[open-ils-commits] r8739 - branches/rel_1_2/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/circ

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Tue Feb 12 23:29:29 EST 2008

Author: phasefx
Date: 2008-02-12 23:00:06 -0500 (Tue, 12 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 8739

removing dead code.. Hold Capture interface is a variant of Check In interface

Deleted: branches/rel_1_2/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/circ/hold_capture.js
--- branches/rel_1_2/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/circ/hold_capture.js	2008-02-13 03:04:02 UTC (rev 8738)
+++ branches/rel_1_2/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/circ/hold_capture.js	2008-02-13 04:00:06 UTC (rev 8739)
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-dump('entering circ.hold_capture.js\n');
-if (typeof circ == 'undefined') circ = {};
-circ.hold_capture = function (params) {
-	JSAN.use('util.error'); this.error = new util.error();
-	JSAN.use('util.network'); this.network = new util.network();
-	this.OpenILS = {}; JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); this.OpenILS.data = new OpenILS.data(); this.OpenILS.data.init({'via':'stash'});
-circ.hold_capture.prototype = {
-	'init' : function( params ) {
-		var obj = this;
-		JSAN.use('circ.util');
-		var columns = circ.util.columns( 
-			{ 
-				'barcode' : { 'hidden' : false },
-				'title' : { 'hidden' : false },
-				'status' : { 'hidden' : false },
-				//'checkin_status' : { 'hidden' : false },
-				'checkin_route_to' : { 'hidden' : false },
-				'checkin_text' : { 'hidden' : false, 'flex' : 3 },
-			} 
-		);
-		dump('columns = ' + js2JSON(columns) + '\n');
-		JSAN.use('util.list'); obj.list = new util.list('hold_capture_list');
-		obj.list.init(
-			{
-				'columns' : columns,
-				'map_row_to_columns' : circ.util.std_map_row_to_columns(),
-			}
-		);
-		JSAN.use('util.controller'); obj.controller = new util.controller();
-		obj.controller.init(
-			{
-				'control_map' : {
-					'hold_capture_barcode_entry_textbox' : [
-						['keypress'],
-						function(ev) {
-							if (ev.keyCode && ev.keyCode == 13) {
-								obj.hold_capture();
-							}
-						}
-					],
-					'cmd_broken' : [
-						['command'],
-						function() { alert('Not Yet Implemented'); }
-					],
-					'cmd_hold_capture_submit_barcode' : [
-						['command'],
-						function() {
-							obj.hold_capture();
-						}
-					],
-					'cmd_hold_capture_print' : [
-						['command'],
-						function() {
-							var p = { 
-								'template' : 'hold_capture'
-							};
-							obj.list.print(p);
-						}
-					],
-					'cmd_hold_capture_reprint' : [
-						['command'],
-						function() {
-						}
-					],
-					'cmd_hold_capture_done' : [
-						['command'],
-						function() {
-						}
-					],
-				}
-			}
-		);
-		this.controller.view.hold_capture_barcode_entry_textbox.focus();
-	},
-	'hold_capture' : function() {
-		var obj = this;
-		try {
-			var barcode = obj.controller.view.hold_capture_barcode_entry_textbox.value;
-			JSAN.use('circ.util');
-			var hold_capture = circ.util.hold_capture_via_copy_barcode(
-				ses(), barcode, true
-			);
-			if (hold_capture) {
-				JSAN.use('patron.util');
-				var au_obj;
-				if (hold_capture.hold && hold_capture.hold.usr()) {
-					au_obj = patron.util.retrieve_au_via_id( ses(), hold_capture.hold.usr() );
-				} else {
-					au_obj = new au(); au_obj.family_name( '???' );
-				}
-				obj.list.append(
-					{
-						'row' : {
-							'my' : {
-								'au' : au_obj,
-								'hr' : hold_capture.hold,
-								'circ' : hold_capture.circ,
-								'mvr' : hold_capture.record,
-								'acp' : hold_capture.copy,
-								'route_to' : hold_capture.route_to,
-								'message' : hold_capture.message,
-							}
-						}
-					//I could override map_row_to_column here
-					}
-				);
-				try {
-				alert('To Printer\n' + hold_capture.text + '\r\n' + 'Barcode: ' + barcode + '  Title: ' + hold_capture.record.title() + 
-					'  Author: ' + hold_capture.record.author() + '\r\n' +
-					'Route To: ' + hold_capture.route_to + 
-					'  Patron: ' + au_obj.card().barcode() + ' ' + au_obj.family_name() + ', ' + au_obj.first_given_name() + 
-					'\r\n'); //FIXME
-				} catch(E) { dump('errors\n'); }
-				/*
-				sPrint(hold_capture.text + '<br />\r\n' + 'Barcode: ' + barcode + '  Title: ' + hold_capture.record.title() + 
-					'  Author: ' + hold_capture.record.author() + '<br />\r\n' +
-					'Route To: ' + hold_capture.route_to + 
-					'  Patron: ' + au_obj.card().barcode() + ' ' + au_obj.family_name() + ', ' + au_obj.first_given_name() + 
-					'<br />\r\n'
-				);
-				*/
-				if (typeof obj.on_hold_capture == 'function') {
-					obj.on_hold_capture(hold_capture);
-				}
-				if (typeof window.xulG == 'object' && typeof window.xulG.on_hold_capture == 'function') {
-					obj.error.sdump('D_CIRC','circ.hold_capture: Calling external .on_hold_capture()\n');
-					window.xulG.on_hold_capture(hold_capture);
-				} else {
-					obj.error.sdump('D_CIRC','circ.hold_capture: No external .on_hold_capture()\n');
-				}
-			} else {
-				throw("Could not capture hold.");
-			}
-		} catch(E) {
-			alert('FIXME: need special alert and error handling\n'
-				+ js2JSON(E));
-			if (typeof obj.on_failure == 'function') {
-				obj.on_failure(E);
-			}
-			if (typeof window.xulG == 'object' && typeof window.xulG.on_failure == 'function') {
-				obj.error.sdump('D_CIRC','circ.hold_capture: Calling external .on_failure()\n');
-				window.xulG.on_failure(E);
-			} else {
-				obj.error.sdump('D_CIRC','circ.hold_capture: No external .on_failure()\n');
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	'on_hold_capture' : function() {
-		this.controller.view.hold_capture_barcode_entry_textbox.value = '';
-		this.controller.view.hold_capture_barcode_entry_textbox.focus();
-	},
-	'on_failure' : function() {
-		this.controller.view.hold_capture_barcode_entry_textbox.select();
-		this.controller.view.hold_capture_barcode_entry_textbox.focus();
-	}
-dump('exiting circ.hold_capture.js\n');

Deleted: branches/rel_1_2/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/circ/hold_capture.xul
--- branches/rel_1_2/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/circ/hold_capture.xul	2008-02-13 03:04:02 UTC (rev 8738)
+++ branches/rel_1_2/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/circ/hold_capture.xul	2008-02-13 04:00:06 UTC (rev 8739)
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!-- Application: Evergreen Staff Client -->
-<!-- Screen: Patron Display -->
-<!-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -->
-<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://open_ils_staff_client/skin/global.css" type="text/css"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet href="/xul/server/skin/global.css" type="text/css"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet href="/xul/server/skin/circ.css" type="text/css"?>
-<!-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -->
-<!DOCTYPE window PUBLIC "" ""[
-	<!--#include virtual="/opac/locale/en-US/lang.dtd"-->
-<!-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -->
-<!-- OVERLAYS -->
-<?xul-overlay href="/xul/server/OpenILS/util_overlay.xul"?>
-<?xul-overlay href="/xul/server/circ/hold_capture_overlay.xul"?>
-<window id="hold_capture_win" 
-	onload="try { my_init(); font_helper(); } catch(E) { alert(E); }"
-	xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul">
-	<!-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -->
-	<!-- BEHAVIOR -->
-        <script type="text/javascript">var myPackageDir = 'open_ils_staff_client'; var IAMXUL = true; var g = {};</script>
-        <scripts id="openils_util_scripts"/>
-	<script type="text/javascript" src="/xul/server/main/JSAN.js"/>
-	<script>
-	<![CDATA[
-		function my_init() {
-			try {
-				netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege("UniversalXPConnect");
-		                if (typeof JSAN == 'undefined') { throw( "The JSAN library object is missing."); }
-				JSAN.errorLevel = "die"; // none, warn, or die
-				JSAN.addRepository('/xul/server/');
-				JSAN.use('util.error'); g.error = new util.error();
-				g.error.sdump('D_TRACE','my_init() for hold_capture.xul');
-				JSAN.use('circ.hold_capture'); g.hold_capture = new circ.hold_capture();
-				g.hold_capture.init( 
-					{ 
-					} 
-				);
-				if (typeof window.xulG == 'object' && typeof window.xulG.set_tab_name == 'function') {
-					try { window.xulG.set_tab_name('Hold Capture'); } catch(E) { alert(E); }
-				}
-			} catch(E) {
-				var err_msg = "!! This software has encountered an error.  Please tell your friendly " +
-					"system administrator or software developer the following:\n" 
-					+ 'circ.hold_capture.xul\n' + E + '\n';
-				try { g.error.sdump('D_ERROR',err_msg); } catch(E) { dump(err_msg); }
-				alert(err_msg);
-			}
-		}
-	]]>
-	</script>
-	<commandset id="hold_capture_cmds">
-		<command id="cmd_hold_capture_submit_barcode" />
-		<command id="cmd_hold_capture_print" />
-		<command id="cmd_hold_capture_reprint" />
-		<command id="cmd_hold_capture_done" />
-	</commandset>
-	<box id="hold_capture_main" />

Deleted: branches/rel_1_2/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/circ/hold_capture_overlay.xul
--- branches/rel_1_2/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/circ/hold_capture_overlay.xul	2008-02-13 03:04:02 UTC (rev 8738)
+++ branches/rel_1_2/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/circ/hold_capture_overlay.xul	2008-02-13 04:00:06 UTC (rev 8739)
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!DOCTYPE overlay PUBLIC "" ""[
-	<!--#include virtual="/opac/locale/en-US/lang.dtd"-->
-<overlay id="hold_capture_overlay" 
-	xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul">
-<script>dump('loading hold_capture_overlay.xul\n');</script>
-<commandset id="hold_capture_cmds" />
-<box id="hold_capture_main" flex="1" orient="vertical" class="my_overflow">
-	<vbox id="cmvb1" flex="1"/>
-<vbox id="cmvb1" flex="1">
-	<groupbox id="cmgb1" flex="2">
-		<caption label="&staff.circ.hold_capture.caption;" />
-		<hbox id="hold_capture_top_ui" />
-		<tree id="hold_capture_list" flex="1" enableColumnDrag="true"/>
-		<hbox id="hold_capture_bottom_ui" />
-	</groupbox>
-<hbox id="hold_capture_top_ui">
-	<label id="hold_capture_scan_barcode_label" 
-		value="&staff.circ.hold_capture.scan_label;" 
-		accesskey="&staff.circ.hold_capture.scan_label.accesskey;" 
-		control="hold_capture_barcode_entry_textbox"/>
-	<textbox id="hold_capture_barcode_entry_textbox"/>
-	<button id="hold_capture_submit_barcode_button" 
-		label="&staff.circ.hold_capture.submit_label;" 
-		command="cmd_hold_capture_submit_barcode"
-		accesskey="&staff.circ.hold_capture.submit_label.accesskey;"/>
-<hbox id="hold_capture_bottom_ui">
-	<button id="hold_capture_print" 
-		label="&staff.hold_capture.print_receipt_label;" 
-		command="cmd_hold_capture_print"
-		accesskey="&staff.hold_capture.print_receipt_label.accesskey;"/>
-	<button id="hold_capture_reprint" 
-		label="&staff.hold_capture.reprint_receipt_label;" 
-		command="cmd_hold_capture_reprint"
-		accesskey="&staff.hold_capture.reprint_receipt_label.accesskey;"/>
-	<spacer id="pcii3s" flex="1"/>
-	<checkbox id="hold_capture_auto" 
-		label="&staff.hold_capture.auto_print_label;" 
-		accesskey="&staff.hold_capture.auto_print_label.accesskey;"/> 
-	<button id="hold_capture_done" 
-		label="&staff.hold_capture.done_label;" 
-		command="cmd_hold_capture_done"
-		accesskey="&staff.hold_capture.done_label.accesskey;"/>

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