[open-ils-commits] r11337 - trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Tue Nov 25 10:41:15 EST 2008

Author: miker
Date: 2008-11-25 10:41:12 -0500 (Tue, 25 Nov 2008)
New Revision: 11337

clean up hold-related standing penalties (still need to make max holds an SP); also, tab-to-space

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/100.circ_matrix.sql
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/100.circ_matrix.sql	2008-11-25 14:57:46 UTC (rev 11336)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/100.circ_matrix.sql	2008-11-25 15:41:12 UTC (rev 11337)
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
 -- New table needed to handle circ modifiers inside the DB.  Will still require
 -- central admin.  The circ_modifier column on asset.copy will become an fkey to this table.
 CREATE TABLE config.circ_modifier (
-	code    		TEXT	PRIMARY KEY,
-	description	    TEXT	NOT NULL,
-	sip2_media_type	TEXT	NOT NULL,
+    code            TEXT    PRIMARY KEY,
+    name            TEXT    UNIQUE NOT NULL,
+    description        TEXT    NOT NULL,
+    sip2_media_type    TEXT    NOT NULL,
+    magnetic_media    BOOL    NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
 -- config table to hold the vr_format names
 CREATE TABLE config.videorecording_format_map (
+    code    TEXT    PRIMARY KEY,
+    value    TEXT    NOT NULL
 INSERT INTO config.videorecording_format_map VALUES ('a','Beta');
@@ -96,113 +96,113 @@
 CREATE TABLE config.circ_matrix_matchpoint (
-	id	    		    SERIAL	PRIMARY KEY,
-	active			    BOOL    NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,
-	org_unit		    INT	    NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,	-- Set to the top OU for the matchpoint applicability range; we can use org_unit_prox to choose the "best"
-	grp		    	    INT     NOT NULL REFERENCES permission.grp_tree (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,	-- Set to the top applicable group from the group tree; will need descendents and prox functions for filtering
-	circ_modifier	    TEXT    REFERENCES config.circ_modifier (code) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
-	marc_type		    TEXT    REFERENCES config.item_type_map (code) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
-	marc_form		    TEXT    REFERENCES config.item_form_map (code) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
-	marc_vr_format	    TEXT    REFERENCES config.videorecording_format_map (code) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
-	ref_flag		    BOOL,
-	is_renewal    	    BOOL,
-	usr_age_lower_bound	INTERVAL,
-	usr_age_upper_bound	INTERVAL,
-	circulate           BOOL    NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,	-- Hard "can't circ" flag requiring an override
-	duration_rule		INT     NOT NULL REFERENCES config.rule_circ_duration (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
-	recurring_fine_rule	INT     NOT NULL REFERENCES config.rule_recuring_fine (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
-	max_fine_rule		INT     NOT NULL REFERENCES config.rule_max_fine (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
-	script_test         TEXT,                           -- javascript source 
-	CONSTRAINT ep_once_per_grp_loc_mod_marc UNIQUE (grp, org_unit, circ_modifier, marc_type, marc_form, marc_vr_format, ref_flag, usr_age_lower_bound, usr_age_upper_bound, is_renewal)
+    id                    SERIAL    PRIMARY KEY,
+    active                BOOL    NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,
+    org_unit            INT        NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,    -- Set to the top OU for the matchpoint applicability range; we can use org_unit_prox to choose the "best"
+    grp                    INT     NOT NULL REFERENCES permission.grp_tree (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,    -- Set to the top applicable group from the group tree; will need descendents and prox functions for filtering
+    circ_modifier        TEXT    REFERENCES config.circ_modifier (code) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
+    marc_type            TEXT    REFERENCES config.item_type_map (code) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
+    marc_form            TEXT    REFERENCES config.item_form_map (code) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
+    marc_vr_format        TEXT    REFERENCES config.videorecording_format_map (code) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
+    ref_flag            BOOL,
+    is_renewal            BOOL,
+    usr_age_lower_bound    INTERVAL,
+    usr_age_upper_bound    INTERVAL,
+    circulate           BOOL    NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,    -- Hard "can't circ" flag requiring an override
+    duration_rule        INT     NOT NULL REFERENCES config.rule_circ_duration (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
+    recurring_fine_rule    INT     NOT NULL REFERENCES config.rule_recuring_fine (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
+    max_fine_rule        INT     NOT NULL REFERENCES config.rule_max_fine (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
+    script_test         TEXT,                           -- javascript source 
+    CONSTRAINT ep_once_per_grp_loc_mod_marc UNIQUE (grp, org_unit, circ_modifier, marc_type, marc_form, marc_vr_format, ref_flag, usr_age_lower_bound, usr_age_upper_bound, is_renewal)
 -- Tests for max items out by circ_modifier
 CREATE TABLE config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test (
-	id          SERIAL     PRIMARY KEY,
-	matchpoint  INT     NOT NULL REFERENCES config.circ_matrix_matchpoint (id) ON DELETE CASCADE DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
-	items_out   INT     NOT NULL,                        	-- Total current active circulations must be less than this, NULL means skip (always pass)
-	circ_mod    TEXT    NOT NULL REFERENCES config.circ_modifier (code) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE  DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED-- circ_modifier type that the max out applies to
+    id          SERIAL     PRIMARY KEY,
+    matchpoint  INT     NOT NULL REFERENCES config.circ_matrix_matchpoint (id) ON DELETE CASCADE DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
+    items_out   INT     NOT NULL,                            -- Total current active circulations must be less than this, NULL means skip (always pass)
+    circ_mod    TEXT    NOT NULL REFERENCES config.circ_modifier (code) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE  DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED-- circ_modifier type that the max out applies to
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.find_circ_matrix_matchpoint( context_ou INT, match_item BIGINT, match_user INT, renewal BOOL ) RETURNS config.circ_matrix_matchpoint AS $func$
-	current_group	permission.grp_tree%ROWTYPE;
-	user_object	actor.usr%ROWTYPE;
-	item_object	asset.copy%ROWTYPE;
-	rec_descriptor	metabib.rec_descriptor%ROWTYPE;
-	current_mp	config.circ_matrix_matchpoint%ROWTYPE;
-	matchpoint	config.circ_matrix_matchpoint%ROWTYPE;
+    current_group    permission.grp_tree%ROWTYPE;
+    user_object    actor.usr%ROWTYPE;
+    item_object    asset.copy%ROWTYPE;
+    rec_descriptor    metabib.rec_descriptor%ROWTYPE;
+    current_mp    config.circ_matrix_matchpoint%ROWTYPE;
+    matchpoint    config.circ_matrix_matchpoint%ROWTYPE;
-	SELECT INTO user_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_user;
-	SELECT INTO item_object * FROM asset.copy WHERE id = match_item;
-	SELECT INTO rec_descriptor r.* FROM metabib.rec_descriptor r JOIN asset.call_number c USING (record) WHERE c.id = item_object.call_number;
-	SELECT INTO current_group * FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE id = user_object.profile;
+    SELECT INTO user_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_user;
+    SELECT INTO item_object * FROM asset.copy WHERE id = match_item;
+    SELECT INTO rec_descriptor r.* FROM metabib.rec_descriptor r JOIN asset.call_number c USING (record) WHERE c.id = item_object.call_number;
+    SELECT INTO current_group * FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE id = user_object.profile;
-		-- for each potential matchpoint for this ou and group ...
-		FOR current_mp IN
-			SELECT	m.*
-			  FROM	config.circ_matrix_matchpoint m
-				JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors( context_ou ) d ON (m.org_unit = d.id)
-				LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_proximity p ON (p.from_org = context_ou AND p.to_org = d.id)
-			  WHERE	m.grp = current_group.id AND m.active
-			  ORDER BY	CASE WHEN p.prox		IS NULL THEN 999 ELSE p.prox END,
-					CASE WHEN m.is_renewal = renewal        THEN 64 ELSE 0 END +
-					CASE WHEN m.circ_modifier	IS NOT NULL THEN 32 ELSE 0 END +
-					CASE WHEN m.marc_type		IS NOT NULL THEN 16 ELSE 0 END +
-					CASE WHEN m.marc_form		IS NOT NULL THEN 8 ELSE 0 END +
-					CASE WHEN m.marc_vr_format	IS NOT NULL THEN 4 ELSE 0 END +
-					CASE WHEN m.ref_flag		IS NOT NULL THEN 2 ELSE 0 END +
-					CASE WHEN m.usr_age_lower_bound	IS NOT NULL THEN 0.5 ELSE 0 END +
-					CASE WHEN m.usr_age_upper_bound	IS NOT NULL THEN 0.5 ELSE 0 END DESC LOOP
+    LOOP 
+        -- for each potential matchpoint for this ou and group ...
+        FOR current_mp IN
+            SELECT    m.*
+              FROM    config.circ_matrix_matchpoint m
+                JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors( context_ou ) d ON (m.org_unit = d.id)
+                LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_proximity p ON (p.from_org = context_ou AND p.to_org = d.id)
+              WHERE    m.grp = current_group.id AND m.active
+              ORDER BY    CASE WHEN p.prox        IS NULL THEN 999 ELSE p.prox END,
+                    CASE WHEN m.is_renewal = renewal        THEN 64 ELSE 0 END +
+                    CASE WHEN m.circ_modifier    IS NOT NULL THEN 32 ELSE 0 END +
+                    CASE WHEN m.marc_type        IS NOT NULL THEN 16 ELSE 0 END +
+                    CASE WHEN m.marc_form        IS NOT NULL THEN 8 ELSE 0 END +
+                    CASE WHEN m.marc_vr_format    IS NOT NULL THEN 4 ELSE 0 END +
+                    CASE WHEN m.ref_flag        IS NOT NULL THEN 2 ELSE 0 END +
+                    CASE WHEN m.usr_age_lower_bound    IS NOT NULL THEN 0.5 ELSE 0 END +
+                    CASE WHEN m.usr_age_upper_bound    IS NOT NULL THEN 0.5 ELSE 0 END DESC LOOP
-			IF current_mp.circ_modifier IS NOT NULL THEN
-				CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.circ_modifier <> item_object.circ_modifier;
-			END IF;
+            IF current_mp.circ_modifier IS NOT NULL THEN
+                CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.circ_modifier <> item_object.circ_modifier;
+            END IF;
-			IF current_mp.marc_type IS NOT NULL THEN
-				IF item_object.circ_as_type IS NOT NULL THEN
-					CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.marc_type <> item_object.circ_as_type;
-				ELSE
-					CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.marc_type <> rec_descriptor.item_type;
-				END IF;
-			END IF;
+            IF current_mp.marc_type IS NOT NULL THEN
+                IF item_object.circ_as_type IS NOT NULL THEN
+                    CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.marc_type <> item_object.circ_as_type;
+                ELSE
+                    CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.marc_type <> rec_descriptor.item_type;
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
-			IF current_mp.marc_form IS NOT NULL THEN
-				CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.marc_form <> rec_descriptor.item_form;
-			END IF;
+            IF current_mp.marc_form IS NOT NULL THEN
+                CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.marc_form <> rec_descriptor.item_form;
+            END IF;
-			IF current_mp.marc_vr_format IS NOT NULL THEN
-				CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.marc_vr_format <> rec_descriptor.vr_format;
-			END IF;
+            IF current_mp.marc_vr_format IS NOT NULL THEN
+                CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.marc_vr_format <> rec_descriptor.vr_format;
+            END IF;
-			IF current_mp.ref_flag IS NOT NULL THEN
-				CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.ref_flag <> item_object.ref;
-			END IF;
+            IF current_mp.ref_flag IS NOT NULL THEN
+                CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.ref_flag <> item_object.ref;
+            END IF;
-			IF current_mp.usr_age_lower_bound IS NOT NULL THEN
-				CONTINUE WHEN user_object.dob IS NULL OR current_mp.usr_age_lower_bound < age(user_object.dob);
-			END IF;
+            IF current_mp.usr_age_lower_bound IS NOT NULL THEN
+                CONTINUE WHEN user_object.dob IS NULL OR current_mp.usr_age_lower_bound < age(user_object.dob);
+            END IF;
-			IF current_mp.usr_age_upper_bound IS NOT NULL THEN
-				CONTINUE WHEN user_object.dob IS NULL OR current_mp.usr_age_upper_bound > age(user_object.dob);
-			END IF;
+            IF current_mp.usr_age_upper_bound IS NOT NULL THEN
+                CONTINUE WHEN user_object.dob IS NULL OR current_mp.usr_age_upper_bound > age(user_object.dob);
+            END IF;
-			-- everything was undefined or matched
-			matchpoint = current_mp;
+            -- everything was undefined or matched
+            matchpoint = current_mp;
-			EXIT WHEN matchpoint.id IS NOT NULL;
+            EXIT WHEN matchpoint.id IS NOT NULL;
+        END LOOP;
-		EXIT WHEN current_group.parent IS NULL OR matchpoint.id IS NOT NULL;
+        EXIT WHEN current_group.parent IS NULL OR matchpoint.id IS NOT NULL;
-		SELECT INTO current_group * FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE id = current_group.parent;
+        SELECT INTO current_group * FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE id = current_group.parent;
+    END LOOP;
-	RETURN matchpoint;
+    RETURN matchpoint;
 $func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
@@ -210,92 +210,92 @@
 CREATE TYPE action.matrix_test_result AS ( success BOOL, matchpoint INT, fail_part TEXT );
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.item_user_circ_test( circ_ou INT, match_item BIGINT, match_user INT, renewal BOOL ) RETURNS SETOF action.matrix_test_result AS $func$
-	user_object		actor.usr%ROWTYPE;
-	standing_penalty    config.standing_penalty%ROWTYPE;
-	item_object		asset.copy%ROWTYPE;
-	item_status_object	config.copy_status%ROWTYPE;
-	item_location_object	asset.copy_location%ROWTYPE;
-	result			action.matrix_test_result;
-	circ_test		config.circ_matrix_matchpoint%ROWTYPE;
-	out_by_circ_mod		config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test%ROWTYPE;
-	penalty_type 		TEXT;
-	tmp_grp 		INT;
-	items_out		INT;
-	context_org_list		INT[];
-	done			BOOL := FALSE;
+    user_object        actor.usr%ROWTYPE;
+    standing_penalty    config.standing_penalty%ROWTYPE;
+    item_object        asset.copy%ROWTYPE;
+    item_status_object    config.copy_status%ROWTYPE;
+    item_location_object    asset.copy_location%ROWTYPE;
+    result            action.matrix_test_result;
+    circ_test        config.circ_matrix_matchpoint%ROWTYPE;
+    out_by_circ_mod        config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test%ROWTYPE;
+    penalty_type         TEXT;
+    tmp_grp         INT;
+    items_out        INT;
+    context_org_list        INT[];
+    done            BOOL := FALSE;
-	result.success := TRUE;
+    result.success := TRUE;
-	-- Fail if the user is BARRED
-	SELECT INTO user_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_user;
+    -- Fail if the user is BARRED
+    SELECT INTO user_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_user;
-	-- Fail if we couldn't find a set of tests
-	IF user_object.id IS NULL THEN
-		result.fail_part := 'no_user';
-		result.success := FALSE;
-		done := TRUE;
-		RETURN NEXT result;
+    -- Fail if we couldn't find a set of tests
+    IF user_object.id IS NULL THEN
+        result.fail_part := 'no_user';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+        RETURN;
+    END IF;
-	IF user_object.barred IS TRUE THEN
-		result.fail_part := 'actor.usr.barred';
-		result.success := FALSE;
-		done := TRUE;
-		RETURN NEXT result;
+    IF user_object.barred IS TRUE THEN
+        result.fail_part := 'actor.usr.barred';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+    END IF;
-	-- Fail if the item can't circulate
-	SELECT INTO item_object * FROM asset.copy WHERE id = match_item;
-	IF item_object.circulate IS FALSE THEN
-		result.fail_part := 'asset.copy.circulate';
-		result.success := FALSE;
-		done := TRUE;
-		RETURN NEXT result;
+    -- Fail if the item can't circulate
+    SELECT INTO item_object * FROM asset.copy WHERE id = match_item;
+    IF item_object.circulate IS FALSE THEN
+        result.fail_part := 'asset.copy.circulate';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+    END IF;
-	-- Fail if the item isn't in a circulateable status on a non-renewal
-	IF NOT renewal AND item_object.status NOT IN ( 0, 7, 8 ) THEN 
-		result.fail_part := 'asset.copy.status';
-		result.success := FALSE;
-		done := TRUE;
-		RETURN NEXT result;
-	ELSIF renewal AND item_object.status <> 1 THEN
-		result.fail_part := 'asset.copy.status';
-		result.success := FALSE;
-		done := TRUE;
-		RETURN NEXT result;
+    -- Fail if the item isn't in a circulateable status on a non-renewal
+    IF NOT renewal AND item_object.status NOT IN ( 0, 7, 8 ) THEN 
+        result.fail_part := 'asset.copy.status';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+    ELSIF renewal AND item_object.status <> 1 THEN
+        result.fail_part := 'asset.copy.status';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+    END IF;
-	-- Fail if the item can't circulate because of the shelving location
-	SELECT INTO item_location_object * FROM asset.copy_location WHERE id = item_object.location;
-	IF item_location_object.circulate IS FALSE THEN
-		result.fail_part := 'asset.copy_location.circulate';
-		result.success := FALSE;
-		done := TRUE;
-		RETURN NEXT result;
+    -- Fail if the item can't circulate because of the shelving location
+    SELECT INTO item_location_object * FROM asset.copy_location WHERE id = item_object.location;
+    IF item_location_object.circulate IS FALSE THEN
+        result.fail_part := 'asset.copy_location.circulate';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+    END IF;
-	SELECT INTO circ_test * FROM action.find_circ_matrix_matchpoint(circ_ou, match_item, match_user, renewal);
-	result.matchpoint := circ_test.id;
+    SELECT INTO circ_test * FROM action.find_circ_matrix_matchpoint(circ_ou, match_item, match_user, renewal);
+    result.matchpoint := circ_test.id;
-	SELECT INTO context_org_list ARRAY_ACCUM(id) FROM actor.org_unit_full_path( circ_test.org_unit );
+    SELECT INTO context_org_list ARRAY_ACCUM(id) FROM actor.org_unit_full_path( circ_test.org_unit );
-	-- Fail if we couldn't find a set of tests
-	IF result.matchpoint IS NULL THEN
-		result.fail_part := 'no_matchpoint';
-		result.success := FALSE;
-		done := TRUE;
-		RETURN NEXT result;
+    -- Fail if we couldn't find a set of tests
+    IF result.matchpoint IS NULL THEN
+        result.fail_part := 'no_matchpoint';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+    END IF;
-	-- Fail if the test is set to hard non-circulating
-	IF circ_test.circulate IS FALSE THEN
-		result.fail_part := 'config.circ_matrix_test.circulate';
-		result.success := FALSE;
-		done := TRUE;
-		RETURN NEXT result;
+    -- Fail if the test is set to hard non-circulating
+    IF circ_test.circulate IS FALSE THEN
+        result.fail_part := 'config.circ_matrix_test.circulate';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+    END IF;
     IF renewal THEN
         penalty_type = '%RENEW%';
@@ -317,66 +317,66 @@
         RETURN NEXT result;
     END LOOP;
-	-- Fail if the user has too many items with specific circ_modifiers checked out
-	FOR out_by_circ_mod IN SELECT * FROM config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test WHERE matchpoint = circ_test.id LOOP
-		SELECT  INTO items_out COUNT(*)
-		  FROM  action.circulation circ
-			JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = circ.target_copy)
-		  WHERE circ.usr = match_user
-           	AND circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM explode_array(context_org_list) )
-			AND circ.checkin_time IS NULL
-			AND (circ.stop_fines NOT IN ('LOST','CLAIMSRETURNED','LONGOVERDUE') OR circ.stop_fines IS NULL)
-			AND cp.circ_modifier = out_by_circ_mod.circ_mod;
-		IF items_out >= out_by_circ_mod.items_out THEN
-			result.fail_part := 'config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test';
-			result.success := FALSE;
-			done := TRUE;
-			RETURN NEXT result;
-		END IF;
+    -- Fail if the user has too many items with specific circ_modifiers checked out
+    FOR out_by_circ_mod IN SELECT * FROM config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test WHERE matchpoint = circ_test.id LOOP
+        SELECT  INTO items_out COUNT(*)
+          FROM  action.circulation circ
+            JOIN asset.copy cp ON (cp.id = circ.target_copy)
+          WHERE circ.usr = match_user
+               AND circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM explode_array(context_org_list) )
+            AND circ.checkin_time IS NULL
+            AND (circ.stop_fines NOT IN ('LOST','CLAIMSRETURNED','LONGOVERDUE') OR circ.stop_fines IS NULL)
+            AND cp.circ_modifier = out_by_circ_mod.circ_mod;
+        IF items_out >= out_by_circ_mod.items_out THEN
+            result.fail_part := 'config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test';
+            result.success := FALSE;
+            done := TRUE;
+            RETURN NEXT result;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
-	-- If we passed everything, return the successful matchpoint id
-	IF NOT done THEN
-		RETURN NEXT result;
+    -- If we passed everything, return the successful matchpoint id
+    IF NOT done THEN
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+    END IF;
+    RETURN;
 $func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.item_user_circ_test( INT, BIGINT, INT ) RETURNS SETOF action.matrix_test_result AS $func$
-	SELECT * FROM action.item_user_circ_test( $1, $2, $3, FALSE );
+    SELECT * FROM action.item_user_circ_test( $1, $2, $3, FALSE );
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.item_user_renew_test( INT, BIGINT, INT ) RETURNS SETOF action.matrix_test_result AS $func$
-	SELECT * FROM action.item_user_circ_test( $1, $2, $3, TRUE );
+    SELECT * FROM action.item_user_circ_test( $1, $2, $3, TRUE );
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION actor.calculate_system_penalties( match_user INT, context_org INT ) RETURNS SETOF actor.usr_standing_penalty AS $func$
-	user_object 		actor.usr%ROWTYPE;
-	new_sp_row  	   	actor.usr_standing_penalty%ROWTYPE;
-	existing_sp_row    	actor.usr_standing_penalty%ROWTYPE;
+    user_object         actor.usr%ROWTYPE;
+    new_sp_row             actor.usr_standing_penalty%ROWTYPE;
+    existing_sp_row        actor.usr_standing_penalty%ROWTYPE;
     max_fines           permission.grp_penalty_threshold%ROWTYPE;
     max_overdue         permission.grp_penalty_threshold%ROWTYPE;
     max_items_out       permission.grp_penalty_threshold%ROWTYPE;
-	tmp_grp      		INT;
-	items_overdue		INT;
-	items_out   		INT;
-	context_org_list	INT[];
-	current_fines		NUMERIC(8,2) := 0.0;
-	tmp_fines	    	NUMERIC(8,2);
-	tmp_groc		    RECORD;
-	tmp_circ	    	RECORD;
-	tmp_org 		    actor.org_unit%ROWTYPE;
+    tmp_grp              INT;
+    items_overdue        INT;
+    items_out           INT;
+    context_org_list    INT[];
+    current_fines        NUMERIC(8,2) := 0.0;
+    tmp_fines            NUMERIC(8,2);
+    tmp_groc            RECORD;
+    tmp_circ            RECORD;
+    tmp_org             actor.org_unit%ROWTYPE;
-	SELECT INTO user_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_user;
+    SELECT INTO user_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_user;
     -- Max fines
-	SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = context_org;
+    SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = context_org;
-	-- Fail if the user has a high fine balance
+    -- Fail if the user has a high fine balance
         tmp_grp := user_object.profile;
@@ -397,11 +397,11 @@
         END IF;
-	    SELECT * INTO tmp_org FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = tmp_org.parent_ou;
+        SELECT * INTO tmp_org FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = tmp_org.parent_ou;
     END LOOP;
-	IF max_fines.threshold IS NOT NULL THEN
+    IF max_fines.threshold IS NOT NULL THEN
         FOR existing_sp_row IN
                 SELECT  *
@@ -413,44 +413,44 @@
             RETURN NEXT existing_sp_row;
         END LOOP;
-		FOR tmp_groc IN
+        FOR tmp_groc IN
                 SELECT  *
                   FROM  money.grocery g
                         JOIN  actor.org_unit_full_path( max_fines.org_unit ) fp ON (g.billing_location = fp.id)
                   WHERE usr = match_user
                         AND xact_finish IS NULL
-			SELECT INTO tmp_fines SUM( amount ) FROM money.billing WHERE xact = tmp_groc.id AND NOT voided;
-			current_fines = current_fines + COALESCE(tmp_fines, 0.0);
-			SELECT INTO tmp_fines SUM( amount ) FROM money.payment WHERE xact = tmp_groc.id AND NOT voided;
-			current_fines = current_fines - COALESCE(tmp_fines, 0.0);
+            SELECT INTO tmp_fines SUM( amount ) FROM money.billing WHERE xact = tmp_groc.id AND NOT voided;
+            current_fines = current_fines + COALESCE(tmp_fines, 0.0);
+            SELECT INTO tmp_fines SUM( amount ) FROM money.payment WHERE xact = tmp_groc.id AND NOT voided;
+            current_fines = current_fines - COALESCE(tmp_fines, 0.0);
+        END LOOP;
-		FOR tmp_circ IN
+        FOR tmp_circ IN
                 SELECT  *
                   FROM  action.circulation circ
                         JOIN  actor.org_unit_full_path( max_fines.org_unit ) fp ON (circ.circ_lib = fp.id)
                   WHERE usr = match_user
                         AND xact_finish IS NULL
-			SELECT INTO tmp_fines SUM( amount ) FROM money.billing WHERE xact = tmp_circ.id AND NOT voided;
-			current_fines = current_fines + COALESCE(tmp_fines, 0.0);
-			SELECT INTO tmp_fines SUM( amount ) FROM money.payment WHERE xact = tmp_circ.id AND NOT voided;
-			current_fines = current_fines - COALESCE(tmp_fines, 0.0);
+            SELECT INTO tmp_fines SUM( amount ) FROM money.billing WHERE xact = tmp_circ.id AND NOT voided;
+            current_fines = current_fines + COALESCE(tmp_fines, 0.0);
+            SELECT INTO tmp_fines SUM( amount ) FROM money.payment WHERE xact = tmp_circ.id AND NOT voided;
+            current_fines = current_fines - COALESCE(tmp_fines, 0.0);
+        END LOOP;
-		IF current_fines >= max_fines.threshold THEN
+        IF current_fines >= max_fines.threshold THEN
             new_sp_row.usr := match_user;
             new_sp_row.org_unit := max_fines.org_unit;
             new_sp_row.standing_penalty := 1;
             RETURN NEXT new_sp_row;
-		END IF;
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
     -- Start over for max overdue
-	SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = context_org;
+    SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = context_org;
-	-- Fail if the user has too many overdue items
+    -- Fail if the user has too many overdue items
         tmp_grp := user_object.profile;
@@ -472,11 +472,11 @@
         END IF;
-	    SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = tmp_org.parent_ou;
+        SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = tmp_org.parent_ou;
     END LOOP;
-	IF max_overdue.threshold IS NOT NULL THEN
+    IF max_overdue.threshold IS NOT NULL THEN
         FOR existing_sp_row IN
                 SELECT  *
@@ -488,26 +488,26 @@
             RETURN NEXT existing_sp_row;
         END LOOP;
-		SELECT  INTO items_overdue COUNT(*)
-		  FROM  action.circulation circ
+        SELECT  INTO items_overdue COUNT(*)
+          FROM  action.circulation circ
                 JOIN  actor.org_unit_full_path( max_overdue.org_unit ) fp ON (circ.circ_lib = fp.id)
-		  WHERE circ.usr = match_user
-			AND circ.checkin_time IS NULL
-			AND circ.due_date < NOW()
-			AND (circ.stop_fines NOT IN ('LOST','CLAIMSRETURNED','LONGOVERDUE') OR circ.stop_fines IS NULL);
+          WHERE circ.usr = match_user
+            AND circ.checkin_time IS NULL
+            AND circ.due_date < NOW()
+            AND (circ.stop_fines NOT IN ('LOST','CLAIMSRETURNED','LONGOVERDUE') OR circ.stop_fines IS NULL);
-		IF items_overdue >= max_overdue.threshold::INT THEN
+        IF items_overdue >= max_overdue.threshold::INT THEN
             new_sp_row.usr := match_user;
             new_sp_row.org_unit := max_overdue.org_unit;
             new_sp_row.standing_penalty := 2;
             RETURN NEXT new_sp_row;
-		END IF;
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
     -- Start over for max out
-	SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = context_org;
+    SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = context_org;
-	-- Fail if the user has too many overdue items
+    -- Fail if the user has too many overdue items
         tmp_grp := user_object.profile;
@@ -528,13 +528,13 @@
         END IF;
-	    SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = tmp_org.parent_ou;
+        SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = tmp_org.parent_ou;
     END LOOP;
-	-- Fail if the user has too many items checked out
-	IF max_items_out.threshold IS NOT NULL THEN
+    -- Fail if the user has too many items checked out
+    IF max_items_out.threshold IS NOT NULL THEN
         FOR existing_sp_row IN
                 SELECT  *
@@ -546,20 +546,20 @@
             RETURN NEXT existing_sp_row;
         END LOOP;
-    	SELECT  INTO items_out COUNT(*)
+        SELECT  INTO items_out COUNT(*)
           FROM  action.circulation circ
                 JOIN  actor.org_unit_full_path( max_items_out.org_unit ) fp ON (circ.circ_lib = fp.id)
           WHERE circ.usr = match_user
                 AND circ.checkin_time IS NULL
                 AND (circ.stop_fines NOT IN ('LOST','CLAIMSRETURNED','LONGOVERDUE') OR circ.stop_fines IS NULL);
-	   	IF items_out >= max_items_out.threshold::INT THEN
+           IF items_out >= max_items_out.threshold::INT THEN
             new_sp_row.usr := match_user;
             new_sp_row.org_unit := max_items_out.org_unit;
             new_sp_row.standing_penalty := 3;
             RETURN NEXT new_sp_row;
-   		END IF;
+           END IF;
+    END IF;

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/110.hold_matrix.sql
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/110.hold_matrix.sql	2008-11-25 14:57:46 UTC (rev 11336)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/110.hold_matrix.sql	2008-11-25 15:41:12 UTC (rev 11337)
@@ -29,294 +29,296 @@
 CREATE TABLE config.hold_matrix_matchpoint (
-	id			            SERIAL	PRIMARY KEY,
-	active			        BOOL	NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,
-	user_home_ou	        INT	    REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,	-- Set to the top OU for the matchpoint applicability range; we can use org_unit_prox to choose the "best"
-	request_ou		        INT	    REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,	-- Set to the top OU for the matchpoint applicability range; we can use org_unit_prox to choose the "best"
-	pickup_ou		        INT	    REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,	-- Set to the top OU for the matchpoint applicability range; we can use org_unit_prox to choose the "best"
-	item_owning_ou	        INT	    REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,	-- Set to the top OU for the matchpoint applicability range; we can use org_unit_prox to choose the "best"
-	item_circ_ou	        INT	    REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,	-- Set to the top OU for the matchpoint applicability range; we can use org_unit_prox to choose the "best"
-	usr_grp			        INT	    REFERENCES permission.grp_tree (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,	-- Set to the top applicable group from the group tree; will need descendents and prox functions for filtering
-	requestor_grp	        INT	    NOT NULL REFERENCES permission.grp_tree (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,	-- Set to the top applicable group from the group tree; will need descendents and prox functions for filtering
-	circ_modifier	        TEXT	REFERENCES config.circ_modifier (code) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
-	marc_type		        TEXT	REFERENCES config.item_type_map (code) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
-	marc_form		        TEXT	REFERENCES config.item_form_map (code) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
-	marc_vr_format	        TEXT	REFERENCES config.videorecording_format_map (code) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
-	ref_flag		        BOOL,
-	holdable		        BOOL	NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,				-- Hard "can't hold" flag requiring an override
-	distance_is_from_owner	BOOL	NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,				-- How to calculate transit_range.  True means owning lib, false means copy circ lib
-	transit_range		    INT	    REFERENCES actor.org_unit_type (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,		-- Can circ inside range of cn.owner/cp.circ_lib at depth of the org_unit_type specified here
-	max_holds		        INT,							-- Total hold requests must be less than this, NULL means skip (always pass)
-	include_frozen_holds	BOOL	NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,				-- Include frozen hold requests in the count for max_holds test
-	stop_blocked_user   	BOOL	NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,				-- Stop users who cannot check out items from placing holds
-	age_hold_protect_rule	INT	    REFERENCES config.rule_age_hold_protect (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,	-- still not sure we want to move this off the copy
-	CONSTRAINT hous_once_per_grp_loc_mod_marc UNIQUE (user_home_ou, request_ou, pickup_ou, item_owning_ou, item_circ_ou, requestor_grp, usr_grp, circ_modifier, marc_type, marc_form, marc_vr_format)
+    id                      SERIAL    PRIMARY KEY,
+    active                  BOOL    NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,
+    user_home_ou            INT        REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,    -- Set to the top OU for the matchpoint applicability range; we can use org_unit_prox to choose the "best"
+    request_ou              INT        REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,    -- Set to the top OU for the matchpoint applicability range; we can use org_unit_prox to choose the "best"
+    pickup_ou               INT        REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,    -- Set to the top OU for the matchpoint applicability range; we can use org_unit_prox to choose the "best"
+    item_owning_ou          INT        REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,    -- Set to the top OU for the matchpoint applicability range; we can use org_unit_prox to choose the "best"
+    item_circ_ou            INT        REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,    -- Set to the top OU for the matchpoint applicability range; we can use org_unit_prox to choose the "best"
+    usr_grp                 INT        REFERENCES permission.grp_tree (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,    -- Set to the top applicable group from the group tree; will need descendents and prox functions for filtering
+    requestor_grp           INT        NOT NULL REFERENCES permission.grp_tree (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,    -- Set to the top applicable group from the group tree; will need descendents and prox functions for filtering
+    circ_modifier           TEXT    REFERENCES config.circ_modifier (code) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
+    marc_type               TEXT    REFERENCES config.item_type_map (code) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
+    marc_form               TEXT    REFERENCES config.item_form_map (code) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
+    marc_vr_format          TEXT    REFERENCES config.videorecording_format_map (code) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
+    ref_flag                BOOL,
+    holdable                BOOL    NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,                -- Hard "can't hold" flag requiring an override
+    distance_is_from_owne   BOOL    NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,                -- How to calculate transit_range.  True means owning lib, false means copy circ lib
+    transit_range           INT        REFERENCES actor.org_unit_type (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,        -- Can circ inside range of cn.owner/cp.circ_lib at depth of the org_unit_type specified here
+    max_holds               INT,                            -- Total hold requests must be less than this, NULL means skip (always pass)
+    include_frozen_holds    BOOL    NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,                -- Include frozen hold requests in the count for max_holds test
+    stop_blocked_user       BOOL    NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,                -- Stop users who cannot check out items from placing holds
+    age_hold_protect_rule   INT        REFERENCES config.rule_age_hold_protect (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,    -- still not sure we want to move this off the copy
+    CONSTRAINT hous_once_per_grp_loc_mod_marc UNIQUE (user_home_ou, request_ou, pickup_ou, item_owning_ou, item_circ_ou, requestor_grp, usr_grp, circ_modifier, marc_type, marc_form, marc_vr_format)
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.find_hold_matrix_matchpoint( pickup_ou INT, request_ou INT, match_item BIGINT, match_user INT, match_requestor INT ) RETURNS INT AS $func$
-	current_requestor_group	permission.grp_tree%ROWTYPE;
-	root_ou			actor.org_unit%ROWTYPE;
-	requestor_object	actor.usr%ROWTYPE;
-	user_object		actor.usr%ROWTYPE;
-	item_object		asset.copy%ROWTYPE;
-	item_cn_object		asset.call_number%ROWTYPE;
-	rec_descriptor		metabib.rec_descriptor%ROWTYPE;
-	current_mp_weight	FLOAT;
-	matchpoint_weight	FLOAT;
-	tmp_weight		FLOAT;
-	current_mp		config.hold_matrix_matchpoint%ROWTYPE;
-	matchpoint		config.hold_matrix_matchpoint%ROWTYPE;
+    current_requestor_group    permission.grp_tree%ROWTYPE;
+    root_ou            actor.org_unit%ROWTYPE;
+    requestor_object    actor.usr%ROWTYPE;
+    user_object        actor.usr%ROWTYPE;
+    item_object        asset.copy%ROWTYPE;
+    item_cn_object        asset.call_number%ROWTYPE;
+    rec_descriptor        metabib.rec_descriptor%ROWTYPE;
+    current_mp_weight    FLOAT;
+    matchpoint_weight    FLOAT;
+    tmp_weight        FLOAT;
+    current_mp        config.hold_matrix_matchpoint%ROWTYPE;
+    matchpoint        config.hold_matrix_matchpoint%ROWTYPE;
-	SELECT INTO root_ou * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE parent_ou IS NULL;
-	SELECT INTO user_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_user;
-	SELECT INTO requestor_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_requestor;
-	SELECT INTO item_object * FROM asset.copy WHERE id = match_item;
-	SELECT INTO item_cn_object * FROM asset.call_number WHERE id = item_object.call_number;
-	SELECT INTO rec_descriptor r.* FROM metabib.rec_descriptor r WHERE r.record = item_cn_object.record;
-	SELECT INTO current_requestor_group * FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE id = requestor_object.profile;
+    SELECT INTO root_ou * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE parent_ou IS NULL;
+    SELECT INTO user_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_user;
+    SELECT INTO requestor_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_requestor;
+    SELECT INTO item_object * FROM asset.copy WHERE id = match_item;
+    SELECT INTO item_cn_object * FROM asset.call_number WHERE id = item_object.call_number;
+    SELECT INTO rec_descriptor r.* FROM metabib.rec_descriptor r WHERE r.record = item_cn_object.record;
+    SELECT INTO current_requestor_group * FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE id = requestor_object.profile;
-		-- for each potential matchpoint for this ou and group ...
-		FOR current_mp IN
-			SELECT	m.*
-			  FROM	config.hold_matrix_matchpoint m
-			  WHERE	m.requestor_grp = current_requestor_group.id AND m.active
-			  ORDER BY	CASE WHEN m.circ_modifier	IS NOT NULL THEN 16 ELSE 0 END +
-					CASE WHEN m.marc_type		IS NOT NULL THEN 8 ELSE 0 END +
-					CASE WHEN m.marc_form		IS NOT NULL THEN 4 ELSE 0 END +
-					CASE WHEN m.marc_vr_format	IS NOT NULL THEN 2 ELSE 0 END +
+    LOOP 
+        -- for each potential matchpoint for this ou and group ...
+        FOR current_mp IN
+            SELECT    m.*
+              FROM    config.hold_matrix_matchpoint m
+              WHERE    m.requestor_grp = current_requestor_group.id AND m.active
+              ORDER BY    CASE WHEN m.circ_modifier    IS NOT NULL THEN 16 ELSE 0 END +
+                    CASE WHEN m.marc_type        IS NOT NULL THEN 8 ELSE 0 END +
+                    CASE WHEN m.marc_form        IS NOT NULL THEN 4 ELSE 0 END +
+                    CASE WHEN m.marc_vr_format    IS NOT NULL THEN 2 ELSE 0 END +
+                    CASE WHEN m.ref_flag        IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END DESC LOOP
-			current_mp_weight := 5.0;
+            current_mp_weight := 5.0;
-			IF current_mp.circ_modifier IS NOT NULL THEN
-				CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.circ_modifier <> item_object.circ_modifier;
-			END IF;
+            IF current_mp.circ_modifier IS NOT NULL THEN
+                CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.circ_modifier <> item_object.circ_modifier;
+            END IF;
-			IF current_mp.marc_type IS NOT NULL THEN
-				IF item_object.circ_as_type IS NOT NULL THEN
-					CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.marc_type <> item_object.circ_as_type;
-				ELSE
-					CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.marc_type <> rec_descriptor.item_type;
-				END IF;
-			END IF;
+            IF current_mp.marc_type IS NOT NULL THEN
+                IF item_object.circ_as_type IS NOT NULL THEN
+                    CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.marc_type <> item_object.circ_as_type;
+                ELSE
+                    CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.marc_type <> rec_descriptor.item_type;
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
-			IF current_mp.marc_form IS NOT NULL THEN
-				CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.marc_form <> rec_descriptor.item_form;
-			END IF;
+            IF current_mp.marc_form IS NOT NULL THEN
+                CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.marc_form <> rec_descriptor.item_form;
+            END IF;
-			IF current_mp.marc_vr_format IS NOT NULL THEN
-				CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.marc_vr_format <> rec_descriptor.vr_format;
-			END IF;
+            IF current_mp.marc_vr_format IS NOT NULL THEN
+                CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.marc_vr_format <> rec_descriptor.vr_format;
+            END IF;
-			IF current_mp.ref_flag IS NOT NULL THEN
-				CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.ref_flag <> item_object.ref;
-			END IF;
+            IF current_mp.ref_flag IS NOT NULL THEN
+                CONTINUE WHEN current_mp.ref_flag <> item_object.ref;
+            END IF;
-			-- caclulate the rule match weight
-			IF current_mp.item_owning_ou IS NOT NULL AND current_mp.item_owning_ou <> root_ou.id THEN
-				SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.item_owning_ou, item_cn_object.owning_lib)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
-				current_mp_weight := current_mp_weight - tmp_weight;
-			END IF; 
+            -- caclulate the rule match weight
+            IF current_mp.item_owning_ou IS NOT NULL AND current_mp.item_owning_ou <> root_ou.id THEN
+                SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.item_owning_ou, item_cn_object.owning_lib)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
+                current_mp_weight := current_mp_weight - tmp_weight;
+            END IF; 
-			IF current_mp.item_circ_ou IS NOT NULL AND current_mp.item_circ_ou <> root_ou.id THEN
-				SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.item_circ_ou, item_object.circ_lib)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
-				current_mp_weight := current_mp_weight - tmp_weight;
-			END IF; 
+            IF current_mp.item_circ_ou IS NOT NULL AND current_mp.item_circ_ou <> root_ou.id THEN
+                SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.item_circ_ou, item_object.circ_lib)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
+                current_mp_weight := current_mp_weight - tmp_weight;
+            END IF; 
-			IF current_mp.pickup_ou IS NOT NULL AND current_mp.pickup_ou <> root_ou.id THEN
-				SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.pickup_ou, pickup_ou)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
-				current_mp_weight := current_mp_weight - tmp_weight;
-			END IF; 
+            IF current_mp.pickup_ou IS NOT NULL AND current_mp.pickup_ou <> root_ou.id THEN
+                SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.pickup_ou, pickup_ou)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
+                current_mp_weight := current_mp_weight - tmp_weight;
+            END IF; 
-			IF current_mp.request_ou IS NOT NULL AND current_mp.request_ou <> root_ou.id THEN
-				SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.request_ou, request_ou)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
-				current_mp_weight := current_mp_weight - tmp_weight;
-			END IF; 
+            IF current_mp.request_ou IS NOT NULL AND current_mp.request_ou <> root_ou.id THEN
+                SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.request_ou, request_ou)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
+                current_mp_weight := current_mp_weight - tmp_weight;
+            END IF; 
-			IF current_mp.user_home_ou IS NOT NULL AND current_mp.user_home_ou <> root_ou.id THEN
-				SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.user_home_ou, user_object.home_ou)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
-				current_mp_weight := current_mp_weight - tmp_weight;
-			END IF; 
+            IF current_mp.user_home_ou IS NOT NULL AND current_mp.user_home_ou <> root_ou.id THEN
+                SELECT INTO tmp_weight 1.0 / (actor.org_unit_proximity(current_mp.user_home_ou, user_object.home_ou)::FLOAT + 1.0)::FLOAT;
+                current_mp_weight := current_mp_weight - tmp_weight;
+            END IF; 
-			-- set the matchpoint if we found the best one
-			IF matchpoint_weight IS NULL OR matchpoint_weight > current_mp_weight THEN
-				matchpoint = current_mp;
-				matchpoint_weight = current_mp_weight;
-			END IF;
+            -- set the matchpoint if we found the best one
+            IF matchpoint_weight IS NULL OR matchpoint_weight > current_mp_weight THEN
+                matchpoint = current_mp;
+                matchpoint_weight = current_mp_weight;
+            END IF;
+        END LOOP;
-		EXIT WHEN current_requestor_group.parent IS NULL OR matchpoint.id IS NOT NULL;
+        EXIT WHEN current_requestor_group.parent IS NULL OR matchpoint.id IS NOT NULL;
-		SELECT INTO current_requestor_group * FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE id = current_requestor_group.parent;
+        SELECT INTO current_requestor_group * FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE id = current_requestor_group.parent;
+    END LOOP;
-	RETURN matchpoint.id;
+    RETURN matchpoint.id;
 $func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.hold_request_permit_test( pickup_ou INT, request_ou INT, match_item BIGINT, match_user INT, match_requestor INT ) RETURNS SETOF action.matrix_test_result AS $func$
-	matchpoint_id		INT;
-	user_object		actor.usr%ROWTYPE;
-	age_protect_object	config.rule_age_hold_protect%ROWTYPE;
-	transit_range_ou_type	actor.org_unit_type%ROWTYPE;
-	transit_source		actor.org_unit%ROWTYPE;
-	item_object		asset.copy%ROWTYPE;
-	result			action.matrix_test_result;
-	hold_test		config.hold_matrix_matchpoint%ROWTYPE;
-	hold_count		INT;
-	hold_transit_prox	INT;
-	frozen_hold_count	INT;
-	patron_penalties	INT;
-	done			BOOL := FALSE;
+    matchpoint_id        INT;
+    user_object        actor.usr%ROWTYPE;
+    age_protect_object    config.rule_age_hold_protect%ROWTYPE;
+    standing_penalty    config.standing_penalty%ROWTYPE;
+    transit_range_ou_type    actor.org_unit_type%ROWTYPE;
+    transit_source        actor.org_unit%ROWTYPE;
+    item_object        asset.copy%ROWTYPE;
+    result            action.matrix_test_result;
+    hold_test        config.hold_matrix_matchpoint%ROWTYPE;
+    hold_count        INT;
+    hold_transit_prox    INT;
+    frozen_hold_count    INT;
+    context_org_list    INT;
+    done            BOOL := FALSE;
-	SELECT INTO user_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_user;
+    SELECT INTO user_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_user;
+    SELECT INTO context_org_list ARRAY_ACCUM(id) FROM actor.org_unit_full_path( pickup_ou );
-	-- Fail if we couldn't find a user
-	IF user_object.id IS NULL THEN
-		result.fail_part := 'no_user';
-		result.success := FALSE;
-		done := TRUE;
-		RETURN NEXT result;
+    -- Fail if we couldn't find a user
+    IF user_object.id IS NULL THEN
+        result.fail_part := 'no_user';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+        RETURN;
+    END IF;
-	-- Fail if user is barred
-	IF user_object.barred IS TRUE THEN
-		result.fail_part := 'actor.usr.barred';
-		result.success := FALSE;
-		done := TRUE;
-		RETURN NEXT result;
+    -- Fail if user is barred
+    IF user_object.barred IS TRUE THEN
+        result.fail_part := 'actor.usr.barred';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+        RETURN;
+    END IF;
-	SELECT INTO item_object * FROM asset.copy WHERE id = match_item;
+    SELECT INTO item_object * FROM asset.copy WHERE id = match_item;
-	-- Fail if we couldn't find a copy
-	IF item_object.id IS NULL THEN
-		result.fail_part := 'no_item';
-		result.success := FALSE;
-		done := TRUE;
-		RETURN NEXT result;
+    -- Fail if we couldn't find a copy
+    IF item_object.id IS NULL THEN
+        result.fail_part := 'no_item';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+        RETURN;
+    END IF;
-	SELECT INTO matchpoint_id action.find_hold_matrix_matchpoint(pickup_ou, request_ou, match_item, match_user, match_requestor);
+    SELECT INTO matchpoint_id action.find_hold_matrix_matchpoint(pickup_ou, request_ou, match_item, match_user, match_requestor);
-	-- Fail if we couldn't find any matchpoint (requires a default)
-	IF matchpoint_id IS NULL THEN
-		result.fail_part := 'no_matchpoint';
-		result.success := FALSE;
-		done := TRUE;
-		RETURN NEXT result;
+    -- Fail if we couldn't find any matchpoint (requires a default)
+    IF matchpoint_id IS NULL THEN
+        result.fail_part := 'no_matchpoint';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+        RETURN;
+    END IF;
-	SELECT INTO hold_test * FROM config.hold_matrix_matchpoint WHERE id = matchpoint_id;
+    SELECT INTO hold_test * FROM config.hold_matrix_matchpoint WHERE id = matchpoint_id;
-	result.matchpoint := hold_test.id;
-	result.success := TRUE;
+    result.matchpoint := hold_test.id;
+    result.success := TRUE;
-	IF hold_test.holdable IS FALSE THEN
-		result.fail_part := 'config.hold_matrix_test.holdable';
-		result.success := FALSE;
-		done := TRUE;
-		RETURN NEXT result;
+    IF hold_test.holdable IS FALSE THEN
+        result.fail_part := 'config.hold_matrix_test.holdable';
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+    END IF;
-	IF hold_test.transit_range IS NOT NULL THEN
-		SELECT INTO transit_range_ou_type * FROM actor.org_unit_type WHERE id = hold_test.transit_range;
-		IF hold_test.distance_is_from_owner THEN
-			SELECT INTO transit_source ou.* FROM actor.org_unit ou JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (cn.owning_lib = ou.id) WHERE cn.id = item_object.call_number;
-			SELECT INTO transit_source * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = item_object.circ_lib;
-		END IF;
+    IF hold_test.transit_range IS NOT NULL THEN
+        SELECT INTO transit_range_ou_type * FROM actor.org_unit_type WHERE id = hold_test.transit_range;
+        IF hold_test.distance_is_from_owner THEN
+            SELECT INTO transit_source ou.* FROM actor.org_unit ou JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (cn.owning_lib = ou.id) WHERE cn.id = item_object.call_number;
+        ELSE
+            SELECT INTO transit_source * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = item_object.circ_lib;
+        END IF;
-		PERFORM * FROM actor.org_unit_descendants( transit_source.id, transit_range_ou_type.depth ) WHERE id = pickup_ou;
+        PERFORM * FROM actor.org_unit_descendants( transit_source.id, transit_range_ou_type.depth ) WHERE id = pickup_ou;
-			result.fail_part := 'transit_range';
-			result.success := FALSE;
-			done := TRUE;
-			RETURN NEXT result;
-		END IF;
+            result.fail_part := 'transit_range';
+            result.success := FALSE;
+            done := TRUE;
+            RETURN NEXT result;
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
+    FOR standing_penalty IN
+        SELECT  DISTINCT csp.*
+          FROM  actor.usr_standing_penalty usp
+                JOIN config.standing_penalty csp ON (csp.id = usp.standing_penalty)
+          WHERE usr = match_user
+                AND usp.org_unit IN ( SELECT * FROM explode_array(context_org_list) )
+                AND csp.block_list LIKE '%HOLD%';
-	SELECT	INTO patron_penalties COUNT(*)
-	  FROM	actor.usr_standing_penalty usp
-            JOIN config.standing_penalty csp ON (csp.id = usp.standing_penalty)
-	  WHERE	usr = match_user
-            AND csp.block_list LIKE '%HOLD%';
+        result.fail_part := standing_penalty.name;
+        result.success := FALSE;
+        done := TRUE;
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+    END LOOP;
-	IF patron_penalties > 0 THEN
-		result.fail_part := 'config.hold_matrix_test.stop_blocked_user.hold';
-		result.success := FALSE;
-		done := TRUE;
-		RETURN NEXT result;
+    IF hold_test.stop_blocked_user IS TRUE THEN
+        FOR standing_penalty IN
+            SELECT  DISTINCT csp.*
+              FROM  actor.usr_standing_penalty usp
+                    JOIN config.standing_penalty csp ON (csp.id = usp.standing_penalty)
+              WHERE usr = match_user
+                    AND usp.org_unit IN ( SELECT * FROM explode_array(context_org_list) )
+                    AND csp.block_list LIKE '%CIRC%';
+            result.fail_part := standing_penalty.name;
+            result.success := FALSE;
+            done := TRUE;
+            RETURN NEXT result;
+        END LOOP;
+    END IF;
-    patron_penalties := 0;
+    IF hold_test.max_holds IS NOT NULL THEN
+        SELECT    INTO hold_count COUNT(*)
+          FROM    action.hold_request
+          WHERE    usr = match_user
+            AND fulfillment_time IS NULL
+            AND cancel_time IS NULL
+            AND CASE WHEN hold_test.include_frozen_holds THEN TRUE ELSE frozen IS FALSE END;
-	IF hold_test.stop_blocked_user IS TRUE THEN
-		SELECT	INTO patron_penalties COUNT(*)
-		  FROM	actor.usr_standing_penalty usp
-                JOIN config.standing_penalty csp ON (csp.id = usp.standing_penalty)
-		  WHERE	usr = match_user
-                AND csp.block_list LIKE '%CIRC%';
+        IF hold_count >= hold_test.max_holds THEN
+            result.fail_part := 'config.hold_matrix_test.max_holds';
+            result.success := FALSE;
+            done := TRUE;
+            RETURN NEXT result;
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
-		IF patron_penalties > 0 THEN
-			result.fail_part := 'config.hold_matrix_test.stop_blocked_user.circ';
-			result.success := FALSE;
-			done := TRUE;
-			RETURN NEXT result;
-		END IF;
+    IF item_object.age_protect IS NOT NULL THEN
+        SELECT INTO age_protect_object * FROM config.rule_age_hold_protect WHERE id = item_object.age_protect;
-	IF hold_test.max_holds IS NOT NULL THEN
-		SELECT	INTO hold_count COUNT(*)
-		  FROM	action.hold_request
-		  WHERE	usr = match_user
-			AND fulfillment_time IS NULL
-			AND cancel_time IS NULL
-			AND CASE WHEN hold_test.include_frozen_holds THEN TRUE ELSE frozen IS FALSE END;
+        IF item_object.create_date + age_protect_object.age > NOW() THEN
+            IF hold_test.distance_is_from_owner THEN
+                SELECT INTO hold_transit_prox prox FROM actor.org_unit_prox WHERE from_org = item_cn_object.owning_lib AND to_org = pickup_ou;
+            ELSE
+                SELECT INTO hold_transit_prox prox FROM actor.org_unit_prox WHERE from_org = item_object.circ_lib AND to_org = pickup_ou;
+            END IF;
-		IF hold_count >= hold_test.max_holds THEN
-			result.fail_part := 'config.hold_matrix_test.max_holds';
-			result.success := FALSE;
-			done := TRUE;
-			RETURN NEXT result;
-		END IF;
+            IF hold_transit_prox > age_protect_object.prox THEN
+                result.fail_part := 'config.rule_age_hold_protect.prox';
+                result.success := FALSE;
+                done := TRUE;
+                RETURN NEXT result;
+            END IF;
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
-	IF item_object.age_protect IS NOT NULL THEN
-		SELECT INTO age_protect_object * FROM config.rule_age_hold_protect WHERE id = item_object.age_protect;
+    IF NOT done THEN
+        RETURN NEXT result;
+    END IF;
-		IF item_object.create_date + age_protect_object.age > NOW() THEN
-			IF hold_test.distance_is_from_owner THEN
-				SELECT INTO hold_transit_prox prox FROM actor.org_unit_prox WHERE from_org = item_cn_object.owning_lib AND to_org = pickup_ou;
-			ELSE
-				SELECT INTO hold_transit_prox prox FROM actor.org_unit_prox WHERE from_org = item_object.circ_lib AND to_org = pickup_ou;
-			END IF;
-			IF hold_transit_prox > age_protect_object.prox THEN
-				result.fail_part := 'config.rule_age_hold_protect.prox';
-				result.success := FALSE;
-				done := TRUE;
-				RETURN NEXT result;
-			END IF;
-		END IF;
-	IF NOT done THEN
-		RETURN NEXT result;
+    RETURN;
 $func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

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