[open-ils-commits] r8383 - trunk/Open-ILS/src/apachemods
svn at svn.open-ils.org
svn at svn.open-ils.org
Tue Jan 15 10:13:58 EST 2008
Author: erickson
Date: 2008-01-15 09:48:34 -0500 (Tue, 15 Jan 2008)
New Revision: 8383
removing deprecated code
Deleted: trunk/Open-ILS/src/apachemods/mod_xmlbuilder.c
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/apachemods/mod_xmlbuilder.c 2008-01-15 04:26:35 UTC (rev 8382)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/apachemods/mod_xmlbuilder.c 2008-01-15 14:48:34 UTC (rev 8383)
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-#include "mod_xmlbuilder.h"
-char* __xmlBuilderDynamicLocale = NULL;
-request_rec* currentRec = NULL;
-/* set the base DTD directory */
-static const char* xmlBuilderSetBaseDir(cmd_parms *params, void *cfg, const char *arg) {
- xmlBuilderConfig* config = ap_get_module_config(
- params->server->module_config, &xmlbuilder_module );
- config->baseDir = (char*) arg;
- return NULL;
-static const char* xmlBuilderSetDefaultLocale(
- cmd_parms* params, void* cfg, const char* arg ) {
- xmlBuilderConfig* config = ap_get_module_config(
- params->server->module_config, &xmlbuilder_module );
- config->defaultLocale = (char*) arg;
- return NULL;
-static const char* xmlBuilderSetDefaultDtd(
- cmd_parms* params, void* cfg, const char* arg ) {
- xmlBuilderConfig* config = ap_get_module_config(
- params->server->module_config, &xmlbuilder_module );
- config->defaultDtd = (char*) arg;
- if( config->defaultDtd ) {
- if(!strcmp(config->defaultDtd,"NULL"))
- config->defaultDtd = NULL;
- }
- return NULL;
-static const char* xmlBuilderSetLocaleParam(
- cmd_parms* params, void* cfg, const char* arg ) {
- xmlBuilderConfig* config = ap_get_module_config(
- params->server->module_config, &xmlbuilder_module );
- config->localeParam = (char*) arg;
- return NULL;
-static const char* xmlBuilderSetPostXSL(
- cmd_parms* params, void* cfg, const char* arg ) {
- xmlBuilderConfig* config = ap_get_module_config(
- params->server->module_config, &xmlbuilder_module );
- config->postXSL = xsltParseStylesheetFile((xmlChar*) arg);
- if( config->postXSL == NULL )
- apacheDebug("Unable to parse postXSL stylesheet: %s. No postXSL will be performed", arg);
- return NULL;
-static const char* xmlBuilderSetContentType(
- cmd_parms* params, void* cfg, const char* arg ) {
- xmlBuilderConfig* config = ap_get_module_config(
- params->server->module_config, &xmlbuilder_module );
- config->contentType = (char*) arg;
- return NULL;
-static const command_rec xmlBuilderCommands[] = {
- xmlBuilderSetDefaultLocale, NULL, RSRC_CONF, "Default Locale"),
- xmlBuilderSetBaseDir, NULL, RSRC_CONF, "Base Directory"),
- xmlBuilderSetPostXSL, NULL, RSRC_CONF, "Post XSL"),
- xmlBuilderSetDefaultDtd, NULL, RSRC_CONF, "Default DTD"),
- xmlBuilderSetLocaleParam, NULL, RSRC_CONF, "Locale URL param name"),
- xmlBuilderSetContentType, NULL, RSRC_CONF, "Content Type"),
- {NULL}
-static void* xmlBuilderCreateConfig( apr_pool_t* p, server_rec* s ) {
- xmlBuilderConfig* config =
- (xmlBuilderConfig*) apr_palloc( p, sizeof(xmlBuilderConfig) );
- config->baseDir = MODXMLB_DEFAULT_BASE_DIR;
- config->defaultLocale = MODXMLB_DEFAULT_LOCALE;
- config->defaultDtd = NULL;
- config->postXSL = NULL;
- config->contentType = NULL;
- config->localeParam = MODXMLB_DEFAULT_LOCALE_PARAM;
- return (void*) config;
-/* Child Init handler ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-static void xmlBuilderChildInit( apr_pool_t *p, server_rec *s ) {
-static int xmlBuilderHandler( request_rec* r ) {
- if( strcmp(r->handler, MODULE_NAME ) ) return DECLINED;
- currentRec = r;
- xmlBuilderConfig* config = ap_get_module_config(
- r->server->module_config, &xmlbuilder_module );
- /*
- xmlBuilderConfig* config = ap_get_module_config(
- r->per_dir_config, &xmlbuilder_module );
- */
- if(config == NULL) {
- ap_log_rerror( APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, currentRec,
- "config is nulll...");
- }
- r->allowed |= (AP_METHOD_BIT << M_GET);
- r->allowed |= (AP_METHOD_BIT << M_POST);
- char* ct = config->contentType;
- if(!config->contentType) ct = "text/html; charset=utf-8";
- /* ---------------------------------- */
- // Hack to force XUL mime type (until config is fixed)
- char* f = r->filename;
- if(f) {
- int l = strlen(f);
- if(l > 4) {
- if( !strcmp( f + (l - 4), ".xul"))
- ct = "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml";
- }
- }
- /* ---------------------------------- */
- ap_set_content_type(r, ct);
- //ap_table_set(r->headers_out, "Cache-Control", "max-age=15552000");
- char* dates = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, MAX_STRING_LEN);
- apr_rfc822_date(dates, apr_time_now() + 604800000000); /* cache for one week */
- ap_table_set(r->headers_out, "Expires", dates);
- apr_rfc822_date(dates, apr_time_now()); /* cache for one week */
- ap_table_set(r->headers_out, "Date", dates);
- /*
- char expire_hdr[APR_RFC822_DATE_LEN];
- apr_rfc822_date(expire_hdr, (apr_time_t)(time(NULL) + 15552000));
- ap_table_set(r->headers_out, "Expires", expire_hdr);
- */
- string_array* params = apacheParseParms(r);
- char* locale = apacheGetFirstParamValue(params, config->localeParam);
- if(locale) __xmlBuilderDynamicLocale = locale;
- char* XMLFile = r->filename;
- xmlDocPtr doc = xmlBuilderProcessFile( XMLFile, config );
- if(!doc) return apacheError( "Unable to parse XML file %s", XMLFile );
- /* apply the post XSL */
- if(config->postXSL) {
- xmlDocPtr newdoc;
- newdoc = xsltApplyStylesheet(config->postXSL, doc, NULL );
- if(newdoc == NULL) {
- apacheDebug("Error applying postXSL... skipping.");
- } else {
- xmlFreeDoc(doc);
- doc = newdoc;
- }
- }
- char* docXML = xmlDocToString( doc, 1 );
- //apacheDebug("DOC:\n%s\n%s", docXML);
- ap_rputs(docXML, r);
- free(docXML);
- xmlFreeDoc( doc );
- doc = NULL;
- //xmlCleanupCharEncodingHandlers();
- //xmlCleanupParser();
- return OK;
-/* frees the collected DTD's */
-static void __xmlBuilderFreeDtdHash( char* key, void* item ) {
- if(!item) return;
- xmlFreeDtd( item );
-xmlDocPtr xmlBuilderProcessFile( char* filename, xmlBuilderConfig* config ) {
- if(!filename) {
- apacheError( "No XML file provided" ); return NULL; }
- xmlBuilderContext context;
- context.config = config;
- context.doc = xmlNewDoc( BAD_CAST "1.0" );
- context.dtdHash = osrfNewHash();
- context.entHash = osrfNewHash();
- context.nodeList = osrfNewList();
- context.xmlError = 0;
- context.xmlFile = filename;
- context.dtdHash->freeItem = &__xmlBuilderFreeDtdHash;
- /*
- ap_log_rerror( APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, currentRec,
- "xmlBuilderProcessFile() Options: "
- "XMLBuilderDefaultLocale : %s | XMLBuilderBaseDir : %s | "
- "XMLBuilderDefaultDTD : %s | XMLBuilderLocaleParam : %s",
- config->defaultLocale, config->baseDir, config->defaultDtd, config->localeParam );
- */
- /* pre-parse the default dtd if defined */
- if( config->defaultDtd )
- xmlBuilderAddDtd( config->defaultDtd, &context );
- xmlParserCtxtPtr parserCtx;
- parserCtx = xmlCreatePushParserCtxt(xmlBuilderSaxHandler, &context, "", 0, NULL);
- xmlCtxtReadFile( parserCtx, filename, NULL, XML_PARSE_RECOVER );
- xmlFreeParserCtxt( parserCtx );
- osrfListFree(context.nodeList);
- osrfHashFree(context.entHash);
- osrfHashFree(context.dtdHash);
- return context.doc;
-void xmlBuilderStartElement( void* context, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts ) {
- xmlBuilderContext* ctx = (xmlBuilderContext*) context;
- xmlNodePtr node = NULL;
- /* process xincludes as a sub-doc */
- if( !strcmp( name, "xi:include" ) ) {
- char* href = strdup(xmlSaxAttr( atts, "href" ));
- if(href) {
- /* find the relative path for the xinclude */
- if(href[0] != '/') {
- int len = strlen(ctx->xmlFile) + strlen(href) + 1;
- char buf[len];
- memset( buf, '\0', sizeof(len) );
- strcpy( buf, ctx->xmlFile );
- int i;
- for( i = strlen(buf); i != 0; i-- ) {
- if( buf[i] == '/' ) break;
- buf[i] = '\0';
- }
- strcat( buf, href );
- free(href);
- href = strdup(buf);
- }
- xmlDocPtr subDoc = xmlBuilderProcessFile( href, ctx->config );
- node = xmlDocGetRootElement( subDoc );
- }
- if(!node) {
- apacheError("Unable to parse xinclude: %s", href );
- free(href);
- return;
- }
- free(href);
- } else {
- node = xmlNewNode(NULL, name);
- xmlBuilderAddAtts( ctx, node, atts );
- }
- xmlNodePtr parent = osrfListGetIndex(
- ctx->nodeList, ctx->nodeList->size - 1 );
- if( parent ) xmlAddChild( parent, node );
- else xmlDocSetRootElement(ctx->doc, node);
- osrfListPush( ctx->nodeList, node );
-void xmlBuilderAddAtts( xmlBuilderContext* ctx, xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar** atts ) {
- if(!(ctx && node && atts)) return;
- int i;
- for(i = 0; (atts[i] != NULL); i++) {
- if(atts[i+1]) {
- const xmlChar* name = atts[i];
- const xmlChar* prop = atts[i+1];
- int nl = strlen(prop);
- char* _prop = NULL;
- if( prop[0] == '&' && prop[nl-1] == ';' ) { /* replace the entity if we are one */
- char buf[nl+1];
- memset( buf, '\0', sizeof(buf) );
- strncat(buf, prop + 1, nl - 2);
- xmlEntityPtr ent = osrfHashGet( ctx->entHash, buf );
- if(ent && ent->content) _prop = ent->content;
- } else { _prop = (char*) prop; }
- xmlSetProp( node, name, _prop );
- i++;
- }
- }
-void xmlBuilderEndElement( void* context, const xmlChar* name ) {
- xmlBuilderContext* ctx = (xmlBuilderContext*) context;
- osrfListPop( ctx->nodeList );
-void xmlBuilderHandleCharacter(void* context, const xmlChar *ch, int len) {
- xmlBuilderContext* ctx = (xmlBuilderContext*) context;
- xmlNodePtr node = osrfListGetIndex(
- ctx->nodeList, ctx->nodeList->size - 1 );
- if(node) {
- xmlNodePtr txt = xmlNewTextLen(ch, len);
- xmlAddChild( node, txt );
- }
-void xmlBuilderParseError( void* context, const char* msg, ... ) {
- xmlBuilderContext* ctx = (xmlBuilderContext*) context;
- apacheDebug( "Parser Error Occurred: %s", VA_BUF);
- ctx->xmlError = 1;
-xmlEntityPtr xmlBuilderGetEntity( void* context, const xmlChar* name ) {
- xmlBuilderContext* ctx = (xmlBuilderContext*) context;
- xmlEntityPtr ent = osrfHashGet( ctx->entHash, name );
- return ent;
-void xmlBuilderExtSubset( void* blob,
- const xmlChar* name, const xmlChar* extId, const xmlChar* sysId ) {
- xmlBuilderContext* context = (xmlBuilderContext*) blob;
- if( context->config->defaultDtd ) {
- apacheDebug("Ignoring DTD [%s] because default DTD is set...", sysId);
- return;
- }
- xmlBuilderAddDtd( sysId, context );
-void xmlBuilderComment( void* blob, const xmlChar* data ) {
- xmlBuilderContext* ctx = (xmlBuilderContext*) blob;
- xmlNodePtr comment = xmlNewComment( data );
- xmlNodePtr parent = osrfListGetIndex(
- ctx->nodeList, ctx->nodeList->size - 1 );
- if( parent ) xmlAddChild( parent, comment );
-void xmlBuilderProcInstruction(
- void* blob, const xmlChar* name, const xmlChar* data ) {
- xmlBuilderContext* ctx = (xmlBuilderContext*) blob;
- //xmlNodePtr node = xmlNewDocPI( ctx->doc, name, data );
- xmlNodePtr pi = xmlNewDocPI( ctx->doc, name, data );
- xmlAddChild( (xmlNodePtr) ctx->doc, pi );
-void xmlBuilderAddDtd( const char* sysId, xmlBuilderContext* context ) {
- if(!sysId) return;
- if( osrfHashGet( context->dtdHash, sysId ) ) return; /* already parsed this hash */
- //apacheDebug("Adding new DTD file to the entity hash: %s", sysId);
- /* use the dynamic locale if defined... default locale instead */
- char* locale;
- if(__xmlBuilderDynamicLocale) locale = __xmlBuilderDynamicLocale;
- else locale = context->config->defaultLocale;
- /* determine the path to the DTD file and load it */
- int len = strlen(context->config->baseDir) + strlen(locale) + strlen(sysId) + 4;
- char buf[len];
- snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s/%s", context->config->baseDir, locale, sysId );
- xmlDtdPtr dtd = xmlParseDTD(NULL, buf);
- if(!dtd) return;
- /* cycle through entities and push them into the entity hash */
- xmlNodePtr node = dtd->children;
- while( node ) {
- if( node->type == XML_ENTITY_DECL ) { /* shove the entities into the hash */
- xmlEntityPtr ent = (xmlEntityPtr) node;
- osrfHashSet( context->entHash, ent, (char*) ent->name );
- }
- node = node->next;
- }
- /* cache the DTD so we can free it later */
- osrfHashSet( context->dtdHash, dtd, sysId );
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* register callbacks */
-static void xmlBuilderRegisterHooks (apr_pool_t *p) {
- ap_hook_handler(xmlBuilderHandler, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
- ap_hook_child_init(xmlBuilderChildInit,NULL,NULL,APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
-/* finally, flesh the module */
-module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA xmlbuilder_module = {
- xmlBuilderCreateConfig,
- xmlBuilderCommands,
- xmlBuilderRegisterHooks,
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