[open-ils-commits] r8772 - in trunk/Open-ILS/src: apachemods c-apps
svn at svn.open-ils.org
svn at svn.open-ils.org
Tue Feb 19 09:24:55 EST 2008
Author: erickson
Date: 2008-02-19 08:54:39 -0500 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 8772
Removing some dead code
changed (wherever possible) references from objson to the new opensrf/osrf_json.h
cstore is the last remaining legacy json (objson) client that needs updating
Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/apachemods/json_xml.h
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/apachemods/json_xml.h 2008-02-19 12:34:58 UTC (rev 8771)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/apachemods/json_xml.h 2008-02-19 13:54:39 UTC (rev 8772)
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
/* the JSON parser, so we can read the response we're XMLizing */
-#include "objson/object.h"
-#include "objson/json_parser.h"
-#include "utils.h"
+#include <opensrf/osrf_json.h>
+#include <opensrf/utils.h>
char* json_string_to_xml(char*);
Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/src/apachemods/mod_rest_gateway.c
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/apachemods/mod_rest_gateway.c 2008-02-19 12:34:58 UTC (rev 8771)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/apachemods/mod_rest_gateway.c 2008-02-19 13:54:39 UTC (rev 8772)
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-#include "mod_rest_gateway.h"
-#include "http_log.h"
-char* ils_rest_gateway_config_file;
-static const char* ils_gateway_set_config(cmd_parms *parms, void *config, const char *arg) {
- ils_gateway_config *cfg;
- cfg = ap_get_module_config(parms->server->module_config, &ils_rest_gateway_module);
- cfg->configfile = (char*) arg;
- ils_rest_gateway_config_file = (char*) arg;
- return NULL;
-/* tell apache about our commands */
-static const command_rec ils_gateway_cmds[] = {
- AP_INIT_TAKE1( GATEWAY_CONFIG, ils_gateway_set_config, NULL, RSRC_CONF, "gateway config file"),
- {NULL}
-/* build the config object */
-static void* ils_gateway_create_config( apr_pool_t* p, server_rec* s) {
- ils_gateway_config* cfg = (ils_gateway_config*) apr_palloc(p, sizeof(ils_gateway_config));
- cfg->configfile = GATEWAY_DEFAULT_CONFIG;
- return (void*) cfg;
-static void mod_ils_gateway_child_init(apr_pool_t *p, server_rec *s) {
- char* cfg = ils_rest_gateway_config_file;
- if( ! osrf_system_bootstrap_client( cfg, CONFIG_CONTEXT) ) {
- osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Unable to load gateway config file...");
- return;
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "Bootstrapping %ld\n", (long) getpid() );
- fflush(stderr);
-static int mod_ils_gateway_method_handler (request_rec *r) {
- /* make sure we're needed first thing*/
- if (strcmp(r->handler, MODULE_NAME ))
- return DECLINED;
- osrfLogSetAppname("oils_rest_gw");
- apr_pool_t *p = r->pool; /* memory pool */
- char* arg = r->args; /* url query string */
- char* service = NULL; /* service to connect to */
- char* method = NULL; /* method to perform */
- //json* exception = NULL; /* returned in error conditions */
- //jsonObject* exception = NULL; /* returned in error conditions */
- string_array* sarray = init_string_array(12); /* method parameters */
- growing_buffer* buffer = NULL; /* POST data */
- growing_buffer* tmp_buf = NULL; /* temp buffer */
- char* key = NULL; /* query item name */
- char* val = NULL; /* query item value */
- jsonObject* response = jsonParseString("{\"status\":0,\"debug\":\"\"}");
- jsonObject* payload = jsonParseString("[]");
- jsonObjectSetKey(response, "payload", payload );
- /* verify we are connected */
- if(!osrfSystemGetTransportClient()) {
- osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Bootstrap Failed, no transport client");
- }
- /* gather the post args and append them to the url query string */
- if( !strcmp(r->method,"POST") ) {
- ap_setup_client_block(r,REQUEST_CHUNKED_DECHUNK);
- if(! ap_should_client_block(r)) {
- osrfLogWarning( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "No Post Body");
- }
- char body[1025];
- memset(body, '\0', sizeof(body));
- buffer = buffer_init(1025);
- while(ap_get_client_block(r, body, 1024)) {
- buffer_add( buffer, body );
- memset(body, '\0', sizeof(body));
- }
- if(arg && arg[0]) {
- tmp_buf = buffer_init(1024);
- buffer_add(tmp_buf,arg);
- buffer_add(tmp_buf,buffer->buf);
- arg = (char*) apr_pstrdup(p, tmp_buf->buf);
- buffer_free(tmp_buf);
- } else {
- arg = (char*) apr_pstrdup(p, buffer->buf);
- }
- buffer_free(buffer);
- }
- ap_log_rerror( APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r, "URL: %s", arg );
- if( ! arg || !arg[0] ) { /* we received no request */
- osrfLogWarning( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "No Args");
- return OK;
- }
- r->allowed |= (AP_METHOD_BIT << M_GET);
- r->allowed |= (AP_METHOD_BIT << M_POST);
- while( arg && (val = ap_getword(p, (const char**) &arg, '&'))) {
- key = ap_getword(r->pool, (const char**) &val, '=');
- if(!key || !key[0])
- break;
- ap_unescape_url((char*)key);
- ap_unescape_url((char*)val);
- if(!strcmp(key,"service"))
- service = val;
- if(!strcmp(key,"method"))
- method = val;
- if(!strcmp(key,"param"))
- string_array_add(sarray, val);
- }
- osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Performing(%ld): service %s | method %s | \n",
- (long) getpid(), service, method );
- int k;
- for( k = 0; k!= sarray->size; k++ ) {
- osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "param %s", string_array_get_string(sarray,k));
- }
- osrf_app_session* session = osrf_app_client_session_init(service);
- osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "MOD session service: %s", session->remote_service );
- int req_id = osrfAppSessionMakeRequest( session, NULL, method, 1, sarray );
- string_array_destroy(sarray);
- osrf_message* omsg = NULL;
- while((omsg = osrfAppSessionRequestRecv( session, req_id, 60 ))) {
- jsonObjectSetKey(response, "status", jsonNewNumberObject(omsg->status_code));
- if( omsg->_result_content ) {
- jsonObjectPush( payload, jsonObjectClone(omsg->_result_content));
- } else {
- char* s = omsg->status_name ? omsg->status_name : "Unknown Error";
- char* t = omsg->status_text ? omsg->status_text : "No Error Message";
- jsonObjectSetKey(response, "debug", jsonNewObject("\n\n%s:\n%s\n", s, t));
- osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Gateway received error: %s",
- jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectGetKeyConst(response, "debug")));
- break;
- }
- osrf_message_free(omsg);
- omsg = NULL;
- }
- char* content = jsonObjectToJSON(response);
- char* xml = json_string_to_xml( content );
- free(content);
- jsonObjectFree(response);
- /* set content type to text/xml for passing around XML objects */
- ap_set_content_type(r, "text/xml");
- ap_rputs(xml,r);
- free(xml);
- osrf_app_session_request_finish( session, req_id );
- osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "gateway process message successfully");
- osrfAppSessionFree(session);
- return OK;
-static void mod_ils_gateway_register_hooks (apr_pool_t *p) {
- ap_hook_handler(mod_ils_gateway_method_handler, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
- ap_hook_child_init(mod_ils_gateway_child_init,NULL,NULL,APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
-module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA ils_rest_gateway_module = {
- ils_gateway_create_config,
- ils_gateway_cmds,
- mod_ils_gateway_register_hooks,
Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/src/apachemods/mod_rest_gateway.h
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/apachemods/mod_rest_gateway.h 2008-02-19 12:34:58 UTC (rev 8771)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/apachemods/mod_rest_gateway.h 2008-02-19 13:54:39 UTC (rev 8772)
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#include "httpd.h"
-#include "http_config.h"
-#include "http_core.h"
-#include "http_protocol.h"
-//#include "apr_compat.h"
-#include "apr_strings.h"
-/* our stuff */
-#include "opensrf/transport_client.h"
-#include "opensrf/osrf_message.h"
-#include "opensrf/osrf_app_session.h"
-#include "string_array.h"
-#include "md5.h"
-#include "objson/object.h"
-#include "objson/json_parser.h"
-#include "json_xml.h"
-#define GATEWAY_CONFIG "ILSRestGatewayConfig"
-#define MODULE_NAME "ils_rest_gateway_module"
-#define CONFIG_CONTEXT "gateway"
-#define GATEWAY_DEFAULT_CONFIG "/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml"
-/* our config structure */
-typedef struct {
- char* configfile; /* our bootstrap config file */
-} ils_gateway_config;
-module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA ils_rest_gateway_module;
Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/Makefile
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/Makefile 2008-02-19 12:34:58 UTC (rev 8771)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/Makefile 2008-02-19 13:54:39 UTC (rev 8772)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-LDLIBS += -lobjson -lopensrf #-lfieldmapper
+LDLIBS += -lopensrf #-lfieldmapper
LDFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath=$(LIBDIR) -L$(DBI_LIBS)
Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_auth.c
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_auth.c 2008-02-19 12:34:58 UTC (rev 8771)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_auth.c 2008-02-19 13:54:39 UTC (rev 8772)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include "opensrf/osrf_app_session.h"
#include "opensrf/osrf_application.h"
#include "opensrf/osrf_settings.h"
-#include "objson/object.h"
+#include "opensrf/osrf_json.h"
#include "opensrf/log.h"
#include "openils/oils_utils.h"
#include "openils/oils_constants.h"
Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_cstore.c
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_cstore.c 2008-02-19 12:34:58 UTC (rev 8771)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_cstore.c 2008-02-19 13:54:39 UTC (rev 8772)
@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
#include "opensrf/osrf_settings.h"
#include "opensrf/osrf_message.h"
#include "opensrf/utils.h"
-#include "objson/object.h"
+#include "opensrf/osrf_json.h"
#include "opensrf/log.h"
#include "openils/oils_idl.h"
#include <dbi/dbi.h>
+#include <objson/object.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_fetch.c
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_fetch.c 2008-02-19 12:34:58 UTC (rev 8771)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_fetch.c 2008-02-19 13:54:39 UTC (rev 8772)
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-#include "opensrf/osrf_app_session.h"
-#include "opensrf/osrf_application.h"
-#include "opensrf/osrf_settings.h"
-#include "objson/object.h"
-#include "opensrf/log.h"
-#include "openils/oils_utils.h"
-#include "openils/oils_constants.h"
-#include "openils/oils_event.h"
-#include <dbi/dbi.h>
-#include <openils/fieldmapper_lookup.h>
-#define OILS_AUTH_CACHE_PRFX "oils_fetch_"
-#define MODULENAME "open-ils.fetch"
-dbi_conn dbhandle; /* our db connection */
-/* handy NULL json object to have around */
-static jsonObject* oilsFetchNULL = NULL;
-int osrfAppChildInit();
-/* turns a singal db result row into a jsonObject */
-jsonObject* oilsFetchMakeJSON( dbi_result result, char* hint );
-osrfHash* fmClassMap = NULL;
-int osrfAppInitialize() {
- osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Initializing Fetch Server...");
- oilsFetchNULL = jsonNewObject(NULL);
- fmClassMap = osrfNewHash();
- int i;
- char* hint;
- char* apiname;
- osrfList* keys = fm_classes();
- if(!keys) return 0;
- /* cycle through all of the classes and register a
- * retrieve method for each */
- for( i = 0; i < keys->size; i++ ) {
- hint = OSRF_LIST_GET_INDEX(keys, i);
- i++;
- apiname = OSRF_LIST_GET_INDEX(keys, i);
- if(!(hint && apiname)) break;
- osrfHashSet( fmClassMap, hint, apiname );
- char method[256];
- snprintf(method, sizeof(method), "open-ils.fetch.%s.retrieve", apiname);
- osrfAppRegisterMethod( MODULENAME,
- method, "oilsFetchDoRetrieve", "", 1, 0 );
- }
- return 0;
- * Connects to the database
- */
-int osrfAppChildInit() {
- dbi_initialize(NULL);
- char* driver = osrf_settings_host_value("/apps/%s/app_settings/databases/driver", MODULENAME);
- char* user = osrf_settings_host_value("/apps/%s/app_settings/databases/database/user", MODULENAME);
- char* host = osrf_settings_host_value("/apps/%s/app_settings/databases/database/host", MODULENAME);
- char* port = osrf_settings_host_value("/apps/%s/app_settings/databases/database/port", MODULENAME);
- char* db = osrf_settings_host_value("/apps/%s/app_settings/databases/database/db", MODULENAME);
- char* pw = osrf_settings_host_value("/apps/%s/app_settings/databases/database/pw", MODULENAME);
- dbhandle = dbi_conn_new(driver);
- if(!dbhandle) {
- osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Error creating database driver %s", driver);
- return -1;
- }
- osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "oils_fetch connecting to database. host=%s, "
- "port=%s, user=%s, pw=%s, db=%s", host, port, user, pw, db );
- if(host) dbi_conn_set_option(dbhandle, "host", host );
- if(port) dbi_conn_set_option_numeric( dbhandle, "port", atoi(port) );
- if(user) dbi_conn_set_option(dbhandle, "username", user);
- if(pw) dbi_conn_set_option(dbhandle, "password", pw );
- if(db) dbi_conn_set_option(dbhandle, "dbname", db );
- free(user);
- free(host);
- free(port);
- free(db);
- free(pw);
- if (dbi_conn_connect(dbhandle) < 0) {
- const char* err;
- dbi_conn_error(dbhandle, &err);
- osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Error connecting to database: %s", err);
- return -1;
- }
- osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s successfully connected to the database", MODULENAME);
- return 0;
-int oilsFetchDoRetrieve( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
- char* id = jsonObjectToSimpleString(jsonObjectGetIndex(ctx->params, 0));
- char* meth = strdup(ctx->method->name);
- char* strtk;
- strtok_r(meth, ".", &strtk); /* open-ils */
- strtok_r(NULL, ".", &strtk); /* fetch */
- char* schema = strtok_r(NULL, ".", &strtk);
- char* object = strtok_r(NULL, ".", &strtk);
- osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s retrieving %s.%s "
- "object with id %s", MODULENAME, schema, object, id );
- /* construct the SQL */
- char sql[256];
- snprintf( sql, sizeof(sql), "select * from %s.%s where id = %s;", schema, object, id );
- /* find the object hint from the api name */
- char hintbuf[256];
- snprintf(hintbuf, sizeof(hintbuf), "%s.%s", schema, object );
- char* hint = osrfHashGet( fmClassMap, hintbuf );
- osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s SQL = %s", MODULENAME, sql);
- dbi_result result = dbi_conn_queryf(dbhandle, sql);
- if(result) {
- /* there should be one row at the most */
- dbi_result_next_row(result);
- /* JSONify the result */
- jsonObject* obj = oilsFetchMakeJSON( result, hint );
- /* clean up the query */
- dbi_result_free(result);
- osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, obj );
- jsonObjectFree(obj);
- } else {
- osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s returned no results for query %s", MODULENAME, sql);
- osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, oilsFetchNULL );
- }
- free(id);
- free(meth);
- return 0;
-jsonObject* oilsFetchMakeJSON( dbi_result result, char* hint ) {
- if(!(result && hint)) return NULL;
- jsonObject* object = jsonParseString("[]");
- jsonObjectSetClass(object, hint);
- int attr;
- int fmIndex;
- int columnIndex = 1;
- unsigned short type;
- const char* columnName;
- /* cycle through the column list */
- while( (columnName = dbi_result_get_field_name(result, columnIndex++)) ) {
- /* determine the field type and storage attributes */
- type = dbi_result_get_field_type(result, columnName);
- attr = dbi_result_get_field_attribs(result, columnName);
- /* fetch the fieldmapper index */
- if( (fmIndex = fm_ntop(hint, (char*) columnName)) < 0 ) continue;
- switch( type ) {
- if( attr & DBI_INTEGER_SIZE8 )
- jsonObjectSetIndex( object, fmIndex,
- jsonNewNumberObject(dbi_result_get_longlong(result, columnName)));
- else
- jsonObjectSetIndex( object, fmIndex,
- jsonNewNumberObject(dbi_result_get_long(result, columnName)));
- break;
- jsonObjectSetIndex( object, fmIndex,
- jsonNewNumberObject(dbi_result_get_double(result, columnName)));
- break;
- jsonObjectSetIndex( object, fmIndex,
- jsonNewObject(dbi_result_get_string(result, columnName)));
- break;
- jsonObjectSetIndex( object, fmIndex,
- jsonNewNumberObject(dbi_result_get_datetime(result, columnName)));
- break;
- osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
- "Can't do binary at column %s : index %d", columnName, columnIndex - 1);
- }
- }
- return object;
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