[open-ils-commits] r9659 - in branches/acq-experiment/Open-ILS/web/oilsweb/oilsweb/templates/oils/default: acq/picklist common

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Wed May 21 16:44:23 EDT 2008

Author: djfiander
Date: 2008-05-21 16:44:19 -0400 (Wed, 21 May 2008)
New Revision: 9659

Pull Picklist Grid generation out into separate Pylons template and generalize for use elsewhere

Modified: branches/acq-experiment/Open-ILS/web/oilsweb/oilsweb/templates/oils/default/acq/picklist/view.html
--- branches/acq-experiment/Open-ILS/web/oilsweb/oilsweb/templates/oils/default/acq/picklist/view.html	2008-05-21 17:42:42 UTC (rev 9658)
+++ branches/acq-experiment/Open-ILS/web/oilsweb/oilsweb/templates/oils/default/acq/picklist/view.html	2008-05-21 20:44:19 UTC (rev 9659)
@@ -3,51 +3,12 @@
 <%inherit file='base.html'/>
+<%namespace file='../../common/jubgrid.html' name='jubgrid'/>
 <%def name="block_js()">
-    <script type="text/javascript">
-	dojo.require('dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore');
-        dojo.require("dijit.layout.SplitContainer")
+    <script type='text/javascript'>
-	dojo.require('dijit.layout.SplitContainer');
-	dojo.require('dojox.grid.Grid');
-	dojo.require('openils.acq.Picklist');
-	dojo.require("openils.acq.Fund");
- 	dojo.require("openils.acq.Lineitems");
-	dojo.require("openils.widget.FundSelector");
-	dojo.require("fieldmapper.OrgUtils");
-	var globalUser = new openils.User();
-	function getJUBTitle(rowIndex) {
-	    var data = pickListGrid.model.getRow(rowIndex);
-	    if (!data) return '';
-	    return plist.find_attr(data.id, "title", "lineitem_marc_attr_definition")
-	}
-	function getJUBPrice(rowIndex) {
-	    var data = pickListGrid.model.getRow(rowIndex);
-	    if (!data) return;
-	    return plist.find_attr(data.id, "price", "lineitem_marc_attr_definition")
-	}
-	function getLIDFundName(rowIndex) {
-	    var data = lineItemGrid.model.getRow(rowIndex);
-	    if (!data || !data.fund) return;
-	    try {
-		return openils.acq.Fund.retrieve(data.fund).name();
-	    } catch (evt) {
-		return data.fund;
-	    }
-	}
-	function getLIDLibName(rowIndex) {
-	    var data = lineItemGrid.model.getRow(rowIndex);
-	    if (!data || !data.owning_lib) return;
-	    try {
-		return fieldmapper.aou.findOrgUnit(data.owning_lib, true).name();
-	    } catch (evt) {
-		return data.owning_lib;
-	    }
-	}
 <%def name="page_title()">${_('Picklist')}</%def>
@@ -66,68 +27,22 @@
-    <div dojoType="dijit.layout.SplitContainer"
-	 orientation="vertical" sizerWidth="5"
-	 activeSizing="1" layoutAlign="client">
-	<div id="oils-acq.picklist-container"
-	     dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" sizeMin="20" sizeShare="50">
-	    <div jsid='pickListGrid' dojoType='dojox.Grid'
-		 id="oils-acq-picklist-grid"> </div>
-	    <script type="text/javascript">
-		var picklistLayout = [{
-		    cells: [[
-			{name: "ID", field: 'id'},
-			{name: "Title", width: "50%", get:getJUBTitle},
-			{name: "Price", get:getJUBPrice},
-			{name: "Vendor", field: 'provider'},
-			{name: "# of Copies", field: 'item_count'}
-		    ]]
-		}];
-		var lineitemLayout = [{
-		    cells: [[
-			{name:"ID", field:"id"},
-			{name:"Fund", field:"fund",
-			 get:getLIDFundName,
-			 editor: openils.widget.FundSelector,
-			},
-			{name:"Location", field:"location",
-			 get:getLIDLibName}
-		    ]]
-		}];
-        var plist = null;
-        function loadPL() {
-            plist = new openils.acq.Picklist(${c.oils.acq.picklist.value},
-                function(model) {
-                    pickListGrid.setStructure(picklistLayout);
-                    pickListGrid.setModel(model);
-                    dojo.connect(pickListGrid, "onRowClick", 
-                        function(evt) {
-                            openils.acq.Lineitems.loadGrid(
-                                lineItemGrid, model.getRow(evt.rowIndex).id, lineitemLayout);
-                        }
-                    );
-                    dojo.byId("oils-acq-picklist-name").innerHTML = plist.name();
-                    dojo.byId("oils-acq-picklist-attr-cdate").innerHTML = plist.create_time();
-                    dojo.byId("oils-acq-picklist-attr-edate").innerHTML = plist.edit_time();
-                    dojo.byId("oils-acq-picklist-attr-owner").innerHTML = plist.owner();
-                    pickListGrid.update();
-                }
-            );
-        }
-        dojo.addOnLoad(loadPL);
-	    </script>
-	</div>
-	<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" sizeMin="20"
-	     sizeShare="50">
-	    <div jsid="lineItemGrid" dojoType="dojox.Grid" id="oils-acq-picklist-details-grid">
-		<!-- Copy order details go here -->
-	    </div>
-	</div>
-    </div>
+    <script type='text/javascript'>
+            var plist = null;
+            function loadPL() {
+		plist = new openils.acq.Picklist(${c.oils.acq.picklist.value},
+				function(model) {
+				    dojo.byId("oils-acq-picklist-name").innerHTML = plist.name();
+				    dojo.byId("oils-acq-picklist-attr-cdate").innerHTML = plist.create_time();
+				    dojo.byId("oils-acq-picklist-attr-edate").innerHTML = plist.edit_time();
+				    dojo.byId("oils-acq-picklist-attr-owner").innerHTML = plist.owner();
+	                            populateJUBGrid(pickListGrid, model);
+				});
+            }
+	    dojo.addOnLoad(loadPL);
+    </script>
+    ${jubgrid.jubgrid('oils-acq-picklist', 'pickListGrid')}
 <!-- Local Variables: -->

Added: branches/acq-experiment/Open-ILS/web/oilsweb/oilsweb/templates/oils/default/common/jubgrid.html
--- branches/acq-experiment/Open-ILS/web/oilsweb/oilsweb/templates/oils/default/common/jubgrid.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/acq-experiment/Open-ILS/web/oilsweb/oilsweb/templates/oils/default/common/jubgrid.html	2008-05-21 20:44:19 UTC (rev 9659)
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+<%def name='jubgrid(domprefix, grid_jsid)'>
+This template creates a split screen Dojo layout. The top frame
+of the screen holds a list of of JUBs, or titles. Clicking on a
+title in the top frame will load the purchase details for all the
+copies on order for that title into the bottom frame.
+To create a display for a set of JUBs, create a Dojo store and
+model for the set of JUBs, then place the following lines in your
+HTML where you want the display to appear:
+    <%namespace file='/oils/default/common/jubgrid.html' name='jubgrid'/>
+    ${jubgrid.jubgrid('dom_prefix', 'grid_js_id')}
+where 'dom_prefix' is a string that will be used as the prefix
+for the DOM notes that are created by this template, and
+'grid_js_id' is a valid JavaScript identifier that will name the
+DOM node to which the list of JUBs will be attached.  For example
+    ${jubgrid.jubgrid('oils-acq-picklist', 'pickListGrid')}
+will create a Dojo grid with the DOM id of
+    'oils-acq-picklist-JUB-grid'
+and a jsid of
+    pickListGrid
+To fill the grid with data, call the javascript function
+    populateJUBGrid(grid_js_id, model)
+'grid_js_id' is the same javascript id that was used to
+instantiate the template, and model is a javascript variable
+pointing to the JUB model (and store) that you have created.
+<div dojoType="dijit.layout.SplitContainer"
+     orientation="vertical" sizerWidth="5"
+     activeSizing="1" layoutAlign="client">
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+	dojo.require('dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore');
+	dojo.require('dijit.layout.SplitContainer');
+	dojo.require('dojox.grid.Grid');
+	dojo.require('openils.acq.Picklist');
+	dojo.require("openils.acq.Fund");
+ 	dojo.require("openils.acq.Lineitems");
+	dojo.require("openils.widget.FundSelector");
+	dojo.require("fieldmapper.OrgUtils");
+	var globalUser = new openils.User();
+	function getJUBTitle(rowIndex) {
+	    var data = ${grid_jsid}.model.getRow(rowIndex);
+	    if (!data) return '';
+	    return plist.find_attr(data.id, "title", "lineitem_marc_attr_definition")
+	}
+	function getJUBPrice(rowIndex) {
+	    var data = ${grid_jsid}.model.getRow(rowIndex);
+	    if (!data) return;
+	    return plist.find_attr(data.id, "price", "lineitem_marc_attr_definition")
+	}
+	function getLIDFundName(rowIndex) {
+	    var data = lineItemGrid.model.getRow(rowIndex);
+	    if (!data || !data.fund) return;
+	    try {
+		return openils.acq.Fund.retrieve(data.fund).name();
+	    } catch (evt) {
+		return data.fund;
+	    }
+	}
+	function getLIDLibName(rowIndex) {
+	    var data = lineItemGrid.model.getRow(rowIndex);
+	    if (!data || !data.owning_lib) return;
+	    try {
+		return fieldmapper.aou.findOrgUnit(data.owning_lib, true).name();
+	    } catch (evt) {
+		return data.owning_lib;
+	    }
+	}
+    </script>
+    <div id=${domprefix + '-container'}
+	 dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" sizeMin="20" sizeShare="50">
+	<div jsid=${grid_jsid} dojoType='dojox.Grid'
+	     id=${domprefix + '-JUB-grid'}> </div>
+	<script type="text/javascript">
+	    var picklistLayout = [{
+		cells: [[
+		    {name: "ID", field: 'id'},
+		    {name: "Title", width: "50%", get:getJUBTitle},
+		    {name: "Price", get:getJUBPrice},
+		    {name: "Vendor", field: 'provider'},
+		    {name: "# of Copies", field: 'item_count'}
+		]]
+	    }];
+	    var lineitemLayout = [{
+		cells: [[
+		    {name:"ID", field:"id"},
+		    {name:"Fund", field:"fund",
+		     get:getLIDFundName,
+		     editor: openils.widget.FundSelector,
+		    },
+		    {name:"Location", field:"location",
+		     get:getLIDLibName}
+		]]
+	    }];
+	    function populateJUBGrid(gridDom, model) {
+	        pickListGrid.setStructure(picklistLayout);
+	        pickListGrid.setModel(model);
+		dojo.connect(gridDom, "onRowClick", 
+	                     function(evt) {
+	                         openils.acq.Lineitems.loadGrid(
+	                             lineItemGrid, model.getRow(evt.rowIndex).id, lineitemLayout);
+	                     });
+	        pickListGrid.update();
+	    }
+	</script>
+    </div>
+    <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" sizeMin="20"
+	 sizeShare="50">
+	<div jsid="lineItemGrid" dojoType="dojox.Grid"
+	     id=${domprefix + "-details-grid"}>
+	    <!-- Copy order details go here -->
+	</div>
+    </div>

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