[open-ils-commits] r11596 - branches/rel_1_4/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Wed Dec 17 09:09:50 EST 2008

Author: miker
Date: 2008-12-17 09:09:49 -0500 (Wed, 17 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 11596

apply the "standards" checked out predicate

Modified: branches/rel_1_4/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/040.schema.asset.sql
--- branches/rel_1_4/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/040.schema.asset.sql	2008-12-17 14:07:49 UTC (rev 11595)
+++ branches/rel_1_4/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/040.schema.asset.sql	2008-12-17 14:09:49 UTC (rev 11596)
@@ -21,6 +21,13 @@
+COMMENT ON SCHEMA asset is 'Logical grouping of all database objects that model physical assets.';
+/* Table copy_location:
+ * 	Represents a unique collection/shelving location. 
+ *	Every copy will have a shelving location.
+ *	Example: Upstairs Reference, holdable = False, Opac_visible = True, Circulate = False.
+ */
 CREATE TABLE asset.copy_location (
 	name		TEXT	NOT NULL,
@@ -31,7 +38,19 @@
 	CONSTRAINT acl_name_once_per_lib UNIQUE (name, owning_lib)
+COMMENT ON TABLE asset.copy_location IS 'Represents a unique collection/shelving location.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_location.id IS 'Unique ID number for each copy location.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_location.name IS 'Name of copy location.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_location.owning_lib IS 'Associates an organizational unit with a copy location.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_location.holdable IS 'Can holds be placed on copies in this copy location?';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_location.opac_visible IS 'Can copies in this copy location be seen in the OPAC?';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_location.circulate IS 'Can copies in this copy location circulate?';
+/* Table copy:
+ *      Represents a unique physical copy.
+ *      There will be one record for every copy of a work in the library.
+ *	A few foreign keys are setup later in fkeys.sql
+ */
 CREATE TABLE asset.copy (
@@ -63,9 +82,47 @@
 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX copy_barcode_key ON asset.copy (barcode) WHERE deleted IS FALSE;
 CREATE INDEX cp_cn_idx ON asset.copy (call_number);
-CREATE INDEX cp_avail_cn_idx ON asset.copy (call_number);
+CREATE INDEX cp_avail_cn_idx ON asset.copy (call_number);  -- Redundant should be removed
 CREATE RULE protect_copy_delete AS ON DELETE TO asset.copy DO INSTEAD UPDATE asset.copy SET deleted = TRUE WHERE OLD.id = asset.copy.id;
+COMMENT ON TABLE asset.copy IS 'Represents a unique physical copy.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.id IS 'Unique ID number for each copy.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.circ_lib IS 'Associates an org unit with a copy, this org unit is considered the circulating library for this copy.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.creator IS 'Associates the actor.usr that created this record with the copy.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.call_number IS 'Associates an asset.call_number with this copy.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.editor IS 'Associates the actor.usr that last changed this record with the copy.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.create_date IS 'When the record was created.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.edit_date IS 'When the record was last edited';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.copy_number IS 'Which copy in a volume set is this, or which one of several identical items is this?';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.status IS 'Associates a config.copy_status with this copy.  Represents the circulation status of the copy.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.location IS 'Associates an asset.copy_location with this copy.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.loan_duration IS 'Specifies one of 3 loan duration categories, short, normal or long.  Used by loan rules.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.fine_level IS 'Daily fine rate level for this copy, currently 3 levels are allowed.  Used by loan rules';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.age_protect IS 'Should the copy have hold protection.  Hold protection keeps new items from being placed on hold by other libraries or systems.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.circulate IS 'Can the item be circulated?';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.deposit IS 'Is the deposit_amount required to check out this copy refundable (deposit vs rental)?';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.ref IS 'Is this copy considered a reference item?';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.holdable IS 'Is this copy holdable?';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.deposit_amount IS 'If there is a deposit or rental fee required, how much is it?';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.price IS 'Replacement price of copy.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.barcode IS 'Stores the barcode of the copy.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.circ_modifier IS 'The circ_modifier is a string that allows for special circulation rules to be set for a specific copy.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.circ_as_type IS 'The MARC item type that this copy should circulate as.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.dummy_title IS 'Pre-cataloging dummy title, for items that haven\'t been fully cataloged.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.dummy_author IS 'Pre-cataloging dummy author, for items that haven\'t been fully cataloged.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.alert_message IS 'Copy specific alert message.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.opac_visible IS 'Is this item visible in the opac?';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy.deleted IS 'Is this copy deleted?';
+COMMENT ON INDEX asset.copy_barcode_key IS 'Index for the copy barcode that only includes barcodes for items that are not deleted.  This allows barcodes on deleted items to be reused.';
+COMMENT ON INDEX asset.cp_cn_idx IS 'Index on copy call number foreign key.';
+COMMENT ON INDEX asset.cp_avail_cn_idx IS 'Index on copy call number foreign key, Redundant index, should be removed.';
+COMMENT ON RULE protect_copy_delete IS 'This rule reformats deletes of asset.copy records into update statements that change the asset.copy.deleted field to true.';
+/* Table copy_transparency:
+ *	This table represents an overlay of certain asset.copy columns that can be
+ *	used to temporarily change the behavior of a group of copies without modifying
+ *	the copy records themselves.  Not currently implemented.
+ */
 CREATE TABLE asset.copy_transparency (
 	deposit_amount	NUMERIC(6,2),
@@ -83,14 +140,44 @@
 	name		TEXT		NOT NULL,
 	CONSTRAINT scte_name_once_per_lib UNIQUE (owner,name)
+COMMENT ON TABLE asset.copy_transparency IS 'Overlay of certain copy columns for temporarily changing the behavior of a group of copies.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_transparency.id IS 'Unique ID for each copy_transparency record.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_transparency.deposit_amount IS 'If there is a deposit required, how much is it?';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_transparency.owner IS 'Associates an asset.org_unit with this copy_transparency.  Represents the owner of this record.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_transparency.circ_lib IS 'Associates an org unit with a copy, this org unit is considered the circulating library for this copy.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_transparency.loan_duration IS 'Specifies one of 3 loan duration categories, short, normal or long.  Used by loan rules.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_transparency.fine_level IS 'Daily fine rate level for this copy, currently 3 levels are allowed.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_transparency.holdable IS 'Is this copy holdable?';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_transparency.circulate IS 'Can the item be circulated?';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_transparency.deposit IS 'Is a deposit required to be able to check out this copy?';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_transparency.ref IS 'Is this copy considered a reference item?';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_transparency.opac_visible IS 'Is this item visible in the opac?';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_transparency.circ_modifier IS 'The circ_modifier is a string that allows for special circulation rules to be set for a specific copy.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_transparency.circ_as_type IS 'The MARC item type that this copy should circulate as.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_transparency.name IS 'Name of this copy_transparency record.';
+COMMENT ON INDEX asset.scte_name_once_per_lib IS 'This constraint allows only one unique combination of owner and name at a time.  One owner can have only one copy_transparency with a given name, but names can be used multiple times by different owners.';
+/* Table copy_tranparency_map:
+ *      This table maps asset.copy_transparency records to asset.copy records. 
+ *	Table is misspelled, needs to be fixed.
+ */
 CREATE TABLE asset.copy_tranparency_map (
 	tansparency	INT	NOT NULL REFERENCES asset.copy_transparency (id),
 	target_copy	INT	NOT NULL UNIQUE REFERENCES asset.copy (id)
 CREATE INDEX cp_tr_cp_idx ON asset.copy_tranparency_map (tansparency);
+COMMENT ON TABLE asset.copy_tranparency_map IS 'Maps asset.copy_transparency records to asset.copy records.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_tranparency_map.id IS 'Unique ID for each asset.copy_tranparency_map mapping.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_tranparency_map.tansparency IS 'Associates an asset.copy_transparency record with a mapping. Misspelled, needs to be fixed.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_tranparency_map.target_copy IS 'Associates an asset.copy record with a mapping.';
+COMMENT ON INDEX asset.cp_tr_cp_idx IS 'Index on asset.copy_tranparency_map.tansparency, to speed up finding all rows that belong to one asset.copy_transparency.';
+/* Table stat_cat_entry_transparency_map:
+ * 	Maps a statistical category entry to a copy_transparency entry.  Allows
+ *	a copy_transparency to have a stat_cat entry assigned to it, thus associating 
+ *	stat_cat_entries to all the copies that are part of the copy_transparency.
+ */
 CREATE TABLE asset.stat_cat_entry_transparency_map (
 	stat_cat		INT		NOT NULL, -- needs ON DELETE CASCADE
@@ -98,7 +185,17 @@
 	owning_transparency	INT		NOT NULL, -- needs ON DELETE CASCADE
 	CONSTRAINT scte_once_per_trans UNIQUE (owning_transparency,stat_cat)
+COMMENT ON TABLE asset.stat_cat_entry_transparency_map IS 'Maps a stat_cat_entry to a copy_transparency.  Allows for collecting stats on all copies that are part of a copy_transparency.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.stat_cat_entry_transparency_map.id IS 'Unique ID for each stat_cat_entry_transparency_map mapping.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.stat_cat_entry_transparency_map.stat_cat IS 'Associates a stat_cat with this mapping.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.stat_cat_entry_transparency_map.stat_cat_entry IS 'Associates a stat_cat_entry with this mapping.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.stat_cat_entry_transparency_map.owning_transparency IS 'Associates a copy_transparency with this mapping.';
+COMMENT ON INDEX asset.scte_once_per_trans IS 'Only allow one stat_cat_entry per stat_cat and owning_transparency combination.  A copy_transparency shouldn\'t have more than one stat_cat_entry from one stat_cat at a time.';
+/* Table asset.stat_cat:
+ *      Table represents a statistical category.  This allows for custom
+ *	statistical categories to track any kind of information wanted.
+ */
 CREATE TABLE asset.stat_cat (
 	owner		INT	NOT NULL,
@@ -106,7 +203,16 @@
 	name		TEXT	NOT NULL,
 	CONSTRAINT sc_once_per_owner UNIQUE (owner,name)
+COMMENT ON TABLE asset.stat_cat IS 'Table represents a statistical category.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.stat_cat.id IS 'Unique id for each stat_cat entry.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.stat_cat.owner IS 'Associates an actor.org_unit with this stat_cat entry.  Represents the owner of the category.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.stat_cat.opac_visible IS 'Is this stat_cat visible in the OPAC?';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.stat_cat.name IS 'Name of the stat_cat entry.';
+COMMENT ON INDEX asset.sc_once_per_owner IS 'Each owner can only have one stat_cat with a certain name.';
+/* Table stat_cat_entry:
+ *	These are the values that can be set for each statistical category.
+ */
 CREATE TABLE asset.stat_cat_entry (
         stat_cat        INT     NOT NULL,
@@ -114,7 +220,17 @@
 	value		TEXT	NOT NULL,
 	CONSTRAINT sce_once_per_owner UNIQUE (stat_cat,owner,value)
+COMMENT ON TABLE asset.stat_cat_entry IS 'Table represents the different values that can be set for each statistical category.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.stat_cat_entry.id IS 'Unique id for each stat_cat_entry.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.stat_cat_entry.stat_cat IS 'Associates this stat_cat_entry with a parent stat_cat.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.stat_cat_entry.owner IS 'Associates the owning org_unit with a stat_cat_entry.  Allows for custom entries that are owned by a different org_unit than the stat_cat itself.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.stat_cat_entry.value IS 'The value of the stat_cat_entry.';
+COMMENT ON INDEX asset.sce_once_per_owner IS 'Each owner can only have one entry with a certain value for each stat_cat.';
+/* Table stat_cat_entry_copy_map:
+ *      Maps the relationship between Statistical Category entries and individual copies.
+ *	A copy should only be associated with one stat_cat_entry per stat_cat.
+ */
 CREATE TABLE asset.stat_cat_entry_copy_map (
 	stat_cat	INT		NOT NULL,
@@ -122,7 +238,17 @@
 	owning_copy	BIGINT		NOT NULL,
 	CONSTRAINT sce_once_per_copy UNIQUE (owning_copy,stat_cat)
+COMMENT ON TABLE  asset.stat_cat_entry_copy_map IS 'Maps the relationship between statistical category entries and individual copies.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.stat_cat_entry_copy_map.id IS 'Unique id for each map entry.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.stat_cat_entry_copy_map.stat_cat IS 'Associates a stat_cat with this mapping.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.stat_cat_entry_copy_map.stat_cat_entry IS 'Associates a stat_cat_entry with this mapping.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.stat_cat_entry_copy_map.owning_copy IS 'Associates a copy with this mapping.';
+COMMENT ON INDEX asset.sce_once_per_copy IS 'A copy can only be associated with one stat_cat_entry per stat_cat.';
+/* Table copy_note:
+ *	Represents a notice/note/message that is associated with a copy.  Can be marked public for display to patrons
+ *	in the opac.  A way to store free form information about a copy.  A copy can have multiple notes.
+ */
 CREATE TABLE asset.copy_note (
 	owning_copy	BIGINT				NOT NULL,
@@ -132,7 +258,21 @@
 	title		TEXT				NOT NULL,
 	value		TEXT				NOT NULL
+COMMENT ON TABLE asset.copy_note IS 'A note/notice/message that is associated with a copy.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_note.id IS 'Unique id for each note.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_note.owning_copy IS 'Associates an asset.copy with this note.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_note.creator IS 'Associates an actor.usr with this note. Represents the creator of the note.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_note.create_date IS 'Note creation timestamp.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_note.pub IS 'Is this note public?';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_note.title IS 'The title of the note.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.copy_note.value IS 'The contents of the note.';
+/* Table call_number:
+ *	Represents call numbers, and in effect volumes.  A copy must reference a call number.
+ *	More than one copy can reference the same call number.  A call number must be 
+ *	associated with one biblio.record_entry.  The call number provides the association 
+ *	between a copy and a bib.
+ */
 CREATE TABLE asset.call_number (
 	id		bigserial PRIMARY KEY,
 	creator		BIGINT				NOT NULL,
@@ -151,7 +291,28 @@
 CREATE INDEX asset_call_number_upper_label_id_owning_lib_idx ON asset.call_number (upper(label),id,owning_lib);
 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX asset_call_number_label_once_per_lib ON asset.call_number (record, owning_lib, label) WHERE deleted IS FALSE;
 CREATE RULE protect_cn_delete AS ON DELETE TO asset.call_number DO INSTEAD UPDATE asset.call_number SET deleted = TRUE WHERE OLD.id = asset.call_number.id;
+COMMENT ON TABLE asset.call_number IS 'Represents call numbers/volumes.  Provides the mapping between copies and biblio.record_entry(s).';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.call_number.id IS 'Unique id for each call number.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.call_number.creator IS 'Associates an actor.usr with this call number. Represents the user that created the call number.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.call_number.create_date IS 'Timestamp of call_number creation.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.call_number.editor IS 'Associates an actor.usr with this call number. Represents the last user to edit the call number.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.call_number.edit_date IS 'Timestamp of last edit.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.call_number.record IS 'Associates a biblio.record_entry with this call_number.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.call_number.owning_lib IS 'Associates an actor.org_unit with this call_number. Represents the owning org unit.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.call_number.label IS 'The value of the call number.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.call_number.deleted IS 'Is this call number deleted?';
+COMMENT ON INDEX asset.asset_call_number_dewey_idx IS 'This indexes the label values after they are modified by the public.call_number_dewey procedure.';
+COMMENT ON INDEX asset.asset_call_number_upper_label_id_owning_lib_idx IS 'This indexes the combination of uppercase label, id and owning_lib.';
+COMMENT ON INDEX asset.asset_call_number_label_once_per_lib IS 'This index makes sure that all combinations of record, owning_lib, and label are unique.  It also excludes deleted call numbers, so there values can be reused.';
+COMMENT ON RULE protect_cn_delete IS 'Reformats deletes into updates that set the deleted column to true.';
+/* Table call_number_note:
+ *      Represents a notice/note/message that is associated with a call_number/volume.
+ *	This feature is not yet fully implemented.  Can be marked public for display to patrons
+ *      in the opac.  A way to store free form information about a volume.  A volume can 
+ *	have multiple notes.
+ */
 CREATE TABLE asset.call_number_note (
 	call_number	BIGINT				NOT NULL,
@@ -161,7 +322,19 @@
 	title		TEXT				NOT NULL,
 	value		TEXT				NOT NULL
+COMMENT ON TABLE asset.call_number_note IS 'A notice/note/message that is associated with a call number/volume.  Not fully implemented.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.call_number_note.id IS 'Unique id of each note.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.call_number_note.call_number IS 'Associates an asset.call_number with a note.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.call_number_note.creator IS 'Associates an actor.usr with a note.  Represents the user that created the note.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.call_number_note.create_date IS 'Timestamp of note creation.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.call_number_note.pub IS 'Is this note public?  Should it be shown in the opac?';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.call_number_note.title IS 'Title of the note.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN asset.call_number_note.value IS 'Contents of the note.';
+/* View stats.fleshed_copy:
+ *	This shows a fleshed out view of a copy that includes call number information and
+ *	bibliographic record descriptors(Item Language, Item Type and Item form).  Where is this used?
+ */
 CREATE VIEW stats.fleshed_copy AS 
         SELECT  cp.*,
 		CAST(cp.create_date AS DATE) AS create_date_day,
@@ -176,6 +349,11 @@
         FROM    asset.copy cp
                 JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (cp.call_number = cn.id)
                 JOIN metabib.rec_descriptor rd ON (rd.record = cn.record);
+COMMENT ON VIEW stats.fleshed_copy IS 'Fleshed out view of a copy that includes call number information and bibliographic descriptors.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN stats.fleshed_copy.create_date_day IS 'create_day cast to a date from a timestamp.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN stats.fleshed_copy.edit_date_day IS 'edit_date cast to a date from a timestamp.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN stats.fleshed_copy.create_date_hour IS 'The creation time.';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN stats.fleshed_copy.edit_date_hour IS 'The last edit time.';
 CREATE VIEW stats.fleshed_call_number AS 
         SELECT  cn.*,

Modified: branches/rel_1_4/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/100.circ_matrix.sql
--- branches/rel_1_4/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/100.circ_matrix.sql	2008-12-17 14:07:49 UTC (rev 11595)
+++ branches/rel_1_4/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/100.circ_matrix.sql	2008-12-17 14:09:49 UTC (rev 11596)
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
           WHERE usr = match_user
                 AND (circ_test.org_depth IS NULL OR (circ_test.org_depth IS NOT NULL AND circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM explode_array(overdue_orgs) )))
                 AND checkin_time IS NULL
-                AND (stop_fines NOT IN ('LOST','CLAIMSRETURNED','LONGOVERDUE') OR stop_fines IS NULL);
+                AND (stop_fines IN ('MAXFINES','LONGOVERDUE') OR stop_fines IS NULL)
 	   	IF items_out >= circ_test.max_items_out THEN
 		    	result.fail_part := 'config.circ_matrix_test.max_items_out';
 			result.success := FALSE;
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@
 		  WHERE circ.usr = match_user
                 	AND (circ_test.org_depth IS NULL OR (circ_test.org_depth IS NOT NULL AND circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM explode_array(overdue_orgs) )))
 			AND circ.checkin_time IS NULL
-			AND (circ.stop_fines NOT IN ('LOST','CLAIMSRETURNED','LONGOVERDUE') OR circ.stop_fines IS NULL)
+            AND (circ.stop_fines IN ('MAXFINES','LONGOVERDUE') OR circ.stop_fines IS NULL)
 			AND cp.circ_modifier = out_by_circ_mod.circ_mod;
 		IF items_out >= out_by_circ_mod.items_out THEN
 			result.fail_part := 'config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test';

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