[open-ils-commits] SPAM: r10466 - in trunk: . Evergreen Open-ILS/admin/ils_admin Open-ILS/examples Open-ILS/src Open-ILS/src/apachemods Open-ILS/src/c-apps Open-ILS/src/extras Open-ILS/src/java Open-ILS/src/offline Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/WWW Open-ILS/src/python Open-ILS/src/reporter Open-ILS/src/support-scripts Open-ILS/xul/staff_client build/i18n

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Wed Aug 27 16:12:08 EDT 2008

Author: dbs
Date: 2008-08-27 16:12:04 -0400 (Wed, 27 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 10466

Start using automake/autoconf for configuring, building, and installing Evergreen

Added: trunk/AUTHORS
--- trunk/AUTHORS	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/AUTHORS	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Added: trunk/ChangeLog
--- trunk/ChangeLog	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/ChangeLog	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Added: trunk/Evergreen/Makefile.am
--- trunk/Evergreen/Makefile.am	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Evergreen/Makefile.am	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Makefile.am for Evergreen
+# Author: Kevin Beswick (kevinbeswick00 at gmail.com)
+## Process this file with automake to generate Makefile.in
+EGCORE_INST = circ-install iplist-install perl-install web-install
+install-data-hook: $(EGCORE_INST) $(EGXUL_INST)
+	@echo $@
+	cp -R staff_client local_staff_client
+	find local_staff_client/ -type f -exec sed -i s/evergreen/${NEW_XUL_PACKAGE_NAME}/g {} \;
+	find local_staff_client/ -type f -exec sed -i s/Evergreen/${NEW_XUL_PACKAGE_LABEL}/g {} \;
+	(cd local_staff_client/chrome/skin/evergreen; mv evergreen.css ${NEW_XUL_PACKAGE_NAME}.css)
+	(cd local_staff_client/defaults/preferences; mv evergreen.js ${NEW_XUL_PACKAGE_NAME}.js)
+	(cd local_staff_client/chrome/content; mv evergreen ${NEW_XUL_PACKAGE_NAME})
+	(cd local_staff_client/chrome/locale/en-US/; mv evergreen ${NEW_XUL_PACKAGE_NAME})
+	(cd local_staff_client/chrome/skin; mv evergreen ${NEW_XUL_PACKAGE_NAME})
+	make -C local_staff_client build
+	find local_staff_client/ -type f -exec sed -i s/gapines.org/${NEW_OPAC_URL}/g {} \;
+	make -C local_staff_client package
+	@echo $@
+	mkdir -p $(PERLDIR)
+	cp -r src/perlmods/* $(PERLDIR)
+	@echo $@
+	mkdir -p $(CIRCRULESDIR)
+	cp src/javascript/backend/circ/*.js $(CIRCRULESDIR)
+	@echo $@
+	mkdir -p $(ETCDIR)
+	cp conf/lib_ips.txt $(ETCDIR)
+	@echo $@
+	cp web/opac/images/* $(WEBDIR)/opac/images/

Deleted: trunk/Makefile
--- trunk/Makefile	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Makefile	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# vim:noet:ts=4
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (C) 2005  Georgia Public Library Service 
-# Bill Erickson <highfalutin at gmail.com>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-all: build
-verbose:	oldconfig
-	@./install.sh build verbose
-	@./config.sh
-	@./config.sh default
-oldconfig:	install.conf
-	@./config.sh
-build:	oldconfig
-	@./install.sh build
-	@./install.sh install
-	@./install.sh clean
-	@./install.sh test

Added: trunk/Makefile.am
--- trunk/Makefile.am	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Makefile.am	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Makefile.am for openils
+# Author: Kevin Beswick (kevinbeswick00 at gmail.com)
+## Process this file with automake to generate Makefile.in
+# Set some variables
+export PREFIX=@prefix@
+export BINDIR=@bindir@
+export LIBDIR=@libdir@
+export perldir=$(LIBDIR)/perl5
+export INCLUDEDIR=@includedir@
+export ETCDIR=@sysconfdir@
+export WEBDIR=@localstatedir@/web
+export CGIDIR=@localstatedir@/cgi-bin
+export TEMPLATEDIR=@localstatedir@/templates
+export datadir=@localstatedir@/data
+export circrulesdir=@localstatedir@/circ
+export catalogscriptdir=@localstatedir@/catalog
+export penaltyrulesdir=@localstatedir@/penalty
+export XSLDIR=@localstatedir@/xsl
+export REPORTERDIR=@localstatedir@/reporter
+export ADMINDIR=@localstatedir@/admin
+export SOCK=@localstatedir@/lock
+export PID=@localstatedir@/run
+export LOG=@localstatedir@/log
+# Derived from autoconf:
+export TMP = @TMP@
+export APXS2 = @APXS2@
+export DBI_LIBS = @DBI_LIBS@
+#export DBDRVR = @DBDRVR@
+#export DBHOST = @DBHOST@
+#export DBPORT = @DBPORT@
+#export DBNAME = @DBNAME@
+#export DBUSER = @DBUSER@
+#export DBPW = @DBPW@
+#export DBVER = @DBVER@
+SUBDIRS = Open-ILS/src

Added: trunk/NEWS
--- trunk/NEWS	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/NEWS	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/admin/ils_admin/settings.py.example
--- trunk/Open-ILS/admin/ils_admin/settings.py.example	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/admin/ils_admin/settings.py.example	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 DATABASE_ENGINE = 'sqlite3'           # 'postgresql', 'mysql', 'sqlite3' or 'ado_mssql'.
-DATABASE_NAME = '/openils/var/data/django.db'             # Or path to database file if using sqlite3.
+DATABASE_NAME = 'LOCALSTATEDIR/data/django.db'             # Or path to database file if using sqlite3.
 DATABASE_USER = ''             # Not used with sqlite3.
 DATABASE_PASSWORD = ''         # Not used with sqlite3.
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
     # Put strings here, like "/home/html/django_templates" or "C:/www/django/templates".
     # Always use forward slashes, even on Windows.
     # Don't forget to use absolute paths, not relative paths.
-	 '/openils/var/admin/ils_admin/templates/default'
+	 'LOCALSTATEDIR/admin/ils_admin/templates/default'

Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/examples/Makefile
--- trunk/Open-ILS/examples/Makefile	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/examples/Makefile	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# vim:noet:ts=4
-# This is a simple implementation of a test suite for XML validity
-# (where possible) or well-formedness (if no schema is available)
-# to ensure that our sample XML configuration files are reasonably
-# clean.
-TESTIDL := $(shell xmllint --noout --schema fm_IDL.xsd fm_IDL.xml 2>&1 | wc -l)
-TESTOSRF := $(shell xmllint --noout opensrf.xml 2>&1 | wc -l)
-TESTOSRFCORE := $(shell xmllint --noout opensrf_core.xml 2>&1 | wc -l)
-ifeq ($(TESTIDL), 1)
-$(warning fm_IDL.xml does not validate)
-ifeq ($(TESTOSRF), 1)
-$(warning opensrf.xml is not well-formed)
-ifeq ($(TESTOSRFCORE), 1)
-$(warning opensrf_core.xml is not well-formed)
-test: test_idl test_osrf test_osrf_core
-# First we count the number of characters returned
-SUCCESSES ?= $(shell echo $(SUCCESS) | wc -m )
-FAILED ?= $(shell echo $(FAILURE) | wc -m )
-TOTALED ?= $(shell echo $(TOTAL) | wc -m )
-# Then we subtract one from the count to make it accurate
-SUCCESSTESTS ?= $(shell echo $(SUCCESSES) - 1 | bc )
-FAILEDTESTS ?= $(shell echo $(FAILED) -1 | bc )
-TOTALTESTS ?= $(shell echo $(TOTALED) -1 | bc )
-$(info Succesful tests: $(SUCCESSTESTS)/$(TOTALTESTS))
-$(info Failed tests: $(FAILEDTESTS)/$(TOTALTESTS))

Added: trunk/Open-ILS/examples/Makefile.in
--- trunk/Open-ILS/examples/Makefile.in	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/examples/Makefile.in	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# vim:noet:ts=4
+# This is a simple implementation of a test suite for XML validity
+# (where possible) or well-formedness (if no schema is available)
+# to ensure that our sample XML configuration files are reasonably
+# clean.
+TESTIDL := $(shell xmllint --noout --schema fm_IDL.xsd fm_IDL.xml 2>&1 | wc -l)
+TESTOSRF := $(shell xmllint --noout opensrf.xml 2>&1 | wc -l)
+TESTOSRFCORE := $(shell xmllint --noout opensrf_core.xml 2>&1 | wc -l)
+ifeq ($(TESTIDL), 1)
+$(warning fm_IDL.xml does not validate)
+ifeq ($(TESTOSRF), 1)
+$(warning opensrf.xml is not well-formed)
+ifeq ($(TESTOSRFCORE), 1)
+$(warning opensrf_core.xml is not well-formed)
+test: test_idl test_osrf test_osrf_core
+# First we count the number of characters returned
+SUCCESSES ?= $(shell echo $(SUCCESS) | wc -m )
+FAILED ?= $(shell echo $(FAILURE) | wc -m )
+TOTALED ?= $(shell echo $(TOTAL) | wc -m )
+# Then we subtract one from the count to make it accurate
+SUCCESSTESTS ?= $(shell echo $(SUCCESSES) - 1 | bc )
+FAILEDTESTS ?= $(shell echo $(FAILED) -1 | bc )
+TOTALTESTS ?= $(shell echo $(TOTALED) -1 | bc )
+$(info Succesful tests: $(SUCCESSTESTS)/$(TOTALTESTS))
+$(info Failed tests: $(FAILEDTESTS)/$(TOTALTESTS))

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/examples/oils_sip.xml.example
--- trunk/Open-ILS/examples/oils_sip.xml.example	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/examples/oils_sip.xml.example	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 			<!-- implementation specific config options go here -->
-				<bootstrap>/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml</bootstrap>
+				<bootstrap>SYSCONFDIR/opensrf_core.xml</bootstrap>
 				<!-- These defines what this SIP code has the ability to support -->
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@
 					<option name='msg64_summary_datatype' value='barcode' />
-					<path>/openils/var/</path>
-                    <path>/openils/var/catalog/</path>
+					<path>LOCALSTATEDIR/</path>
+                    <path>LOCALSTATEDIR/catalog/</path>

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/examples/opensrf.xml.example
--- trunk/Open-ILS/examples/opensrf.xml.example	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/examples/opensrf.xml.example	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
-            <log>/openils/var/log</log> <!-- unix::server log files -->
-            <sock>/openils/var/sock</sock> <!-- unix::server sock files -->
-            <pid>/openils/var/pid</pid>
-            <xsl>/openils/var/xsl</xsl>
-            <script>/openils/var</script>
-            <script_lib>/openils/var</script_lib>
+            <log>LOCALSTATEDIR/log</log> <!-- unix::server log files -->
+            <sock>LOCALSTATEDIR/lock</sock> <!-- unix::server sock files -->
+            <pid>LOCALSTATEDIR/run</pid>
+            <xsl>LOCALSTATEDIR/xsl</xsl>
+            <script>LOCALSTATEDIR</script>
+            <script_lib>LOCALSTATEDIR</script_lib>
         <!-- global data visibility settings -->
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@
-        <IDL>/openils/conf/fm_IDL.xml</IDL> <!-- top level IDL file -->
+        <IDL>SYSCONFDIR/fm_IDL.xml</IDL> <!-- top level IDL file -->
         <server_type>prefork</server_type> <!-- net::server type -->
-        <ils_events>/openils/var/data/ils_events.xml</ils_events> <!-- ILS events description file -->
+        <ils_events>LOCALSTATEDIR/data/ils_events.xml</ils_events> <!-- ILS events description file -->
         <email_notify> <!-- this will eventually move into the notifications section below... -->
             <!-- global email notification settings -->
-            <template>/openils/var/data/hold_notification_template.example</template>
+            <template>LOCALSTATEDIR/data/hold_notification_template.example</template>
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@
             <!-- The system can generate an XML file of overdue notices.  This is the
                 directory where they are stored.  Files are named overdue.YYYY-MM-DD.xml -->
-            <notice_dir>/openils/var/data/overdue</notice_dir>
-            <combined_template>/openils/var/data/templates/overdue_combined_xml.example</combined_template>
+            <notice_dir>LOCALSTATEDIR/data/overdue</notice_dir>
+            <combined_template>LOCALSTATEDIR/data/templates/overdue_combined_xml.example</combined_template>
                 <!-- Notify at 7 days overdue -->
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
                 <!-- do we attempt email notification? -->
                 <!-- notice template file -->
-                <email_template>/openils/var/data/templates/overdue_7day.example</email_template>
+                <email_template>LOCALSTATEDIR/data/templates/overdue_7day.example</email_template>
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
                 <notify_interval>1 day</notify_interval>
-                <email_template>/openils/var/data/templates/predue_1day.example</email_template>
+                <email_template>LOCALSTATEDIR/data/templates/predue_1day.example</email_template>
@@ -107,9 +107,9 @@
                     <!-- successful report outputs go here -->
-                    <output_base>/openils/var/web/reporter</output_base>
-                    <success_template>/openils/var/data/report-success</success_template>
-                    <fail_template>/openils/var/data/report-fail</fail_template>
+                    <output_base>LOCALSTATEDIR/web/reporter</output_base>
+                    <success_template>LOCALSTATEDIR/data/report-success</success_template>
+                    <fail_template>LOCALSTATEDIR/data/report-fail</fail_template>
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
                     <!-- zip code database file -->
-                    <!--<zips_file>/openils/var/data/zips.txt</zips_file>-->
+                    <!--<zips_file>LOCALSTATEDIR/data/zips.txt</zips_file>-->
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@
-                        <K_book>/openils/var/templates/marc/k_book.xml</K_book>
+                        <K_book>LOCALSTATEDIR/templates/marc/k_book.xml</K_book>
@@ -471,9 +471,9 @@
-                    <script_path>/openils/lib/javascript</script_path>
-                    <script_path>/openils/var</script_path>
-                    <script_path>/openils/var/catalog</script_path>
+                    <script_path>LIBDIR/javascript</script_path>
+                    <script_path>LOCALSTATEDIR</script_path>
+                    <script_path>LOCALSTATEDIR/catalog</script_path>
@@ -499,9 +499,9 @@
                     <!-- circulation policy scripts -->
-                    <script_path>/openils/lib/javascript</script_path>
-                    <script_path>/openils/var</script_path>
-                    <script_path>/openils/var/catalog</script_path>
+                    <script_path>LIBDIR/javascript</script_path>
+                    <script_path>LOCALSTATEDIR</script_path>
+                    <script_path>LOCALSTATEDIR/catalog</script_path>
@@ -591,9 +591,9 @@
-                    <script_path>/openils/lib/javascript/</script_path>
-                    <script_path>/openils/var/catalog/</script_path>
-                    <script_path>/openils/var/web/opac/common/js/</script_path>
+                    <script_path>LIBDIR/javascript/</script_path>
+                    <script_path>LOCALSTATEDIR/catalog/</script_path>
+                    <script_path>LOCALSTATEDIR/web/opac/common/js/</script_path>
@@ -617,8 +617,8 @@
-                    <script_path>/openils/lib/javascript/</script_path>
-                    <script_path>/openils/var/catalog/</script_path>
+                    <script_path>LIBDIR/javascript/</script_path>
+                    <script_path>LOCALSTATEDIR/catalog/</script_path>

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/examples/opensrf_core.xml.example
--- trunk/Open-ILS/examples/opensrf_core.xml.example	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/examples/opensrf_core.xml.example	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
     <!-- log to a local file -->
-    <logfile>/openils/var/log/osrfsys.log</logfile>
+    <logfile>LOCALSTATEDIR/log/osrfsys.log</logfile>
     <!-- Log to syslog. You can use this same layout for 
     defining the logging of all services in this file -->
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
     <!-- config file for the services -->
-    <settings_config>/openils/conf/opensrf.xml</settings_config>
+    <settings_config>SYSCONFDIR/opensrf.xml</settings_config>
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
-    <logfile>/openils/var/log/osrfsys.log</logfile>
+    <logfile>LOCALSTATEDIR/log/osrfsys.log</logfile>
   <!-- The section between <gateway>...</gateway> is a standard OpenSRF C stack config file -->
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
-    <logfile>/openils/var/log/gateway.log</logfile>
+    <logfile>LOCALSTATEDIR/log/gateway.log</logfile>
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
-      <logfile>/openils/var/log/router.log</logfile>
+      <logfile>LOCALSTATEDIR/log/router.log</logfile>

Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/src/Makefile
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/Makefile	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/Makefile	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-# vim:noet:ts=4
-export LDFLAGS			+= -L . -L$(TMP) -L $(OPENSRF_LIBS)
-export CFLAGS			+= -pipe -g -Wall -O2 -fPIC -I../../include -I$(LIBXML2_HEADERS) -I$(APACHE2_HEADERS) -I$(APR_HEADERS) \
-export INCDIR = "$(INCLUDEDIR)/openils/"
-export STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID = `/bin/cat ../xul/staff_client/build/BUILD_ID`
-all:  c_apps client-xul mod_xmlent python-build
-install:	perl-install python-install web-install server-xul string-templates-install xsl-install c_apps-install circ_rules-install offline-install storage-bootstrap cgi-bootstrap
-web-install:	webcore-install autojs-install mod_xmlent-install offline-install reporter-install
-	@echo $@
-	mkdir -p $(CIRCRULESDIR)
-	cp javascript/backend/circ/*.js $(CIRCRULESDIR)
-	cp javascript/backend/penalty/*.js $(PENALTYRULESDIR)
-	cp javascript/backend/catalog/*.js $(CATALOGSCRIPTDIR)
-	cp support-scripts/fine_generator.pl $(BINDIR) 
-	cp support-scripts/hold_targeter.pl $(BINDIR) 
-	cp support-scripts/reshelving_complete.srfsh $(BINDIR) 
-	cp support-scripts/thaw_expired_frozen_holds.srfsh $(BINDIR) 
-	cp support-scripts/long-overdue-status-update.pl $(BINDIR) 
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Web stuff
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	@echo $@
-	make -C apachemods mod_xmlent.so
-	@echo $@
-	make -C apachemods mod_xmlent-install
-	@echo $@
-	@echo "Building staff client"
-	make -C ../xul/staff_client 
-	@echo $@
-	mkdir -p ${WEBDIR}
-	@echo "Creating ${WEBDIR}/xul/"
-	mkdir -p ${WEBDIR}/xul/
-	@echo "Copying xul into ${WEBDIR}/xul/${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}"
-	mkdir -p "${WEBDIR}/xul/${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}"
-	cp -R ../xul/staff_client/build/server "${WEBDIR}/xul/${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}/"
-	@echo $@
-	echo "Copying web into $(WEBDIR)"
-	mkdir -p $(ADMINDIR)
-	cp -r ../admin/* $(ADMINDIR)
-	mkdir -p $(WEBDIR)
-	mkdir -p $(WEBDIR)/js/dojo/opensrf/
-	mkdir -p $(WEBDIR)/opac/extras/xsl/
-	cp -r ../web/* $(WEBDIR)
-	cp $(OPENSRF_LIBS)/javascript/* $(WEBDIR)/opac/common/js/
-	# dojo-ified opensrf libs
-	cp $(OPENSRF_LIBS)/javascript/md5.js $(WEBDIR)/js/dojo/opensrf/
-	cp $(OPENSRF_LIBS)/javascript/JSON_v1.js $(WEBDIR)/js/dojo/opensrf/
-	cp $(OPENSRF_LIBS)/javascript/opensrf*js $(WEBDIR)/js/dojo/opensrf/
-	cp $(OPENSRF_LIBS)/javascript/DojoSRF.js $(WEBDIR)/js/dojo/
-	ln -sf $(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/index.xml $(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/mresult.xml
-	ln -sf $(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/index.xml $(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/rresult.xml
-	ln -sf $(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/index.xml $(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/rdetail.xml
-	ln -sf $(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/index.xml $(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/advanced.xml
-	ln -sf $(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/index.xml $(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/myopac.xml
-	ln -sf $(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/index.xml $(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/cnbrowse.xml
-	cp ../xul/staff_client/chrome//content//util/date.js $(WEBDIR)/opac/common/js/
-	cp ../xsl/*.xsl $(WEBDIR)/opac/extras/xsl/
-	ln -sf $(ETCDIR)/fm_IDL.xml $(WEBDIR)/reports/
-	cp ../xul/staff_client/server/admin/adminlib.js $(WEBDIR)/reports/
-	mkdir -p $(WEBDIR)/opac/extras/slimpac/
-	mkdir -p $(WEBDIR)/standalone/
-	@echo $@
-	make -C c-apps
-	make -C extras oils_requestor
-	@echo $@
-	make -C c-apps install
-	make -C extras oils_requestor-install
-	@echo $@
-	cp extras/fieldmapper.pl $(BINDIR)
-	cp extras/org_tree_js.pl $(BINDIR)
-	cp extras/org_lasso_js.pl $(BINDIR)
-	cp extras/org_tree_html_options.pl $(BINDIR)
-	cp extras/org_tree_proximity.pl $(BINDIR)
-	cp extras/autogen.sh $(BINDIR)
-	cp extras/openurl_map.pl $(BINDIR)
-	cp support-scripts/offline-blocked-list.pl $(BINDIR) # this should probably be somewhere else
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	@echo $@
-	@echo "Installing Perl modules to $(PERLDIR)"
-	mkdir -p $(PERLDIR)
-	mkdir -p $(DATADIR)
-	mkdir -p $(BINDIR)
-	mkdir -p $(DATADIR)/overdue/
-	cp extras/ils_events.xml $(DATADIR)
-	cp -r perlmods/* $(PERLDIR)
-	cp ../examples/opensrf.xml.example $(ETCDIR)
-	cp ../examples/opensrf_core.xml.example $(ETCDIR)
-	cp ../examples/fm_IDL.xml $(ETCDIR)
-	cp ../examples/oils_sip.xml.example $(ETCDIR)
-	cp ../examples/hold_notification_template.example $(DATADIR)
-	cp ../examples/oils_ctl.sh $(BINDIR)
-	cp ../examples/lib_ips.txt.example $(ETCDIR)
-	mkdir -p $(TEMPLATEDIR)
-	cp -r templates/marc $(TEMPLATEDIR)
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	if [ -n "$(EG_PYTHON_INSTALL)" ]; then echo $@; make -C python build; fi;
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	if [ -n "$(EG_PYTHON_INSTALL)" ]; then echo $@; make -C python install; fi;
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	@echo $@
-	@echo "Installing Reporter email templates to $(REPORTERDIR) and example configs to $(ETCDIR)"
-	cp reporter/clark-kent.pl $(BINDIR)
-	cp reporter/find_orphaned_reports.pl $(BINDIR)
-	cp reporter/report-fail $(DATADIR)
-	cp reporter/report-success $(DATADIR)
-	mkdir -p $(REPORTERDIR)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	@echo "Installing offline CGIs to $(CGIDIR)/offline";
-	mkdir -p $(CGIDIR)/offline;
-	mkdir -p $(DATADIR)/offline;
-	perl -pe "s{##CONFIG##}{$(ETCDIR)}" < offline/offline.pl > $(TMP)/offline.pl;
-	cp offline/offline-config.pl $(ETCDIR)
-	cp $(TMP)/offline.pl $(CGIDIR)/offline/
-	chmod +x $(CGIDIR)/offline/offline.pl
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	@echo "Installing cgi's to $(CGIDIR)"
-	mkdir -p $(TMP)/cgi-bin
-	mkdir -p $(CGIDIR)
-	for i in cgi-bin/*cgi; do perl -pe "s{##CONFIG##}{$(ETCDIR)}" < $$i > $(TMP)/$$i; done
-	cp $(TMP)/cgi-bin/*cgi $(CGIDIR)
-	cp -r cgi-bin/support $(CGIDIR)
-	cp cgi-bin/setup.pl $(ETCDIR)/live-db-setup.pl
-	chmod 755 $(CGIDIR)/*cgi
-	@echo $@
-	@echo ""
-	@echo "WARNING!"
-	@echo ""
-	@echo "storage-bootstrap will DESTROY all data within all of the ILS tables in your database."
-	@echo "The database this script will touch has a DBI DSN of"
-	@echo "    dbi:$(DBDRVR):host=$(DBHOST);dbname=$(DBNAME);port=$(DBPORT)"
-	@echo "Type control-c to avoid destroying all of the data.  Type enter to continue..."
-	@echo ""
-	@read X;
-	./extras/import/build-oils-db.sh $(DBDRVR) $(DBHOST) $(DBPORT) $(DBNAME) $(DBUSER) $(DBPW)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	@echo "Installing string templates to $(TEMPLATEDIR)"
-	mkdir -p $(TEMPLATEDIR)
-	cp -r templates/strings $(TEMPLATEDIR)
-	@echo "Installing XSL files to $(XSLDIR)"
-	mkdir -p $(XSLDIR)
-	cp ../xsl/*.xsl $(XSLDIR)
-#	mkdir -p $(WEBDIR)/xsl/
-#	cp ../xsl/*.xsl $(WEBDIR)/xsl/
-	@echo $@
-	make -C extras clean
-	make -C apachemods clean
-	make -C c-apps clean
-	if [ -n "$(EG_PYTHON_INSTALL)" ]; then echo $@; make -C python clean --all; fi;

Added: trunk/Open-ILS/src/Makefile.am
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/Makefile.am	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/Makefile.am	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Equinox Software, Inc.
+# Kevin Beswick <kevinbeswick00 at gmail.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+## Process this file with automake to generate Makefile.in
+export INCDIR = "$(INCLUDEDIR)/openils/"
+export STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID = `/bin/cat @top_srcdir@/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/build/BUILD_ID`
+export DEF_CFLAGS = -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pipe -g -Wall -O2 -fPIC -I at top_srcdir@/include -I$(LIBXML2_HEADERS) -I$(APACHE2_HEADERS) -I$(APR_HEADERS)  -I$(LIBXML2_HEADERS)/libxml  -I$(TMP) -I$(OPENSRF_HEADERS)
+export DEF_LDLIBS = -lopensrf 
+# Establish some installation directories and such
+examples = @top_srcdir@/Open-ILS/examples
+jsbackend = @srcdir@/javascript/backend
+supportscr = @srcdir@/support-scripts
+webdir = $(WEBDIR)
+admindir = $(ADMINDIR)
+opacjsdir = $(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR)/opac/common/js
+jsdojodir = $(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR)/js/dojo
+jsdojoosrfdir = $(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR)/js/dojo/opensrf
+opacextrasdir = $(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR)/opac/extras/xsl/
+reportsdir = $(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR)/reports/
+# Collect files to be used by multiple targets
+autojsbinscripts = @srcdir@/extras/fieldmapper.pl \
+ 	 @srcdir@/extras/org_tree_js.pl \
+	 @srcdir@/extras/org_lasso_js.pl \
+	 @srcdir@/extras/org_tree_html_options.pl \
+	 @srcdir@/extras/org_tree_proximity.pl \
+	 @srcdir@/extras/autogen.sh \
+	 @srcdir@/support-scripts/offline-blocked-list.pl 
+# Decide which entities to build
+# Build ILS CORE
+#Add directories to build
+OILSCORE_DIRS = c-apps extras 
+#Add manual (non-automake) install targets for simplicity of installing.
+OILSCORE_INST = ilscore-install
+core_data = @srcdir@/extras/ils_events.xml \
+	    $(examples)/hold_notification_template.example
+sysconf_DATA = $(examples)/opensrf.xml.example \
+	       $(examples)/opensrf_core.xml.example \
+	       $(examples)/fm_IDL.xml \
+	       $(examples)/oils_sip.xml.example \
+	       $(examples)/lib_ips.txt.example
+core_scripts =   $(examples)/oils_ctl.sh \
+		 $(supportscr)/fine_generator.pl \
+		 $(supportscr)/hold_targeter.pl \
+		 $(supportscr)/reshelving_complete.srfsh \
+		 $(supportscr)/thaw_expired_frozen_holds.srfsh \
+		 $(supportscr)/long-overdue-status-update.pl \
+		 $(srcdir)/extras/openurl_map.pl 
+installautojs = $(autojsbinscripts)
+circrules_SCRIPTS = $(jsbackend)/circ/circ_duration.js \
+		    $(jsbackend)/circ/circ_groups.js \
+		    $(jsbackend)/circ/circ_item_config.js \
+		    $(jsbackend)/circ/circ_lib.js \
+		    $(jsbackend)/circ/circ_permit_copy.js \
+		    $(jsbackend)/circ/circ_permit_hold.js \
+		    $(jsbackend)/circ/circ_permit_patron.js \
+		    $(jsbackend)/circ/circ_permit_renew.js 
+penaltyrules_SCRIPTS = $(jsbackend)/penalty/patron_penalty.js
+catalogscript_SCRIPTS = $(jsbackend)/catalog/biblio_descriptor.js \
+		        $(jsbackend)/catalog/biblio_fingerprint.js \
+			$(jsbackend)/catalog/fixed_fields.js \
+		        $(jsbackend)/catalog/phys_char.js \
+	                $(jsbackend)/catalog/record_type.js
+# Build ILS WEB
+OILSWEB_DIRS = apachemods
+OILSWEB_INST = webcore-install offline-install cgi-bootstrap
+reports_SCRIPTS = @top_srcdir@/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/admin/adminlib.js
+opacjs_SCRIPTS = $(OPENSRF_LIBS)/javascript/DojoSRF.js \
+		 $(OPENSRF_LIBS)/javascript/JSON_v0.js \
+		 $(OPENSRF_LIBS)/javascript/JSON_v1.js \
+		 $(OPENSRF_LIBS)/javascript/md5.js \
+		 $(OPENSRF_LIBS)/javascript/opensrf.js \
+		 $(OPENSRF_LIBS)/javascript/opensrf_xhr.js \
+		 $(OPENSRF_LIBS)/javascript/opensrf_xmpp.js \
+		 @top_srcdir@/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/chrome//content//util/date.js
+jsdojo_SCRIPTS = $(OPENSRF_LIBS)/javascript/DojoSRF.js
+jsdojoosrf_SCRIPTS = $(OPENSRF_LIBS)/javascript/md5.js \
+		     $(OPENSRF_LIBS)/javascript/JSON_v1.js \
+		     $(OPENSRF_LIBS)/javascript/opensrf.js \
+		     $(OPENSRF_LIBS)/javascript/opensrf_xhr.js \
+		     $(OPENSRF_LIBS)/javascript/opensrf_xmpp.js
+installautojs = $(autojsbinscripts)
+# Build ILS Reporter
+OILSREP_INST = reporter-install
+reporter_scripts = @srcdir@/reporter/clark-kent.pl \
+		   @srcdir@/reporter/find_orphaned_reports.pl
+reporter_data = @srcdir@/reporter/report-fail \
+	       @srcdir@/reporter/report-success
+OILSCLIENT_DIRS = ../xul/staff_client
+OILSSERVER_INST = server-xul
+bin_SCRIPTS = $(core_scripts) $(reporter_scripts) $(installautojs) @srcdir@/extras/eg_config
+data_DATA = $(core_data) $(reporter_data)
+# Take care of which subdirectories to build, and which extra files to include in a distibution.
+EXTRA_DIST = @srcdir@/perlmods @srcdir@/templates @top_srcdir@/Open-ILS/xsl @srcdir@/cgi-bin
+# Install header files
+oilsincludedir = $(DESTDIR)@includedir@/openils
+headsdir = @top_srcdir@/Open-ILS/include/openils
+oilsinclude_HEADERS = $(headsdir)/idl_fieldmapper.h $(headsdir)/oils_constants.h $(headsdir)/oils_event.h $(headsdir)/oils_idl.h $(headsdir)/oils_utils.h
+# Install everything that did not get installed by autotools
+	rm -R $(perldir)
+	rm -R $(XSLDIR)
+	rm -R $(CGIDIR)
+	rm -R $(admindir) 
+	rm -R $(webdir)
+	rm -R $(opacextrasdir)
+#perl-install and string-templates-install	
+	@echo $@
+	@echo "Installing Perl modules"
+	mkdir -p $(perldir)
+	mkdir -p $(TEMPLATEDIR)
+	cp -r @srcdir@/perlmods/* $(perldir)
+	cp -r @srcdir@/templates/marc $(TEMPLATEDIR)
+	sed -i 's|SYSCONFDIR|@sysconfdir@|g' '$(DESTDIR)@libdir@/perl5/OpenILS/WWW/Web.pm'
+	sed -i 's|SYSCONFDIR|@sysconfdir@|g' '$(DESTDIR)@libdir@/perl5/OpenILS/WWW/Method.pm'
+	@echo "Installing string templates to $(TEMPLATEDIR)"
+	mkdir -p $(TEMPLATEDIR)
+	mkdir -p $(datadir)/overdue/
+	cp -r @srcdir@/templates/strings $(TEMPLATEDIR)
+	sed -i 's|LOCALSTATEDIR|@localstatedir@|g' '$(DESTDIR)@sysconfdir@/oils_sip.xml.example'
+	sed -i 's|SYSCONFDIR|@sysconfdir@|g' '$(DESTDIR)@sysconfdir@/oils_sip.xml.example'
+	sed -i 's|LOCALSTATEDIR|@localstatedir@|g' '$(DESTDIR)@sysconfdir@/opensrf_core.xml.example'
+	sed -i 's|SYSCONFDIR|@sysconfdir@|g' '$(DESTDIR)@sysconfdir@/opensrf_core.xml.example'
+	sed -i 's|LOCALSTATEDIR|@localstatedir@|g' '$(DESTDIR)@sysconfdir@/opensrf.xml.example'
+	sed -i 's|SYSCONFDIR|@sysconfdir@|g' '$(DESTDIR)@sysconfdir@/opensrf.xml.example'
+	sed -i 's|LIBDIR|@libdir@|g' '$(DESTDIR)@sysconfdir@/opensrf.xml.example'
+	sed -i 's|SYSCONFDIR|@sysconfdir@|g' '$(DESTDIR)@bindir@/autogen.sh'
+	sed -i 's|LOCALSTATEDIR|@localstatedir@|g' '$(DESTDIR)@bindir@/autogen.sh'
+	sed -i 's|BINDIR|@bindir@|g' '$(DESTDIR)@bindir@/reshelving_complete.srfsh'
+	sed -i 's|BINDIR|@bindir@|g' '$(DESTDIR)@bindir@/long-overdue-status-update.pl'
+	sed -i 's|SYSCONFDIR|@sysconfdir@|g' '$(DESTDIR)@bindir@/long-overdue-status-update.pl'
+	sed -i 's|BINDIR|@bindir@|g' '$(DESTDIR)@bindir@/thaw_expired_frozen_holds.srfsh'
+	sed -i 's|BINDIR|@bindir@|g' '$(DESTDIR)@bindir@/offline-blocked-list.pl'
+	mkdir -p $(WEBDIR)
+	mkdir -p $(WEBDIR)/opac/extras/slimpac/
+	mkdir -p $(WEBDIR)/standalone/
+	mkdir -p $(opacextrasdir)
+	mkdir -p $(XSLDIR)
+	cp -r @top_srcdir@/Open-ILS/admin/ @localstatedir@
+	cp -r @top_srcdir@/Open-ILS/web/ @localstatedir@
+	cp @top_srcdir@/Open-ILS/xsl/*.xsl $(opacextrasdir)
+	cp @top_srcdir@/Open-ILS/xsl/*.xsl $(XSLDIR)
+	ln -sf $(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/index.xml $(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/mresult.xml
+	ln -sf $(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/index.xml $(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/rresult.xml
+	ln -sf $(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/index.xml $(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/rdetail.xml
+	ln -sf $(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/index.xml $(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/advanced.xml
+	ln -sf $(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/index.xml $(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/myopac.xml
+	ln -sf $(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/index.xml $(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR)/opac/skin/default/xml/cnbrowse.xml
+	ln -sf $(DESTDIR)@sysconfdir@/fm_IDL.xml $(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR)/reports/
+	sed -i 's|LOCALSTATEDIR|@localstatedir@|g' '$(DESTDIR)@localstatedir@/admin/ils_admin/settings.py.example'
+	@echo "Installing offline CGIs to $(CGIDIR)/offline";
+	mkdir -p $(TMP)
+	mkdir -p $(CGIDIR)/offline;
+	mkdir -p $(datadir)/offline;
+	perl -pe "s{##CONFIG##}{@sysconfdir@}" < @srcdir@/offline/offline.pl > $(TMP)/offline.pl;
+	cp @srcdir@/offline/offline-config.pl @sysconfdir@
+	cp $(TMP)/offline.pl $(DESTDIR)$(CGIDIR)/offline/
+	chmod +x $(DESTDIR)$(CGIDIR)/offline/offline.pl
+	@echo "Installing cgi's to $(CGIDIR)"
+	mkdir -p $(TMP)/cgi-bin
+	mkdir -p $(CGIDIR)
+	for i in @srcdir@/cgi-bin/*cgi; do perl -pe "s{##CONFIG##}{@sysconfdir@}" < $$i > $(TMP)/$$i; done
+	cp $(TMP)/cgi-bin/*cgi $(CGIDIR)
+	cp -r @srcdir@/cgi-bin/support $(CGIDIR)
+	cp @srcdir@/cgi-bin/setup.pl @sysconfdir@/live-db-setup.pl
+	chmod 755 $(DESTDIR)$(CGIDIR)/*cgi
+	@echo $@
+	mkdir -p $(WEBDIR)
+	mkdir -p $(WEBDIR)/xul/
+	@echo "Copying xul into $(WEBDIR)/xul/$(STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID)"
+	mkdir -p "$(WEBDIR)/xul/$(STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID)"
+	cp -R @top_srcdir@/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/build/server "${WEBDIR}/xul/${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}/"
+	sed -i 's|SYSCONFDIR|@sysconfdir@|g' '$(DESTDIR)@bindir@/clark-kent.pl'
+	sed -i 's|SYSCONFDIR|@sysconfdir@|g' '$(DESTDIR)@bindir@/find_orphaned_reports.pl'

Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/src/apachemods/Makefile
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/apachemods/Makefile	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/apachemods/Makefile	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-LDLIBS	+= -lxml2 -lopensrf -lxslt
-all:	mod_xmlent.so
-install: mod_xmlent-install
-mod_xmlent.o:	mod_xmlent.c
-mod_xmlent.so: mod_xmlent.o
-	@echo $@
-	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS) -shared -W1 mod_xmlent.o -lexpat -o $@
-	$(APXS2) -i -a -n xmlent mod_xmlent.so
-	echo $@
-	/bin/rm -f *.o *.so 

Added: trunk/Open-ILS/src/apachemods/Makefile.am
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/apachemods/Makefile.am	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/apachemods/Makefile.am	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Makefile.am for Open-ILS/src/apachemods
+# Author: Kevin Beswick (kevinbeswick00 at gmail.com)
+## Process this file with automake to generate Makefile.in
+	$(APXS2) -c $(AM_LDFLAGS) -lxml2 -lopensrf -lxslt -lexpat $(AM_CFLAGS) @srcdir@/mod_xmlent.c
+	$(APXS2) -i -a @srcdir@/mod_xmlent.la
+	rm @srcdir@/mod_xmlent.la @srcdir@/mod_xmlent.lo @srcdir@/mod_xmlent.slo

Added: trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/Makefile.am
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/Makefile.am	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/Makefile.am	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Makefile.am for Open-ILS/src/c-apps
+# Author: Kevin Beswick (kevinbeswick00 at gmail.com)
+# Process this file with automake to generate Makefile.in
+AM_CFLAGS = $(DEF_CFLAGS) -DOSRF_LOG_PARAMS -I at top_srcdir@/include/
+bin_PROGRAMS = oils_dataloader
+oils_dataloader_SOURCES = oils_dataloader.c
+oils_dataloader_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) -loils_idl
+oils_dataloader_DEPENDENCIES = liboils_idl.la liboils_utils.la
+lib_LTLIBRARIES = liboils_idl.la liboils_utils.la oils_cstore.la oils_rstore.la oils_auth.la
+liboils_idl_la_SOURCES = oils_idl-core.c
+liboils_utils_la_SOURCES = oils_utils.c oils_event.c
+oils_cstore_la_SOURCES = oils_cstore.c
+oils_cstore_la_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) -loils_idl -ldbi -loils_utils -ldbdpgsql -module
+oils_cstore_la_DEPENDENCIES = liboils_utils.la liboils_idl.la
+oils_rstore_la_SOURCES = oils_cstore.c
+oils_rstore_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DRSTORE -c
+oils_rstore_la_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) -loils_idl -ldbi -ldbdpgsql -module
+oils_rstore_la_DEPENDENCIES = liboils_utils.la liboils_idl.la
+oils_auth_la_SOURCES = oils_auth.c
+oils_auth_la_LDFLAGS = -module -loils_idl -loils_utils
+oils_auth_la_DEPENDENCIES = liboils_utils.la

Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-LDLIBS += -lreadline -loils_utils -lopensrf -lxml2 -loils_idl -L../c-apps
-CFLAGS += -I../../include
-all:	oils_requestor
-oils_requestor:	oils_requestor.o
-	cp oils_requestor $(BINDIR)
-oils_requestor.o:	oils_requestor.c
-	/bin/rm -f *.o oils_requestor

Added: trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.am
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.am	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.am	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Makefile.am for Open-ILS/src/extras
+# Author: Kevin Beswick (kevinbeswick00 at gmail.com)
+## Process this file with automake to generate Makefile.in
+LDADD = $(DEF_LDLIBS) -lreadline -loils_utils -lopensrf -lxml2 -loils_idl
+AM_LDFLAGS = -L at top_builddir@/Open-ILS/src/c-apps -L$(OPENSRF_LIBS)
+AM_CFLAGS = $(DEF_CFLAGS) -I at top_srcdir@/include
+bin_PROGRAMS = oils_requestor
+oils_requestor_SOURCES = oils_requestor.c
+oils_requestor_LDADD = $(LDADD)

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/autogen.sh
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/autogen.sh	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/autogen.sh	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@
 	echo "Examples:";
 	echo "";
 	echo "  Update organization tree:";
-	echo "    $0 -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml";
-	echo "    $0 /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml";
+	echo "    $0 -c SYSCONFDIR/opensrf_core.xml";
+	echo "    $0 SYSCONFDIR/opensrf_core.xml";
 	echo "";
 	echo "  Update organization tree and refresh proximity:";
-	echo "    $0 -u -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml";
+	echo "    $0 -u -c SYSCONFDIR/opensrf_core.xml";
 	echo "";
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@
 [ -z "$CONFIG" ] && usage;
 echo "Updating fieldmapper";
 perl fieldmapper.pl "$CONFIG"	> "$JSDIR/fmall.js";

Added: trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/eg_config.in
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/eg_config.in	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/eg_config.in	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Equinox Software, Inc.
+# Kevin Beswick <kevinbeswick00 at gmail.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# Shows configuration options of Evergreen
+function showInstalled {
+	if test "@BUILDILSCORE_TRUE@" = ""; then
+		echo "EG_CORE"
+	fi
+	if test "@BUILDILSWEB_TRUE@" = ""; then
+		echo "EG_WEB"
+	fi
+	if test "@BUILDILSREPORTER_TRUE@" = ""; then
+		echo "EG_REPORTER"
+	fi
+	if test "@BUILDILSCLIENT_TRUE@" = ""; then
+		echo "EG_CLIENT"
+	fi
+	if test "@BUILDEGJAVA_TRUE@" = ""; then
+		echo "EG_JAVA"
+	fi
+	if test "@BUILDEGPYTHON_TRUE@" = ""; then
+		echo "EG_PYTHON"
+	fi
+function showAll {
+	 echo PREFIX=@prefix@
+	 echo BINDIR=@bindir@
+	 echo LIBDIR=@libdir@
+	 echo TMP=@TMP@
+	 echo INCLUDEDIR=@includedir@
+	 echo SYSCONFDIR=@sysconfdir@
+	 echo APXS2=@APXS2@
+	 echo 
+	 echo "Installed modules:"
+	 showInstalled;
+function showHelp {
+	 echo 
+	 echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
+	 echo " eg_config                                                  "
+	 echo " Shows configuration of evergreen                           "
+	 echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
+	 echo
+	 echo "Usage: eg_config [--option]"
+	 echo 
+	 echo "Options: "
+	 echo
+	 echo "--help                  displays help"
+	 echo "--version               displays version number of evergreen"
+	 echo "--installed             displays options that were installed"
+	 echo "--prefix                displays prefix"
+	 echo "--bindir                displays bindir"
+	 echo "--libdir                displays libdir"
+	 echo "--tmp                   displays tmp"
+	 echo "--includedir            displays includedir"
+	 echo "--sysconfdir            displays sysconfdir"
+	 echo "--apxs                  displays location of apxs"
+	 echo "--apache                displays location of apache2 headers"
+	 echo "--apr                   displays location of apr headers"
+	 echo "--libxml                displays location of libxml2 headers" 
+	 echo
+case "$1" in
+     --installed)
+		showInstalled;
+		;;
+     --cconfig) cconfig;
+      		;;
+     --libxml)
+		echo @LIBXML2_HEADERS@;
+		;;
+     --apr)
+		echo @APR_HEADERS@;
+		;;
+     --apache)
+		echo @APACHE2_HEADERS@;
+		;;
+     --prefix)
+		echo @prefix@
+		;;
+     --version) 
+		;;
+     --bindir)
+		echo @bindir@
+		;;
+     --libdir)
+		echo @libdir@;
+		;;
+     --sysconfdir)
+		echo @sysconfdir@;
+		;;
+     --localstatedir)
+		echo @localstatedir@;
+		;;
+     --tmpdir)
+		echo @TMP@;
+		;;
+     --apxs)
+		echo @APXS2@;
+		;;
+     --includedir)
+		echo @includedir@;
+		;;
+     --docdir)
+		echo @docdir@;
+		;;
+     --help)
+		showHelp;
+		;;
+     *)
+		showAll;
+		;;

Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/src/java/Makefile
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/java/Makefile	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/java/Makefile	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-JAVAC = javac -J-Xmx256m
-JAVA = java -Xmx256m 
-OSRF_HOME = ../../../../../OpenSRF/trunk/src/java
-OSRF_JAVA = $(OSRF_HOME)/opensrf.jar
-EXT = $(OSRF_HOME)/ext
-JAVA_LIBS = .:$(JAVA_LIBDIR):$(OSRF_JAVA):$(EXT)/json-jdk1.5-2007-05-01.jar:$(EXT)/wstx-lgpl-3.2.1.jar:$(EXT)/stax-api-1.0.1.jar:$(EXT)/java_memcached-release_1.5.1.jar
-	org/open_ils/*.java\
-	org/open_ils/idl/*.java\
-	org/open_ils/util/*.java\
-	org/open_ils/test/*.java
-all:	jar
-	mkdir -p $(JAVA_LIBDIR)
-	$(JAVAC) -d $(JAVA_LIBDIR) -cp $(JAVA_LIBS) $(JAVA_SRC) 2>&1 
-	rm -f openils.jar
-	echo "creating openils.jar"
-	jar cf openils.jar -C .lib org
-# only prints the first 30 lines of errors
-	mkdir -p $(JAVA_LIBDIR)
-	$(JAVAC) -d $(JAVA_LIBDIR) -cp $(JAVA_LIBS) $(JAVA_SRC) 2>&1 | head -n 30
-	@echo -e "\nTruncating at 30 lines"
-	mkdir -p $(JAVA_LIBDIR)
-	$(JAVAC) -Xlint:unchecked -d $(JAVA_LIBDIR) -cp $(JAVA_LIBS) $(JAVA_SRC) 2>&1 | head -n 30
-	@echo -e "\nTruncating at 30 lines"
-	@$(JAVA) -cp $(JAVA_LIBS):openils.jar $(JAVA_EXE) $(JAVA_ARGS)
-	mkdir -p ext
-	find . -name *.java > files;
-	javadoc -classpath $(JAVA_LIBS) -d doc @files;
-	rm files;
-	rm -r $(JAVA_LIBDIR)

Added: trunk/Open-ILS/src/java/Makefile.am
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/java/Makefile.am	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/java/Makefile.am	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+JAVAC = javac -J-Xmx256m
+JAVA = java -Xmx256m 
+OSRF_HOME = ../../../../../OpenSRF/trunk/src/java
+OSRFJAVA = $(OSRF_HOME)/opensrf.jar
+EXT = $(OSRF_HOME)/ext
+JAVA_LIBS = .:$(JAVA_LIBDIR):$(OSRFJAVA):$(EXT)/json-jdk1.5-2007-05-01.jar:$(EXT)/wstx-lgpl-3.2.1.jar:$(EXT)/stax-api-1.0.1.jar:$(EXT)/java_memcached-release_1.5.1.jar
+	org/open_ils/*.java\
+	org/open_ils/idl/*.java\
+	org/open_ils/util/*.java\
+	org/open_ils/test/*.java
+all-local:	jar
+	mkdir -p $(JAVA_LIBDIR)
+	$(JAVAC) -d $(JAVA_LIBDIR) -cp $(JAVA_LIBS) $(JAVA_SRC) 2>&1 
+	rm -f openils.jar
+	echo "creating openils.jar"
+	jar cf openils.jar -C .lib org
+# only prints the first 30 lines of errors
+	mkdir -p $(JAVA_LIBDIR)
+	$(JAVAC) -d $(JAVA_LIBDIR) -cp $(JAVA_LIBS) $(JAVA_SRC) 2>&1 | head -n 30
+	@echo -e "\nTruncating at 30 lines"
+	mkdir -p $(JAVA_LIBDIR)
+	$(JAVAC) -Xlint:unchecked -d $(JAVA_LIBDIR) -cp $(JAVA_LIBS) $(JAVA_SRC) 2>&1 | head -n 30
+	@echo -e "\nTruncating at 30 lines"
+	@$(JAVA) -cp $(JAVA_LIBS):openils.jar $(JAVA_EXE) $(JAVA_ARGS)
+	mkdir -p ext
+	find . -name *.java > files;
+	javadoc -classpath $(JAVA_LIBS) -d doc @files;
+	rm files;
+	rm -r $(JAVA_LIBDIR)

Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/src/offline/offline-config.pl
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/offline/offline-config.pl	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/offline/offline-config.pl	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-$main::config{base_dir} = '/openils/var/data/offline/';
-$main::config{bootstrap} = '/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml';
-$main::config{dsn} = 'dbi:Pg:host=W.X.Y.Z;dbname=TABLE;port=5432';
-$main::config{usr} = 'DBUSER';
-$main::config{pw} = 'DBPASS';

Added: trunk/Open-ILS/src/offline/offline-config.pl.in
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/offline/offline-config.pl.in	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/offline/offline-config.pl.in	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+$main::config{base_dir} = '@localstatedir@/data/offline/';
+$main::config{bootstrap} = '@sysconfdir@/opensrf_core.xml';
+$main::config{dsn} = 'dbi:@DBDRVR@:host=@DBHOST@;dbname=@DBNAME@;port=@DBPORT@';
+$main::config{usr} = '@DBUSER@';
+$main::config{pw} = '@DBPW@';

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/WWW/Method.pm
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/WWW/Method.pm	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/WWW/Method.pm	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 sub child_init_handler {
-		config_file => "/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml" );
+		config_file => "SYSCONFDIR/opensrf_core.xml" );

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/WWW/Web.pm
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/WWW/Web.pm	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/WWW/Web.pm	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 my $main_ttk = "opac/logic/page_router.ttk";
 my $error_ttk = "opac/pages/error.ttk";
 my $init_ttk = "opac/logic/page_init.ttk";
-my $bootstrap = "/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml";
+my $bootstrap = "SYSCONFDIR/opensrf_core.xml";
 my $child_init_ttk = "opac/logic/child_init.ttk";
 my $includes = [];  # [  '/pines/cvs/ILS/Open-ILS/src/templates' ];

Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/src/python/Makefile
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/python/Makefile	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/python/Makefile	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# makefile for OpenSRF Python modules and scripts
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	@echo $@
-	python setup.py build
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-install:	build
-	@echo $@
-	python setup.py install
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	python setup.py clean --all

Added: trunk/Open-ILS/src/python/Makefile.am
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/python/Makefile.am	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/python/Makefile.am	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# makefile for OpenSRF Python modules and scripts
+	@echo $@
+	python @srcdir@/setup.py build
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	@echo $@
+	python @srcdir@/setup.py install

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/clark-kent.pl
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/clark-kent.pl	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/clark-kent.pl	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 use open ':utf8';
-my ($count, $config, $sleep_interval, $lockfile, $daemon) = (1, '/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml', 10, '/tmp/reporter-LOCK');
+my ($count, $config, $sleep_interval, $lockfile, $daemon) = (1, 'SYSCONFDIR/opensrf_core.xml', 10, '/tmp/reporter-LOCK');
 	"daemon"	=> \$daemon,

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/find_orphaned_reports.pl
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/find_orphaned_reports.pl	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/reporter/find_orphaned_reports.pl	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 use OpenILS::Reporter::SQLBuilder;
 use File::Find;
-my ($config, $du, $live, %seen) = ('/openils/conf/bootstrap.conf', 0, 0);
+my ($config, $du, $live, %seen) = ('SYSCONFDIR/bootstrap.conf', 0, 0);
 	"boostrap=s"	=> \$config,

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/long-overdue-status-update.pl
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/long-overdue-status-update.pl	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/long-overdue-status-update.pl	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-use lib '/openils/lib/perl5/';
+use lib 'LIBDIR/perl5/';
 use OpenSRF::System;
 use OpenSRF::Application;
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 use Getopt::Long;
 my ($od_length, $user, $password, $config) =
-	('180 days', 'admin', 'open-ils', '/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml');
+	('180 days', 'admin', 'open-ils', 'SYSCONFDIR/opensrf_core.xml');
 	'overdue=s'	=> \$od_length,

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/offline-blocked-list.pl
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/offline-blocked-list.pl	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/offline-blocked-list.pl	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 my $config = shift || die "Please specify a config file\n";
 my $context = shift || 'opensrf';
-my $oils_reqr = '/openils/bin/oils_requestor'; # XXX command line param
+my $oils_reqr = 'BINDIR/oils_requestor'; # XXX command line param
 if(1) { # XXX command line param

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/reshelving_complete.srfsh
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/reshelving_complete.srfsh	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/reshelving_complete.srfsh	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
 request open-ils.storage open-ils.storage.action.circulation.reshelving.complete "24h"

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/thaw_expired_frozen_holds.srfsh
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/thaw_expired_frozen_holds.srfsh	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/thaw_expired_frozen_holds.srfsh	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
 request open-ils.storage open-ils.storage.action.hold_request.thaw_expired_frozen

Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/Makefile
--- trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/Makefile	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/Makefile	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# ILS/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/Makefile
-export STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID = $$(/bin/cat build/BUILD_ID)
-ifeq ($(origin $(OPENSRF_LIBS)), undefined)
-	# Reasonable default when making the client outside of the root dir
-	OPENSRF_JSLIBS := "/openils/lib/javascript"
-	OPENSRF_JSLIBS := "$(OPENSRF_LIBS)/javascript"
-all: build 
-build: build_dir generated open-ils custom stamp 
-	@echo To test the staff client:
-	@echo "  cd build/"
-	@echo "  xulrunner application.ini"
-	@echo ' * Creating and populating build/ '
-	mkdir -p build/
-	cp -R chrome build/
-	cp -R server build/
-	cp -R defaults build/
-	cp -R components build/
-	cp application.ini build/
-	cp -R build/chrome/content/util/ build/server/
-	cp -R build/chrome/content/auth/ build/server/
-	cp build/chrome/content/main/constants.js build/server/main/constants.js
-	cp build/chrome/content/main/simple_auth.xul build/server/main/simple_auth.xul
-	cp build/chrome/content/OpenILS/data.js build/server/OpenILS/data.js
-	cp build/chrome/content/OpenILS/global_util.js build/server/OpenILS/global_util.js
-	external/prune_dirs.sh build/
-	@/bin/date +"%Y%m%d.%H%M%S" > build/BUILD_ID
-	@if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then ( echo "Stamping with Build ID: ${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ; echo ${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID} > build/BUILD_ID ) ; fi
-	@if [ -z "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then ( echo "No Build ID for versioning" ; echo "none" > build/BUILD_ID ) ; fi
-	@if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then sed -i s/^Version=.\*/Version=${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}/ build/application.ini ; fi
-	@if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then sed -i s/^BuildID=.\*/BuildID=${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}/ build/application.ini ; fi
-	@if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then find build/ -name '*.xul' -exec sed -i s/xul\\\/server/xul\\\/${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}\\\/server/g {} \; ; fi
-	@if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then find build/ -name '*.html' -exec sed -i s/xul\\\/server/xul\\\/${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}\\\/server/g {} \; ; fi
-	@if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then find build/ -name '*.xhtml' -exec sed -i s/xul\\\/server/xul\\\/${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}\\\/server/g {} \; ; fi
-	@if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then find build/ -name '*.js' -exec sed -i s/xul\\\/server/xul\\\/${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}\\\/server/g {} \; ; fi
-	@if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then find build/ -name '*.xml' -exec sed -i s/xul\\\/server/xul\\\/${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}\\\/server/g {} \; ; fi
-	@echo ' * Grabbing lang.dtd from the OPAC code '
-	cp ../../../Open-ILS/web/opac/locale/en-US/lang.dtd build/chrome/locale/en-US/
-	@echo ' * Grabbing more OPAC code and legacy code and custom code'
-	#cp ../../../OpenSRF/src/javascript/*.js build/chrome/content/OpenSRF/
-	cp ../../../Open-ILS/web/opac/common/js/*.js build/chrome/content/OpenILS/util/
-	cp $(OPENSRF_JSLIBS)/*.js build/chrome/content/OpenILS/util/
-	external/prune_dirs.sh build/
-	@echo ' * Placeholder for debugging tweaks '
-	#(cd chrome/content/OpenILS/util; cp RemoteRequest.js~ RemoteRequest.js)
-	@echo ' * Removing build/ '
-	rm -rf build/

Added: trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/Makefile.am
--- trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/Makefile.am	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/Makefile.am	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Makefile.am for xul/staff_client
+## Process this file with automake to generate Makefile.in
+export STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID = $$(/bin/cat build/BUILD_ID)
+install-exec-local: build
+build: build_dir generated open-ils stamp
+	@echo To test the staff client:
+	@echo "  cd build/"
+	@echo "  xulrunner application.ini"
+	@echo ' * Creating and populating build/ '
+	mkdir -p build/
+	cp -R chrome build/
+	cp -R server build/
+	cp -R defaults build/
+	cp -R components build/
+	cp application.ini build/
+	cp -R build/chrome/content/util/ build/server/
+	cp -R build/chrome/content/auth/ build/server/
+	cp build/chrome/content/main/constants.js build/server/main/constants.js
+	cp build/chrome/content/main/simple_auth.xul build/server/main/simple_auth.xul
+	cp build/chrome/content/OpenILS/data.js build/server/OpenILS/data.js
+	cp build/chrome/content/OpenILS/global_util.js build/server/OpenILS/global_util.js
+	for i in `cd @top_srcdir@/Evergreen/xul/staff_client/server/ && find -type f |grep -v \.svn|cut -f2- -d/`; do cp @top_srcdir@/Evergreen/xul/staff_client/server/$$i build/server/$$i; done
+	external/prune_dirs.sh build/
+	@/bin/date +"%Y%m%d.%H%M%S" > build/BUILD_ID
+	@if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then ( echo "Stamping with Build ID: ${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ; echo ${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID} > build/BUILD_ID ) ; fi
+	@if [ -z "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then ( echo "No Build ID for versioning" ; echo "none" > build/BUILD_ID ) ; fi
+	@if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then sed -i s/^Version=.\*/Version=${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}/ build/application.ini ; fi
+	@if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then sed -i s/^BuildID=.\*/BuildID=${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}/ build/application.ini ; fi
+	@if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then find build/ -name '*.xul' -exec sed -i s/xul\\\/server/xul\\\/${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}\\\/server/g {} \; ; fi
+	@if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then find build/ -name '*.html' -exec sed -i s/xul\\\/server/xul\\\/${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}\\\/server/g {} \; ; fi
+	@if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then find build/ -name '*.xhtml' -exec sed -i s/xul\\\/server/xul\\\/${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}\\\/server/g {} \; ; fi
+	@if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then find build/ -name '*.js' -exec sed -i s/xul\\\/server/xul\\\/${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}\\\/server/g {} \; ; fi
+	@if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then find build/ -name '*.xml' -exec sed -i s/xul\\\/server/xul\\\/${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}\\\/server/g {} \; ; fi
+	@echo ' * Grabbing lang.dtd from the OPAC code '
+	cp @top_srcdir@/Open-ILS/web/opac/locale/en-US/lang.dtd build/chrome/locale/en-US/
+	@echo ' * Grabbing more OPAC code and legacy code and custom code'
+	cp @top_srcdir@/Open-ILS/web/opac/common/js/*.js build/chrome/content/OpenILS/util/
+	cp $(OPENSRF_JSLIBS)/*.js build/chrome/content/OpenILS/util/
+	external/prune_dirs.sh build/

Added: trunk/autogen.sh
--- trunk/autogen.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/autogen.sh	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# autogen.sh - generates configure using the autotools
+: ${LIBTOOLIZE=libtoolize}
+: ${ACLOCAL=aclocal}
+: ${AUTOHEADER=autoheader}
+: ${AUTOMAKE=automake}
+: ${AUTOCONF=autoconf}
+${LIBTOOLIZE} --force --copy
+${AUTOMAKE} --add-missing
+echo "---------------------------------------------"
+echo "autogen finished running, now run ./configure"
+echo "---------------------------------------------"

Added: trunk/build/i18n/Makefile.in
--- trunk/build/i18n/Makefile.in	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/build/i18n/Makefile.in	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+PROGRESS=--progress none
+# This Makefile can be used to generate and update PO files for Evergreen,
+# as well as generate updated SQL, fieldmapper IDL, DTD and JavaScript
+# property files from the PO.
+# Usage:
+# To create a new set of untranslated PO files for locale ll-LL:
+#   make LOCALE=ll-LL newpo
+# To create a new set of POT files from the en-US source:
+#   make LOCALE=ll-LL newpot
+# To update a set of translated PO files with new or changed en-US strings:
+#   make LOCALE=ll-LL updatepo
+# To create a set of translated project files (DTDs, JavaScript message catalogs):
+#   make LOCALE=ll-LL project
+# To install a set of translated project files:
+#   make LOCALE=ll-LL install
+# Generate PO files from all POT files in POOUTDIR for locale LOCALE
+	@pot2po $(PROGRESS) -i $(POTSRC) -o $(POOUTDIR)/$(LOCALE) 
+	@echo "Generated new PO files for locale $(LOCALE)"
+# Generate a new set of POT files and entityized fieldmapper IDL
+newpot: dtds2pot fmidl2pot fmidl2fmidlent ils2pot props2pot sql2pot
+	@echo "Generated new POT files"
+# Generate DTD, JavaScript message catalogs, fieldmapper IDL,
+# and SQL insert files from PO for locale LOCALE
+project: po2dtds po2props po2sql fmidlpo2entity po2ils
+	@echo "Generated project files for locale $(LOCALE)"
+# Update PO files with new and changed strings from POT files
+	pot2po $(PROGRESS) -o $(POOUTDIR)/$(LOCALE) -i $(POTSRC) -t $(POOUTDIR)/$(LOCALE) 2>&1
+	@echo "Updated PO files for locale $(LOCALE)"
+# Update PO files with new and changed strings from POT files
+	@msgmerge -U $(POOUTDIR)/$(LOCALE)/opac.dtd.po $(POTSRC)/opac.dtd.pot 2>&1
+	@echo "Updated PO file opac.dtd.po for locale $(LOCALE)"
+	@moz2po $(PROGRESS) -o $(POOUTDIR)/$(LOCALE) -i $(DTDDIR)/en-US/ 2>&1
+	@moz2po $(PROGRESS) -o $(POOUTDIR)/$(LOCALE) -i $(CHROME_PROPSDIR)/en-US/ 2>&1
+	@moz2po $(PROGRESS) -o $(POOUTDIR)/$(LOCALE) -i $(SERVER_PROPSDIR)/en-US/ 2>&1
+	@moz2po -P $(PROGRESS) -o $(POTSRC) -i $(DTDDIR)/en-US/ 2>&1
+	@scripts/ils_events.py --pot $(EVTSRC) --output $(POTSRC)/$(EVTOUT)
+	@scripts/ils_events.py --create $(POINDIR)/$(LOCALE)/$(EVTPO) --locale $(LOCALE) --output $(PROJECT)/$(LOCALE)/$(EVTXML) 
+	@moz2po -P $(PROGRESS) -o $(POTSRC) -i $(CHROME_PROPSDIR)/en-US/ 2>&1
+	@moz2po -P $(PROGRESS) -o $(POTSRC) -i $(SERVER_PROPSDIR)/en-US/ 2>&1
+	@po2moz $(PROGRESS) -o $(PROJECT)/$(LOCALE) -t $(DTDDIR)/en-US/ -i $(POINDIR)/$(LOCALE) 2>&1
+	@po2moz $(PROGRESS) -o $(PROJECT)/$(LOCALE) -t $(CHROME_PROPSDIR)/en-US/ -i $(POINDIR)/$(LOCALE) 2>&1
+	@po2moz $(PROGRESS) -o $(PROJECT)/$(LOCALE) -t $(SERVER_PROPSDIR)/en-US/ -i $(POINDIR)/$(LOCALE) 2>&1
+	@scripts/db-seed-i18n.py --pot $(SQLSRC) --output $(POTSRC)/$(SQLPOT)
+	scripts/db-seed-i18n.py --sql $(POINDIR)/$(LOCALE)/$(SQLPO) --locale $(LOCALE) --output $(PROJECT)/$(LOCALE)/$(SQLOUT)
+# Generate a fieldmapper IDL file that uses entities instead of hard-coded strings
+	@scripts/fieldmapper.py --convert $(FMIDLSRC) --output $(POOUTDIR)/$(FMIDLENT)
+# Generate a POT file for translating the entity values
+	@scripts/fieldmapper.py --pot $(FMIDLSRC) --output $(POTSRC)/$(FMIDLOUT)
+# Generate a set of entity declarations from a PO file
+	@scripts/fieldmapper.py --entity $(POINDIR)/$(LOCALE)/$(FMIDLPO) --output $(PROJECT)/$(LOCALE)/$(FMIDLENTITY)
+# Install updated project files to their corresponding location in the source tree
+install: updatepo project 
+	cp $(PROJECT)/$(LOCALE)/auth.properties $(CHROME_PROPSDIR)/$(LOCALE)/.
+	cp $(PROJECT)/$(LOCALE)/offline.properties $(CHROME_PROPSDIR)/$(LOCALE)/.
+	cp $(PROJECT)/$(LOCALE)/admin.properties $(SERVER_PROPSDIR)/$(LOCALE)/.
+	cp $(PROJECT)/$(LOCALE)/cat.properties $(SERVER_PROPSDIR)/$(LOCALE)/.
+	cp $(PROJECT)/$(LOCALE)/circ.properties $(SERVER_PROPSDIR)/$(LOCALE)/.
+	cp $(PROJECT)/$(LOCALE)/common.properties $(SERVER_PROPSDIR)/$(LOCALE)/.
+	cp $(PROJECT)/$(LOCALE)/multiclass_search_help.html $(SERVER_PROPSDIR)/$(LOCALE)/.
+	cp $(PROJECT)/$(LOCALE)/patron.properties $(SERVER_PROPSDIR)/$(LOCALE)/.
+	mkdir -p $(DTDDIR)/$(LOCALE)
+	cp $(PROJECT)/$(LOCALE)/lang.dtd $(DTDDIR)/$(LOCALE)/
+	cp $(PROJECT)/$(LOCALE)/opac.dtd $(DTDDIR)/$(LOCALE)/

Deleted: trunk/config.sh
--- trunk/config.sh	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/config.sh	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (C) 2005  Georgia Public Library Service 
-# Bill Erickson <highfalutin at gmail.com>
-# Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Prompts the user for config settings and writes a custom config
-# file based on these settings
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-function buildConfig {
-	if [ -f "$CONFIG_FILE" ]; then
-		source "$CONFIG_FILE";
-	else
-		if [ -f "$DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE" ]; then
-			source "$DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE";
-		fi;
-	fi;
-    if [ -n "$USE_DEFAULT" ]; then
-        prompt "Default config requested, not prompting for values...\n";
-        writeConfig;
-        return 0;
-    fi;
-	echo "";
-	echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------";
-	echo "Type Enter to select the default"
-	echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------";
-	prompt "Install prefix [$PREFIX] ";
-	read X; if [ ! -z "$X" ]; then PREFIX="$X"; fi
-	BINDIR="$PREFIX/bin/";
-	LIBDIR="$PREFIX/lib/";
-	PERLDIR="$LIBDIR/perl5/";
-	INCLUDEDIR="$PREFIX/include/";
-	ETCDIR="$PREFIX/conf";
-	WEBDIR="$PREFIX/var/web";
-	DATADIR="$PREFIX/var/data";
-	CGIDIR="$PREFIX/var/cgi-bin";
-	TEMPLATEDIR="$PREFIX/var/templates";
-	XSLDIR="$PREFIX/var/xsl";
-	REPORTERDIR="$PREFIX/var/web/reporter";
-	TMP="$(pwd)/.tmp";
-	ADMINDIR="$PREFIX/var/admin";
-	prompt "Apache2 apxs binary [$APXS2] "
-	read X; if [ ! -z "$X" ]; then APXS2="$X"; fi;
-	prompt "Apache2 headers directory [$APACHE2_HEADERS] "
-	read X; if [ ! -z "$X" ]; then APACHE2_HEADERS="$X"; fi;
-	prompt "Apache2 APR headers directory [$APR_HEADERS] "
-	read X; if [ ! -z "$X" ]; then APR_HEADERS="$X"; fi;
-	prompt "Libdbi libraries directory [$DBI_LIBS] "
-	read X; if [ ! -z "$X" ]; then DBI_LIBS="$X"; fi;
-	prompt "Libxml2 headers directory [$LIBXML2_HEADERS] "
-	read X; if [ ! -z "$X" ]; then LIBXML2_HEADERS="$X"; fi;
-	prompt "OpenSRF headers directory [$OPENSRF_HEADERS] "
-	read X; if [ ! -z "$X" ]; then OPENSRF_HEADERS="$X"; fi;
-	prompt "OpenSRF libraries directory [$OPENSRF_LIBS] "
-	read X; if [ ! -z "$X" ]; then OPENSRF_LIBS="$X"; fi;
-	prompt "Build targets [${TARGETS[@]:0}] "
-	read X; if [ ! -z "$X" ]; then TARGETS=("$X"); fi;
-	prompt "Should we build Python modules? (Y/N) [$EG_PYTHON_INSTALL] "
-	read X; 
-    if [ "$X" = "Y" ]; 
-        then EG_PYTHON_INSTALL="Y"; 
-        else EG_PYTHON_INSTALL="";
-    fi;
-	prompt "Database Driver [$DBDRVR] "
-	read X; if [ ! -z "$X" ]; then DBDRVR="$X"; fi;
-	prompt "Database Host [$DBHOST] "
-	read X; if [ ! -z "$X" ]; then DBHOST="$X"; fi;
-	prompt "Database Port [$DBPORT] "
-	read X; if [ ! -z "$X" ]; then DBPORT="$X"; fi;
-	prompt "Database Name [$DBNAME] "
-	read X; if [ ! -z "$X" ]; then DBNAME="$X"; fi;
-	prompt "Database User [$DBUSER] "
-	read X; if [ ! -z "$X" ]; then DBUSER="$X"; fi;
-	prompt "Database Password [$DBPW] "
-	read X; if [ ! -z "$X" ]; then DBPW="$X"; fi;
-	prompt "Reporter Template Directory [$REPORTERDIR] "
-	read X; if [ ! -z "$X" ]; then REPORTERDIR="$X"; fi;
-	writeConfig;
-function prompt { echo ""; echo -en "$*"; }
-function writeConfig {
-	rm -f "$CONFIG_FILE";
-	echo "Writing installation config to $CONFIG_FILE...";
-	_write "PREFIX=\"$PREFIX\"";
-	_write "BINDIR=\"$BINDIR\"";
-	_write "LIBDIR=\"$LIBDIR\"";
-	_write "PERLDIR=\"$PERLDIR\"";
-	_write "SOCK=\"$PREFIX/var/sock\"";
-	_write "PID=\"$PREFIX/var/pid\"";
-	_write "LOG=\"$PREFIX/var/log\"";
-	_write "DATADIR=\"$DATADIR\"";
-	_write "TMP=\"$TMP\"";
-	_write "APXS2=\"$APXS2\"";
-	_write "APR_HEADERS=\"$APR_HEADERS\"";
-	_write "DBI_LIBS=\"$DBI_LIBS\"";
-	_write "WEBDIR=\"$WEBDIR\"";
-	_write "ETCDIR=\"$ETCDIR\"";
-	_write "XSLDIR=\"$XSLDIR\"";
-	# print out the targets
-	for target in ${TARGETS[@]:0}; do
-		STR="$STR \"$target\"";
-	done;
-	STR="$STR)";
-	_write "$STR";
-	_write "OPENILSDIR=\"Open-ILS/src/\"";
-	_write "EVERGREENDIR=\"Evergreen/\"";
-	_write "CGIDIR=\"$CGIDIR\"";
-	# db vars
-	_write "DBDRVR=\"$DBDRVR\"";
-	_write "DBHOST=\"$DBHOST\"";
-	_write "DBPORT=\"$DBPORT\"";
-	_write "DBNAME=\"$DBNAME\"";
-	_write "DBUSER=\"$DBUSER\"";
-	_write "DBPW=\"$DBPW\"";
-	_write "ADMINDIR=\"$ADMINDIR\"";
-	# Now we'll write out the DB bootstrapping config
-	CONFIG_FILE='Open-ILS/src/cgi-bin/setup.pl';
-	rm -f "$CONFIG_FILE";
-	echo "Writing bootstrapping config to $CONFIG_FILE...";
-	STR='$main::config{dsn} =';
-		STR="$STR 'dbi:${DBDRVR}:host=";
-		STR="${STR}${DBHOST};dbname=";
-		STR="${STR}${DBNAME};port=";
-		STR="${STR}${DBPORT}';";
-	_write "$STR"
-	STR='$main::config{usr} =';
-		STR="$STR '$DBUSER';";
-	_write "$STR"
-	STR='$main::config{pw} =';
-		STR="$STR '$DBPW';";
-	_write "$STR"
-	_write '$main::config{index} = "config.cgi";';
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-	# Now we'll write out the offline config
-	CONFIG_FILE='Open-ILS/src/offline/offline-config.pl';
-	rm -f "$CONFIG_FILE";
-	echo "Writing bootstrapping config to $CONFIG_FILE...";
-    _write "\$main::config{base_dir} = '$PREFIX/var/data/offline/';";
-    _write "\$main::config{bootstrap} = '$ETCDIR/opensrf_core.xml';";
-	STR='$main::config{dsn} =';
-		STR="$STR 'dbi:${DBDRVR}:host=";
-		STR="${STR}${DBHOST};dbname=";
-		STR="${STR}${DBNAME};port=";
-		STR="${STR}${DBPORT}';";
-	_write "$STR"
-	STR='$main::config{usr} =';
-		STR="$STR '$DBUSER';";
-	_write "$STR"
-	STR='$main::config{pw} =';
-		STR="$STR '$DBPW';";
-	_write "$STR"
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-	prompt "";
-	prompt "";
-	prompt "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
-	prompt "!! If installing openils_all / openils_db !!";
-	prompt "!! Before running 'make install' you MUST !!";
-	prompt "!! create a database for Open-ILS.  Use   !!";
-	prompt "!! the settings that you listed above and !!";
-	prompt "!! the install scripts will create the    !!";
-	prompt "!! database for you.  -miker              !!";
-	prompt "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
-	prompt "";
-	prompt "";
-	prompt "To write a new config, run 'make config'";
-	prompt "";
-	prompt "To edit individual install locations (e.g. changing the lib directory),"
-	prompt "edit the install.conf file generated from this script"
-	prompt ""
-function _write {
-	echo "$*" >> "$CONFIG_FILE";

Added: trunk/configoptions.sh
--- trunk/configoptions.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/configoptions.sh	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+echo "------------------------------------------"
+echo "Options selector for Open-ILS configure"
+echo "------------------------------------------"
+echo " "
+echo "Install Open-ILS ALL? (y/n) "
+read X; 
+if [ $X == "y" ] ; then 
+TARGS=${TARGS}" --enable-openils-all"
+echo "Install Open-ILS CORE? (y/n) "
+read X; 
+if [ $X == "n" ] ; then 
+TARGS=${TARGS}" --disable-openils-core" 
+echo "Install Open-ILS WEB? (y/n) "
+read X;
+if [ $X == "n" ] ; then 
+TARGS=${TARGS}" --disable-openils-web" 
+echo "Install Open-ILS DB? (y/n) "
+read X;
+if [ $X == "n" ] ; then
+TARGS=${TARGS}" --disable-openils-db"
+echo "Install Open-ILS MARCDUMPER? (y/n) "
+read X;
+if [ $X == "y" ] ; then
+TARGS=${TARGS}" --enable-openils-marcdumper"
+echo "Install Open-ILS REPORTER? (y/n) "
+read X;
+if [ $X == "y" ] ; then
+TARGS=${TARGS}" --enable-openils-reporter"
+elseif [ $X == "n" ] ; then
+TARGS=${TARGS}" --disable-openils-reporter"
+echo "Install Open-ILS XUL CLIENT? (y/n) "
+read X;
+if [ $X == "y" ] ; then
+TARGS=${TARGS}" --enable-openils-client-xul"
+echo "Install Open-ILS XUL SERVER? (y/n) "
+read X;
+if [ $X == "y" ] ; then
+TARGS=${TARGS}" --enable-openils-server-xul"
+elseif [ $X == "n" ] ; then
+TARGS=${TARGS}" --disable-openils-server-xul"
+echo "Install EVERGREEN CORE? (y/n) "
+read X;
+if [ $X == "y" ] ; then
+TARGS=${TARGS}" --enable-evergreen-core"
+echo "Install EVERGREEN XUL CLIENT? (y/n) "
+read X;
+if [ $X == "y" ] ; then
+TARGS=${TARGS}" --enable-evergreen-xul-client"
+echo ${TARGS}
+./configure --with-dbver=81 --with-dbuser=evergreen --with-dbpw=evergreen ${TARGS}
+sudo make install

Added: trunk/configure.ac
--- trunk/configure.ac	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/configure.ac	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Equinox Software, Inc.
+# Kevin Beswick <kevinbeswick00 at gmail.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# Init
+export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/sbin
+AC_INIT(Open-ILS, trunk, open-ils-dev at list.georgialibraries.org)
+AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([OpenILS], [trunk])
+AC_REVISION($Revision: 0.1 $)
+# Checks for programs.
+# Install options 
+# install openils-all?
+#[  --enable-openils-all    enables the installation of the default openils system (base system,web,staffclient) ],
+#[case "${enableval}" in
+#    yes) openils_all=true;
+#	 openils_core=true;
+#	 openils_web=true;
+#	 openils_db=true;
+#	 openils_reporter=true;
+#	 openils_client_xul=true;
+#	 openils_server_xul=true ;;
+#    no)  openils_all=false ;;
+#  *) AC_MSG_ERROR([please choose another value for --enable-openils-all (supported values are yes or no])
+# install evergreen-core?
+[  --disable-evergreen-core    disables the installation of the evergreen core components ],
+[case "${enableval}" in
+    yes) openils_core=true ;;
+    no)  openils_core=false ;;
+  *) AC_MSG_ERROR([please choose another value for --disable-evergreen-core (supported values are yes or no])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILDILSCORE], [test x$openils_core = xtrue])
+# install evergreen-web?
+[  --disable-evergreen-web    disables the installation of the openils web modules ],
+[case "${enableval}" in
+    yes) openils_web=true ;;
+    no)  openils_web=false ;;
+  *) AC_MSG_ERROR([please choose another value for --disable-evergreen-web (supported values are yes or no])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILDILSWEB], [test x$openils_web = xtrue])
+# build evergreendb ?
+#[  --disable-openils-db    disables the installation of the openils db modules ],
+#[case "${enableval}" in
+#    yes) openils_db=true ;;
+#    no)  openils_db=false ;;
+#  *) AC_MSG_ERROR([please choose another value for --disable-openils-db (supported values are yes or no])
+#AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILDILSDB], [test x$openils_db = xtrue])
+# build evergreen-reporter ?
+[  --disable-evergreen-reporter    disables the installation of the evergreen reporter module ],
+[case "${enableval}" in
+    yes) openils_reporter=true ;;
+    no)  openils_reporter=false ;;
+  *) AC_MSG_ERROR([please choose another value for --disable-evergreen-reporter (supported values are yes or no])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILDILSREPORTER], [test x$openils_reporter = xtrue])
+# build evergreen-client ?
+[  --disable-evergreen-client    disables the installation of the evergreen staff client ],
+[case "${enableval}" in
+    yes) openils_client=true ;;
+    no)  openils_client=false ;;
+  *) AC_MSG_ERROR([please choose another value for --disable-evergreen-client (supported values are yes or no])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILDILSCLIENT], [test x$openils_client = xtrue])
+# build evergreen java ?
+[  --enable-evergreen-java    enables the installation of the evergreen java components ],
+[case "${enableval}" in
+    yes) evergreen_java=true ;;
+    no)  evergreen_java=false ;;
+  *) AC_MSG_ERROR([please choose another value for --enable-evergreen-java (supported values are yes or no])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILDEGJAVA], [test x$evergreen_java = xtrue])
+# build the evergreen python modules?
+[  --disable-evergreen-python    disables the installation of the evergreen python modules ],
+[case "${enableval}" in
+    yes) EG_PYTHON_INSTALL=true ;;
+    no)  EG_PYTHON_INSTALL=false ;;
+  *) AC_MSG_ERROR([please choose another value for --disable-python-install (supported values are yes or no)])
+# Check for dependencies 
+if test $MEMCACHED = "no"; then
+	AC_MSG_ERROR([*** memcached not found, aborting])
+if test $ASPELL = "no"; then
+	AC_MSG_ERROR([*** aspell not found, aborting])
+if test $CPAN = "no"; then
+	AC_MSG_ERROR([*** cpan not found, aborting])
+if test $YAZ = "no"; then
+	AC_MSG_ERROR([*** yaz not found, aborting])
+if test $PERL = "no"; then 
+	AC_MSG_ERROR([*** perl not found, aborting])
+# Set install path variables 
+[ --with-tmp=path		location for the tmp dir for OpenILS (default is /tmp) ],
+APXS2=`apxs2 -q BINDIR`/apxs2
+APR_HEADERS=`apr-config --includedir`
+[  --with-libxml=path         location of the libxml headers (default is /usr/include/libxml2)],
+[  --with-dbi=path		location of the libdbi libraries (default is /usr/local/lib/dbd)],
+[  --with-opensrf-headers=path		location of the opensrf header files (default is /openils/include/)],
+[  --with-opensrf-libs=path		location of the opensrf libraries (default is /openils/lib/)],
+# Set DB Info
+[ --with-dbdrvr=name		name of the database driver to be used by open-ils (default is Pg)],
+if test $DBDRVR="Pg"; then
+	AC_CHECK_PROG([PGSQL],pg,yes,no)
+	if test $PGSQL = "no"; then
+        AC_MSG_ERROR([*** postgresql not found, aborting])
+	fi
+[ --with-dbhost=address            name of the database hostname to be used by open-ils (default is],
+[ --with-dbport=number            name of the database port to be used by open-ils (default is 5432)],
+[ --with-dbname=name            name of the database to be used by open-ils (default is evergreen)],
+[ --with-dbuser=name            name of the database username to be used by open-ils (default is postgres)],
+[ --with-dbver=number            version of the database to be used by open-ils, leaving out the periods in the version number (default is 82)],
+[ --with-dbpw=password            password of the database to be used by open-ils (default is postgres)],
+# Checks for libraries. 
+# Check for the existance of libraries in non-standard locations
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for -lopensrf)
+if test -e ${OPENSRF_LIBS}/libopensrf.so; then
+AC_MSG_ERROR([*** libopensrf not found (or not in location specified to configure), aborting])
+# Check for the rest of the libraries
+#check for dynamic linking functions
+#check for the libdbi library
+#to check for the availability and function of a particular
+#driver we need a runtime check (since the driver is loaded
+#dynamically). This example checks for the mysql driver
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for libdbi pgsql driver (dynamic load)])
+    [[dbi_initialize(0); return(dbi_conn_new("pgsql") ? 0 : 1);]])],
+  [AC_MSG_RESULT("yes")],
+  [AC_MSG_FAILURE("pgsql driver not installed?")])
+AC_CHECK_LIB([expat], [main], [], AC_MSG_ERROR(*** OpenILS requires libexpat))
+AC_CHECK_LIB([readline], [main], [], AC_MSG_ERROR(*** OpenILS requires libreadline))
+AC_CHECK_LIB([xml2], [main], [], AC_MSG_ERROR(*** OpenILS requires libxml2))
+AC_CHECK_LIB([xslt], [main], [], AC_MSG_ERROR(*** OpenILS requires libxslt))
+AC_CHECK_LIB([yaz], [main], [], AC_MSG_ERROR(*** OpenILS requires libyaz))
+AC_CHECK_LIB([perl], [main], [], AC_MSG_ERROR(*** OpenILS requires libperl-dev))
+AC_CHECK_LIB([pq], [main], [], AC_MSG_ERROR(*** OpenILS requires libpq))
+# Checks for header files.
+AC_CHECK_HEADERS([fcntl.h langinfo.h locale.h stdlib.h string.h unistd.h])
+# Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
+# Checks for library functions.
+AC_CHECK_FUNCS([localtime_r memset nl_langinfo setlocale strcasecmp strchr strdup strerror strncasecmp])
+# Generate some config files
+# write out the DB bootstrapping config
+	CONFIG_FILE='Open-ILS/src/cgi-bin/setup.pl';
+	rm -f "$CONFIG_FILE";
+	echo "Writing bootstrapping config to $CONFIG_FILE...";
+	STR='$main::config{dsn} =';
+		STR="$STR 'dbi:${DBDRVR}:host=";
+		STR="${STR}${DBHOST};dbname=";
+		STR="${STR}${DBNAME};port=";
+		STR="${STR}${DBPORT}';";
+	echo "$STR" >> "$CONFIG_FILE";
+	STR='$main::config{usr} =';
+		STR="$STR '$DBUSER';";
+	echo "$STR" >> "$CONFIG_FILE";
+	STR='$main::config{pw} =';
+		STR="$STR '$DBPW';";
+	echo "$STR" >> "$CONFIG_FILE";
+	echo '$main::config{index} = "config.cgi";' >> "$CONFIG_FILE";
+# Create Makefiles/Output
+                 Open-ILS/examples/Makefile
+                 Open-ILS/src/Makefile
+                 Open-ILS/src/apachemods/Makefile
+                 Open-ILS/src/c-apps/Makefile
+                 Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile
+                 Open-ILS/src/java/Makefile
+                 Open-ILS/src/python/Makefile
+                 Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/Makefile
+		 Open-ILS/src/offline/offline-config.pl
+		 Open-ILS/src/extras/eg_config
+                 build/i18n/Makefile],  [if test -e "./Open-ILS/src/extras/eg_config"; then chmod 755 Open-ILS/src/extras/eg_config; fi])
+AC_MSG_RESULT([--------------------- Configuration options:  -----------------------])
+AC_MSG_RESULT([-------- Installation Options: --------])
+if test "$openils_core" = "true" ; then
+	AC_MSG_RESULT([Evergreen Core:			yes])
+	AC_MSG_RESULT([Evergreen Core:			no])
+if test "$openils_web" = "true" ; then
+        AC_MSG_RESULT([Evergreen Web:			yes])
+        AC_MSG_RESULT([Evergreen Web:			no])
+if test "$openils_reporter" = "true" ; then
+        AC_MSG_RESULT([Evergreen Reporter:		yes])
+        AC_MSG_RESULT([Evergreen Reporter:		no])
+if test "$openils_client" = "true" ; then
+        AC_MSG_RESULT([Evergreen Staff Client:		yes])
+        AC_MSG_RESULT([Evergreen Staff Client:		no])
+if test "$EG_PYTHON_INSTALL" = "true" ; then
+        AC_MSG_RESULT([Evergreen Python Components:	yes])
+        AC_MSG_RESULT([Evergreen Python Components:	no])
+if test "$evergreen_java" = "true" ; then
+        AC_MSG_RESULT([Evergreen Java Components:	yes])
+        AC_MSG_RESULT([Evergreen Java Components:	no])
+AC_MSG_RESULT([-------- DB Info --------])
+AC_MSG_RESULT([Driver:		${DBDRVR}])
+AC_MSG_RESULT([Username: 	${DBUSER}])
+AC_MSG_RESULT([Version: 	${DBVER}])
+AC_MSG_RESULT([Password: 	${DBPW}])
+AC_MSG_RESULT([-------- Installation Directories --------])
+AC_MSG_RESULT(Installation dir prefix:                  ${prefix})
+AC_MSG_RESULT(Temporary dir location:                   ${TMP})
+AC_MSG_RESULT(APXS2 dir location:                       ${APXS2})
+AC_MSG_RESULT(Apache headers location:                  ${APACHE2_HEADERS})
+AC_MSG_RESULT(APR headers location:                     ${APR_HEADERS})
+AC_MSG_RESULT(libxml headers location:                  ${LIBXML2_HEADERS})
+AC_MSG_RESULT(libdbi dir location:                      ${DBI_LIBS})
+AC_MSG_RESULT(OpenSRF Headers location:                 ${OPENSRF_HEADERS})
+AC_MSG_RESULT(OpenSRF Libraries location:               ${OPENSRF_LIBS})

Deleted: trunk/install.conf.default
--- trunk/install.conf.default	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/install.conf.default	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (C) 2005  Georgia Public Library Service 
-# Bill Erickson <highfalutin at gmail.com>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Build targets.  Options include:
-# openils_all			- builds all OpenILS compenents
-# openils_core			- install the Open-ILS perl modules, and core files for running and openils server
-# openils_web			- copies over the javascript and html templates to the web root directory for running the OPAC
-# openils_db			- installs the database schemas 
-# openils_reporter		- installs the base of OpenILS Reporter
-# evergreen_core		- builds core Evergreen components (does not build evergreen_xul_client!)
-# evergreen_xul_client   - client XUL application
-# If you only want to build the client app, then just build evergreen_xul_client.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-TARGETS=("openils_core" "openils_web" "openils_db");
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Should we build the Evergreen Python modules?
-# These depend on having the setuptools module installed.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Global install prefix.  Binaries will be installed into PREFIX/bin,
-# libraries will be installed into PREFIX/lib, etc.  The user 
-# running 'install.sh install' must have write permissions to PREFIX
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Temporary build files go here.  The User running 'install.sh build'
-# must have write permissions to TMP
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Location of the apxs binary for Apache2.  This must be set when
-# building the mod_ils_gateway C plugin for allowing web access
-# to the published API.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Directories where the Apache2 header files are located.  These must 
-# be set when building the mod_ils_gateway C plugin for allowing web 
-# access to the published API.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Directory where the libdbi libraries are located. libdbi is used
-# by the OpenILS cstore, fetch, and rstore applications
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Directory where the libxml2 headers are located.  Libxml2 is used
-# by various components
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Directories where the OpenSRF headers and libraries are located.
-# You must build and install OpenSRF before OpenILS.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# These point to the top level makefiles for each of the sub 
-# projects.  Only change these if you have relocated the directories.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# These are used to create the perl DBI DSN for the bootstrapping
-# scripts.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------

Deleted: trunk/install.sh
--- trunk/install.sh	2008-08-27 17:14:35 UTC (rev 10465)
+++ trunk/install.sh	2008-08-27 20:12:04 UTC (rev 10466)
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-# vim:noet:ts=4
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (C) 2005  Georgia Public Library Service 
-# Bill Erickson <highfalutin at gmail.com>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ILS install script
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-verbose="-s" #clear this to get full build output
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Loads all of the path information from the user setting 
-# install variables as it goes
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-function fail {
-	MSG="$1";
-	echo "A build error occured: $MSG";
-	exit 99;
-#function postMessage {
-#cat <<-WORDS
-#	--------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Makes sure the install directories exist and are writable
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-function mkDir {
-	mkdir -p "$1";
-	[ "$?" != "0" ] && fail "Error creating $1";
-	[ ! -w "$1" ] && fail "We don't have write access to $1";
-function mkInstallDirs {
-	installing 	&& mkDir "$PREFIX";
-	building 	&& mkDir "$TMP";
-	installing 	&& mkDir "$SOCK";
-	installing 	&& mkDir "$PID";
-	installing 	&& mkDir "$LOG";
-	# add the opensrf user and group
-	 if installing; then
-	 	if [ ! $(grep "^opensrf:" /etc/group) ]; then groupadd opensrf; fi
-	 	if [ ! $(grep "^opensrf:" /etc/passwd) ]; then useradd -g opensrf opensrf; fi
-	fi;
-function installing {
-	if [ -z "$INSTALLING" ]; then return 1; fi;
-	return 0;
-function building {
-	if [ -z "$BUILDING" ]; then return 1; fi;
-	return 0;
-function testing {
-	if [ -z "$TESTING" ]; then return 1; fi;
-	return 0;
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Loads the config file.  If it can't fine CONFIG_FILE, it attempts to
-# use DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE.  If it can't find that, it fails.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-function loadConfig {
-	if [ ! -f "$CONFIG_FILE" ]; then
-		if [ -f "$DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE" ]; then
-			echo "+ + + Copying $DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE to $CONFIG_FILE and using its settings...";
-		else
-			fail "config file \"$CONFIG_FILE\" cannot be found";
-		fi
-	fi
-	source "$CONFIG_FILE";
-function runInstall {
-	# pass the collected variables to make
-	for target in ${TARGETS[@]:0}; do
-		echo ""
-		echo "-------------- [ $target ] -------------------------------------------";
-		echo ""
-		case "$target" in
-			# OpenILS --- 			
-			"openils_all" )
-				if building;	then $MAKE -C "$OPENILSDIR" all; fi;
-				if testing;		then $MAKE -C "$OPENILSDIR/../examples" test; fi;
-				if installing; then $MAKE -C "$OPENILSDIR" install; fi;
-				;;
-			"openils_core" )
-				if building; then 
-					$MAKE -C "$OPENILSDIR" "c_apps";
-					$MAKE -C "$OPENILSDIR" "python-build";
-				fi;
-				if installing; then 
-					$MAKE -C "$OPENILSDIR" "perl-install"; 
-					$MAKE -C "$OPENILSDIR" "python-install"; 
-					$MAKE -C "$OPENILSDIR" "string-templates-install"; 
-					$MAKE -C "$OPENILSDIR" "xsl-install"; 
-					$MAKE -C "$OPENILSDIR" "c_apps-install"; 
-					$MAKE -C "$OPENILSDIR" "circ_rules-install"; 
-					$MAKE -C "$OPENILSDIR" "autojs-install"; 
-				fi;
-				;;
-			"openils_web" )
-				if building; then $MAKE -C "$OPENILSDIR" "mod_xmlent"; fi;
-				#if building; then $MAKE -C "$OPENILSDIR" "mod_ils_rest_gateway"; fi;
-				if installing; then
-					$MAKE -C "$OPENILSDIR" "web-install";
-					$MAKE -C "$OPENILSDIR" "cgi-bootstrap";
-					$MAKE -C "$OPENILSDIR" "reporter-install";
-				fi;
-				;;
-			"openils_db" )
-				if installing; then 
-					$MAKE -C "$OPENILSDIR" "storage-bootstrap"; 
-				fi;
-				;;
-			"openils_reporter" )
-				if installing; then 
-					$MAKE -C "$OPENILSDIR" "reporter-install";
-				fi;
-				;;
-			"openils_client_xul" )
-				if building; then
-					$MAKE -C "$OPENILSDIR" "client-xul";
-				fi;
-				;;
-			"openils_server_xul" )
-				if installing; then
-					$MAKE -C "$OPENILSDIR" "server-xul";
-				fi;
-				;;
-			# Evergreen --- 			
-			"evergreen_core" )
-				if installing;	then $MAKE -C "$EVERGREENDIR" "install"; fi;
-				;;	
-			"evergreen_xul_client" )
-				if building;	then $MAKE -C "$EVERGREENDIR" xul; fi;
-				;;
-			*) fail "Unknown target: $target";;
-		esac
-	done
-	if installing; then
-		echo -e "\nNow run: chown -R opensrf:opensrf $PREFIX"
-	fi
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Checks command line parameters for special behavior
-# Supported params are:
-# clean - cleans all build files
-# build - builds the specified sources
-# install - installs the specified sources
-# test - tests the specified sources
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-function checkParams {
-	if [ -z "$1" ]; then usage; fi;
-	for arg in "$@"; do
-		lastArg="$arg";
-		case "$arg" in
-			"clean") 
-				cleanMe;;
-			"build")
-				BUILDING="1";;
-			"install")
-				INSTALLING="1";;
-			"verbose")
-				verbose="";;
-			"test")
-				TESTING="1";;
-			*) fail "Unknown option => $arg";
-		esac
-	done
-	if [ "$lastArg" = "clean" ]; then exit 0; fi;
-function cleanMe {
-	loadConfig;
-	make "TMP=$TMP" -s -C "$OPENILSDIR"  clean;
-	make "TMP=$TMP" -s -C "$EVERGREENDIR" clean;
-	make "TMP=$TMP" -s -C "$OPENILSDIR/../xul/staff_client"  clean;
-function usage {
-	echo "usage: $0 [ build | install | clean ]";
-	exit;
-checkParams "$@";
-if building; then echo "Building..."; fi;
-if testing; then echo "Testing..."; fi;
-if installing; then echo "Installing..."; fi;
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Kick it off...
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------

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