsc != 'undefined') return s.list.my_actsc;
+	var req = new Request(SC_FETCH_ALL, SESSION);
+	req.send(true);
+	return req.result();
+function uEditFetchSurveys() {
+	_debug("uEditFetchSurveys()");
+	var s = fetchXULStash(); 
+	if (typeof s.list != 'undefined') 
+		if (typeof s.list.asv != 'undefined') return s.list.asv;
+	var req = new Request(SV_FETCH_ALL, SESSION);
+	req.send(true);
+	return req.result();
+function uEditFetchGroups() {
+	_debug("uEditFetchGroups()");
+	var s = fetchXULStash(); 
+	if (typeof s.tree != 'undefined') 
+		if (typeof s.tree.pgt != 'undefined') return s.tree.pgt;
+	var req = new Request(FETCH_GROUPS);
+	req.send(true);
+	return req.result();
+function uEditFetchNetLevels() {
+	_debug("uEditFetchNetLevels()");
+	var s = fetchXULStash(); 
+	if (typeof s.list != 'undefined') 
+		if (typeof s.list.cnal != 'undefined') return s.list.cnal;
+	var req = new Request(FETCH_NET_LEVELS, SESSION);
+	req.send(true);
+	return req.result();
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ * adds all of the group.application_perm's to the list 
+ * provided by descending through the group tree 
+ */
+function buildAppPermList(list, group) {
+	if(!group) return;
+	if(group.application_perm() ) 
+        list.push(group.application_perm());
+    for(i in group.children()) {
+        buildAppPermList(list, group.children()[i]);
+    }
+/* fetches necessary objects and builds the UI */
+function uEditBuild() {
+    myPerms = ['BAR_PATRON', 'UNBAR_PATRON'];
+    /*  grab the groups before we check perms so we know what
+        application_perms to check */
+    var groups = uEditFetchGroups();
+    buildAppPermList(myPerms, groups);
+	fetchHighestPermOrgs( SESSION, USER.id(), myPerms );
+	uEditBuildLibSelector();
+	var usr = cgi.param('usr'); 
+	if (xulG) if (xulG.usr) usr = xulG.usr;
+	if (xulG) if (xulG.params) if (xulG.params.usr) usr = xulG.params.usr;
+	patron = fetchFleshedUser(usr);
+	if(!patron) patron = uEditNewPatron(); 
+	uEditDraw( 
+		uEditFetchIdentTypes(),
+        groups,
+		uEditFetchStatCats(),
+		uEditFetchSurveys(),
+		uEditFetchNetLevels()
+		);
+	if(patron.isnew()) {
+		if(clone) uEditClone(clone);
+		else uEditCreateNewAddr();
+	} else {
+		/* do we need to display the parent / gurdian field? */
+		uEditCheckDOB(uEditFindFieldByKey('dob'));
+		$('ue_barcode').disabled = true;
+		unHideMe($('ue_mark_card_lost'));
+		unHideMe($('ue_reset_pw'));
+		uEditCheckEditPerm();
+	}
+    uEditCheckBarredPerm();
+function uEditCheckBarredPerm() {
+	if(PERMS['BAR_PATRON'] != -1) 
+        return;
+    if(isTrue(patron.barred()) && PERMS['UNBAR_PATRON'] != -1) 
+        return;
+    $('ue_barred').disabled = true;
+/* if this user does not have permission to put users into
+	the edited users group, they do not have permission to 
+	edit this user */
+function uEditCheckEditPerm() {
+	var perm = uEditFindGroupPerm(groupsCache[patron.profile()]);	
+	/*
+	_debug("editing user with group app perm "+patron.profile()+' : '+
+		groupsCache[patron.profile()].name() +', and perm = ' + perm);
+		*/
+	if(PERMS[perm] != -1) return;
+	/* we can edit our own account, but not others in our group */
+	if( patron.id() != USER.id() ){
+		_debug("we are not allowed to edit this user");
+		$('ue_save').disabled = true;
+		$('ue_save_clone').disabled = true;
+		$('ue_mark_card_lost').disabled = true;
+		$('ue_reset_pw').disabled = true;
+		uEditIterateFields(
+			function(f) {
+				if( f && f.widget && f.widget.node )
+					f.widget.node.disabled = true;
+			}	
+		);	
+	}
+	var node = $('ue_profile').parentNode;
+	node.removeChild($('ue_profile'));
+	node.appendChild(elem('span',null,groupsCache[patron.profile()].name()));
+	var field = uEditFindFieldByKey('profile');
+	field.required = false;
+	removeCSSClass(field.widget.node, CSS_INVALID_DATA);
+	uEditCheckErrors();
+/* creates a new patron object with card attached */
+var uEditCardVirtId = -1;
+function uEditNewPatron() {
+	var patron = new au(); 
+	patron.isnew(1);
+	patron.id(-1);
+	card = new ac();
+	card.id(uEditCardVirtId--);
+	card.isnew(1);
+	patron.card(card);
+	patron.cards([card]);
+    patron.net_access_level(defaultNetLevel);
+	patron.stat_cat_entries([]);
+	patron.survey_responses([]);
+	patron.addresses([]);
+	patron.home_ou(USER.ws_ou());
+	uEditMakeRandomPw(patron);
+	return patron;
+function uEditMakeRandomPw(patron) {
+	var rand  = Math.random();
+	rand = parseInt(rand * 10000) + '';
+	while(rand.length < 4) rand += '0';
+	appendClear($('ue_password_plain'),text(rand));
+	unHideMe($('ue_password_gen'));
+	patron.passwd(rand);
+	return rand;
+function uEditResetPw() { 
+	var pw = uEditMakeRandomPw(patron);	
+	$('ue_password1').value = pw;
+	$('ue_password2').value = pw;
+    $('ue_password1').onchange();
+function uEditClone(clone) {
+	var cloneUser = fetchFleshedUser(clone);
+	patron.usrgroup(cloneUser.usrgroup());
+	if( cloneUser.day_phone() ) {
+		$('ue_day_phone').value = cloneUser.day_phone();
+	    $('ue_day_phone').onchange();
+    }
+	if( cloneUser.evening_phone() ) {
+		$('ue_night_phone').value = cloneUser.evening_phone();
+		$('ue_night_phone').onchange();
+    }
+	if( cloneUser.other_phone() ) {
+		$('ue_other_phone').value = cloneUser.other_phone();
+		$('ue_other_phone').onchange();
+    }
+	setSelector($('ue_org_selector'), cloneUser.home_ou());
+	setSelector($('ue_profile'), cloneUser.profile());
+	/* force the expire date to be set */
+	$('ue_profile').onchange();
+	$('ue_org_selector').onchange();
+	for( var a in cloneUser.addresses() ) {
+		var addr = cloneUser.addresses()[a];
+		if( cloneUser.mailing_address && 
+				addr.id() == cloneUser.mailing_address().id() )
+			patron.mailing_address(addr);
+		if( cloneUser.billing_address() &&
+				addr.id() == cloneUser.billing_address().id() )
+			patron.billing_address(addr);
+		patron.addresses().push(addr);
+	}
+	uEditBuildAddrs(patron);
+/* Creates a new blank address, 
+	adds it to the user and the fields array */
+var uEditVirtualAddrId = -1;
+function uEditCreateNewAddr() {
+	var addr = new aua();
+	addr.id(uEditVirtualAddrId--);
+	addr.isnew(1);
+	addr.usr(patron.id());
+	addr.country(defaultCountry);
+	if(!patron.addresses()) 
+		patron.addresses([]);
+	if(patron.addresses().length == 0) {
+		patron.mailing_address(addr);
+		patron.billing_address(addr);
+	}
+	addr.valid(1);
+	addr.within_city_limits(1);
+	uEditBuildAddrFields(patron, addr);
+	patron.addresses().push(addr);
+	uEditIterateFields(function(f) { uEditCheckValid(f); });
+	uEditCheckErrors();
+/* kicks off the UI drawing */
+function uEditDraw(identTypes, groups, statCats, surveys, netLevels ) {
+	hideMe($('uedit_loading'));
+	unHideMe($('ue_maintd'));
+	dataFields = [];
+	uEditDrawIDTypes(identTypes);
+	uEditDrawGroups(groups, null, null, true);
+	uEditDrawStatCats(statCats);
+	uEditDrawSurveys(surveys);
+	uEditDrawNetLevels(netLevels);
+	uEditDefineData(patron);
+	uEditIterateFields(function(f) { uEditActivateField(f) });
+	uEditIterateFields(function(f) { uEditCheckValid(f); });
+	uEditCheckErrors();
+/** Applies the event handlers and sets the data for the field */
+function uEditActivateField(field) {
+	if( field.widget.id ) {
+		field.widget.node = $(field.widget.id);
+	} else {
+		field.widget.node = 
+			$n(field.widget.base, field.widget.name);
+	}
+	uEditSetOnchange(field);
+	if(field.widget.onblur) {
+		field.widget.node.onblur = 
+			function() { field.widget.onblur(field); };
+	}
+	field.widget.node.disabled = field.widget.disabled;
+	if(field.object == null) return;
+	var val = field.object[field.key]();
+	if(val == null) return;
+	if( field.widget.type == 'input' )
+		field.widget.node.value = val;
+	if( field.widget.type == 'select' )
+		setSelector(field.widget.node, val);
+	if( field.widget.type == 'checkbox' )
+		field.widget.node.checked = 
+			(val && val != 'f') ? true : false;
+	if( field.widget.onload ) 
+		field.widget.onload(val);
+/* set up the onchange event for the field */
+function uEditSetOnchange(field) {
+	var func = function() {uEditOnChange( field );}
+	field.widget.node.onchange = func;
+	if(field.widget.type != 'select')
+		field.widget.node.onkeyup = func;
+/* find the current value of the field object's widget */
+function uEditNodeVal(field) {
+	if(field.widget.type == 'input')
+		return field.widget.node.value;
+	if(field.widget.type == 'checkbox')
+		return field.widget.node.checked;
+	if(field.widget.type == 'select')
+		return getSelectorVal(field.widget.node);
+/* update a field value */
+function uEditOnChange(field) {
+	var newval = uEditNodeVal(field);
+	field.object[field.key](newval);
+	field.object.ischanged(1);
+	if(field.widget.onpostchange)
+		field.widget.onpostchange(field, newval);
+	//_debug(field.key+' = '+newval);
+	uEditIterateFields(function(f) { uEditCheckValid(f); });
+	uEditCheckErrors();
+   uEditSetUnload();
+function uEditCheckValid(field) {
+	var newval = uEditNodeVal(field);
+	if(newval) {
+		if(field.widget.regex) { 
+			if(newval.match(field.widget.regex)) 
+				removeCSSClass(field.widget.node, CSS_INVALID_DATA);
+			else
+				addCSSClass(field.widget.node, CSS_INVALID_DATA);
+		} else {
+			removeCSSClass(field.widget.node, CSS_INVALID_DATA);
+		}
+	} else {
+		if(field.required) {
+			addCSSClass(field.widget.node, CSS_INVALID_DATA);
+		} else {
+			removeCSSClass(field.widget.node, CSS_INVALID_DATA);
+		}
+	}
+/* find a field object by object key */
+function uEditFindFieldByKey(key) {
+	var fields = grep( dataFields,
+		function(item) { return (item.key == key); });
+	return (fields) ? fields[0] : null;
+/* find a list of fields by object key */
+function uEditFindFieldsByKey(key) {
+	return grep( dataFields,
+		function(item) { return (item.key == key); });
+/* find a field object by widget id */
+function uEditFindFieldByWId(id) {
+	var fields = grep( dataFields,
+		function(item) { return (item.widget.id == id); });
+	return (fields) ? fields[0] : null;
+function uEditIterateFields(callback) {
+	for( var f in dataFields ) 
+		callback(dataFields[f]);
+function uEditGetErrorStrings() {
+	var errors = [];
+	uEditIterateFields(
+		function(field) { 
+			if(field.errkey) {
+				if( !field.object.isdeleted() ) {
+					if( field.widget.node.className.indexOf(CSS_INVALID_DATA) != -1) {
+						var str = $(field.errkey).innerHTML;
+						if(str) errors.push(str);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	);
+	/* munge up something for all of the required surveys 
+		(which are not registered with the fields) */
+	if( patron.isnew() ) {
+		var sel = $('ue_survey_table');
+		if( sel ) {
+			var rows = sel.getElementsByTagName('tr');
+			for( var r in rows ) {
+				var row = rows[r];
+				var sel = $n(row, 'ue_survey_answer');
+				if(!sel) continue;
+				var qstn = row.getAttribute('question');
+				if(qstn) {
+					qstn		= surveyQuestionsCache[qstn];
+					survey	= surveysCache[qstn.survey()];
+					var val	= getSelectorVal(sel);
+					if(!val && isTrue(survey.required()))
+						errors.push($('ue_bad_survey').innerHTML + ' : ' + qstn.question());
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
+	if(errors[0]) return errors;
+	return null;
+function uEditAlertErrors() {
+	var errors = uEditGetErrorStrings();
+	if(!errors) return false;
+	alert(errors.join("\n"));
+	return true;
+/* send the user to the database */
+function uEditSaveUser(cloneme) {
+	if(uEditGetErrorStrings()) {
+		uEditAlertErrors();
+		return;
+	}
+	/* null is unique in the db, but '' is not */
+	if( ! patron.ident_value() ) patron.ident_value(null);
+	//if( ! patron.ident_type2() ) patron.ident_type2(null);
+	if( ! patron.ident_value2() ) patron.ident_value2(null);
+	patron.ident_type2(null);
+	if(! patron.dob() ) patron.dob(null);
+	_debug("Saving patron with card: " + js2JSON(patron.card()));
+	_debug("Saving full patron: " + js2JSON(patron));
+	//for( var c in patron
+	var req = new Request(UPDATE_PATRON, SESSION, patron);
+	req.alertEvent = false;
+	req.send(true);
+	var newuser = req.result();
+   uEditClearUnload();
+	var evt;
+	if( (evt = checkILSEvent(newuser)) || ! newuser ) {
+		if(evt) {
+            evt = newuser;
+            if( evt.textcode == 'XACT_COLLISION' ) {
+                if( confirmId('ue_xact_collision') )
+                    location.href = location.href;
+                return;
+            }
+            var j = js2JSON(evt);
+			alert(j);
+			_debug("USER UPDATE FAILED:\n" + j);
+		}
+		return;
+	} 
+	alert($('ue_success').innerHTML);
+	if(cloneme) {
+		/* if the user we just created was a clone, and we want to clone it,
+		we really want to clone the original */
+		if( clone ) cloneme = clone;
+		else cloneme = newuser.id();
+	}
+	if( cloneme ) {
+		if(window.xulG &&
+			typeof window.xulG.spawn_editor == 'function' && 
+			!patron.isnew() ) {
+				_debug("xulG clone spawning new interface...");
+				var ses = cgi.param('ses'); 
+				if (xulG) if (xulG.ses) ses = xulG.ses;
+				if (xulG) if (xulG.params) if (xulG.params.ses) ses = xulG.params.ses;
+				window.xulG.spawn_editor({ses:ses,clone:cloneme});
+				uEditRefresh();
+		} else {
+			var href = location.href;
+			href = href.replace(/\&?usr=\d+/, '');
+			href = href.replace(/\&?clone=\d+/, '');
+			href += '&clone=' + cloneme;
+			location.href = href;
+		}
+	} else {
+		uEditRefresh();
+	}
+	uEditRefreshXUL(newuser);
+function uEditRefreshXUL(newuser) {
+	if (window.xulG && typeof window.xulG.on_save == 'function') 
+		window.xulG.on_save(newuser);
+function uEditRefresh() {
+	var href = location.href;
+	href = href.replace(/\&?clone=\d+/, '');
+	location.href = href;
+function uEditCancel() {
+	var href = location.href;
+	href = href.replace(/\&?usr=\d+/, '');
+	href = href.replace(/\&?clone=\d+/, '');
+	var id = cgi.param('usr'); 
+	if (xulG) if (xulG.usr) id = xulG.usr;
+	if (xulG) if (xulG.params) if (xulG.params.usr) id = xulG.params.usr;
+	/* reload the current user if available */
+	if( id ) href += "&usr=" + id;
+	location.href = href;
+var uEditDupHashes = {};
+var uEditDupTemplate;
+function uEditRunDupeSearch(type, search_hash) {
+	if(!patron.isnew()) return;
+	_debug('dup search: ' + js2JSON(search_hash));
+	var req = new Request(PATRON_SEARCH, SESSION, search_hash);
+	var container = $('dup_div_container');
+	if(!uEditDupTemplate)
+		uEditDupTemplate = container.removeChild($('dup_div'));
+	/* clear any existing dups for this type */
+	iterate( container.getElementsByTagName('div'),
+		function(d) {
+			if( d.getAttribute('type') == type ) {
+				container.removeChild(d)
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+	);
+	req.callback(
+		function(r) {
+			uEditHandleDupResults( r.getResultObject(), search_hash, type, container );
+		}
+	);
+	req.send();
+function uEditHandleDupResults(ids, search_hash, type, container) {
+	_debug('dup search results: ' + js2JSON(ids));
+	if(!(ids && ids[0]))  /* no results */
+		return uEditDupHashes[type] = null;
+	/* add a dup link to the UI and plug in the data */
+	var node = uEditDupTemplate.cloneNode(true);
+	container.appendChild(node);
+	node.setAttribute('type', type);
+	var link = $n(node, 'link');
+	link.setAttribute('type', type);
+	unHideMe(link);
+	$n(node,'count').appendChild(text(ids.length));
+	for( var o in search_hash ) 
+		$n(node, 'data').appendChild(
+			text(search_hash[o].value + ' '));
+	uEditDupHashes[type] = search_hash;
+	switch(type) {
+		case 'ident' :
+			if(confirm($('ue_dup_ident1').innerHTML)) 
+				uEditShowSearch(null, type);
+			break;
+	}
+function uEditShowSearch(link,type) {
+	if(!type) type = link.getAttribute('type');
+	if(window.xulG)
+		window.xulG.spawn_search(uEditDupHashes[type]);	
+	else alert($("patronStrings").getString('web.staff.patron.ue.uedit_show_search.search_would_be', js2JSON(uEditDupHashes[type])));
+function uEditMarkCardLost() {
+	for( var c in patron.cards() ) {
+		var card = patron.cards()[c];
+		if( patron.card().id() == card.id() ) {
+			/* de-activite the current card */
+			card.ischanged(1);
+			card.active(0);
+			if( !card.barcode() ) {
+				/* a card exists in the array with no barcode */
+				ueRemoveCard(card.id());
+			} else if( card.isnew() && card.active() == 0 ) {
+				/* a new card was created, then never used, removing.. */
+				_debug("removing new inactive card "+card.barcode());
+				ueRemoveCard(card.id());
+			}
+			/* create a new card for the patron */
+			var newcard = new ac();
+			newcard.id(uEditCardVirtId--);
+			newcard.isnew(1);
+			patron.card(newcard);
+			patron.cards().push(newcard);
+			/* reset the widget */
+			var field = uEditFindFieldByWId('ue_barcode');
+			field.widget.node.disabled = false;
+			field.widget.node.value = "";
+			field.widget.node.onchange();
+			field.object = newcard;
+			_debug("uEditMarkCardLost(): created new card object for user");
+		}
+	}
+function ueRemoveCard(id) {
+	_debug("removing card from cards() array: " + id);
+	var cds = grep( patron.cards(), function(c){return (c.id() != id)});
+	if(!cds) cds = [];
+	for( var j = 0; j < cds.length; j++ )
+		_debug("patron card array now has :  "+cds[j].id());
+	patron.cards(cds);
+function compactArray(arr) {
+	var a = [];
+	for( var i = 0; arr && i < arr.length; i++ ) {
+		if( arr[i] != null )
+			a.push(arr[i]);
+	}
+	return a;

Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue.xhtml
--- trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue.xhtml	2008-08-24 16:34:17 UTC (rev 10427)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue.xhtml	2008-08-24 21:18:07 UTC (rev 10428)
@@ -1,972 +0,0 @@
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-		<script language='javascript' src='/opac/common/js/org_utils.js'> </script>
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-		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" 
-			href="/opac/common/js/jscalendar/calendar-brown.css" title="win2k-cold-1" />
-		<script type="text/javascript" src="/opac/common/js/jscalendar/calendar.js"></script>
-		<script type="text/javascript" src="/opac/common/js/jscalendar/lang/calendar-en.js"></script>
-		<script type="text/javascript" src="/opac/common/js/jscalendar/calendar-setup.js"></script>
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-			.main_table { width: 98%; border-collapse: collapse;}
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-			.address_table td { border: none; width: auto; padding: 1px; }
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-			.button_row { width: 95%; text-align: center; margin-top: 7px; border: 1px solid #E0E0E0; }
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-			.invalid_value { background: red; }
-			/* all text inputs that don't have the .invalid_value 
-				class applied and are currently focused */
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-			.deleted { background: #FF6666; }
-			.dup_link { padding-left: 5px; color: red; }
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-	</head>
-	<messagecatalog id="patronStrings" src="/xul/server/locale/<!--#echo var='locale'-->/patron.properties" />
-	<body onload='uEditInit();'>
-	<center>
-		<h2>&staff.patron.ue.ev_user_editor.label;</h2>
-		<div style='position:absolute; top: 5px; right: 5px;'>
-			<span>&staff.patron.ue.user_greeting.label;</span><b><span id='uedit_user'/></b>
-		</div>
-		<hr/><br/>
-		<div id='main_div_container'>
-		<table style='margin-bottom: 5px; width:100%;'>
-			<tbody>
-				<tr>
-					<td align='left' width='80%'>
-						<b>
-							<span>&staff.patron.ue.interface_note.label;</span>
-						</b>
-					</td>
-					<td align='right' width='20%'>
-						<a class='hide_me' id='ue_errors' href='javascript:void(0);' 
-							style='color: red; font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold' onclick='uEditAlertErrors();'>
-							&staff.patron.ue.view_errors.label;
-						</a>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-			</tbody>
-		</table>
-		<table class='main_table'>
-			<tbody>
-				<tr>
-					<td width='15%' valign='top'>
-						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
-						<!--  Top Navigation Links -->
-						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
-						<table height='100%' class='nav_link_table'>
-							<tbody>
-								<tr>
-									<td id='uedit_userid_label' class='main_nav_link'>
-										<a href='javascript:uEditShowPage("uedit_userid");'>&staff.patron.ue.nav.user_id.label;</a>
-									</td>
-								</tr>
-								<tr>
-									<td id='uedit_contact_info_label' class='main_nav_link'>	
-										<a href='javascript:uEditShowPage("uedit_contact_info");'>&staff.patron.ue.nav.contact_info.label;</a>
-									</td>
-								</tr>
-								<tr>
-									<td id='uedit_addresses_label' class='main_nav_link'>		
-										<a href='javascript:uEditShowPage("uedit_addresses");'>&staff.patron.ue.nav.addresses.label;</a>
-									</td>
-								</tr>
-								<tr>
-									<td id='uedit_groups_label' class='main_nav_link'>			
-										<a href='javascript:uEditShowPage("uedit_groups");'>&staff.patron.ue.nav.groups_permissions.label;</a>
-									</td>
-								</tr>
-								<tr>
-									<td id='uedit_stat_cats_label' class='main_nav_link'>		
-										<a href='javascript:uEditShowPage("uedit_stat_cats");'>&staff.patron.ue.nav.stat_categories.label;</a>
-									</td>
-								</tr>
-								<tr>
-									<td id='uedit_surveys_label' class='main_nav_link'>			
-										<a href='javascript:uEditShowPage("uedit_surveys");'>&staff.patron.ue.nav.surveys.label;</a>
-									</td>
-								</tr>
-								<tr>
-									<td id='uedit_finalize_label' class='main_nav_link'>			
-										<a href='javascript:uEditShowPage("uedit_finalize");'>&staff.patron.ue.nav.finish.label;</a>
-									</td>
-								</tr>
-							</tbody>
-						</table>
-					</td>
-					<td width='85%' id='uedit_loading'>
-						<div class='main_div has_color' 
-							style='padding: 50px; vertical-align: middle;'>
-							<b>&staff.patron.ue.loading_data.label;</b>
-						</div>
-					</td>
-					<td width='85%' id='ue_maintd' class='hide_me'>
-						<div id='dup_div_container'>
-							<div id='dup_div' name='dup_div'>
-								<a name='link' class='dup_link hide_me'
-									href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='uEditShowSearch(this);'>
-									&staff.patron.ue.found_duplicate_patron.label;<b name='count'/>
-									<b name='data'/>
-								</a>
-							</div>
-						</div>
-						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
-						<!--  Identification Pane -->
-						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
-						<div id='uedit_userid' class='main_div'>
-							<table class='uedit_table'>
-								<tbody>
-									<tr class='required_field'>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>Barcode</div></td>
-										<td>
-											<div class='wide left'>
-												<input type='text' id='ue_barcode' />
-													<!--
-													onblur=' 
-														var node = uEditFindFieldByWId("ue_username");
-														if(!node.widget.node.value) {
-															node.widget.node.value = this.value;
-															node.widget.node.onchange();
-														}'
-														/> -->
-														<button style='padding-left: 5px;' class='hide_me' id='ue_mark_card_lost'
-													onclick='uEditMarkCardLost();'>&staff.patron.ue.mark_lost.label;</button>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr class='required_field'>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.username.label;</div></td>
-										<td><div class='wide left'><input type='text' id='ue_username'/></div></td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr class='required_field'>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.password.label;</div></td>
-										<td>
-											<div class='wide left'>
-												<input type='password' id='ue_password1'/>
-												<button class='hide_me' onclick='uEditResetPw();' id='ue_reset_pw'>&staff.patron.ue.reset.label;</button>
-												<span style='padding-left: 10px;' class='hide_me' id='ue_password_gen'>
-													&staff.patron.ue.re_password.label;
-													<span style='text-decoration:underline;' id='ue_password_plain'/>
-												</span>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr class='required_field'>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.verify_password.label;</div></td>
-										<td><div class='wide left'><input type='password' id='ue_password2'/></div></td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr class='required_field'>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.first_name.label;</div></td>
-										<td><div class='wide left'><input type='text' id='ue_firstname'/></div></td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.middle_name.label;</div></td>
-										<td><div class='wide left'><input type='text' id='ue_middlename'/></div></td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr class='required_field'>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.last_name.label;</div></td>
-										<td><div class='wide left'><input type='text' id='ue_lastname'/></div></td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.suffix.label;</div></td>
-										<td><div class='wide left'>
-											<input type='text' id='ue_suffix'/>
-											<select id='ue_suffix_selector' style='width: 6em;'
-												onclick='$("ue_suffix").value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value'
-												onchange='$("ue_suffix").value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value'>
-												<option value=''>&staff.patron.ue.choose.label;</option>
-												<option value='Jr'>Jr</option>
-												<option value='Sr'>Sr</option>
-												<option value='II'>II</option>
-												<option value='III'>III</option>
-												<option value='AA'>AA</option>
-												<option value='AS'>AS</option>
-												<option value='AAS'>AAS</option>
-												<option value='BA'>BA</option>
-												<option value='BS'>BS</option>
-												<option value='CFPIM'>CFPIM</option>
-												<option value='CPA'>CPA</option>
-												<option value='CPIM'>CPIM</option>
-												<option value='CPM'>CPM</option>
-												<option value='CXE'>CXE</option>
-												<option value='DC'>DC</option>
-												<option value='DDS'>DDS</option>
-												<option value='DO '>DO</option>
-												<option value='DPM'>DPM</option>
-												<option value='DVM'>DVM</option>
-												<option value='Esq'>Esq</option>
-												<option value='FACAAI'>FACAAI</option>
-												<option value='FACP'>FACP</option>
-												<option value='FACS'>FACS</option>
-												<option value='FACEP'>FACEP</option>
-												<option value='FCP'>FCP</option>
-												<option value='FICS'>FICS</option>
-												<option value='GYN'>GYN</option>
-												<option value='JD'>JD</option>
-												<option value='LPN'>LPN</option>
-												<option value='MA'>MA</option>
-												<option value='MCSE'>MCSE</option>
-												<option value='MD'>MD</option>
-												<option value='MS'>MS</option>
-												<option value='NMD'>NMD</option>
-												<option value='OB'>OB</option>
-												<option value='PhD'>PhD</option>
-												<option value='RN'>RN</option>
-											</select>
-										</div></td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr class='required_field'>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.dob.label;</div></td>
-										<td>
-											<div class='wide left'>
-												<input type='text' id='ue_dob' size='10' maxlength='10' 
-													onfocus='/*$("ue_dob_trigger").onclick(event);*/'>1980-01-01</input>
-												<button style='padding: 0px;' id='ue_dob_trigger'>
-													<img src="/opac/common/js/jscalendar/img.gif" 
-														style="cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid red; padding: 0px; margin: -3px;" 
-														title="Date selector"
-														onmouseover="this.style.background='red';" 
-														onmouseout="this.style.background=''" />
-												</button>
-												<span class='pad' style='font-size: 8pt;'>(YYYY-MM-DD)</span>
-												<script type="text/javascript">
-													Calendar.setup({
-														inputField	: "ue_dob",				// id of the input field
-														ifFormat		: "%Y-%m-%d",			// format of the input field
-														button		: "ue_dob_trigger",  // trigger for the calendar (button ID)
-														align			: "Tl",					// alignment (defaults to "Bl")
-														singleClick	: true
-													});
-												</script>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr class='required_field'>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.primary_id_type.label;</div></td>
-										<td><div class='wide left'>
-												<select id='ue_primary_ident_type'>
-													<option value=''>&staff.patron.ue.required.label;</option>
-												</select>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr class='required_field'>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.primary_id.label;</div></td>
-										<td>
-											<div class='wide left'>
-												<input type='text' id='ue_primary_ident'/>
-												<span id='primary_ident_ssn_help' 
-													style='padding-left: 2px; font-size: 8pt;' class='hide_me'>
-													(XXX-YY-ZZZZ)
-												</span>
-												<span id='primary_ident_dl_help' 
-													style='padding-left: 2px; font-size: 8pt;' class='hide_me'>
-													(GA-123456789)
-												</span>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.secondary_id_type.label;</div></td>
-										<td><div class='wide left'>
-												<select id='ue_secondary_ident_type'>
-													<option value=''>&staff.patron.ue.none_selected.label;</option>
-												</select>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.secondary_id.label;</div></td>
-										<td>
-											<div class='wide left'>
-												<input type='text' id='ue_secondary_ident'/>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr class='hide_me' id='ue_guardian_row'>
-										<td><div class='wide right'><b>&staff.patron.ue.parent_guardian.label;</b></div></td>
-										<td>
-											<div class='wide left'>
-												<span id='ue_guardian_field'/>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-								</tbody>
-							</table>
-						</div>
-						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
-						<!-- Contact Info Pane -->
-						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
-						<div id='uedit_contact_info' class='main_div hide_me'>
-							<table class='uedit_table'>
-								<tbody>
-									<tr>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.email_address.label;</div></td>
-										<td><div class='wide left'><input type='text' id='ue_email' size='32'/></div></td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.day_phone.label;</div></td>
-										<td>
-											<div class='wide left'>
-												<input class='pad' type='text' id='ue_day_phone' size='18'/>
-												<span style='font-size: 9pt;'> Example: 123-456-7890 or 123-456-7890 ex123</span>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.evening_phone.label;</div></td>
-										<td>
-											<div class='wide left'>
-												<input class='pad' type='text' id='ue_night_phone' size='18'/>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.other_phone.label;</div></td>
-										<td>
-											<div class='wide left'>
-												<input class='pad' type='text' id='ue_other_phone' size='18'/>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr class='required_field'>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.home_library.label;</div></td>
-										<td>
-											<div class='wide left'>
-												<select style='width: 20em;' id='ue_org_selector'/>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-								</tbody>
-							</table>
-						</div>
-						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
-						<!-- Addresses Pane -->
-						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
-						<div id='uedit_addresses' class='main_div hide_me' >
-							<table class='uedit_table' style='width: 98%; padding: 1px;'>
-								<thead>
-									<tr>
-										<td>&staff.patron.ue.address.label;</td>
-										<td>&staff.patron.ue.in_city_limits.label;</td>
-										<td>&staff.patron.ue.valid.label;</td>
-										<td>&staff.patron.ue.mailing_address.label;</td>
-										<td>&staff.patron.ue.physical_address.label;</td>
-									</tr>
-								</thead>
-								<tbody id='ue_address_tbody'>
-									<tr id='ue_address_template'>
-										<td>
-											<table class='address_table'>
-												<tbody>
-													<tr name='shared_row' class='hide_me'>
-														<td colspan='6'>
-															<div style='padding: 8px;'>
-																<span style='color:red;'>*</span>
-																&staff.patron.ue.owned_address.label;
-																<span name='addr_owner_name'/>
-																<span name='owner_link_div'>
-																	(<a name='addr_owner' href='javascript:void(0);'>&staff.patron.ue.edit.label;</a>)
-																</span>
-															</div>
-														</td>
-													</tr>
-													<tr>
-														<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.label.label;</div></td>
-														<td colspan='3'>
-															<div class='wide left'>
-																<input type='text' name='ue_addr_label' id='ue_addr_label'/>
-															</div>
-														</td>
-														<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.zip_code.label;</div></td>
-														<td>
-															<div class='wide left'>
-																<input type='text' name='ue_addr_zip' size='10' maxlength='10'/>
-															</div>
-														</td>
-													</tr>
-													<tr>
-														<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.street_1.label;</div></td>
-														<td colspan='5'>
-															<div class='wide left'>
-																<input type='text' name='ue_addr_street1' size='42'/>
-															</div>
-														</td>
-													</tr>
-													<tr>
-														<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.street_2.label;</div></td>
-														<td colspan='5'>
-															<div class='wide left'>
-																<input type='text' name='ue_addr_street2' size='42'/>
-															</div>
-														</td>
-													</tr>
-													<tr>
-														<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.city.label;</div></td>
-														<td colspan='3'>
-															<div class='wide left'>
-																<input type='text' name='ue_addr_city' size='17'/>
-															</div>
-														</td>
-														<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.county.label;</div></td>
-														<td>
-															<div class='wide left'>
-																<input type='text' name='ue_addr_county' size='17'/>
-															</div>
-														</td>
-													</tr>
-													<tr>
-														<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.state.label;</div></td>
-														<td colspan='3'>
-															<div class='wide left'>
-																<input type='text' name='ue_addr_state' size='2' maxlength='2'/>
-															</div>
-														</td>
-														<!--
-														<td><div class='wide right'>Zip</div></td>
-														<td>
-															<div class='wide left'>
-																<input type='text' name='ue_addr_zip' size='6' maxlength='6'/>
-															</div>
-														</td>
-														-->
-														<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.country.label;</div></td>
-														<td>
-															<div class='wide left'>
-																<input type='text' name='ue_addr_country' size='6'/>
-															</div>
-														</td>
-													</tr>
-													<tr>
-														<td colspan='6'>
-															<div class='button_row'>
-																<input type='submit' name='ue_addr_delete' 
-																	value='&staff.patron.ue.delete_this_address.label;'/>
-																<span style='padding-left: 10px;'> </span>
-																<input type='submit' name='ue_addr_detach' 
-																	value='&staff.patron.ue.detach_this_address.label;' class='hide_me'/>
-															</div>
-														</td>
-													</tr>
-												</tbody>
-											</table>
-										</td>
-										<td><input type='checkbox' name='ue_addr_inc_yes' checked='checked'/></td>
-										<td><input type='checkbox' name='ue_addr_valid_yes' checked='checked'/></td>
-										<td>
-											<div style='width: 100%; -moz-border-radius: 8px;'>
-												<input type='radio' name='ue_addr_mailing_yes'
-													onchange='uEditAddrTypeClick(this, "mailing");'
-													onclick='uEditAddrTypeClick(this, "mailing");'/>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-										<td>
-											<div style='width: 100%; -moz-border-radius: 8px;'>
-												<input type='radio' name='ue_addr_billing_yes'
-													onchange='uEditAddrTypeClick(this, "billing");'
-													onclick='uEditAddrTypeClick(this, "billing");'/>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-								</tbody>
-							</table>
-							<div class='button_row' style='margin-top: 20px;'>
-								<!--
-								<input type='submit' value='Create a New Address' id='ue_address_new'/>
-								-->
-								<input type='submit' value='&staff.patron.ue.create_address.label;' onclick='uEditCreateNewAddr();'/>
-							</div>
-						</div>
-						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
-						<!-- Groups Pane -->
-						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
-						<div id='uedit_groups' class='main_div hide_me'>
-							<table class='uedit_table'>
-								<tbody>
-									<tr class='required_field'>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.profile_group.label;</div></td>
-										<td>
-											<div class='wide left'>
-												<select id='ue_profile' class='select_big'>
-													<option value=''>&staff.patron.ue.required.label;</option>
-												</select>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr class='required_field'>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.accoutn_expire_date.label;</div></td>
-										<td>
-											<div class='wide left'>
-												<input type='text' id='ue_expire' size='10' maxlength='10'/>
-												<button style='padding: 0px;' id='ue_expire_trigger'>
-													<img src="/opac/common/js/jscalendar/img.gif" 
-														style="cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid red; padding: 0px; margin: -3px;" 
-														title="&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.date_selector.label;"
-														onmouseover="this.style.background='red';" 
-														onmouseout="this.style.background=''" />
-												</button>
-												<span class='pad' style='font-size: 8pt;'>(YYYY-MM-DD)</span>
-												<script type="text/javascript">
-													Calendar.setup({
-														inputField	: "ue_expire",				// id of the input field
-														ifFormat		: "%Y-%m-%d",				// format of the input field
-														button		: "ue_expire_trigger",  // trigger for the calendar (button ID)
-														align			: "Tl",						// alignment (defaults to "Bl")
-														singleClick	: true
-													});
-												</script>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.internet_access_level.label;</div></td>
-										<td>
-											<div class='wide left'>
-												<select id='ue_net_level'>
-													<option value=''>&staff.patron.ue.none_selected.label;</option>
-												</select>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.active.label;</div></td>
-										<td>
-											<div class='wide left'>
-												<input id='ue_active' type='checkbox' checked='checked'/>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.barred.label;</div></td>
-										<td>
-											<div class='wide left'>
-												<input id='ue_barred' type='checkbox'/>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.set_lead_account.label;</div></td>
-										<td>
-											<div class='wide left'>
-												<input id='ue_group_lead' type='checkbox'/>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.claims_returned_count.label;</div></td>
-										<td>
-											<div class='wide left'>
-												<input id='ue_claims_returned' type='text' disabled='disabled' size='6'/>
-												<script>
-													$('ue_claims_returned').value = 0;
-													$('ue_claims_returned').disabled = true;
-												</script>
-												<input class='pad' id='ue_claims_returned_reset' type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.alert_message_reset.value;'/>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td><div class='wide right'>&staff.patron.ue.alert_message.label;</div></td>
-										<td>
-											<div class='wide left'>
-												<textarea wrap='soft' cols='30' rows='4' id='ue_alert_message'/>
-												<input class='pad' id='ue_alert_message_reset' 
-													type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.alert_message_reset.value;' 
-														onclick='
-														var node = $("ue_alert_message");
-														node.value = "";
-														if(node.onchange) node.onchange();'/>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-								</tbody>
-							</table>
-						</div>
-						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
-						<!-- Stat Cats Pane -->
-						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
-						<div id='uedit_stat_cats' class='main_div hide_me'>
-							<table class='uedit_table' style='width: 98%'>
-								<thead>
-									<tr style='font-weight: bold;'>
-										<td>&staff.patron.ue.stat_cat_name.label;</td>
-										<td>&staff.patron.ue.owner.label;</td>
-										<td>&staff.patron.ue.value.label;</td>
-									</tr>
-								</thead>
-								<tbody id='ue_stat_cat_tbody'>
-									<tr id='ue_stat_cat_row'>
-										<td><div class='wide right' name='ue_stat_cat_name'/></td>
-										<td><div class='wide right' style='font-size: 8pt' name='ue_stat_cat_owner'/></td>
-										<td>
-											<div class='wide left'>
-												<select name='ue_stat_cat_selector'>
-													<option value=''>&staff.patron.ue.none_selected.label;</option>
-												</select>
-												<span class='pad'> or </span>
-												<input class='pad' type='text' name='ue_stat_cat_newval'/>
-											</div>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-								</tbody>
-							</table>
-						</div>
-						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
-						<!-- Surveys Pane -->
-						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
-						<div id='uedit_surveys' class='main_div hide_me'>
-							<div id='uedit_no_surveys' class='hide_me'>
-								<b>&staff.patron.ue.no_surveys_for_location.label;</b>
-							</div>
-							<table id='ue_survey_table' 
-								class='uedit_table data_grid' style='width: 95%; margin-top: 17px;'>
-								<thead>
-									<tr>
-										<td colspan='2' style='text-align: left; padding-left: 20px;'>
-											<span class='pad' name='ue_survey_name' style='font-weight: bold;'/>
-											<span class='pad' name='ue_survey_desc'> : </span>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-								</thead>
-								<tbody name='ue_survey_tbody'>
-									<tr name='ue_survey_row'>
-										<td name='ue_survey_question' 
-											style='width: 60%; text-align: left; padding-left: 40px;'/>
-										<td>
-											<select name='ue_survey_answer'>
-												<option value=''>&staff.patron.ue.none_selected.label;</option>
-											</select>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-								</tbody>
-							</table>
-						</div>
-						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
-						<!-- Finish Up -->
-						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
-						<div id='uedit_finalize' class='main_div hide_me'>
-							<div class='has_color' style='width: 95%; margin-top: 40px; text-align: center'>
-								<div style='padding: 5px;'>
-									&staff.patron.ue.message1.label;<br/>
-									&staff.patron.ue.message2.label;<br/>
-									&staff.patron.ue.message3.label;
-								</div>
-								<br/>
-								<div style='margin-bottom: 15px;'>
-									<a style='margin-right: 30px;' id='ue_view_summary' 
-										href='javascript:uEditShowSummary();'>&staff.patron.ue.view_summary.label;</a>
-								</div>
-								<input style='margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px;' id='ue_save'
-									type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.save_user.value;' onclick='uEditSaveUser();'/>
-								<input style='margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px;' id='ue_save_clone'
-									type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.save_clone_user.value;' onclick='uEditSaveUser(true);'/>
-								<button style='margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px;' 
-									onclick='if(confirm($("ue_cancel_confirm").innerHTML)) uEditCancel();'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.cancel.value;</button>
-							</div>
-						</div>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr>
-					<td colspan='2'>
-						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
-						<!-- Bottome Navigation Links -->
-						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
-						<table width='100%' class='no_border'>
-							<tbody>
-								<tr id='uedit_nav_bar'>
-									<td width='10%'/>
-									<td width='40%'>
-										<a id='ue_back' class='nav_link hide_me' 
-											href='javascript:uEditPrev()'>&lt;&lt; &staff.patron.ue.back.label;</a>
-									</td>
-									<td width='40%'>
-										<a id='ue_fwd' class='nav_link' 
-											href='javascript:uEditNext()'>&staff.patron.ue.forward.label; &gt;&gt;</a>
-									</td>
-									<td width='10%'/>
-								</tr>
-							</tbody>
-						</table>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-			</tbody>
-		</table>
-	</div>
-	</center>
-	<div id='summary_div_container' class='hide_me'>
-	<div id='ue_summary_page'>
-		<table id='ue_summary_table' class='data_grid' width='55%'>
-			<thead>
-				<tr>
-					<td colspan='2'>
-						<span>&staff.patron.ue.user_summary.label;</span>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-			</thead>
-			<tbody name='ue_summary_page_tbody'>
-				<tr>
-					<td colspan='2' align='center'>
-						<input style='margin-right: 15px;' type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.print_page.label;' onclick='window.print();'/>
-						<input style='margin-left: 15px;' type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.return_to_editor.label;' 
-							onclick=' unHideMe($("main_div_container")); 
-								hideMe($("summary_div_container"));'/>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.barcode.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_barcode'/></tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.username.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_usrname'/></tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.first_name.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_first_given_name'/></tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.middle_name.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_second_given_name'/></tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.last_name.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_family_name'/></tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.suffix.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_suffix'/></tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.dob.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_dob'/></tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.primary_id_type.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_ident_type'/></tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.primary_id.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_ident_value'/></tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.secondary_id_type.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_ident_type2'/></tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.primary_id.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_ident_value2'/></tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.email_address.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_email'/></tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.day_phone.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_day_phone'/></tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.evening_phone.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_evening_phone'/></tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.other_phone.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_other_phone'/></tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.home_library.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_home_ou'/></tr>
-				<tr>
-					<td colspan='2'>
-						<table width='100%' style='margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px;'>
-							<thead><tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.addresses.label;</td></tr></thead>
-							<tbody name='ue_summary_addr_tbody'>
-								<tr name='ue_summary_addr_row'>
-									<td>
-										<table name='ue_summary_addr_table' width='100%'>
-											<thead><tr><td colspan='4'/><span> </span></tr></thead>
-											<tbody>
-												<tr>
-													<td><b>&staff.patron.ue.address_label.label;</b></td><td name='label'/>
-													<td><b>&staff.patron.ue.zip_code.label;</b></td><td name='zip'/>
-												</tr>
-												<tr>
-													<td><b>&staff.patron.ue.street1.label;</b></td><td name='street1'/>
-													<td><b>&staff.patron.ue.country.label;</b></td><td name='country'/>
-												</tr>
-												<tr>
-													<td><b>&staff.patron.ue.street2.label;</b></td><td name='street2'/>
-													<td><b>&staff.patron.ue.mailing_address.label;</b></td><td name='mailing'/>
-												</tr>
-												<tr>
-													<td><b>&staff.patron.ue.city.label;</b></td><td name='city'/>
-													<td><b>&staff.patron.ue.billing_address.label;</b></td><td name='billing'/>
-												</tr>
-												<tr>
-													<td><b>&staff.patron.ue.county.label;</b></td><td name='county'/>
-													<td><b>&staff.patron.ue.valid.label;</b></td><td name='valid'/>
-												</tr>
-												<tr>
-													<td><b>&staff.patron.ue.state.label;</b></td><td name='state'/>
-													<td><b>&staff.patron.ue.in_city_limits.label;</b></td><td name='incorporated'/>
-												</tr>
-											</tbody>
-										</table>
-									</td>
-								</tr>
-							</tbody>
-						</table>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.profile.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_profile'/></tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.active.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_active'/></tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.barred.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_barred'/></tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.expire_date.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_expire_date'/></tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.family_lead_account.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_master_account'/></tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.claims_returned_count.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_claims_returned_count'/></tr>
-				<tr><td>&staff.patron.ue.alert_message.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_alert_message'/></tr>
-				<tr name='ue_summary_stat_cat_td'>
-					<td colspan='2' >
-						<table width='100%' style='margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px;'>
-							<thead><tr><td colspan='2'>&staff.patron.ue.stat_categories.label;</td></tr></thead>
-							<tbody name='ue_summary_stats_tbody'>
-								<tr name='ue_summary_stats_row'>
-									<td name='ue_summary_stat_name'/><td name='ue_summary_stat_value'/>
-								</tr>
-							</tbody>
-						</table>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr name='ue_summary_survey_td'>
-					<td colspan='2'>
-						<table width='100%' style='margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px;'>
-							<thead><tr>
-								<td>&staff.patron.ue.survey.label;</td>
-								<td>&staff.patron.ue.question.label;</td>
-								<td>&staff.patron.ue.answer.label;</td>
-							</tr></thead>
-							<tbody name='ue_summary_survey_tbody'>
-								<tr name='ue_summary_survey_row'>
-									<td name='ue_summary_survey_name'/>
-									<td name='ue_summary_survey_question'/>
-									<td name='ue_summary_survey_answer'/>
-								</tr>
-							</tbody>
-						</table>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr>
-					<td colspan='2' align='center'>
-						<input style='margin-right: 15px;' type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.print_page.label;' onclick='window.print();'/>
-						<input style='margin-left: 15px;' type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.return_to_editor.label;' 
-							onclick=' unHideMe($("main_div_container")); 
-								hideMe($("summary_div_container"));'/>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-			</tbody>
-		</table>
-	</div>
-	</div>
-	<!-- ************************************************************** -->
-	<!-- This holds all of the strings we may have to alert to the user -->
-	<!-- ************************************************************** -->
-	<div class='hide_me'>
-		<span id='ue_bad_dob'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_dob.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_bad_username'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_username.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_bad_password'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_passwords.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_bad_firstname'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_firstname.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_bad_middlename'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_middlename.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_bad_lastname'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_lastname.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_bad_barcode'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_barcode.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_duplicate_barcode'>&staff.patron.ue.duplicate_barcode.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_new_barcode_warn'>&staff.patron.ue.new_barcode_warn.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_no_ident'>&staff.patron.ue.no_ident.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_bad_ident_dl'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_ident_dl.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_bad_ident_ssn'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_ident_ssn.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_bad_email'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_email.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_bad_phone'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_phone.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_no_profile'>&staff.patron.ue.no_profile.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_bad_expire'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_expire.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_bad_claims_returned'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_claims_returned.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_unknown_error'>&staff.patron.ue.unknown_error.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_bad_addr_label'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_addr_label.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_bad_addr_street'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_addr_street.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_bad_addr_city'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_addr_city.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_bad_addr_county'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_addr_county.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_bad_addr_state'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_addr_state.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_bad_addr_country'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_addr_country.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_bad_addr_zip'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_addr_zip.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_bad_survey'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_survey.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_delete_addr_warn'>&staff.patron.ue.delete_addr_warn.label;</span>
-		<span id='yes'>&staff.patron.ue.yes.label;</span>
-		<span id='no'>&staff.patron.ue.no.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_summary_window'>&staff.patron.ue.summary_window.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_success'>&staff.patron.ue.success.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_dup_ident1'>&staff.patron.ue.dup_ident1.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_dup_username'>&staff.patron.ue.dup_username.label;</span>
-		<span id='ue_dup_barcode'>&staff.patron.ue.dup_barcode.label;</span>
-		<span class='hide_me' id='ue_cancel_confirm'>&staff.patron.ue.cancel_confirm.label;</span>
-		<span class='hide_me' id='ue_juv_guardian'>&staff.patron.ue.juv_guardian.label;</span>
-		<span class='hide_me' id='ue_bad_date'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_date.label;</span>
-		<span class='hide_me' id='ue_made_barred'>&staff.patron.ue.made_barred.label;</span>
-	</div>
-	</body>

Copied: trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue.xhtml (from rev 10427, trunk/Evergreen/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue.xhtml)
--- trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue.xhtml	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue.xhtml	2008-08-24 21:18:07 UTC (rev 10428)
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+			.address_table td { border: none; width: auto; padding: 1px; }
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+			/* all text inputs that don't have the .invalid_value 
+				class applied and are currently focused */
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+			.deleted { background: #FF6666; }
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+	</head>
+	<messagecatalog id="patronStrings" src="/xul/server/locale/<!--#echo var='locale'-->/patron.properties" />
+	<body onload='uEditInit();'>
+	<center>
+		<h2>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.ev_user_editor.label;</h2>
+		<div style='position:absolute; top: 5px; right: 5px;'>
+			<span>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.welcome.label;</span><b><span id='uedit_user'/></b>
+		</div>
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+		<table style='margin-bottom: 5px; width:100%;'>
+			<tbody>
+				<tr>
+					<td align='left' width='80%'>
+						<b>
+							<span>&staff.patron.ue.interface_note.label;</span>
+						</b>
+					</td>
+					<td align='right' width='20%'>
+						<a class='hide_me' id='ue_errors' href='javascript:void(0);' 
+							style='color: red; font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold' onclick='uEditAlertErrors();'>
+							&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.view_errors.label;
+						</a>
+					</td>
+				</tr>
+			</tbody>
+		</table>
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+						<table height='100%' class='nav_link_table'>
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+								<tr>
+									<td id='uedit_userid_label' class='main_nav_link'>
+										<a href='javascript:uEditShowPage("uedit_userid");'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.user_id.label;</a>
+									</td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td id='uedit_contact_info_label' class='main_nav_link'>	
+										<a href='javascript:uEditShowPage("uedit_contact_info");'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.contact_info.label;</a>
+									</td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td id='uedit_addresses_label' class='main_nav_link'>		
+										<a href='javascript:uEditShowPage("uedit_addresses");'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.addresses.label;</a>
+									</td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td id='uedit_groups_label' class='main_nav_link'>			
+										<a href='javascript:uEditShowPage("uedit_groups");'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.groups_permissions.label;</a>
+									</td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td id='uedit_stat_cats_label' class='main_nav_link'>		
+										<a href='javascript:uEditShowPage("uedit_stat_cats");'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.statistical_categories.label;</a>
+									</td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td id='uedit_surveys_label' class='main_nav_link'>			
+										<a href='javascript:uEditShowPage("uedit_surveys");'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.surveys.label;</a>
+									</td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td id='uedit_finalize_label' class='main_nav_link'>			
+										<a href='javascript:uEditShowPage("uedit_finalize");'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.finish.label;</a>
+									</td>
+								</tr>
+							</tbody>
+						</table>
+					</td>
+					<td width='85%' id='uedit_loading'>
+						<div class='main_div has_color' 
+							style='padding: 50px; vertical-align: middle;'>
+							<b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.loading_data.label;</b>
+						</div>
+					</td>
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+						<div id='dup_div_container'>
+							<div id='dup_div' name='dup_div'>
+								<a name='link' class='dup_link hide_me'
+									href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='uEditShowSearch(this);'>
+									&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.found_duplicate_patron.label; <b name='count'/>
+									<b name='data'/>
+								</a>
+							</div>
+						</div>
+						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
+						<!--  Identification Pane -->
+						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
+						<div id='uedit_userid' class='main_div'>
+							<table class='uedit_table'>
+								<tbody>
+									<tr class='required_field'>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.barcode.label;</div></td>
+										<td>
+											<div class='wide left'>
+												<input type='text' id='ue_barcode' />
+													<!--
+													onblur=' 
+														var node = uEditFindFieldByWId("ue_username");
+														if(!node.widget.node.value) {
+															node.widget.node.value = this.value;
+															node.widget.node.onchange();
+														}'
+														/> -->
+														<button style='padding-left: 5px;' class='hide_me' id='ue_mark_card_lost'
+													onclick='uEditMarkCardLost();'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.mark_lost.label;</button>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+									<tr class='required_field'>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.username.label;</div></td>
+										<td><div class='wide left'><input type='text' id='ue_username'/></div></td>
+									</tr>
+									<tr class='required_field'>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.password.label;</div></td>
+										<td>
+											<div class='wide left'>
+												<input type='password' id='ue_password1'/>
+												<button class='hide_me' onclick='uEditResetPw();' id='ue_reset_pw'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.reset.label;</button>
+												<span style='padding-left: 10px;' class='hide_me' id='ue_password_gen'>
+													&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.re_password.label;
+													<span style='text-decoration:underline;' id='ue_password_plain'/>
+												</span>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+									<tr class='required_field'>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.verify_password.label;</div></td>
+										<td><div class='wide left'><input type='password' id='ue_password2'/></div></td>
+									</tr>
+									<tr class='required_field'>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.first_name.label;</div></td>
+										<td><div class='wide left'><input type='text' id='ue_firstname'/></div></td>
+									</tr>
+									<tr>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.middle_name.label;</div></td>
+										<td><div class='wide left'><input type='text' id='ue_middlename'/></div></td>
+									</tr>
+									<tr class='required_field'>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.last_name.label;</div></td>
+										<td><div class='wide left'><input type='text' id='ue_lastname'/></div></td>
+									</tr>
+									<tr>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.suffix.label;</div></td>
+										<td><div class='wide left'>
+											<input type='text' id='ue_suffix'/>
+											<select id='ue_suffix_selector' style='width: 6em;'
+												onclick='$("ue_suffix").value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;$("ue_suffix").onchange();'
+												onchange='$("ue_suffix").value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;$("ue_suffix").onchange();'>
+												<option value=''>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.pick_suffix.label;</option>
+												<option value='Jr'>Jr</option>
+												<option value='Sr'>Sr</option>
+												<option value='II'>II</option>
+												<option value='III'>III</option>
+												<option value='AA'>AA</option>
+												<option value='AS'>AS</option>
+												<option value='AAS'>AAS</option>
+												<option value='BA'>BA</option>
+												<option value='BS'>BS</option>
+												<option value='CFPIM'>CFPIM</option>
+												<option value='CPA'>CPA</option>
+												<option value='CPIM'>CPIM</option>
+												<option value='CPM'>CPM</option>
+												<option value='CXE'>CXE</option>
+												<option value='DC'>DC</option>
+												<option value='DDS'>DDS</option>
+												<option value='DO '>DO</option>
+												<option value='DPM'>DPM</option>
+												<option value='DVM'>DVM</option>
+												<option value='Esq'>Esq</option>
+												<option value='FACAAI'>FACAAI</option>
+												<option value='FACP'>FACP</option>
+												<option value='FACS'>FACS</option>
+												<option value='FACEP'>FACEP</option>
+												<option value='FCP'>FCP</option>
+												<option value='FICS'>FICS</option>
+												<option value='GYN'>GYN</option>
+												<option value='JD'>JD</option>
+												<option value='LPN'>LPN</option>
+												<option value='MA'>MA</option>
+												<option value='MCSE'>MCSE</option>
+												<option value='MD'>MD</option>
+												<option value='MS'>MS</option>
+												<option value='NMD'>NMD</option>
+												<option value='OB'>OB</option>
+												<option value='PhD'>PhD</option>
+												<option value='RN'>RN</option>
+											</select>
+										</div></td>
+									</tr>
+									<tr class='required_field'>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.dob.label;</div></td>
+										<td>
+											<div class='wide left'>
+												<input type='text' id='ue_dob' size='10' maxlength='10' 
+													onfocus='/*$("ue_dob_trigger").onclick(event);*/'>1980-01-01</input>
+												<button style='padding: 0px;' id='ue_dob_trigger'>
+													<img src="/opac/common/js/jscalendar/img.gif" 
+														style="cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid red; padding: 0px; margin: -3px;" 
+														title="Date selector"
+														onmouseover="this.style.background='red';" 
+														onmouseout="this.style.background=''" />
+												</button>
+												<span class='pad' style='font-size: 8pt;'>(YYYY-MM-DD)</span>
+												<script type="text/javascript">
+													Calendar.setup({
+														inputField	: "ue_dob",				// id of the input field
+														ifFormat		: "%Y-%m-%d",			// format of the input field
+														button		: "ue_dob_trigger",  // trigger for the calendar (button ID)
+														align			: "Tl",					// alignment (defaults to "Bl")
+														singleClick	: true
+													});
+												</script>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+									<tr class='required_field'>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.primary_id_type.label;</div></td>
+										<td><div class='wide left'>
+												<select id='ue_primary_ident_type'>
+													<option value=''>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.required.label;</option>
+												</select>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+									<tr class='required_field'>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.primary_id.label;</div></td>
+										<td>
+											<div class='wide left'>
+												<input type='text' id='ue_primary_ident'/>
+												<span id='primary_ident_ssn_help' 
+													style='padding-left: 2px; font-size: 8pt;' class='hide_me'>
+													(XXX-YY-ZZZZ)
+												</span>
+												<span id='primary_ident_dl_help' 
+													style='padding-left: 2px; font-size: 8pt;' class='hide_me'>
+													(GA-123456789)
+												</span>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+									<!--
+									<tr>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>Secondary Identification Type</div></td>
+										<td><div class='wide left'>
+												<select id='ue_secondary_ident_type'>
+													<option value=''>  None Selected  </option>
+												</select>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+									-->
+									<tr class='hide_me'>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.parent_guardian.label;</div></td>
+										<td>
+											<div class='wide left'>
+												<input type='text' id='ue_secondary_ident'/>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+									<!--
+									<tr class='hide_me' id='ue_guardian_row'>
+										<td><div class='wide right'><b>Parent / Guardian</b></div></td>
+										<td>
+											<div class='wide left'>
+												<span id='ue_guardian_field'/>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+									-->
+								</tbody>
+							</table>
+						</div>
+						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
+						<!-- Contact Info Pane -->
+						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
+						<div id='uedit_contact_info' class='main_div hide_me'>
+							<table class='uedit_table'>
+								<tbody>
+									<tr>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.email_address.label;</div></td>
+										<td><div class='wide left'><input type='text' id='ue_email' size='32'/></div></td>
+									</tr>
+									<tr>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.daytime_phone.label;</div></td>
+										<td>
+											<div class='wide left'>
+												<input class='pad' type='text' id='ue_day_phone' size='18'/>
+												<span style='font-size: 9pt;'> Example: 123-456-7890 or 123-456-7890 ex123</span>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+									<tr>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.evening_phone.label;</div></td>
+										<td>
+											<div class='wide left'>
+												<input class='pad' type='text' id='ue_night_phone' size='18'/>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+									<tr>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.other_phone.label;</div></td>
+										<td>
+											<div class='wide left'>
+												<input class='pad' type='text' id='ue_other_phone' size='18'/>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+									<tr class='required_field'>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.home_library.label;</div></td>
+										<td>
+											<div class='wide left'>
+												<select style='width: 20em;' id='ue_org_selector'/>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+								</tbody>
+							</table>
+						</div>
+						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
+						<!-- Addresses Pane -->
+						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
+						<div id='uedit_addresses' class='main_div hide_me' >
+							<table class='uedit_table' style='width: 98%; padding: 1px;'>
+								<thead>
+									<tr>
+										<td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.address.label;</td>
+										<td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.in_city_limits.label;</td>
+										<td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.valid.label;</td>
+										<td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.mailing_address.label;</td>
+										<td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.physical_address.label;</td>
+									</tr>
+								</thead>
+								<tbody id='ue_address_tbody'>
+									<tr id='ue_address_template'>
+										<td>
+											<table class='address_table'>
+												<tbody>
+													<tr name='shared_row' class='hide_me'>
+														<td colspan='6'>
+															<div style='padding: 8px;'>
+																<span style='color:red;'>*</span>
+																&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.address_owned_by.label;
+																<span name='addr_owner_name'/>
+																<span name='owner_link_div'>
+																	(<a name='addr_owner' href='javascript:void(0);'>Edit</a>)
+																</span>
+															</div>
+														</td>
+													</tr>
+													<tr>
+														<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.label.label;</div></td>
+														<td colspan='3'>
+															<div class='wide left'>
+																<input type='text' name='ue_addr_label' id='ue_addr_label'/>
+															</div>
+														</td>
+														<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.zip.label;</div></td>
+														<td>
+															<div class='wide left'>
+																<input type='text' name='ue_addr_zip' size='10' maxlength='10'/>
+															</div>
+														</td>
+													</tr>
+													<tr>
+														<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.street1.label;</div></td>
+														<td colspan='5'>
+															<div class='wide left'>
+																<input type='text' name='ue_addr_street1' size='42'/>
+															</div>
+														</td>
+													</tr>
+													<tr>
+														<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.street2.label;</div></td>
+														<td colspan='5'>
+															<div class='wide left'>
+																<input type='text' name='ue_addr_street2' size='42'/>
+															</div>
+														</td>
+													</tr>
+													<tr>
+														<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.city.label;</div></td>
+														<td colspan='3'>
+															<div class='wide left'>
+																<input type='text' name='ue_addr_city' size='17'/>
+															</div>
+														</td>
+														<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.conuty.label;</div></td>
+														<td>
+															<div class='wide left'>
+																<input type='text' name='ue_addr_county' size='17'/>
+															</div>
+														</td>
+													</tr>
+													<tr>
+														<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.state.label;</div></td>
+														<td colspan='3'>
+															<div class='wide left'>
+																<input type='text' name='ue_addr_state' size='2' maxlength='2'/>
+															</div>
+														</td>
+														<!--
+														<td><div class='wide right'>Zip</div></td>
+														<td>
+															<div class='wide left'>
+																<input type='text' name='ue_addr_zip' size='6' maxlength='6'/>
+															</div>
+														</td>
+														-->
+														<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.country.label;</div></td>
+														<td>
+															<div class='wide left'>
+																<input type='text' name='ue_addr_country' size='6'/>
+															</div>
+														</td>
+													</tr>
+													<tr>
+														<td colspan='6'>
+															<div class='button_row'>
+																<input type='submit' name='ue_addr_delete' 
+																	value='Delete this Address'/>
+																<span style='padding-left: 10px;'> </span>
+																<input type='submit' name='ue_addr_detach' 
+																	value='Detach this Address' class='hide_me'/>
+															</div>
+														</td>
+													</tr>
+												</tbody>
+											</table>
+										</td>
+										<td><input type='checkbox' name='ue_addr_inc_yes' checked='checked'/></td>
+										<td><input type='checkbox' name='ue_addr_valid_yes' checked='checked'/></td>
+										<td>
+											<div style='width: 100%; -moz-border-radius: 8px;'>
+												<input type='radio' name='ue_addr_mailing_yes'
+													onchange='uEditAddrTypeClick(this, "mailing");'
+													onclick='uEditAddrTypeClick(this, "mailing");'/>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+										<td>
+											<div style='width: 100%; -moz-border-radius: 8px;'>
+												<input type='radio' name='ue_addr_billing_yes'
+													onchange='uEditAddrTypeClick(this, "billing");'
+													onclick='uEditAddrTypeClick(this, "billing");'/>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+								</tbody>
+							</table>
+							<div class='button_row' style='margin-top: 20px;'>
+								<!--
+								<input type='submit' value='Create a New Address' id='ue_address_new'/>
+								-->
+								<input type='submit' value='&staff.patron.ue.create_address.label;' onclick='uEditCreateNewAddr();'/>
+							</div>
+						</div>
+						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
+						<!-- Groups Pane -->
+						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
+						<div id='uedit_groups' class='main_div hide_me'>
+							<table class='uedit_table'>
+								<tbody>
+									<tr class='required_field'>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.profile_group.label;</div></td>
+										<td>
+											<div class='wide left'>
+												<select id='ue_profile' class='select_big'>
+													<option value=''>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.required.label;</option>
+												</select>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+									<tr class='required_field'>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.account_expiration_date.label;</div></td>
+										<td>
+											<div class='wide left'>
+												<input type='text' id='ue_expire' size='10' maxlength='10'/>
+												<button style='padding: 0px;' id='ue_expire_trigger'>
+													<img src="/opac/common/js/jscalendar/img.gif" 
+														style="cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid red; padding: 0px; margin: -3px;" 
+														title="&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.date_selector.label;"
+														onmouseover="this.style.background='red';" 
+														onmouseout="this.style.background=''" />
+												</button>
+												<span class='pad' style='font-size: 8pt;'>(YYYY-MM-DD)</span>
+												<script type="text/javascript">
+													Calendar.setup({
+														inputField	: "ue_expire",				// id of the input field
+														ifFormat		: "%Y-%m-%d",				// format of the input field
+														button		: "ue_expire_trigger",  // trigger for the calendar (button ID)
+														align			: "Tl",						// alignment (defaults to "Bl")
+														singleClick	: true
+													});
+												</script>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+									<tr>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.net_access_level.label;</div></td>
+										<td>
+											<div class='wide left'>
+												<select id='ue_net_level'>
+												</select>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+									<tr>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.active.label;</div></td>
+										<td>
+											<div class='wide left'>
+												<input id='ue_active' type='checkbox' checked='checked'/>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+									<tr>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.barred.label;</div></td>
+										<td>
+											<div class='wide left'>
+												<input id='ue_barred' type='checkbox'/>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+									<tr>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.set_family_group_lead_account.label;</div></td>
+										<td>
+											<div class='wide left'>
+												<input id='ue_group_lead' type='checkbox'/>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+									<tr>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.claims_returned_count.label;</div></td>
+										<td>
+											<div class='wide left'>
+												<input id='ue_claims_returned' type='text' disabled='disabled' size='6'/>
+												<script>
+													$('ue_claims_returned').value = 0;
+													$('ue_claims_returned').disabled = true;
+												</script>
+												<input class='pad' id='ue_claims_returned_reset' type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.reset.label;' 
+													onclick="
+														if( confirmId('ue_claims_return_confirm') ) {
+															$('ue_claims_returned').value = 0;
+															$('ue_claims_returned').onchange();
+														}
+													"/>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+									<tr>
+										<td><div class='wide right'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.alert_message.label;</div></td>
+										<td>
+											<div class='wide left'>
+												<textarea wrap='soft' cols='30' rows='4' id='ue_alert_message'/>
+												<input class='pad' id='ue_alert_message_reset' 
+													type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.alert_message_reset.value;' 
+														onclick='
+														var node = $("ue_alert_message");
+														node.value = "";
+														if(node.onchange) node.onchange();'/>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+								</tbody>
+							</table>
+						</div>
+						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
+						<!-- Stat Cats Pane -->
+						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
+						<div id='uedit_stat_cats' class='main_div hide_me'>
+							<table class='uedit_table' style='width: 98%'>
+								<thead>
+									<tr style='font-weight: bold;'>
+										<td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.stat_cat_name.label;</td>
+										<td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.owner.label;</td>
+										<td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.value.label;</td>
+									</tr>
+								</thead>
+								<tbody id='ue_stat_cat_tbody'>
+									<tr id='ue_stat_cat_row'>
+										<td><div class='wide right' name='ue_stat_cat_name'/></td>
+										<td><div class='wide right' style='font-size: 8pt' name='ue_stat_cat_owner'/></td>
+										<td>
+											<div class='wide left'>
+												<select name='ue_stat_cat_selector'>
+													<option value=''>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.none_selected.label;</option>
+												</select>
+												<span class='pad'> or </span>
+												<input class='pad' type='text' name='ue_stat_cat_newval'/>
+											</div>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+								</tbody>
+							</table>
+						</div>
+						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
+						<!-- Surveys Pane -->
+						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
+						<div id='uedit_surveys' class='main_div hide_me'>
+							<div id='uedit_no_surveys' class='hide_me'>
+								<b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.no_surveys_for_location.label;</b>
+							</div>
+							<table id='ue_survey_table' 
+								class='uedit_table data_grid' style='width: 95%; margin-top: 17px;'>
+								<thead>
+									<tr>
+										<td colspan='2' style='text-align: left; padding-left: 20px;'>
+											<span class='pad' name='ue_survey_name' style='font-weight: bold;'/>
+											<span class='pad' name='ue_survey_desc'> : </span>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+								</thead>
+								<tbody name='ue_survey_tbody'>
+									<tr name='ue_survey_row'>
+										<td name='ue_survey_question' 
+											style='width: 60%; text-align: left; padding-left: 40px;'/>
+										<td>
+											<select name='ue_survey_answer'>
+												<option value=''>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.none_selected.label;</option>
+											</select>
+										</td>
+									</tr>
+								</tbody>
+							</table>
+						</div>
+						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
+						<!-- Finish Up -->
+						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
+						<div id='uedit_finalize' class='main_div hide_me'>
+							<div class='has_color' style='width: 95%; margin-top: 40px; text-align: center'>
+								<div style='padding: 5px;'>
+									&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.finishing_message.label;
+								</div>
+								<br/>
+								<div style='margin-bottom: 15px;'>
+									<a style='margin-right: 30px;' id='ue_view_summary' 
+										href='javascript:uEditShowSummary();'>View Summary</a>
+								</div>
+								<input style='margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px;' id='ue_save'
+									type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.save_user.value;' onclick='uEditSaveUser();'/>
+								<input style='margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px;' id='ue_save_clone'
+									type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.save_clone_user.value;' onclick='uEditSaveUser(true);'/>
+								<button style='margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px;' 
+									onclick='if(confirm($("ue_cancel_confirm").innerHTML)) uEditCancel();'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.cancel.value;</button>
+							</div>
+						</div>
+					</td>
+				</tr>
+				<tr>
+					<td colspan='2'>
+						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
+						<!-- Bottom Navigation Links -->
+						<!-- ************************************************************** -->
+						<table width='100%' class='no_border'>
+							<tbody>
+								<tr id='uedit_nav_bar'>
+									<td width='10%'/>
+									<td width='40%'>
+										<a id='ue_back' class='nav_link hide_me' 
+											href='javascript:uEditPrev()'>&lt;&lt;&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.back.label;</a>
+									</td>
+									<td width='40%'>
+										<a id='ue_fwd' class='nav_link' 
+											href='javascript:uEditNext()'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.forward.label;&gt;&gt;</a>
+									</td>
+									<td width='10%'/>
+								</tr>
+							</tbody>
+						</table>
+					</td>
+				</tr>
+			</tbody>
+		</table>
+	</div>
+	</center>
+	<div id='summary_div_container' class='hide_me'>
+	<div id='ue_summary_page'>
+		<table id='ue_summary_table' class='data_grid' width='55%'>
+			<thead>
+				<tr>
+					<td colspan='2'>
+						<span>&staff.patron.ue.user_summary.label;</span>
+					</td>
+				</tr>
+			</thead>
+			<tbody name='ue_summary_page_tbody'>
+				<tr>
+					<td colspan='2' align='center'>
+						<input style='margin-right: 15px;' type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.print_page.label;' onclick='window.print();'/>
+						<input style='margin-left: 15px;' type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.return_to_editor.label;' 
+							onclick=' unHideMe($("main_div_container")); 
+								hideMe($("summary_div_container"));'/>
+					</td>
+				</tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.barcode.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_barcode'/></tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.username.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_usrname'/></tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.first_name.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_first_given_name'/></tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.middle_name.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_second_given_name'/></tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.last_name.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_family_name'/></tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.suffix.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_suffix'/></tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.dob.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_dob'/></tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.primary_id_type.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_ident_type'/></tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.primary_id.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_ident_value'/></tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.secondary_id_type.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_ident_type2'/></tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.secondary_id.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_ident_value2'/></tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.email_address.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_email'/></tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.day_phone.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_day_phone'/></tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.evening_phone.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_evening_phone'/></tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.other_phone.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_other_phone'/></tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.home_library.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_home_ou'/></tr>
+				<tr>
+					<td colspan='2'>
+						<table width='100%' style='margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px;'>
+							<thead><tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.addresses.label;</td></tr></thead>
+							<tbody name='ue_summary_addr_tbody'>
+								<tr name='ue_summary_addr_row'>
+									<td>
+										<table name='ue_summary_addr_table' width='100%'>
+											<thead><tr><td colspan='4'/><span> </span></tr></thead>
+											<tbody>
+												<tr>
+													<td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.address_label.label;</b></td><td name='label'/>
+													<td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.zip.label;</b></td><td name='zip'/>
+												</tr>
+												<tr>
+													<td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.street1.label;</b></td><td name='street1'/>
+													<td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.country.label;</b></td><td name='country'/>
+												</tr>
+												<tr>
+													<td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.street2.label;</b></td><td name='street2'/>
+													<td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.mailing.label;</b></td><td name='mailing'/>
+												</tr>
+												<tr>
+													<td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.city.label;</b></td><td name='city'/>
+													<td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.billing.label;</b></td><td name='billing'/>
+												</tr>
+												<tr>
+													<td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.county.label;</b></td><td name='county'/>
+													<td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.valid.label;</b></td><td name='valid'/>
+												</tr>
+												<tr>
+													<td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.state.label;</b></td><td name='state'/>
+													<td><b>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.in_city_limits.label;</b></td><td name='incorporated'/>
+												</tr>
+											</tbody>
+										</table>
+									</td>
+								</tr>
+							</tbody>
+						</table>
+					</td>
+				</tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.profile.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_profile'/></tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.active.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_active'/></tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.barred.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_barred'/></tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.expire_date.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_expire_date'/></tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.family_lead_account.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_master_account'/></tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.claims_returned_count.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_claims_returned_count'/></tr>
+				<tr><td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.alert_message.label;</td><td id='ue_summary_alert_message'/></tr>
+				<tr name='ue_summary_stat_cat_td'>
+					<td colspan='2' >
+						<table width='100%' style='margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px;'>
+							<thead><tr><td colspan='2'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.stat_categories.label;</td></tr></thead>
+							<tbody name='ue_summary_stats_tbody'>
+								<tr name='ue_summary_stats_row'>
+									<td name='ue_summary_stat_name'/><td name='ue_summary_stat_value'/>
+								</tr>
+							</tbody>
+						</table>
+					</td>
+				</tr>
+				<tr name='ue_summary_survey_td'>
+					<td colspan='2'>
+						<table width='100%' style='margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px;'>
+							<thead>
+								<tr>
+									<td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.survey.label;</td>
+									<td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.question.label;</td>
+									<td>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.answer.label;</td>
+								</tr>
+							</thead>
+							<tbody name='ue_summary_survey_tbody'>
+								<tr name='ue_summary_survey_row'>
+									<td name='ue_summary_survey_name'/>
+									<td name='ue_summary_survey_question'/>
+									<td name='ue_summary_survey_answer'/>
+								</tr>
+							</tbody>
+						</table>
+					</td>
+				</tr>
+				<tr>
+					<td colspan='2' align='center'>
+						<input style='margin-right: 15px;' type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.print_page.label;' onclick='window.print();'/>
+						<input style='margin-left: 15px;' type='submit' value='&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.return_to_editor.label;' 
+							onclick=' unHideMe($("main_div_container")); 
+								hideMe($("summary_div_container"));'/>
+					</td>
+				</tr>
+			</tbody>
+		</table>
+	</div>
+	</div>
+	<!-- ************************************************************** -->
+	<!-- This holds all of the strings we may have to alert to the user -->
+	<!-- ************************************************************** -->
+	<div class='hide_me'>
+		<span id='ue_bad_dob'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_dob.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_bad_username'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_username.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_bad_password'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_passwords.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_bad_firstname'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_firstname.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_bad_middlename'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_middlename.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_bad_lastname'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_lastname.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_bad_barcode'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_barcode.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_duplicate_barcode'>&staff.patron.ue.duplicate_barcode.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_new_barcode_warn'>&staff.patron.ue.new_barcode_warn.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_no_ident'>&staff.patron.ue.no_ident.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_bad_ident_dl'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_ident_dl.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_bad_ident_ssn'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_ident_ssn.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_bad_email'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_email.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_bad_phone'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_phone.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_no_profile'>&staff.patron.ue.no_profile.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_bad_expire'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_expire.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_bad_claims_returned'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_claims_returned.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_no_profile'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.no_profile.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_unknown_error'>&staff.patron.ue.unknown_error.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_bad_addr_label'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_addr_label.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_bad_addr_street'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_addr_street.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_bad_addr_city'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_addr_city.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_bad_addr_county'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_addr_county.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_bad_addr_state'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_addr_state.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_bad_addr_country'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_addr_country.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_bad_addr_zip'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_addr_zip.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_bad_survey'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_survey.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_delete_addr_warn'>&staff.patron.ue.delete_addr_warn.label;</span>
+		<span id='yes'>&staff.patron.ue.yes.label;</span>
+		<span id='no'>&staff.patron.ue.no.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_summary_window'>&staff.patron.ue.summary_window.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_success'>&staff.patron.ue.success.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_dup_ident1'>&staff.patron.ue.dup_ident1.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_dup_username'>&staff.patron.ue.dup_username.label;</span>
+		<span id='ue_dup_barcode'>&staff.patron.ue.dup_barcode.label;</span>
+		<span class='hide_me' id='ue_cancel_confirm'>&staff.patron.ue.cancel_confirm.label;</span>
+		<span class='hide_me' id='ue_juv_guardian'>&staff.patron.ue.juv_guardian.label;</span>
+		<span class='hide_me' id='ue_bad_date'>&staff.patron.ue.bad_date.label;</span>
+		<span class='hide_me' id='ue_made_barred'>&staff.patron.ue.made_barred.label;</span>
+		<span class='hide_me' id='ue_claims_return_confirm'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.claims_return_confirm.label;</span>
+		<span class='hide_me' id='ue_unsaved_changes'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.unsaved_changes.label;</span>
+		<span class='hide_me' id='ue_xact_collision'>&ev.staff.patron.ue_xhtml.xact_collision.label;</span>
+	</div>
+	</body>

Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue_config.js
--- trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue_config.js	2008-08-24 16:34:17 UTC (rev 10427)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue_config.js	2008-08-24 21:18:07 UTC (rev 10428)
@@ -1,1084 +0,0 @@
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-	----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-const SC_FETCH_ALL		= 'open-ils.circ:open-ils.circ.stat_cat.actor.retrieve.all';
-const SC_CREATE_MAP		= 'open-ils.circ:open-ils.circ.stat_cat.actor.user_map.create';
-const SV_FETCH_ALL		= 'open-ils.circ:open-ils.circ.survey.retrieve.all';
-const FETCH_ID_TYPES		= 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.user.ident_types.retrieve';
-const FETCH_GROUPS		= 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.groups.tree.retrieve';
-const FETCH_NET_LEVELS	= 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.net_access_level.retrieve.all';
-const UPDATE_PATRON		= 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.patron.update';
-const PATRON_SEARCH		= 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.patron.search.advanced';
-const ZIP_SEARCH			= 'open-ils.search:open-ils.search.zip';
-const FETCH_ADDR_MEMS	= 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.address.members';
-const FETCH_GRP_MEMS		= 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.usergroup.members.retrieve';
-const CREATE_USER_NOTE	= 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.note.create';
-const CHECK_BARCODE		= 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.barcode.exists';
-const defaultState		= 'GA';
-const defaultCountry		= 'USA';
-const defaultNetAccess	= 'None';
-const CSS_INVALID_DATA	= 'invalid_value';
-const ADULT_AGE			= 18;
-const GUARDIAN_NOTE		= 'SYSTEM: Parent/Guardian';
-/* if they don't have these perms, they shouldn't be here */
-var myPerms = [ 
-	'group_application.user',
- 	'group_application.user.patron',
- 	'group_application.user.staff',
- 	'group_application.user.staff.circ',
- 	'group_application.user.staff.cat',
- 	'group_application.user.staff.admin.global_admin',
- 	'group_application.user.staff.admin.local_admin',
- 	'group_application.user.staff.admin.lib_manager',
- 	'group_application.user.staff.cat.cat1',
- 	'group_application.user.staff.supercat',
- 	'group_application.user.sip_client',
- 	'group_application.user.vendor'
-	];
-var dataFields;
-const numRegex		= /^\d+$/;
-const wordRegex	= /^\w+$/;
-const ssnRegex		= /^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$/;
-const dlRegex		= /^[a-zA-Z]{2}-\w+/; /* driver's license */
-const phoneRegex	= /^\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}(| ex\d+)$/i;
-const nonumRegex	= /^[a-zA-Z]\D*$/; /* no numbers, no beginning whitespace */
-const dateRegex	= /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/;
-const zipRegex		= /^\d{5}(-\d{4}|$)/; /* 12345 or 12345-6789 */
-var barredAlerted = false;
-function uEditUsrnameBlur(field) {
-	var usrname = uEditNodeVal(field);
-	if (!usrname) { return; }
-	var req = new Request(CHECK_USERNAME, SESSION, usrname);
-	req.callback( 
-		function(r) {
-			var res = r.getResultObject();
-			if( res !== null && res != patron.id() ) {
-				field.widget.onblur = null; /* prevent alert storm */
-				alertId('ue_dup_username');
-				field.widget.onblur = uEditUsrnameBlur;
-				setTimeout( 
-					function() {
-						field.widget.node.focus();
-						field.widget.node.select();
-					}, 10 
-				);
-			}
-		}
-	);
-	req.send();
-function uEditBarcodeBlur(field) {
-	var barcode = uEditNodeVal(field);
-	if(!barcode) return;
-	var req = new Request(CHECK_BARCODE, SESSION, barcode);
-	req.callback( 
-		function(r) {
-			var res = r.getResultObject();
-			if( res == 1 ) {
-				field.widget.onblur = null; /* prevent alert storm */
-				alertId('ue_dup_barcode');
-				field.widget.onblur = uEditBarcodeBlur;
-				setTimeout( 
-					function() {
-						field.widget.node.focus();
-						field.widget.node.select();
-					}, 10 
-				);
-			} else {
-				var node = uEditFindFieldByWId("ue_username");
-				if(!node.widget.node.value) {
-					node.widget.node.value = barcode;
-					node.widget.node.onchange();
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	);
-	req.send();
-function uEditDefineData(patron) {
-	var fields = [
-		{
-			required : true,
-			object	: patron.card(),
-			key		: 'barcode',
-			errkey	: 'ue_bad_barcode',
-			widget	: {
-				id		: 'ue_barcode',
-				regex	: wordRegex,
-				type	: 'input',
-				onblur : uEditBarcodeBlur
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : true,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'usrname',
-			errkey	: 'ue_bad_username',
-			widget	: {
-				id		: 'ue_username',
-				regex	: wordRegex,
-				type	: 'input',
-				onblur : uEditUsrnameBlur
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : (patron.isnew()) ? true : false,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'passwd',
-			errkey	: 'ue_bad_password',
-			widget	: {
-				id		: 'ue_password1',
-				type	: 'input',
-				onpostchange : function(field, newval) {
-					var pw2 = uEditFindFieldByWId('ue_password2');
-					/* tell the second passsword input to re-validate */
-					pw2.widget.node.onchange();
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : (patron.isnew()) ? true : false,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'passwd',
-			errkey	: 'ue_bad_password',
-			widget	: {
-				id		: 'ue_password2',
-				type	: 'input',
-				onpostchange : function(field, newval) {
-					var pw1f = uEditFindFieldByWId('ue_password1');
-					var pw1 = uEditNodeVal(pw1f);
-					field.widget.regex = new RegExp('^'+pw1+'$');
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : true,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'first_given_name',
-			errkey	: 'ue_bad_firstname',
-			widget	: {
-				id		: 'ue_firstname',
-				regex	: nonumRegex,
-				type	: 'input',
-				onblur : function(field) {
-					uEditCheckNamesDup('first', field );
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : false,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'second_given_name',
-			errkey	: 'ue_bad_middlename',
-			widget	: {
-				id		: 'ue_middlename',
-				regex	: nonumRegex,
-				type	: 'input'
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : true,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'family_name',
-			errkey	: 'ue_bad_lastname',
-			widget	: {
-				id		: 'ue_lastname',
-				regex	: nonumRegex,
-				type	: 'input',
-				onblur : function(field) {
-					uEditCheckNamesDup('last', field );
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : false,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'suffix',
-			widget	: {
-				id			: 'ue_suffix',
-				type		: 'input',
-				onload	: function(val) {
-					setSelector($('ue_suffix_selector'), val);
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : false,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'dob',
-			errkey	: 'ue_bad_dob',
-			widget	: {
-				id			: 'ue_dob',
-				regex		: dateRegex,
-				type		: 'input',
-				onpostchange	: function(field) { uEditCheckDOB(field); },
-				onblur	: function(field) { uEditCheckDOB(field); }
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : true,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'ident_type',
-			errkey	: 'ue_no_ident',
-			widget	: {
-				id		: 'ue_primary_ident_type',
-				regex	: numRegex,
-				type	: 'select',
-				onpostchange : function(field, newval) 
-					{ _uEditIdentPostchange('primary', field, newval); }
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : false,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'ident_value',
-			widget	: {
-				id			: 'ue_primary_ident',
-				type		: 'input',
-				onblur : function(field) {
-					uEditCheckIdentDup(field);
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : false,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'ident_type2',
-			widget	: {
-				id		: 'ue_secondary_ident_type',
-				regex	: numRegex,
-				type	: 'select',
-				onpostchange : function(field, newval) 
-					{ _uEditIdentPostchange('secondary', field, newval); }
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : false,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'ident_value2',
-			widget	: {
-				id			: 'ue_secondary_ident',
-				type		: 'input',
-				onblur : function(field) {
-					uEditCheckIdentDup(field);
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : false,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'email',
-			errkey	: 'ue_bad_email',
-			widget	: {
-				id			: 'ue_email',
-				type		: 'input',
-				regex		:  /.+\@.+\..+/,  /* make me better */
-				onblur	: function(field) {
-					var val = uEditNodeVal(field);
-					if( val && val != field.oldemail ) {
-						uEditRunDupeSearch('email',
-							{ email : { value : val, group : 0 } });
-						field.oldemail = val;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : false,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'day_phone',
-			errkey	: 'ue_bad_phone',
-			widget	: {
-				id			: 'ue_day_phone',
-				type		: 'input',
-				regex		:  phoneRegex
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : false,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'evening_phone',
-			errkey	: 'ue_bad_phone',
-			widget	: {
-				id			: 'ue_night_phone',
-				type		: 'input',
-				regex		:  phoneRegex
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : false,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'other_phone',
-			errkey	: 'ue_bad_phone',
-			widget	: {
-				id			: 'ue_other_phone',
-				type		: 'input',
-				regex		:  phoneRegex
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : true,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'home_ou',
-			widget	: {
-				id			: 'ue_org_selector',
-				type		: 'select',
-				regex		:  numRegex
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : true,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'expire_date',
-			errkey	: 'ue_bad_expire',
-			widget	: {
-				id			: 'ue_expire',
-				type		: 'input',
-				regex		:  dateRegex
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : false,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'active',
-			widget	: {
-				id			: 'ue_active',
-				type		: 'checkbox'
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : false,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'barred',
-			widget	: {
-				id			: 'ue_barred',
-				type		: 'checkbox',
-				onpostchange : function(field, val) {
-					var afield = uEditFindFieldByKey('alert_message');
-					if( val ) {
-						if( !barredAlerted ) {
-							barredAlerted = true;
-							alertId('ue_made_barred');
-						}
-						afield.required = true;	
-					} else {
-						afield.required = false;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : true,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'profile',
-			errkey	: 'ue_no_profile',
-			widget	: {
-				id			: 'ue_profile',
-				type		: 'select',
-				regex		: numRegex,
-				onpostchange : function(field, value) {
-					var type			= groupsCache[value];
-					if(!type) return;
-					var interval	= type.perm_interval();
-					/* interval_to_seconds expects 'M' for months, 'm' for minutes */
-					interval			= interval.replace(/mon/, 'Mon'); 
-					var intsecs		= parseInt(interval_to_seconds(interval));
-					var expdate		= new Date();
-					var exptime		= expdate.getTime();
-					exptime			+= intsecs * 1000;
-					expdate.setTime(exptime);
-					var year			= expdate.getYear() + 1900;
-					var month		= (expdate.getMonth() + 1) + '';
-					var day			= (expdate.getDate()) + '';
-					if(!month.match(/\d{2}/)) month = '0' + month;
-					if(!day.match(/\d{2}/)) day = '0' + day;
-					var node = $('ue_expire');
-					node.value = year+'-'+month+'-'+day;
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : false,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'net_access_level',
-			widget	: {
-				id		: 'ue_net_level',
-				type	: 'select'
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : false,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'master_account',
-			widget	: {
-				id			: 'ue_group_lead',
-				type		: 'checkbox'
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : true,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'claims_returned_count',
-			widget	: {
-				id			: 'ue_claims_returned',
-				type		: 'input',
-				regex		: numRegex
-			}
-		},
-		{
-			required : false,
-			object	: patron,
-			key		: 'alert_message',
-			widget	: {
-				id			: 'ue_alert_message',
-				type		: 'input'
-			}
-		}
-	];
-	for( var f in fields ) 
-		dataFields.push(fields[f]);
-	uEditBuildAddrs(patron);
-	uEditBuildPatronSCM(patron);
-var uEditOldFirstName;
-var uEditOldMiddleName; /* future */
-var uEditOldLastName;
-function uEditCheckNamesDup(type, field) {
-	var newval = uEditNodeVal(field);
-	if(!newval) return;
-	var dosearch = false;
-	if(type =='first') {
-		if( newval != uEditOldFirstName )
-			dosearch = true;
-		uEditOldFirstName = newval;
-	}
-	if(type =='last') {
-		if( newval != uEditOldLastName )
-			dosearch = true;
-		uEditOldLastName = newval;
-	}
-	if( dosearch && uEditOldFirstName && uEditOldLastName ) {
-		var search_hash = {};
-		search_hash['first_given_name'] = { value : uEditOldFirstName, group : 0 };
-		search_hash['family_name'] = { value : uEditOldLastName, group : 0 };
-		uEditRunDupeSearch('names', search_hash);
-	}
-var uEditOldIdentValue;
-function uEditCheckIdentDup(field) {
-	var newval = uEditNodeVal(field);
-	if( newval && newval != uEditOldIdentValue ) {
-		/* searches all ident_value fields */
-		var search_hash  = { ident : { value : newval, group : 2 } };
-		uEditRunDupeSearch('ident', search_hash);
-		uEditOldIdentValue = newval;
-	}
-/* Adds all of the addresses attached to the patron object
-	to the fields array */
-var uEditAddrTemplate;
-function uEditBuildAddrs(patron) {
-	var tbody = $('ue_address_tbody');
-	if(!uEditAddrTemplate)
-		uEditAddrTemplate = tbody.removeChild($('ue_address_template'));
-	for( var a in patron.addresses() ) 
-		uEditBuildAddrFields( patron, patron.addresses()[a]);
-function uEditDeleteAddr( tbody, row, address, detach ) {
-	if(!confirm($('ue_delete_addr_warn').innerHTML)) return;
-	if(address.isnew()) { 
-		patron.addresses(
-			grep( patron.addresses(), 
-				function(i) {
-					return (i.id() != address.id());
-				}
-			)
-		);
-		/* XXX */
-		for( var f in dataFields ) {
-			if( dataFields[f].object == address ) {
-				dataFields[f] = null;
-			}
-		}
-		dataFields = compactArray(dataFields);
-	} else {
-		if( detach ) { /* remove the offending address from the list */
-			patron.addresses(
-				grep( 
-					patron.addresses(), 
-					function(i) {
-						return (i.id() != address.id());
-					}
-				)
-			);
-		} else {
-			address.isdeleted(1);
-		}
-	}
-	tbody.removeChild(row);
-	var bid = patron.billing_address();
-	bid = (typeof bid == 'object') ? bid.id() : bid;
-	var mid = patron.mailing_address();
-	mid = (typeof mid == 'object') ? mid.id() : mid;
-	/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-		if we're deleting a billing or mailing address 
-		make sure some other address is automatically
-		assigned as the billing or mailng address 
-		----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	if( bid == address.id() ) {
-		for( var a in patron.addresses() ) {
-			var addr = patron.addresses()[a];
-			if(!addr.isdeleted() && addr.id() != address.id()) {
-				var node = uEditFindAddrInput('billing', addr.id());
-				node.checked = true;
-				uEditAddrTypeClick(node, 'billing');
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if( mid == address.id() ) {
-		for( var a in patron.addresses() ) {
-			var addr = patron.addresses()[a];
-			if(!addr.isdeleted() && addr.id() != address.id()) {
-				var node = uEditFindAddrInput('mailing', addr.id());
-				node.checked = true;
-				uEditAddrTypeClick(node, 'mailing');
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-function uEditFindAddrInput(type, id) {
-	var tbody = $('ue_address_tbody');
-	var rows = tbody.getElementsByTagName('tr');
-	for( var r in rows ) {
-		var row = rows[r];
-		if(row.parentNode != tbody) continue;
-		var node = $n(row, 'ue_addr_'+type+'_yes');
-		if( node.getAttribute('address') == id )
-			return node;
-	}
-function uEditAddrTypeClick(input, type) {
-	var tbody = $('ue_address_tbody');
-	var rows = tbody.getElementsByTagName('tr');
-	for( var r in rows ) {
-		var row = rows[r];
-		if(row.parentNode != tbody) continue;
-		var node = $n(row, 'ue_addr_'+type+'_yes');
-		removeCSSClass(node.parentNode,'addr_info_checked');
-	}
-	addCSSClass(input.parentNode,'addr_info_checked');
-	patron[type+'_address'](input.getAttribute('address'));
-	patron.ischanged(1);
-/* Creates the field entries for an address object. */
-function uEditBuildAddrFields(patron, address) {
-	var tbody = $('ue_address_tbody');
-	var row	= tbody.appendChild(
-		uEditAddrTemplate.cloneNode(true));
-	uEditCheckSharedAddr(patron, address, tbody, row);
-	$n(row, 'ue_addr_delete').onclick = 
-		function() { uEditDeleteAddr(tbody, row, address); }
-	if( patron.billing_address() &&
-			address.id() == patron.billing_address().id() ) 
-		$n(row, 'ue_addr_billing_yes').checked = true;
-	if( patron.mailing_address() &&
-			address.id() == patron.mailing_address().id() ) 
-		$n(row, 'ue_addr_mailing_yes').checked = true;
-	$n(row, 'ue_addr_billing_yes').setAttribute('address', address.id());
-	$n(row, 'ue_addr_mailing_yes').setAttribute('address', address.id());
-	/* currently, non-owners cannot edit an address */
-	var disabled = (address.usr() != patron.id())
-	var fields = [
-		{ 
-			required : false,
-			object	: address, 
-			key		: 'address_type', 
-			widget	: {
-				base	: row,
-				name	: 'ue_addr_label',
-				type	: 'input',
-				disabled : disabled
-			}
-		},
-		{ 
-			required : true,
-			object	: address, 
-			key		: 'street1', 
-			errkey	: 'ue_bad_addr_street',
-			widget	: {
-				base	: row,
-				name	: 'ue_addr_street1',
-				type	: 'input',
-				disabled : disabled
-			}
-		},
-		{ 
-			required : false,
-			object	: address, 
-			key		: 'street2', 
-			errkey	: 'ue_bad_addr_street',
-			widget	: {
-				base	: row,
-				name	: 'ue_addr_street2',
-				type	: 'input',
-				disabled : disabled
-			}
-		},
-		{ 
-			required : true,
-			object	: address, 
-			key		: 'city', 
-			errkey	: 'ue_bad_addr_city',
-			widget	: {
-				base	: row,
-				name	: 'ue_addr_city',
-				type	: 'input',
-				disabled : disabled
-			}
-		},
-		{ 
-			required : false,
-			object	: address, 
-			key		: 'county', 
-			widget	: {
-				base	: row,
-				name	: 'ue_addr_county',
-				type	: 'input',
-				disabled : disabled
-			}
-		},
-		{ 
-			required : true,
-			object	: address, 
-			key		: 'state', 
-			errkey	: 'ue_bad_addr_state',
-			widget	: {
-				base	: row,
-				name	: 'ue_addr_state',
-				type	: 'input',
-				disabled : disabled
-			}
-		},
-		{ 
-			required : true,
-			object	: address, 
-			key		: 'country', 
-			errkey	: 'ue_bad_addr_country',
-			widget	: {
-				base	: row,
-				name	: 'ue_addr_country',
-				type	: 'input',
-				disabled : disabled
-			}
-		},
-		{ 
-			required : true,
-			object	: address, 
-			key		: 'post_code',
-			errkey	: 'ue_bad_addr_zip',
-			widget	: {
-				base	: row,
-				name	: 'ue_addr_zip',
-				type	: 'input',
-				disabled : disabled,
-				regex	: zipRegex,
-				onblur : function(f) {
-					var v = uEditNodeVal(f);
-					var req = new Request(ZIP_SEARCH, v);
-					req.callback( 
-						function(r) {
-							var info = r.getResultObject();
-							if(!info) return;
-							var state = $n(f.widget.base, 'ue_addr_state');
-							var county = $n(f.widget.base, 'ue_addr_county');
-							var city = $n(f.widget.base, 'ue_addr_city');
-							if(!state.value) {
-								state.value = info.state;
-								state.onchange();
-							}
-							if(!county.value) {
-								county.value = info.county;
-								county.onchange();
-							}
-							if(!city.value) {
-								city.value = info.city;
-								city.onchange();
-							}
-						}
-					);
-					req.send();
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		{ 
-			required : false,
-			object	: address, 
-			key		: 'within_city_limits',
-			widget	: {
-				base	: row,
-				name	: 'ue_addr_inc_yes',
-				type	: 'checkbox',
-				disabled : disabled
-			}
-		},
-		{ 
-			required : false,
-			object	: address, 
-			key		: 'valid',
-			widget	: {
-				base	: row,
-				name	: 'ue_addr_valid_yes',
-				type	: 'checkbox',
-				disabled : disabled
-			}
-		}
-	];
-	for( var f in fields ) {
-		dataFields.push(fields[f]);
-		uEditActivateField(fields[f]);
-	}
-function uEditBuildPatronSCM(patron) {
-	/* get the list of pre-defined maps */
-	var fields = uEditFindFieldsByKey('stat_cat_entry');
-	var map;
-	var newmaps = [];
-	/* for each user stat cat, pop it off the list,
-	updated the existing stat map field to match
-	the popped map and shove the existing stat
-	map field onto the user's list of stat maps */
-	while( (map = patron.stat_cat_entries().pop()) ) {
-		var field = grep(fields, 
-			function(item) {
-				return (item.object.stat_cat() == map.stat_cat());
-			}
-		);
-		if(field) {
-			var val = map.stat_cat_entry();
-			field = field[0];
-			$n(field.widget.base, field.widget.name).value = val;
-			setSelector($n(field.widget.base, 'ue_stat_cat_selector'), val );
-			field.object.stat_cat_entry(val);
-			field.object.id(map.id());
-			newmaps.push(field.object);
-		}
-	}
-	for( var m in newmaps ) 
-		patron.stat_cat_entries().push(newmaps[m]);
-function uEditBuildSCMField(statcat, row) {
-	var map = new actscecm();
-	map.stat_cat(statcat.id());
-	map.target_usr(patron.id());
-	var field = {
-		required : false,
-		object	: map,
-		key		: 'stat_cat_entry',
-		widget	: {
-			base	: row,
-			name	: 'ue_stat_cat_newval',
-			type	: 'input',
-			onpostchange : function( field, newval ) {
-				/* see if the current map already resides in 
-					the patron entry list */
-				var exists = grep( patron.stat_cat_entries(),
-					function(item) {
-						return (item.stat_cat() == statcat.id()); 
-					}
-				);
-				if(newval) {
-					map.isdeleted(0);
-					setSelector($n(row, 'ue_stat_cat_selector'), newval);
-				}
-				if(exists) {
-					if(!newval) {
-						/* if the map is new but currently contains no value
-							remove it from the set of new maps */
-						if(map.isnew()) {
-							patron.stat_cat_entries(
-								grep( patron.stat_cat_entries(),
-									function(item) {
-										return (item.stat_cat() != map.stat_cat());
-									}
-								)
-							);
-						} else {
-							map.isdeleted(1);
-							map.ischanged(0);
-						}
-					} 
-				} else {
-					/* map does not exist in the map array but now has data */
-					if(newval) { 
-						map.isnew(1);
-						patron.stat_cat_entries().push(map);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	dataFields.push(field);
-/** Run this after a new ident type is selected */
-function _uEditIdentPostchange(type, field, newval) {
-	if(!newval) return;
-	/* When the ident type is changed, we change the
-	regex on the ident_value to match the selected type */
-	var vfname = 'ident_value';
-	if(type == 'secondary') vfname = 'ident_value2';
-	var vfield = uEditFindFieldByKey(vfname);
-	var name = identTypesCache[uEditNodeVal(field)].name();
-	hideMe($(type+'_ident_ssn_help'));
-	hideMe($(type+'_ident_dl_help'));
-	if(name.match(/ssn/i)) {
-		vfield.widget.regex = ssnRegex;
-		vfield.errkey = 'ue_bad_ident_ssn';
-		unHideMe($(type+'_ident_ssn_help'));
-	} else {
-		if(name.match(/driver/i)) {
-			vfield.widget.regex = dlRegex;
-			vfield.errkey = 'ue_bad_ident_dl';
-			unHideMe($(type+'_ident_dl_help'));
-			if(!uEditNodeVal(vfield))
-				vfield.widget.node.value = defaultState + '-';
-		} else {
-			vfield.widget.regex = null;
-			vfield.errkey = null;
-		}
-	}
-	/* focus then valdate the value field */
-	vfield.widget.node.onchange();
-	vfield.widget.node.focus();
-/* checks to see if the given address is shared by others.
- * if so, the address row is styled and ...
- */
-function uEditCheckSharedAddr(patron, address, tbody, row) {
-	if( address.isnew() || (patron.isnew() && !clone) ) return;
-	var req = new Request(FETCH_ADDR_MEMS, SESSION, address.id());
-	req.callback( 
-		function(r) {
-			var members = r.getResultObject();
-			var shared = false;
-			for( var m in members ) {
-				var id = members[m];
-				if( id != patron.id() ) {
-					addCSSClass(row.getElementsByTagName('table')[0], 'shared_address');
-					unHideMe($n(row, 'shared_row'));
-					$n(row, 'ue_addr_delete').disabled = true;
-					if( address.usr() != patron.id() ) {
-						var button = $n(row, 'ue_addr_detach');
-						unHideMe(button);
-						button.onclick = 
-							function() { uEditDeleteAddr( tbody, row, address, true ); }
-					}
-					shared = true;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			if( shared ) {
-				/* if this is a shared address, set the owner field and 
-					give the staff a chance to edit the owner if it's not this user */
-				var nnode = $n(row, 'addr_owner_name');
-				var link = $n(row, 'addr_owner');
-				var id = address.usr();
-				if( id == patron.id() ) {
-					nnode.appendChild(text(
-						patron.first_given_name() + ' ' + patron.family_name()));
-					hideMe($n(row, 'owner_link_div'));
-				} else {
-					var ses = cgi.param('ses'); 
-					if (xulG.ses) ses = xulG.ses;
-					if (xulG.params) if (xulG.params.ses) ses = xulG.params.ses;
-					link.onclick = 
-						function() { window.xulG.spawn_editor({ses:ses,usr:id}) };
-					if( userCache[id] ) {
-						nnode.appendChild(text(
-							usr.first_given_name() + ' ' +  usr.family_name()));
-					} else {
-						fetchFleshedUser( id, 
-							function(usr) {
-								userCache[usr.id()] = usr;
-								nnode.appendChild(text(
-									usr.first_given_name() + ' ' + usr.family_name()));
-							}
-						);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	);
-	req.send();
-var __lastdob;
-function uEditCheckDOB(field) {
-	var dob = uEditNodeVal(field);
-	/* don't bother if the data isn't valid */
-	if(!dob || !dob.match(field.widget.regex)) 
-		return;
-	if( dob == __lastdob ) return;
-	__lastdob = dob;
-	var parts = dob.split(/-/);
-	var d = new Date( parts[0], parts[1] - 1, parts[2] );
-	dob = buildDate( parts[0], parts[1], parts[2] );
-	var today = new Date();
-	if(!dob || dob > today) {
-		addCSSClass(field.widget.node, CSS_INVALID_DATA);
-		alertId('ue_bad_date');
-		return;
-	}
-	var base = new Date();
-	base.setYear( today.getYear() + 1900 - ADULT_AGE );
-	/* patron already exists or is at least 18 */
-	if( !patron.isnew() || dob < base ) return; 
-	if( guardianNote ) return;
-	/* create a new note to represent the patron's guardian */
-	var note = new aun();
-	note.title(GUARDIAN_NOTE);
-	note.isnew(1);
-	note.creator(USER.id());	
-	note.isnew(1);
-	var txt; /* get the guardian info from the staff */
-	while(!txt || txt == "") 
-		txt = prompt($('ue_juv_guardian').innerHTML);
-	note.value(txt);
-	guardianNote = note;
-	unHideMe($('ue_guardian_row'));
-	$('ue_guardian_field').appendChild(text(guardianNote.value()));

Copied: trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue_config.js (from rev 10427, trunk/Evergreen/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue_config.js)
--- trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue_config.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue_config.js	2008-08-24 21:18:07 UTC (rev 10428)
@@ -0,0 +1,1061 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+const SC_FETCH_ALL		= 'open-ils.circ:open-ils.circ.stat_cat.actor.retrieve.all';
+const SC_CREATE_MAP		= 'open-ils.circ:open-ils.circ.stat_cat.actor.user_map.create';
+const SV_FETCH_ALL		= 'open-ils.circ:open-ils.circ.survey.retrieve.all';
+const FETCH_ID_TYPES		= 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.user.ident_types.retrieve';
+const FETCH_GROUPS		= 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.groups.tree.retrieve';
+const FETCH_NET_LEVELS	= 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.net_access_level.retrieve.all';
+const UPDATE_PATRON		= 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.patron.update';
+const PATRON_SEARCH		= 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.patron.search.advanced';
+const ZIP_SEARCH			= 'open-ils.search:open-ils.search.zip';
+const FETCH_ADDR_MEMS	= 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.address.members';
+const FETCH_GRP_MEMS		= 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.usergroup.members.retrieve';
+const CREATE_USER_NOTE	= 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.note.create';
+const CHECK_BARCODE		= 'open-ils.actor:open-ils.actor.barcode.exists';
+const defaultState		= 'GA';
+const defaultCountry		= 'USA';
+const defaultNetAccess	= 'None';
+const defaultNetLevel   = 1;
+const CSS_INVALID_DATA	= 'invalid_value';
+const ADULT_AGE			= 18;
+//const GUARDIAN_NOTE		= 'SYSTEM: Parent/Guardian';
+var dataFields;
+const numRegex		= /^\d+$/;
+const wordRegex	= /^[\w-]+$/;
+const unameRegex	= /^\w[\.\w\@-]*$/;
+const ssnRegex		= /^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$/;
+const dlRegex		= /^[a-zA-Z]{2}-\w+/; /* driver's license */
+const phoneRegex	= /^\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}(| \S+.*)$/i;
+const nonumRegex	= /^[a-zA-Z]\D*$/; /* no numbers, no beginning whitespace */
+const dateRegex	= /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/;
+const zipRegex		= /^\d{5}(-\d{4}|-?$)/; /* 12345 or 12345-6789 */
+var barredAlerted = false;
+function uEditUsrnameBlur(field) {
+	var usrname = uEditNodeVal(field);
+	if (!usrname) { return; }
+	var req = new Request(CHECK_USERNAME, SESSION, usrname);
+	req.callback( 
+		function(r) {
+			var res = r.getResultObject();
+			if( res !== null && res != patron.id() ) {
+				field.widget.onblur = null; /* prevent alert storm */
+				alertId('ue_dup_username');
+				field.widget.onblur = uEditUsrnameBlur;
+				setTimeout( 
+					function() {
+						field.widget.node.focus();
+						field.widget.node.select();
+					}, 10 
+				);
+			}
+		}
+	);
+	req.send();
+function uEditBarcodeBlur(field) {
+	var barcode = uEditNodeVal(field);
+	if(!barcode) return;
+	_debug("blurring card with new value " + barcode);
+	var req = new Request(CHECK_BARCODE, SESSION, barcode);
+	req.callback( 
+		function(r) {
+			var res = r.getResultObject();
+			if( res == 1 ) {
+				field.widget.onblur = null; /* prevent alert storm */
+				alertId('ue_dup_barcode');
+				field.widget.onblur = uEditBarcodeBlur;
+				setTimeout( 
+					function() {
+						field.widget.node.focus();
+						field.widget.node.select();
+					}, 10 
+				);
+			} else {
+				var node = uEditFindFieldByWId("ue_username");
+				if(!node.widget.node.value) {
+					node.widget.node.value = barcode;
+					node.widget.node.onchange();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	);
+	req.send();
+function uEditDefineData(patron) {
+	var fields = [
+		{
+			required : true,
+			object	: patron.card(),
+			key		: 'barcode',
+			errkey	: 'ue_bad_barcode',
+			widget	: {
+				id		: 'ue_barcode',
+				regex	: wordRegex,
+				type	: 'input',
+				onblur : uEditBarcodeBlur
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : true,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'usrname',
+			errkey	: 'ue_bad_username',
+			widget	: {
+				id		: 'ue_username',
+				regex	: unameRegex,
+				type	: 'input',
+				onblur : uEditUsrnameBlur
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : (patron.isnew()) ? true : false,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'passwd',
+			errkey	: 'ue_bad_password',
+			widget	: {
+				id		: 'ue_password1',
+				type	: 'input',
+				onpostchange : function(field, newval) {
+					var pw2 = uEditFindFieldByWId('ue_password2');
+					/* tell the second passsword input to re-validate */
+					pw2.widget.node.onchange();
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : (patron.isnew()) ? true : false,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'passwd',
+			errkey	: 'ue_bad_password',
+			widget	: {
+				id		: 'ue_password2',
+				type	: 'input',
+				onpostchange : function(field, newval) {
+					var pw1f = uEditFindFieldByWId('ue_password1');
+					var pw1 = uEditNodeVal(pw1f);
+					field.widget.regex = new RegExp('^'+pw1+'$');
+					if( pw1 ) field.required = true;
+					else {
+						if(!patron.isnew())
+							field.required = false;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : true,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'first_given_name',
+			errkey	: 'ue_bad_firstname',
+			widget	: {
+				id		: 'ue_firstname',
+				regex	: nonumRegex,
+				type	: 'input',
+				onblur : function(field) {
+					uEditCheckNamesDup('first', field );
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : false,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'second_given_name',
+			errkey	: 'ue_bad_middlename',
+			widget	: {
+				id		: 'ue_middlename',
+				regex	: nonumRegex,
+				type	: 'input'
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : true,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'family_name',
+			errkey	: 'ue_bad_lastname',
+			widget	: {
+				id		: 'ue_lastname',
+				regex	: nonumRegex,
+				type	: 'input',
+				onblur : function(field) {
+					uEditCheckNamesDup('last', field );
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : false,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'suffix',
+			widget	: {
+				id			: 'ue_suffix',
+				type		: 'input',
+				onload	: function(val) {
+					setSelector($('ue_suffix_selector'), val);
+					$('ue_suffix_selector').onchange = function() {
+						uEditFindFieldByKey('suffix').widget.node.onchange();
+					}
+				},
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : false,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'dob',
+			errkey	: 'ue_bad_dob',
+			widget	: {
+				id			: 'ue_dob',
+				regex		: dateRegex,
+				type		: 'input',
+				onpostchange	: function(field) { uEditCheckDOB(field); },
+				onblur	: function(field) { uEditCheckDOB(field); }
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : true,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'ident_type',
+			errkey	: 'ue_no_ident',
+			widget	: {
+				id		: 'ue_primary_ident_type',
+				regex	: numRegex,
+				type	: 'select',
+				onpostchange : function(field, newval) 
+					{ _uEditIdentPostchange('primary', field, newval); }
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : false,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'ident_value',
+			widget	: {
+				id			: 'ue_primary_ident',
+				type		: 'input',
+				onblur : function(field) {
+					uEditCheckIdentDup(field);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : false,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'ident_value2',
+			widget	: {
+				id			: 'ue_secondary_ident',
+				type		: 'input'
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : false,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'email',
+			errkey	: 'ue_bad_email',
+			widget	: {
+				id			: 'ue_email',
+				type		: 'input',
+				regex		:  /.+\@.+\..+/,  /* make me better */
+				onblur	: function(field) {
+					var val = uEditNodeVal(field);
+					if( val && val != field.oldemail ) {
+						uEditRunDupeSearch('email',
+							{ email : { value : val, group : 0 } });
+						field.oldemail = val;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : false,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'day_phone',
+			errkey	: 'ue_bad_phone',
+			widget	: {
+				id			: 'ue_day_phone',
+				type		: 'input',
+				regex		:  phoneRegex,
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : false,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'evening_phone',
+			errkey	: 'ue_bad_phone',
+			widget	: {
+				id			: 'ue_night_phone',
+				type		: 'input',
+				regex		:  phoneRegex,
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : false,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'other_phone',
+			errkey	: 'ue_bad_phone',
+			widget	: {
+				id			: 'ue_other_phone',
+				type		: 'input',
+				regex		:  phoneRegex,
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : true,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'home_ou',
+			widget	: {
+				id			: 'ue_org_selector',
+				type		: 'select',
+				regex		:  numRegex,
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : true,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'expire_date',
+			errkey	: 'ue_bad_expire',
+			widget	: {
+				id			: 'ue_expire',
+				type		: 'input',
+				regex		:  dateRegex,
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : false,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'active',
+			widget	: {
+				id			: 'ue_active',
+				type		: 'checkbox',
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : false,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'barred',
+			widget	: {
+				id			: 'ue_barred',
+				type		: 'checkbox',
+				onpostchange : function(field, val) {
+					var afield = uEditFindFieldByKey('alert_message');
+					if( val ) {
+						if( !barredAlerted ) {
+							barredAlerted = true;
+							alertId('ue_made_barred');
+						}
+						afield.required = true;	
+					} else {
+						afield.required = false;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : true,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'profile',
+			errkey	: 'ue_no_profile',
+			widget	: {
+				id			: 'ue_profile',
+				type		: 'select',
+				regex		: numRegex,
+				onpostchange : function(field, value) {
+					var type			= groupsCache[value];
+					if(!type) return;
+					var interval	= type.perm_interval();
+					/* interval_to_seconds expects 'M' for months, 'm' for minutes */
+					interval			= interval.replace(/mon/, 'Mon'); 
+					var intsecs		= parseInt(interval_to_seconds(interval));
+					var expdate		= new Date();
+					var exptime		= expdate.getTime();
+					exptime			+= intsecs * 1000;
+					expdate.setTime(exptime);
+					_debug("profile change (interval= '"+interval+"', seconds="+intsecs+")\n\tgenerated a date of " + expdate);
+					var year			= expdate.getYear() + 1900;
+					var month		= (expdate.getMonth() + 1) + '';
+					var day			= (expdate.getDate()) + '';
+					if(!month.match(/\d{2}/)) month = '0' + month;
+					if(!day.match(/\d{2}/)) day = '0' + day;
+					var node = $('ue_expire');
+					node.value = year+'-'+month+'-'+day;
+					_debug("profile change formatted date to "+ node.value);
+					node.onchange();
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : false,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'net_access_level',
+			widget	: {
+				id		: 'ue_net_level',
+				type	: 'select'
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : false,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'master_account',
+			widget	: {
+				id			: 'ue_group_lead',
+				type		: 'checkbox',
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : true,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'claims_returned_count',
+			widget	: {
+				id			: 'ue_claims_returned',
+				type		: 'input',
+				regex		: numRegex,
+				disabled : true
+			}
+		},
+		{
+			required : false,
+			object	: patron,
+			key		: 'alert_message',
+			widget	: {
+				id			: 'ue_alert_message',
+				type		: 'input',
+			}
+		}
+	];
+	for( var f in fields ) 
+		dataFields.push(fields[f]);
+	uEditBuildAddrs(patron);
+	uEditBuildPatronSCM(patron);
+var uEditOldFirstName;
+var uEditOldMiddleName; /* future */
+var uEditOldLastName;
+function uEditCheckNamesDup(type, field) {
+	var newval = uEditNodeVal(field);
+	if(!newval) return;
+	var dosearch = false;
+	if(type =='first') {
+		if( newval != uEditOldFirstName )
+			dosearch = true;
+		uEditOldFirstName = newval;
+	}
+	if(type =='last') {
+		if( newval != uEditOldLastName )
+			dosearch = true;
+		uEditOldLastName = newval;
+	}
+	if( dosearch && uEditOldFirstName && uEditOldLastName ) {
+		var search_hash = {};
+		search_hash['first_given_name'] = { value : uEditOldFirstName, group : 0 };
+		search_hash['family_name'] = { value : uEditOldLastName, group : 0 };
+		uEditRunDupeSearch('names', search_hash);
+	}
+var uEditOldIdentValue;
+function uEditCheckIdentDup(field) {
+	var newval = uEditNodeVal(field);
+	if( newval && newval != uEditOldIdentValue ) {
+		/* searches all ident_value fields */
+		var search_hash  = { ident : { value : newval, group : 2 } };
+		uEditRunDupeSearch('ident', search_hash);
+		uEditOldIdentValue = newval;
+	}
+/* Adds all of the addresses attached to the patron object
+	to the fields array */
+var uEditAddrTemplate;
+function uEditBuildAddrs(patron) {
+	var tbody = $('ue_address_tbody');
+	if(!uEditAddrTemplate)
+		uEditAddrTemplate = tbody.removeChild($('ue_address_template'));
+	for( var a in patron.addresses() ) 
+		uEditBuildAddrFields( patron, patron.addresses()[a]);
+function uEditDeleteAddr( tbody, row, address, detach ) {
+	if(!confirm($('ue_delete_addr_warn').innerHTML)) return;
+	if(address.isnew()) { 
+		patron.addresses(
+			grep( patron.addresses(), 
+				function(i) {
+					return (i.id() != address.id());
+				}
+			)
+		);
+		/* XXX */
+		for( var f in dataFields ) {
+			if( dataFields[f].object == address ) {
+				dataFields[f] = null;
+			}
+		}
+		dataFields = compactArray(dataFields);
+	} else {
+		if( detach ) { /* remove the offending address from the list */
+			patron.addresses(
+				grep( 
+					patron.addresses(), 
+					function(i) {
+						return (i.id() != address.id());
+					}
+				)
+			);
+		} else {
+			address.isdeleted(1);
+		}
+	}
+	tbody.removeChild(row);
+	var bid = patron.billing_address();
+	bid = (typeof bid == 'object') ? bid.id() : bid;
+	var mid = patron.mailing_address();
+	mid = (typeof mid == 'object') ? mid.id() : mid;
+	/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+		if we're deleting a billing or mailing address 
+		make sure some other address is automatically
+		assigned as the billing or mailng address 
+		----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+	if( bid == address.id() ) {
+		for( var a in patron.addresses() ) {
+			var addr = patron.addresses()[a];
+			if(!addr.isdeleted() && addr.id() != address.id()) {
+				var node = uEditFindAddrInput('billing', addr.id());
+				node.checked = true;
+				uEditAddrTypeClick(node, 'billing');
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if( mid == address.id() ) {
+		for( var a in patron.addresses() ) {
+			var addr = patron.addresses()[a];
+			if(!addr.isdeleted() && addr.id() != address.id()) {
+				var node = uEditFindAddrInput('mailing', addr.id());
+				node.checked = true;
+				uEditAddrTypeClick(node, 'mailing');
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+function uEditFindAddrInput(type, id) {
+	var tbody = $('ue_address_tbody');
+	var rows = tbody.getElementsByTagName('tr');
+	for( var r in rows ) {
+		var row = rows[r];
+		if(row.parentNode != tbody) continue;
+		var node = $n(row, 'ue_addr_'+type+'_yes');
+		if( node.getAttribute('address') == id )
+			return node;
+	}
+function uEditAddrTypeClick(input, type) {
+	var tbody = $('ue_address_tbody');
+	var rows = tbody.getElementsByTagName('tr');
+	for( var r in rows ) {
+		var row = rows[r];
+		if(row.parentNode != tbody) continue;
+		var node = $n(row, 'ue_addr_'+type+'_yes');
+		removeCSSClass(node.parentNode,'addr_info_checked');
+	}
+	addCSSClass(input.parentNode,'addr_info_checked');
+	patron[type+'_address'](input.getAttribute('address'));
+	patron.ischanged(1);
+/* Creates the field entries for an address object. */
+function uEditBuildAddrFields(patron, address) {
+	var tbody = $('ue_address_tbody');
+	var row	= tbody.appendChild(
+		uEditAddrTemplate.cloneNode(true));
+	uEditCheckSharedAddr(patron, address, tbody, row);
+	$n(row, 'ue_addr_delete').onclick = 
+		function() { 
+			uEditDeleteAddr(tbody, row, address); 
+			uEditCheckErrors();
+		};
+	if( patron.billing_address() &&
+			address.id() == patron.billing_address().id() ) 
+		$n(row, 'ue_addr_billing_yes').checked = true;
+	if( patron.mailing_address() &&
+			address.id() == patron.mailing_address().id() ) 
+		$n(row, 'ue_addr_mailing_yes').checked = true;
+	$n(row, 'ue_addr_billing_yes').setAttribute('address', address.id());
+	$n(row, 'ue_addr_mailing_yes').setAttribute('address', address.id());
+	/* currently, non-owners cannot edit an address */
+	var disabled = (address.usr() != patron.id())
+	var fields = [
+		{ 
+			required : false,
+			object	: address, 
+			key		: 'address_type', 
+			widget	: {
+				base	: row,
+				name	: 'ue_addr_label',
+				type	: 'input',
+				disabled : disabled,
+			}
+		},
+		{ 
+			required : true,
+			object	: address, 
+			key		: 'street1', 
+			errkey	: 'ue_bad_addr_street',
+			widget	: {
+				base	: row,
+				name	: 'ue_addr_street1',
+				type	: 'input',
+				disabled : disabled,
+			}
+		},
+		{ 
+			required : false,
+			object	: address, 
+			key		: 'street2', 
+			errkey	: 'ue_bad_addr_street',
+			widget	: {
+				base	: row,
+				name	: 'ue_addr_street2',
+				type	: 'input',
+				disabled : disabled,
+			}
+		},
+		{ 
+			required : true,
+			object	: address, 
+			key		: 'city', 
+			errkey	: 'ue_bad_addr_city',
+			widget	: {
+				base	: row,
+				name	: 'ue_addr_city',
+				type	: 'input',
+				disabled : disabled,
+			}
+		},
+		{ 
+			required : false,
+			object	: address, 
+			key		: 'county', 
+			widget	: {
+				base	: row,
+				name	: 'ue_addr_county',
+				type	: 'input',
+				disabled : disabled,
+			}
+		},
+		{ 
+			required : true,
+			object	: address, 
+			key		: 'state', 
+			errkey	: 'ue_bad_addr_state',
+			widget	: {
+				base	: row,
+				name	: 'ue_addr_state',
+				type	: 'input',
+				disabled : disabled,
+			}
+		},
+		{ 
+			required : true,
+			object	: address, 
+			key		: 'country', 
+			errkey	: 'ue_bad_addr_country',
+			widget	: {
+				base	: row,
+				name	: 'ue_addr_country',
+				type	: 'input',
+				disabled : disabled,
+			}
+		},
+		{ 
+			required : true,
+			object	: address, 
+			key		: 'post_code',
+			errkey	: 'ue_bad_addr_zip',
+			widget	: {
+				base	: row,
+				name	: 'ue_addr_zip',
+				type	: 'input',
+				disabled : disabled,
+				regex	: zipRegex,
+				onblur : function(f) {
+					var v = uEditNodeVal(f);
+					var req = new Request(ZIP_SEARCH, v);
+					req.callback( 
+						function(r) {
+							var info = r.getResultObject();
+							if(!info) return;
+							var state = $n(f.widget.base, 'ue_addr_state');
+							var county = $n(f.widget.base, 'ue_addr_county');
+							var city = $n(f.widget.base, 'ue_addr_city');
+							state.value = info.state;
+							state.onchange();
+							county.value = info.county;
+							county.onchange();
+							city.value = info.city;
+							city.onchange();
+						}
+					);
+					req.send();
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		{ 
+			required : false,
+			object	: address, 
+			key		: 'within_city_limits',
+			widget	: {
+				base	: row,
+				name	: 'ue_addr_inc_yes',
+				type	: 'checkbox',
+				disabled : disabled,
+			}
+		},
+		{ 
+			required : false,
+			object	: address, 
+			key		: 'valid',
+			widget	: {
+				base	: row,
+				name	: 'ue_addr_valid_yes',
+				type	: 'checkbox',
+				disabled : disabled,
+			}
+		}
+	];
+	for( var f in fields ) {
+		dataFields.push(fields[f]);
+		uEditActivateField(fields[f]);
+	}
+function uEditBuildPatronSCM(patron) {
+	/* get the list of pre-defined maps */
+	var fields = uEditFindFieldsByKey('stat_cat_entry');
+	var map;
+	var newmaps = [];
+	/* for each user stat cat, pop it off the list,
+	updated the existing stat map field to match
+	the popped map and shove the existing stat
+	map field onto the user's list of stat maps */
+	while( (map = patron.stat_cat_entries().pop()) ) {
+		var field = grep(fields, 
+			function(item) {
+				return (item.object.stat_cat() == map.stat_cat());
+			}
+		);
+		if(field) {
+			var val = map.stat_cat_entry();
+			field = field[0];
+			$n(field.widget.base, field.widget.name).value = val;
+			setSelector($n(field.widget.base, 'ue_stat_cat_selector'), val );
+			field.object.stat_cat_entry(val);
+			field.object.id(map.id());
+			newmaps.push(field.object);
+		}
+	}
+	for( var m in newmaps ) 
+		patron.stat_cat_entries().push(newmaps[m]);
+function uEditBuildSCMField(statcat, row) {
+	var map = new actscecm();
+	map.stat_cat(statcat.id());
+	map.target_usr(patron.id());
+	var field = {
+		required : false,
+		object	: map,
+		key		: 'stat_cat_entry',
+		widget	: {
+			base	: row,
+			name	: 'ue_stat_cat_newval',
+			type	: 'input',
+			onpostchange : function( field, newval ) {
+				/* see if the current map already resides in 
+					the patron entry list */
+				var exists = grep( patron.stat_cat_entries(),
+					function(item) {
+						return (item.stat_cat() == statcat.id()); 
+					}
+				);
+				if(newval) {
+					map.isdeleted(0);
+					setSelector($n(row, 'ue_stat_cat_selector'), newval);
+				}
+				if(exists) {
+					if(!newval) {
+						/* if the map is new but currently contains no value
+							remove it from the set of new maps */
+						if(map.isnew()) {
+							patron.stat_cat_entries(
+								grep( patron.stat_cat_entries(),
+									function(item) {
+										return (item.stat_cat() != map.stat_cat());
+									}
+								)
+							);
+						} else {
+							map.isdeleted(1);
+							map.ischanged(0);
+						}
+					} 
+				} else {
+					/* map does not exist in the map array but now has data */
+					if(newval) { 
+						map.isnew(1);
+						if(!patron.stat_cat_entries())
+							patron.stat_cat_entries([]);
+						patron.stat_cat_entries().push(map);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	dataFields.push(field);
+/** Run this after a new ident type is selected */
+function _uEditIdentPostchange(type, field, newval) {
+	if(!newval) return;
+	/* When the ident type is changed, we change the
+	regex on the ident_value to match the selected type */
+	var vfname = 'ident_value';
+	if(type == 'secondary') vfname = 'ident_value2';
+	var vfield = uEditFindFieldByKey(vfname);
+	var name = identTypesCache[uEditNodeVal(field)].name();
+	hideMe($(type+'_ident_ssn_help'));
+	hideMe($(type+'_ident_dl_help'));
+	if(name.match(/ssn/i)) {
+		vfield.widget.regex = ssnRegex;
+		vfield.errkey = 'ue_bad_ident_ssn';
+		unHideMe($(type+'_ident_ssn_help'));
+	} else {
+		if(name.match(/driver/i)) {
+			vfield.widget.regex = dlRegex;
+			vfield.errkey = 'ue_bad_ident_dl';
+			unHideMe($(type+'_ident_dl_help'));
+			if(!uEditNodeVal(vfield))
+				vfield.widget.node.value = defaultState + '-';
+		} else {
+			vfield.widget.regex = null;
+			vfield.errkey = null;
+		}
+	}
+	/* focus then valdate the value field */
+	vfield.widget.node.onchange();
+	vfield.widget.node.focus();
+/* checks to see if the given address is shared by others.
+ * if so, the address row is styled and ...
+ */
+function uEditCheckSharedAddr(patron, address, tbody, row) {
+	if( address.isnew() || (patron.isnew() && !clone) ) return;
+	var req = new Request(FETCH_ADDR_MEMS, SESSION, address.id());
+	req.callback( 
+		function(r) {
+			var members = r.getResultObject();
+			var shared = false;
+			for( var m in members ) {
+				var id = members[m];
+				if( id != patron.id() ) {
+					addCSSClass(row.getElementsByTagName('table')[0], 'shared_address');
+					unHideMe($n(row, 'shared_row'));
+					$n(row, 'ue_addr_delete').disabled = true;
+					if( address.usr() != patron.id() ) {
+						var button = $n(row, 'ue_addr_detach');
+						unHideMe(button);
+						button.onclick = 
+							function() { uEditDeleteAddr( tbody, row, address, true ); }
+					}
+					shared = true;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			if( shared ) {
+				/* if this is a shared address, set the owner field and 
+					give the staff a chance to edit the owner if it's not this user */
+				var nnode = $n(row, 'addr_owner_name');
+				var link = $n(row, 'addr_owner');
+				var id = address.usr();
+				if( id == patron.id() ) {
+					nnode.appendChild(text(
+						patron.first_given_name() + ' ' + patron.family_name()));
+					hideMe($n(row, 'owner_link_div'));
+				} else {
+					var ses = cgi.param('ses'); 
+					if (xulG) if (xulG.ses) ses = xulG.ses;
+					if (xulG) if (xulG.params) if (xulG.params.ses) ses = xulG.params.ses;
+					link.onclick = 
+						function() { window.xulG.spawn_editor({ses:ses,usr:id}) };
+					if( userCache[id] ) {
+                        var usr = userCache[id];
+						nnode.appendChild(text(
+							usr.first_given_name() + ' ' +  usr.family_name()));
+					} else {
+						fetchFleshedUser( id, 
+							function(usr) {
+								userCache[usr.id()] = usr;
+								nnode.appendChild(text(
+									usr.first_given_name() + ' ' + usr.family_name()));
+							}
+						);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	);
+	req.send();
+var __lastdob;
+function uEditCheckDOB(field) {
+	var dob = uEditNodeVal(field);
+	/* don't bother if the data isn't valid */
+	if(!dob || !dob.match(field.widget.regex)) 
+		return;
+	if( dob == __lastdob ) return;
+	__lastdob = dob;
+	var parts = dob.split(/-/);
+	parts[2] = parts[2].replace(/[T ].*/,'');
+	dob = buildDate( parts[0], parts[1], parts[2] );
+	var today = new Date();
+	if(!dob || dob > today) {
+		addCSSClass(field.widget.node, CSS_INVALID_DATA);
+		alertId('ue_bad_date');
+		return;
+	}
+	var base = new Date();
+	base.setYear( today.getYear() + 1900 - ADULT_AGE );
+	/* patron is at least 18 */
+	var f = uEditFindFieldByKey('ident_value2');
+	if( dob < base ) { /* patron is of age */
+		f.required = false;
+		hideMe(f.widget.node.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode);
+		return;
+	}
+	unHideMe(f.widget.node.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode);
+	f.required = true;
+	uEditCheckErrors();

Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue_ui.js
--- trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue_ui.js	2008-08-24 16:34:17 UTC (rev 10427)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue_ui.js	2008-08-24 21:18:07 UTC (rev 10428)
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-	UI code for the user editor.  Handles breaking up the components
-	into a wizard-like interface.
-	----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-var pages = [ 
-	'uedit_userid', 
-	'uedit_contact_info', 
-	'uedit_addresses', 
-	'uedit_groups', 
-	'uedit_stat_cats', 
-	'uedit_surveys',
-	'uedit_finalize',
-	];
-/* ID's of objects that should be focused when their page is made visible */
-var pageFocus = [
-	'ue_barcode',
-	'ue_email',
-	'ue_addr_label_1',
-	'ue_profile',
-	'ue_stat_cat_selector_1',
-	'ue_survey_selector_1',
-	'ue_view_summary'
-function uEditNext() {
-	var i = _findActive();
-	if( i < (pages.length - 1)) uEditShowPage(pages[i+1]);
-function uEditPrev() {
-	var i = _findActive();
-	if( i > 0 ) uEditShowPage(pages[i-1]);
-function uEditCheckErrors() {
-	var errors = uEditGetErrorStrings();
-	if(errors) unHideMe($('ue_errors'));
-	else hideMe($('ue_errors'));
-function uEditFetchError(id) { if($(id)) return $(id).innerHTML + "\n"; return "";}
-function uEditShowPage(id) {
-	if( id == null ) return;
-	for( var p in pages ) {
-		var page = pages[p];
-		hideMe($(page));
-		removeCSSClass($(page+'_label'), 'label_active');
-	}
-	var idx = _findPageIdx(id);
-	unHideMe($(id));
-	addCSSClass($(id+'_label'), 'label_active');
-	var fpage = pageFocus[idx];
-	var pnode = $(fpage);
-	if( id == 'uedit_addresses' ) 
-		pnode = $n( $('ue_address_tbody').
-			getElementsByTagName('tr')[0], 'ue_addr_label');
-	if(pnode) { 
-		pnode.focus(); 
-		try{pnode.select()}catch(e){} 
-	}
-	unHideMe($('ue_back'));
-	unHideMe($('ue_fwd'));
-	if(idx == 0) hideMe($('ue_back'));
-	if(idx == (pages.length-1)) hideMe($('ue_fwd'));
-function _findActive() {
-	for( var p in pages ) {
-		if(! $(pages[p]).className.match(/hide_me/) )
-			return parseInt(p);
-	}
-	return null;
-function _findPageIdx(name) {
-	for( var i in pages ) {
-		var page = pages[i];
-		if( page == name ) return i;
-	}
-	return -1;
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* Below are the various UI components built from retrieved data */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* org selector */
-function uEditBuildLibSelector( node, depth, selector ) {
-	if(!selector) selector = $('ue_org_selector');
-	if(!node) { depth = 0; node = globalOrgTree; }
-	var opt = insertSelectorVal( 
-		selector, -1, node.name(), node.id(), null, depth++ );
-	if(!findOrgType(node.ou_type()).can_have_users()) opt.disabled = true; 
-	if( node.id() == USER.ws_ou() ) 
-		setSelector(selector, node.id());
-	for( var c in node.children() ) 
-		uEditBuildLibSelector(node.children()[c], depth, selector);
-/* group tree selector */
-function uEditDrawGroups(tree, depth, selector) {
-	if(!selector) {
-		selector = $('ue_profile');
-		depth = 0;
-	}
-	groupsCache[tree.id()] = tree;
-	/* if the staff does not have perms to access this group, 
-		remove it from the tree and don't add it's children */
-	var perm = uEditFindGroupPerm(tree);
-	var org = PERMS[perm];
-	if( org == -1 ) return;
-	var opt = insertSelectorVal( selector, -1, tree.name(), tree.id(), null, depth++ );	
-	if(!isTrue(tree.usergroup())) opt.disabled = true;
-	for( var c in tree.children() ) 
-		uEditDrawGroups( tree.children()[c], depth, selector );
-function uEditFindGroupPerm(group) {
-	if(!group) return null;
-	if( group.application_perm() ) 
-		return group.application_perm();
-	return uEditFindGroupPerm(groupsCache[group.parent()]);
-/* user identification types */
-function uEditDrawIDTypes(types) {
-	var pri_sel = $('ue_primary_ident_type');
-	var sec_sel = $('ue_secondary_ident_type');
-	var idx = 1;
-	for( var t in types ) {
-		var type = types[t];
-		if(!type.name()) continue;
-		identTypesCache[type.id()] = type;
-		setSelectorVal( pri_sel, idx, type.name(), type.id() );
-		setSelectorVal( sec_sel, idx++, type.name(), type.id() );
-	}
-/* user statistical catagories */
-function uEditDrawStatCats(cats) {
-	var tbody = $('ue_stat_cat_tbody');
-	var templ = tbody.removeChild($('ue_stat_cat_row'));
-	for( var c in cats ) {
-		var row = templ.cloneNode(true);
-		uEditInsertCat( row, cats[c], c );
-		tbody.appendChild(row);
-	}
-function uEditInsertCat( row, cat, idx ) {
-	cat.entries().sort(  /* sort the entries by value */
-		function( a, b ) { 
-			if( !a.value() ) return -1;
-			if( !b.value() ) return 1;
-			if( (a.value()+'').toLowerCase() > (b.value()+'').toLowerCase()) return 1;
-			if( (a.value()+'').toLowerCase() < (b.value()+'').toLowerCase()) return -1;
-			return 0;
-		}
-	);
-	statCatsCache[cat.id()] = cat;
-	/* register the new map object */
-	uEditBuildSCMField(cat, row);
-	var newval = $n(row, 'ue_stat_cat_newval');
-	var selector = $n(row, 'ue_stat_cat_selector');
-	selector.onchange = function() { 
-		newval.value = getSelectorVal(selector);
-		if(newval.onchange) newval.onchange();
-	}
-	if( idx == 0 ) selector.id = 'ue_stat_cat_selector_1'; 
-	$n(row, 'ue_stat_cat_name').appendChild(text(cat.name()));
-	$n(row, 'ue_stat_cat_owner').appendChild(
-		text(fetchOrgUnit(cat.owner()).shortname()));
-	for( var e in cat.entries() ) {
-		var entry = cat.entries()[e];
-		setSelectorVal( selector, 
-			(parseInt(e)+1), entry.value(), entry.value() );
-	}
-/* draw the surveys */
-function uEditDrawSurveys(surveys) {
-	var div = $('uedit_surveys');
-	var table = div.removeChild($('ue_survey_table'));
-	if( surveys.length == 0 ) unHideMe($('uedit_no_surveys'));
-	for( var s in surveys ) {
-		var survey = surveys[s];
-		surveysCache[survey.id()] = survey;
-		var clone = table.cloneNode(true);
-		uEditInsertSurvey( div, clone, survey, s );
-		div.appendChild(clone);
-	}
-/* insert the servey then insert each of that surveys questions */
-function uEditInsertSurvey( div, table, survey, sidx ) {
-	$n(table, 'ue_survey_name').appendChild(text(survey.name()));
-	$n(table, 'ue_survey_desc').appendChild(text(survey.description()));
-	var tbody = $n(table, 'ue_survey_tbody');
-	var templ = tbody.removeChild($n(table, 'ue_survey_row'));
-	for( var q in survey.questions() ) {
-		var row = templ.cloneNode(true);
-		var quest = survey.questions()[q];
-		uEditInsertSurveyQuestion( row, survey, quest );
-		tbody.appendChild(row);
-	}
-function uEditInsertSurveyQuestion( row, survey, question ) {
-	var selector = $n(row, 'ue_survey_answer');
-	row.setAttribute('question', question.id());
-	$n(row, 'ue_survey_question').appendChild(text(question.question()));
-	for( var a in question.answers() ) {
-		var answer = question.answers()[a];
-		surveyAnswersCache[answer.id()] = answer;
-		insertSelectorVal(selector, -1, answer.answer(), answer.id() );
-	}
-	surveyQuestionsCache[question.id()] = question;
-	if( patron.isnew() && isTrue(survey.required()) ) 
-		addCSSClass(selector, 'invalid_value');
-	selector.onchange = function() {
-		/* remove any existing responses for this survey */
-		patron.survey_responses(
-			grep( patron.survey_responses(),
-				function(item) {
-					return (item.survey() != survey.id());
-				}
-			)
-		);
-		if(!patron.survey_responses())
-			patron.survey_responses([]);
-		var val = getSelectorVal(selector);
-		if( patron.isnew() && isTrue(survey.required()) ) {
-			if(val)
-				removeCSSClass(selector, 'invalid_value');
-			else 
-				addCSSClass(selector, 'invalid_value');
-			uEditCheckErrors();
-		}
-		if(!val) return;
-		var resp	= new asvr();
-		resp.isnew(1);
-		resp.survey(survey.id());
-		resp.usr(patron.id());
-		resp.question(row.getAttribute('question'));
-		resp.answer(val);
-		patron.survey_responses().push( resp );
-	}
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-	Spit out the patron info to the summary display tables...
-	----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-function uEditShowSummary() {
-	hideMe($('main_div_container'));
-	unHideMe($('summary_div_container'));
-	for( var f in dataFields ) {
-		var field = dataFields[f];
-		if( field.object == patron ) {
-			var val = uEditNodeVal(field);
-			if(	field.key == 'profile'		||
-					field.key == 'home_ou'		||
-					field.key == 'ident_type'	||
-					field.key == 'ident_type2') {
-				val = getSelectorName($(field.widget.id));
-			}
-			var node = $('ue_summary_'+field.key);
-			if(node) appendClear(node, text(val));
-		}
-		if( field.object == patron.card() )
-			appendClear($('ue_summary_barcode'), text(uEditNodeVal(field)));
-	}
-	var table = $('ue_summary_table');
-	uEditFleshSummaryAddresses( table, patron );
-	uEditFleshSummaryStatCats( table, patron );
-	uEditFleshSummarySurveys( table, patron );
-var uEditSummaryAddrRow;
-function uEditFleshSummaryAddresses( table, patron ) {
-	var addrtbody = $n(table, 'ue_summary_addr_tbody');
-	if(!uEditSummaryAddrRow)
-		uEditSummaryAddrRow = 
-			addrtbody.removeChild($n(addrtbody, 'ue_summary_addr_row'));
-	var rowtmpl = uEditSummaryAddrRow;
-	removeChildren(addrtbody);
-	for( var a in patron.addresses() ) {
-		var address = patron.addresses()[a];
-		var row = rowtmpl.cloneNode(true);
-		uEditFleshSummaryAddr( address, patron, row );
-		addrtbody.appendChild(row);
-		if(address.isdeleted()) addCSSClass(row, 'deleted');
-	}
-function uEditFleshSummaryAddr( address, patron, row ) {
-	var yes = $('yes').innerHTML;
-	var no = $('no').innerHTML;
-	$n(row, 'label').appendChild(text(address.address_type()));
-	$n(row, 'street1').appendChild(text(address.street1()));
-	$n(row, 'street2').appendChild(text(address.street2()));
-	$n(row, 'city').appendChild(text(address.city()));
-	$n(row, 'county').appendChild(text(address.county()));
-	$n(row, 'state').appendChild(text(address.state()));
-	$n(row, 'country').appendChild(text(address.country()));
-	$n(row, 'zip').appendChild(text(address.post_code()));
-	$n(row, 'valid').appendChild(text( (isTrue(address.valid())) ? yes : no ));
-	$n(row, 'incorporated').appendChild(text( (isTrue(address.within_city_limits())) ? yes : no ));
-	var mid = patron.mailing_address();
-	if( typeof patron.mailing_address() == 'object' ) 
-		mid = patron.mailing_address().id();
-	$n(row, 'mailing').appendChild(text((mid == address.id()) ? yes : no ));
-	var bid = patron.billing_address();
-	if( typeof patron.billing_address() == 'object' ) 
-		bid = patron.billing_address().id();
-	$n(row, 'billing').appendChild(text((bid == address.id()) ? yes : no ));
-var uEditSummaryStatCatRow;
-function uEditFleshSummaryStatCats( table, patron ) {
-	var tbody = $n(table, 'ue_summary_stats_tbody');
-	if(!uEditSummaryStatCatRow)
-		uEditSummaryStatCatRow = 
-			tbody.removeChild($n(tbody, 'ue_summary_stats_row'));
-	var rowtmpl = uEditSummaryStatCatRow;
-	removeChildren(tbody);
-	for( var s in patron.stat_cat_entries() ) {
-		row = rowtmpl.cloneNode(true);
-		var entry = patron.stat_cat_entries()[s];
-		var cat = statCatsCache[entry.stat_cat()];
-		$n(row, 'ue_summary_stat_name').appendChild(text(cat.name()));
-		$n(row, 'ue_summary_stat_value').appendChild(text(entry.stat_cat_entry()));
-		row.setAttribute('statcat', entry.stat_cat());
-		if( entry.isdeleted() ) addCSSClass(row, 'deleted'); 
-		tbody.appendChild(row);
-	}
-	if( ! getElementsByTagNameFlat( tbody, 'tr' )[0] )
-		hideMe(tbody.parentNode);
-	else
-		unHideMe(tbody.parentNode);
-var uEditSummarySurveyRow;
-function uEditFleshSummarySurveys( table, patron ) {
-	var tbody	= $n(table, 'ue_summary_survey_tbody');
-	if(!uEditSummarySurveyRow)
-		uEditSummarySurveyRow = 
-			tbody.removeChild($n(tbody, 'ue_summary_survey_row'));
-	var rowtmpl = uEditSummarySurveyRow;
-	removeChildren(tbody);
-	for( var r in patron.survey_responses() ) {
-		var row		= rowtmpl.cloneNode(true);
-		var resp		= patron.survey_responses()[r];
-		var survey	= surveysCache[resp.survey()];
-		var quest	= surveyQuestionsCache[resp.question()];
-		var answer	= surveyAnswersCache[resp.answer()];
-		$n(row, 'ue_summary_survey_name').appendChild(text(survey.name()));
-		$n(row, 'ue_summary_survey_question').appendChild(text(quest.question()));
-		$n(row, 'ue_summary_survey_answer').appendChild(text(answer.answer()));
-		tbody.appendChild(row);
-	}
-	if( ! getElementsByTagNameFlat(tbody, 'tr')[0])
-		hideMe(tbody.parentNode);
-	else
-		unHideMe(tbody.parentNode);
-function uEditDrawNetLevels(netLevels) {
-	var sel = $('ue_net_level');
-	iterate( netLevels, 
-		function(i) {
-			insertSelectorVal( sel, -1, i.name(), i.id() );
-		}
-	);

Copied: trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue_ui.js (from rev 10427, trunk/Evergreen/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue_ui.js)
--- trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue_ui.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/patron/ue_ui.js	2008-08-24 21:18:07 UTC (rev 10428)
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	UI code for the user editor.  Handles breaking up the components
+	into a wizard-like interface.
+	----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+var pages = [ 
+	'uedit_userid', 
+	'uedit_contact_info', 
+	'uedit_addresses', 
+	'uedit_groups', 
+	'uedit_stat_cats', 
+	'uedit_surveys',
+	'uedit_finalize',
+	];
+/* ID's of objects that should be focused when their page is made visible */
+var pageFocus = [
+	'ue_barcode',
+	'ue_email',
+	'ue_addr_label_1',
+	'ue_profile',
+	'ue_stat_cat_selector_1',
+	'ue_survey_selector_1',
+	'ue_view_summary'
+function uEditNext() {
+	var i = _findActive();
+	if( i < (pages.length - 1)) uEditShowPage(pages[i+1]);
+function uEditPrev() {
+	var i = _findActive();
+	if( i > 0 ) uEditShowPage(pages[i-1]);
+function uEditCheckErrors() {
+	var errors = uEditGetErrorStrings();
+	if(errors) unHideMe($('ue_errors'));
+	else hideMe($('ue_errors'));
+function uEditFetchError(id) { if($(id)) return $(id).innerHTML + "\n"; return "";}
+function uEditShowPage(id) {
+	if( id == null ) return;
+	for( var p in pages ) {
+		var page = pages[p];
+		hideMe($(page));
+		removeCSSClass($(page+'_label'), 'label_active');
+	}
+	var idx = _findPageIdx(id);
+	unHideMe($(id));
+	addCSSClass($(id+'_label'), 'label_active');
+	var fpage = pageFocus[idx];
+	var pnode = $(fpage);
+	if( id == 'uedit_addresses' ) 
+		pnode = $n( $('ue_address_tbody').
+			getElementsByTagName('tr')[0], 'ue_addr_label');
+	if(pnode) { 
+		pnode.focus(); 
+		try{pnode.select()}catch(e){} 
+	}
+	unHideMe($('ue_back'));
+	unHideMe($('ue_fwd'));
+	if(idx == 0) hideMe($('ue_back'));
+	if(idx == (pages.length-1)) hideMe($('ue_fwd'));
+function _findActive() {
+	for( var p in pages ) {
+		if(! $(pages[p]).className.match(/hide_me/) )
+			return parseInt(p);
+	}
+	return null;
+function _findPageIdx(name) {
+	for( var i in pages ) {
+		var page = pages[i];
+		if( page == name ) return i;
+	}
+	return -1;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Below are the various UI components built from retrieved data */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* org selector */
+function uEditBuildLibSelector( node, depth, selector ) {
+	if(!selector) selector = $('ue_org_selector');
+	if(!node) { depth = 0; node = globalOrgTree; }
+	var opt = insertSelectorVal( 
+		selector, -1, node.name(), node.id(), null, depth++ );
+	if(!findOrgType(node.ou_type()).can_have_users()) opt.disabled = true; 
+	if( node.id() == USER.ws_ou() ) 
+		setSelector(selector, node.id());
+	for( var c in node.children() ) 
+		uEditBuildLibSelector(node.children()[c], depth, selector);
+/* group tree selector */
+function uEditDrawGroups(tree, depth, selector, drawme) {
+	if(!selector) {
+		selector = $('ue_profile');
+		depth = 0;
+	}
+	groupsCache[tree.id()] = tree;
+	/* if the staff does not have perms to access this group, 
+		remove it from the tree and don't add it's children */
+	var perm = uEditFindGroupPerm(tree);
+	var org = PERMS[perm];
+	if( org == -1 ) drawme = false;
+	if( drawme ) {
+		var opt = insertSelectorVal( selector, -1, tree.name(), tree.id(), null, depth++ );	
+		if(!isTrue(tree.usergroup())) opt.disabled = true;
+	}
+	for( var c in tree.children() ) 
+		uEditDrawGroups( tree.children()[c], depth, selector, drawme );
+function uEditFindGroupPerm(group) {
+	if(!group) return null;
+	if( group.application_perm() ) 
+		return group.application_perm();
+	return uEditFindGroupPerm(groupsCache[group.parent()]);
+/* user identification types */
+function uEditDrawIDTypes(types) {
+	var pri_sel = $('ue_primary_ident_type');
+	//var sec_sel = $('ue_secondary_ident_type');
+	var idx = 1;
+	for( var t in types ) {
+		var type = types[t];
+		if(!type.name()) continue;
+		identTypesCache[type.id()] = type;
+		setSelectorVal( pri_sel, idx, type.name(), type.id() );
+		//setSelectorVal( sec_sel, idx++, type.name(), type.id() );
+		idx++;
+	}
+/* user statistical catagories */
+function uEditDrawStatCats(cats) {
+	var tbody = $('ue_stat_cat_tbody');
+	var templ = tbody.removeChild($('ue_stat_cat_row'));
+	for( var c in cats ) {
+		var row = templ.cloneNode(true);
+		uEditInsertCat( row, cats[c], c );
+		tbody.appendChild(row);
+	}
+function uEditInsertCat( row, cat, idx ) {
+	cat.entries().sort(  /* sort the entries by value */
+		function( a, b ) { 
+			if( !a.value() ) return -1;
+			if( !b.value() ) return 1;
+			if( (a.value()+'').toLowerCase() > (b.value()+'').toLowerCase()) return 1;
+			if( (a.value()+'').toLowerCase() < (b.value()+'').toLowerCase()) return -1;
+			return 0;
+		}
+	);
+	statCatsCache[cat.id()] = cat;
+	/* register the new map object */
+	uEditBuildSCMField(cat, row);
+	var newval = $n(row, 'ue_stat_cat_newval');
+	var selector = $n(row, 'ue_stat_cat_selector');
+	selector.onchange = function() { 
+		newval.value = getSelectorVal(selector);
+		if(newval.onchange) newval.onchange();
+	}
+	if( idx == 0 ) selector.id = 'ue_stat_cat_selector_1'; 
+	$n(row, 'ue_stat_cat_name').appendChild(text(cat.name()));
+	$n(row, 'ue_stat_cat_owner').appendChild(
+		text(fetchOrgUnit(cat.owner()).shortname()));
+	for( var e in cat.entries() ) {
+		var entry = cat.entries()[e];
+		setSelectorVal( selector, 
+			(parseInt(e)+1), entry.value(), entry.value() );
+	}
+/* draw the surveys */
+function uEditDrawSurveys(surveys) {
+	var div = $('uedit_surveys');
+	var table = div.removeChild($('ue_survey_table'));
+	if( surveys.length == 0 ) unHideMe($('uedit_no_surveys'));
+	for( var s in surveys ) {
+		var survey = surveys[s];
+		surveysCache[survey.id()] = survey;
+		var clone = table.cloneNode(true);
+		uEditInsertSurvey( div, clone, survey, s );
+		div.appendChild(clone);
+	}
+/* insert the servey then insert each of that surveys questions */
+function uEditInsertSurvey( div, table, survey, sidx ) {
+	$n(table, 'ue_survey_name').appendChild(text(survey.name()));
+	$n(table, 'ue_survey_desc').appendChild(text(survey.description()));
+	var tbody = $n(table, 'ue_survey_tbody');
+	var templ = tbody.removeChild($n(table, 'ue_survey_row'));
+	for( var q in survey.questions() ) {
+		var row = templ.cloneNode(true);
+		var quest = survey.questions()[q];
+		uEditInsertSurveyQuestion( row, survey, quest );
+		tbody.appendChild(row);
+	}
+function uEditInsertSurveyQuestion( row, survey, question ) {
+	var selector = $n(row, 'ue_survey_answer');
+	row.setAttribute('question', question.id());
+	$n(row, 'ue_survey_question').appendChild(text(question.question()));
+	for( var a in question.answers() ) {
+		var answer = question.answers()[a];
+		surveyAnswersCache[answer.id()] = answer;
+		insertSelectorVal(selector, -1, answer.answer(), answer.id() );
+	}
+	surveyQuestionsCache[question.id()] = question;
+	if( patron.isnew() && isTrue(survey.required()) ) 
+		addCSSClass(selector, 'invalid_value');
+	selector.onchange = function() {
+		/* remove any existing responses for this survey */
+		patron.survey_responses(
+			grep( patron.survey_responses(),
+				function(item) {
+					return (item.survey() != survey.id());
+				}
+			)
+		);
+		if(!patron.survey_responses())
+			patron.survey_responses([]);
+		var val = getSelectorVal(selector);
+		if( patron.isnew() && isTrue(survey.required()) ) {
+			if(val)
+				removeCSSClass(selector, 'invalid_value');
+			else 
+				addCSSClass(selector, 'invalid_value');
+			uEditCheckErrors();
+		}
+		if(!val) return;
+		var resp	= new asvr();
+		resp.isnew(1);
+		resp.survey(survey.id());
+		resp.usr(patron.id());
+		resp.question(row.getAttribute('question'));
+		resp.answer(val);
+		patron.survey_responses().push( resp );
+	}
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	Spit out the patron info to the summary display tables...
+	----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+function uEditShowSummary() {
+	hideMe($('main_div_container'));
+	unHideMe($('summary_div_container'));
+	for( var f in dataFields ) {
+		var field = dataFields[f];
+		if( field.object == patron ) {
+			var val = uEditNodeVal(field);
+			if(	field.key == 'profile'		||
+					field.key == 'home_ou'		||
+					field.key == 'ident_type'	||
+					field.key == 'ident_type2') {
+				val = getSelectorName($(field.widget.id));
+			}
+			var node = $('ue_summary_'+field.key);
+			if(node) appendClear(node, text(val));
+		}
+		if( field.object == patron.card() )
+			appendClear($('ue_summary_barcode'), text(uEditNodeVal(field)));
+	}
+	var table = $('ue_summary_table');
+	uEditFleshSummaryAddresses( table, patron );
+	uEditFleshSummaryStatCats( table, patron );
+	uEditFleshSummarySurveys( table, patron );
+var uEditSummaryAddrRow;
+function uEditFleshSummaryAddresses( table, patron ) {
+	var addrtbody = $n(table, 'ue_summary_addr_tbody');
+	if(!uEditSummaryAddrRow)
+		uEditSummaryAddrRow = 
+			addrtbody.removeChild($n(addrtbody, 'ue_summary_addr_row'));
+	var rowtmpl = uEditSummaryAddrRow;
+	removeChildren(addrtbody);
+	for( var a in patron.addresses() ) {
+		var address = patron.addresses()[a];
+		var row = rowtmpl.cloneNode(true);
+		uEditFleshSummaryAddr( address, patron, row );
+		addrtbody.appendChild(row);
+		if(address.isdeleted()) addCSSClass(row, 'deleted');
+	}
+function uEditFleshSummaryAddr( address, patron, row ) {
+	var yes = $('yes').innerHTML;
+	var no = $('no').innerHTML;
+	$n(row, 'label').appendChild(text(address.address_type()));
+	$n(row, 'street1').appendChild(text(address.street1()));
+	$n(row, 'street2').appendChild(text(address.street2()));
+	$n(row, 'city').appendChild(text(address.city()));
+	$n(row, 'county').appendChild(text(address.county()));
+	$n(row, 'state').appendChild(text(address.state()));
+	$n(row, 'country').appendChild(text(address.country()));
+	$n(row, 'zip').appendChild(text(address.post_code()));
+	$n(row, 'valid').appendChild(text( (isTrue(address.valid())) ? yes : no ));
+	$n(row, 'incorporated').appendChild(text( (isTrue(address.within_city_limits())) ? yes : no ));
+	var mid = patron.mailing_address();
+	if( typeof patron.mailing_address() == 'object' ) 
+		mid = patron.mailing_address().id();
+	$n(row, 'mailing').appendChild(text((mid == address.id()) ? yes : no ));
+	var bid = patron.billing_address();
+	if( typeof patron.billing_address() == 'object' ) 
+		bid = patron.billing_address().id();
+	$n(row, 'billing').appendChild(text((bid == address.id()) ? yes : no ));
+var uEditSummaryStatCatRow;
+function uEditFleshSummaryStatCats( table, patron ) {
+	var tbody = $n(table, 'ue_summary_stats_tbody');
+	if(!uEditSummaryStatCatRow)
+		uEditSummaryStatCatRow = 
+			tbody.removeChild($n(tbody, 'ue_summary_stats_row'));
+	var rowtmpl = uEditSummaryStatCatRow;
+	removeChildren(tbody);
+	for( var s in patron.stat_cat_entries() ) {
+		row = rowtmpl.cloneNode(true);
+		var entry = patron.stat_cat_entries()[s];
+		var cat = statCatsCache[entry.stat_cat()];
+		$n(row, 'ue_summary_stat_name').appendChild(text(cat.name()));
+		$n(row, 'ue_summary_stat_value').appendChild(text(entry.stat_cat_entry()));
+		row.setAttribute('statcat', entry.stat_cat());
+		if( entry.isdeleted() ) addCSSClass(row, 'deleted'); 
+		tbody.appendChild(row);
+	}
+	if( ! getElementsByTagNameFlat( tbody, 'tr' )[0] )
+		hideMe(tbody.parentNode);
+	else
+		unHideMe(tbody.parentNode);
+var uEditSummarySurveyRow;
+function uEditFleshSummarySurveys( table, patron ) {
+	var tbody	= $n(table, 'ue_summary_survey_tbody');
+	if(!uEditSummarySurveyRow)
+		uEditSummarySurveyRow = 
+			tbody.removeChild($n(tbody, 'ue_summary_survey_row'));
+	var rowtmpl = uEditSummarySurveyRow;
+	removeChildren(tbody);
+	for( var r in patron.survey_responses() ) {
+		var row		= rowtmpl.cloneNode(true);
+		var resp		= patron.survey_responses()[r];
+		var survey	= surveysCache[resp.survey()];
+		var quest	= surveyQuestionsCache[resp.question()];
+		var answer	= surveyAnswersCache[resp.answer()];
+		$n(row, 'ue_summary_survey_name').appendChild(text(survey.name()));
+		$n(row, 'ue_summary_survey_question').appendChild(text(quest.question()));
+		$n(row, 'ue_summary_survey_answer').appendChild(text(answer.answer()));
+		tbody.appendChild(row);
+	}
+	if( ! getElementsByTagNameFlat(tbody, 'tr')[0])
+		hideMe(tbody.parentNode);
+	else
+		unHideMe(tbody.parentNode);
+function uEditDrawNetLevels(netLevels) {
+	var sel = $('ue_net_level');
+	iterate( netLevels, 
+		function(i) {
+			insertSelectorVal( sel, -1, i.name(), i.id() );
+		}
+	);
+	setSelector(sel, defaultNetLevel);

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