[open-ils-commits] r10742 - trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/import

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Wed Oct 1 08:43:00 EDT 2008

Author: miker
Date: 2008-10-01 08:42:59 -0400 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008)
New Revision: 10742

A completely overhauled and generally much improved version of marc2bre from
Dan Wells.  Among other impovements, this contains:

1) In addition to or instead of specifying an "ID" field, one may now specify
a TCN field.  Our utter reliance on TCNs in my library may be out of the
ordinary, but maybe not, so I am hoping this option will prove useful to

2) Some ambiguously named options have been deprecated and replaced with better
ones.  Either are still supported.  I considered trying to standardize the use
of underscores in option names, but didn't want to overstep on that.  The new
'tcn*' options are patterned after the 'id*' options (no underscores), but a
few other old and new options both did and still do have underscores where
readability is otherwise (subjectively) difficult.

3) Because of this new emphasis on preserving TCNs, any code which assumed the
ID and TCN to be related no longer does so.  They can of course still be the
same if desired.  Many variables have been renamed to make this distinction
much more explicit.

4) A recently added 'use901' flag has been expanded to now skip all ID/TCN
processing entirely and simply use the values in the 901.  I am unsure if that
was the intention, but it sounded good to me, and I believe many other desired
effects can be achieved by now using a combination of idfield and tcnfield

5) Rather than defaulting to 'System' for TCN source, 'System' is reserved for
TCNs which are set to match the corresponding internal record IDs and
'Unknown' is used for all others.  Also, 'Sirsi_Auto' was added for
identifying imported Sirsi auto-generated TCNs (e.g. a1234567).

6) The code is now much more throughly commented, including basic explanations
of all the options.

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/import/marc2bre.pl
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/import/marc2bre.pl	2008-10-01 02:15:20 UTC (rev 10741)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/import/marc2bre.pl	2008-10-01 12:42:59 UTC (rev 10742)
@@ -22,37 +22,45 @@
-my ($id_field, $id_subfield, $recid, $user, $config, $idlfile, $marctype, $keyfile, $tcnfile, $dontuse_file, $enc, $force_enc, @files, @trash_fields, @req_fields, $use901, $quiet) =
-	('', 'a', 0, 1, '/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml', '/openils/conf/fm_IDL.xml', 'USMARC');
+my ($id_field, $id_subfield, $recid, $user, $config, $idlfile, $marctype, $tcn_offset, $tcn_mapfile, $tcn_dumpfile, $used_id_file, $used_tcn_file, $enc, @files, @trash_fields, @req_fields, $use901, $quiet, $tcn_field, $tcn_subfield) =
+	('', 'a', 0, 1, '/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml', '/openils/conf/fm_IDL.xml', 'USMARC', 0);
 my ($db_driver,$db_host,$db_name,$db_user,$db_pw) =
-GetOptions( 'marctype=s'       => \$marctype,
-            'startid=i'        => \$recid,
-            'idfield=s'        => \$id_field,
-            'idsubfield=s'     => \$id_subfield,
-            'user=s'           => \$user,
-            'encoding=s'       => \$enc,
-            'hard_encoding'    => \$force_enc,
-            'keyfile=s'        => \$keyfile,
-            'tcnfile=s'        => \$tcnfile,
-            'config=s'         => \$config,
-            'file=s'           => \@files,
-            'required_field=s' => \@req_fields,
-            'trash=s'          => \@trash_fields,
-            'xml_idl=s'	       => \$idlfile,
-            'dontuse=s'        => \$dontuse_file,
-            "db_driver=s"      => \$db_driver,
-            "db_host=s"	       => \$db_host,
-            "db_name=s"	       => \$db_name,
-            "db_user=s"	       => \$db_user,
-            "db_pw=s"	       => \$db_pw,
-            "use901"           => \$use901,
-            'quiet'            => \$quiet,
-          );
+	'marctype=s'	=> \$marctype, # format of MARC files being processed defaults to USMARC, often set to XML
+	'startid=i'	=> \$recid, # id number to start with when auto-assigning id numbers, defaults to highest id in database + 1
+	'idfield=s'	=> \$id_field, # field containing the record's desired internal id, NOT tcn
+	'idsubfield=s'	=> \$id_subfield, # subfield of above record id field
+	'tcnfield=s'	=> \$tcn_field, # field containing the record's desired tcn, NOT the internal id
+	'tcnsubfield=s'	=> \$tcn_subfield, # subfield of above record tcn field
+	'tcnoffset=i'	=> \$tcn_offset, # optionally skip characters at beginning of supplied tcn (e.g. to remove '(Sirsi)')
+	'user=s'	=> \$user, # set creator/editor values for records in database
+	'encoding=s'	=> \$enc, # set assumed MARC encoding for MARC::Charset
+	'keyfile=s'	=> \$tcn_mapfile, # DEPRECATED, use tcn_mapfile instead
+	'tcn_mapfile=s'	=> \$tcn_mapfile, # external file which allows for matching specific record tcns to specific record ids, format = one id_number|tcn_number combo per line
+	'tcnfile=s'	=> \$tcn_dumpfile, # DEPRECATED, use tcn_dumpfile instead
+	'tcn_dumpfile=s'	=> \$tcn_dumpfile, # allows specification of a dumpfile for all used tcn values
+	'config=s'	=> \$config, # location of OpenSRF core config file, defaults to /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml
+	'file=s'	=> \@files, # files to process (or you can simple list the files as unnamed arguments, i.e. @ARGV)
+	'required_fields=s'	=> \@req_fields, # skip any records missing these fields
+	'trash=s'	=> \@trash_fields, # fields to remove from all processed records
+	'xml_idl=s'	=> \$idlfile, # location of XML IDL file, defaults to /openils/conf/fm_IDL.xml
+	'dontuse=s'	=> \$used_id_file, # DEPRECATED, use used_id_file instead
+	'used_id_file=s'	=> \$used_id_file, # external file which prevents id collisions by specifying ids already in use in the database, format = one id number per line
+	'used_tcn_file=s'	=> \$used_tcn_file, # external file which prevents tcn collisions by specifying tcns already in use in the database, format = one tcn number per line
+	"db_driver=s"	=> \$db_driver, # database driver type, usually 'Pg'
+	"db_host=s"	=> \$db_host, # database hostname
+	"db_name=s"	=> \$db_name, # database name
+	"db_user=s"	=> \$db_user, # database username
+	"db_pw=s"	=> \$db_pw, # database password
+	'use901'	=> \$use901, # use values from previously created 901 fields and skip all other processing
+	'quiet'		=> \$quiet # do not output progress count
 @trash_fields = split(/,/,join(',', at trash_fields));
+ at req_fields = split(/,/,join(',', at req_fields));
 if ($enc) {
@@ -84,43 +92,56 @@
 	$sth->bind_col(1, \$recid);
-	$recid++;
-my %source_map = (
+my %tcn_source_map = (
+	a  => 'Sirsi_Auto',
 	o  => 'OCLC',
 	i  => 'ISxN',
 	l  => 'LCCN',
 	s  => 'System',
 	g  => 'Gutenberg',
+	z  => 'Unknown',
 Fieldmapper->import(IDL => $idlfile);
-my %keymap;
-if ($keyfile) {
-	open F, $keyfile or die "Couldn't open key file $keyfile";
+my %tcn_map;
+if ($tcn_mapfile) {
+	open F, $tcn_mapfile or die "Couldn't open key file $tcn_mapfile";
 	while (<F>) {
 		if ( /^(\d+)\|(\S+)/o ) {
-			$keymap{$1} = $2;
+			$tcn_map{$1} = $2;
-my %dontuse_id;
-if ($dontuse_file) {
-	open F, $dontuse_file or die "Couldn't open used-id file $dontuse_file";
+my %used_recids;
+if ($used_id_file) {
+	open F, $used_id_file or die "Couldn't open used-id file $used_id_file";
 	while (<F>) {
-		$dontuse_id{$_} = 1;
+		$used_recids{$_} = 1;
+my %used_tcns;
+if ($used_tcn_file) {
+	open F, $used_tcn_file or die "Couldn't open used-tcn file $used_tcn_file";
+	while (<F>) {
+		chomp;
+		s/^\s*//;
+		s/\s*$//;
+		$used_tcns{$_} = 1;
+	}
+	close(F);
 select STDERR; $| = 1;
 select STDOUT; $| = 1;
@@ -128,69 +149,106 @@
-my %used_ids;
 my $starttime = time;
 my $rec;
 my $count = 0;
 PROCESS: while ( try { $rec = $batch->next } otherwise { $rec = -1 } ) {
 	next if ($rec == -1);
+	$count++;
 	# Skip records that don't contain a required field (like '245', for example)
-	foreach my $req_field(@req_fields) {
-		next PROCESS if !$rec->field("$req_field");
+	foreach my $req_field (@req_fields) {
+		if (!$rec->field("$req_field")) {
+			warn "\n!!! Record $count missing required field $req_field, skipping record.\n";
+			next PROCESS;
+		}
 	my $id;
+	my $tcn_value = '';
+	my $tcn_source = '';
+	# If $use901 is set, use it for the id, the tcn, and the tcn source without ANY further processing (i.e. no error checking)
+	if ($use901) {
+		$rec->delete_field($_) for ($rec->field(@trash_fields));
+		$tcn_value = $rec->subfield('901' => 'a');
+		$tcn_source = $rec->subfield('901' => 'b');
+		$id = $rec->subfield('901' => 'c');
+	} else {
+		# This section of code deals with the record's 'id', which is a system-level, numeric, internal identifier
+		# It is often convenient but not necessary to carry over the internal ids from your previous ILS, so here is where that happens
+		if ($id_field) {
+			my $field = $rec->field($id_field);
+			if ($field) {
+				if ($field->is_control_field) {
+					$id = $field->data;
+				} else {
+					$id = $field->subfield($id_subfield);
+				}
+				# ensure internal record ids are numeric only
+				$id =~ s/\D+//gso if $id;
+			}
-	$recid++;
-	while (exists $used_ids{$recid}) {
-		$recid++;
-	}
-	$used_ids{$recid} = 1;
-	if ($id_field) {
-		my $field = $rec->field($id_field);
-		if ($field) {
-			if ($field->is_control_field) {
-				$id = $field->data;
+			# catch problem ids
+			if (!$id) {
+				warn "\n!!! Record $count has missing or invalid id field $id_field, assinging new id.\n";
+				$id = '';
+			} elsif (exists $used_recids{$id}) {
+				warn "\n!!! Record $count has a duplicate id in field $id_field, assinging new id.\n";
+				$id = '';
 			} else {
-				$id = $field->subfield($id_subfield);
+				$used_recids{$id} = 1;
+		}
-			$id =~ s/\D+//gso;
+		# id field not specified or found to be invalid, assign auto id
+		if (!$id) {
+			while (exists $used_recids{$recid}) {
+				$recid++;
+			}
+			$used_recids{$recid} = 1;
+			$id = $recid;
+			$recid++;
-		$id = '' if (exists $dontuse_id{$id});
-	}
-	if (!$id) {
-		$id = $recid;
-	}
+		# This section of code deals with the record's 'tcn', or title control number, which is a record-level, possibly alpha-numeric, sometimes user-supplied value
+		if ($tcn_field) {
+			if ($tcn_mapfile) {
+				if (my $tcn = $tcn_map{$id}) {
+					$rec->delete_field( $_ ) for ($rec->field($tcn_field));
+					$rec->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( $tcn_field, '', '', $tcn_subfield, $tcn ) );
+				} else {
+					warn "\n!!! ID $id not found in tcn_mapfile, skipping record.\n";
+					$count++;
+					next;
+				}
+			}
-	if ($keyfile) {
-		if (my $tcn = $keymap{$id}) {
-			$rec->delete_field( $_ ) for ($rec->field($id_field));
-			$rec->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( $id_field, '', '', $id_subfield, $tcn ) );
-		} else {
-			$count++;
-			next;
+			my $field = $rec->field($tcn_field);
+			if ($field) {
+				if ($field->is_control_field) {
+					$tcn_value = $field->data;
+				} else {
+					$tcn_value = $field->subfield($tcn_subfield);
+				}
+				# $tcn_offset is another Sirsi influence, as it will allow you to remove '(Sirsi)'
+				# from exported tcns, but was added more generically to perhaps support other use cases
+				if ($tcn_value) { 
+					$tcn_value = substr($tcn_value, $tcn_offset);
+				} else {
+					$tcn_value = '';
+				}
+			}
+		# turn our id and tcn into a 901 field, and also create a tcn and/or figure out the tcn source
+		my $field901;
+		($field901, $tcn_value, $tcn_source) = preprocess($rec, $tcn_value, $id);
+		# delete the old identifier and trash fields
+		$rec->delete_field($_) for ($rec->field('901', $tcn_field, $id_field, @trash_fields));
+		$rec->append_fields($field901);
-	my $tcn;
-        if ($use901) {
-            $id = $rec->subfield('901' => 'c')
-        } else {
-            ($rec, $tcn) = preprocess($rec, $id);
-            $tcn->add_subfields(c => $id);
-            $rec->delete_field( $_ ) for ($rec->field($id_field));
-            $rec->append_fields( $tcn );
-            next unless $rec;
-        }
-	my $tcn_value = $rec->subfield('901' => 'a') || "SYS$id";
-	my $tcn_source = $rec->subfield('901' => 'b') || 'System';
 	(my $xml = $rec->as_xml_record()) =~ s/\n//sog;
 	$xml =~ s/^<\?xml.+\?\s*>//go;
 	$xml =~ s/>\s+</></go;
@@ -212,93 +270,119 @@
 	print OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->perl2JSON($bib)."\n";
-	$dontuse_id{$tcn_value} = 1;
+	$used_tcns{$tcn_value} = 1;
-	$count++;
 	if (!$quiet && !($count % 50)) {
 		print STDERR "\r$count\t". $count / (time - $starttime);
-if ($tcnfile) {
-    open TCNFILE, '>', $tcnfile;
-    print TCNFILE "$_\n" for (keys %dontuse_id);
+if ($tcn_dumpfile) {
+    open TCN_DUMPFILE, '>', $tcn_dumpfile;
+    print TCN_DUMPFILE "$_\n" for (keys %used_tcns);
 sub preprocess {
 	my $rec = shift;
+	my $tcn_value = shift;
 	my $id = shift;
-	my ($source, $value) = ('','');
+	my $tcn_source = '';
+	# in the following code, $tcn_number represents the portion of the tcn following the source code-letter
+	my $tcn_number = '';
+	my $warn = 0;
+	my $passed_tcn = '';
-	$id = '' if (exists $dontuse_id{$id});
+	# this preprocess subroutine is optimized for Sirsi-created tcns, that is, those with a single letter
+	# followed by some digits (and maybe 'x' in older systems).  If using user supplied tcns, try to identify
+	# the source here, otherwise set to 'z' ('Unknown')
+	if ($tcn_value =~ /([a-z])([0-9xX]+)/) {
+		$tcn_source = $1;
+		$tcn_number = $2;
+	} else {
+		$tcn_source = 'z';
+	}
+	# save and warn if a passed in TCN is replaced	
+	if ($tcn_value && exists $used_tcns{$tcn_value}) {
+		$passed_tcn = $tcn_value;
+		$tcn_value = '';
+		$tcn_number = '';
+		$tcn_source = '';
+		$warn = 1;
+	} 
-	if (!$id) {
+	# we didn't have a user supplied tcn, or it was a duplicate, so let's derive one from commonly unique record fields
+	if (!$tcn_value) {
 		my $f = $rec->field('001');
-		$id = $f->data if ($f);
-		$id = '' if (exists $dontuse_id{$id});
+		$tcn_value = despace($f->data) if ($f);
-	if (!$id || exists $dontuse_id{$source.$id}) {
+	if (!$tcn_value || exists $used_tcns{$tcn_value}) {
 		my $f = $rec->field('000');
-		$id = $f->data if ($f);
-		$source = 'g' if ($f); # only PG seems to use this
+		if ($f) {
+			$tcn_number = despace($f->data);
+			$tcn_source = 'g'; # only Project Gutenberg seems to use this
+			$tcn_value = $tcn_source.$tcn_number;
+		}
-        if (!$id || exists $dontuse_id{$source.$id}) {
-                my $f = $rec->field('020');
-                $id = $f->subfield('a') if ($f);
-		$source = 'i' if ($f);
-        }
+    if (!$tcn_value || exists $used_tcns{$tcn_value}) {
+        my $f = $rec->field('020');
+		if ($f) {	
+			$tcn_number = despace($f->subfield('a'));
+			$tcn_source = 'i';
+			$tcn_value = $tcn_source.$tcn_number;
+		}
+    }
-        if (!$id || exists $dontuse_id{$source.$id}) {
-                my $f = $rec->field('022');
-                $id = $f->subfield('a') if ($f);
-		$source = 'i' if ($f);
-        }
+    if (!$tcn_value || exists $used_tcns{$tcn_value}) {
+        my $f = $rec->field('022');
+		if ($f) {	
+			$tcn_number = despace($f->subfield('a'));
+			$tcn_source = 'i';
+			$tcn_value = $tcn_source.$tcn_number;
+		}
+    }
-        if (!$id || exists $dontuse_id{$source.$id}) {
-                my $f = $rec->field('010');
-                $id = $f->subfield('a') if ($f);
-		$source = 'l' if ($f);
-        }
+    if (!$tcn_value || exists $used_tcns{$tcn_value}) {
+        my $f = $rec->field('010');
+		if ($f) {	
+			$tcn_number = despace($f->subfield('a'));
+			$tcn_source = 'l';
+			$tcn_value = $tcn_source.$tcn_number;
+		}
+    }
-	$rec->delete_field($_) for ($rec->field('901', $id_field, @trash_fields));
+    if (!$tcn_value || exists $used_tcns{$tcn_value}) {
+		$tcn_source = 's';
+		$tcn_number = $id;
+		$tcn_value = $tcn_source.$tcn_number;
+    }
-	if ($id) {
-		$id =~ s/\s*$//o;
-		$id =~ s/^\s*//o;
-		$id =~ s/^(\S+).*$/$1/o;
-		$id = $source.$id if ($source);
-		($source, $value) = $id =~ /^(.)(.+)$/o;
-		if ($id =~ /^o(\d+)$/o) {
-			$id = "ocm$1";
-			$source = 'o';
-		}
+	# special case to catch possibly passed in full OCLC numbers and those derived from the 001 field
+	if ($tcn_value =~ /^oc(m|n)(\d+)$/o) {
+		$tcn_source = 'o';
+		$tcn_number = $2;
+		$tcn_value = $tcn_source.$tcn_number;
-	if ($id && exists $dontuse_id{$id}) {
-		warn "\n!!! TCN $id is already in use.  Using the record ID ($recid) as a system-generated TCN.\n";
-		$id = '';
-	}
+	# expand $tcn_source from code letter to full name
+	$tcn_source = do { $tcn_source_map{$tcn_source} || 'Unknown' };
-	if (!$id) {
-		$source = 's';
-		$id = 's'.$recid;
+	if ($warn) {
+		warn "\n!!! TCN $passed_tcn is already in use, using TCN ($tcn_value) derived from $tcn_source ID.\n";
-	my $tcn = MARC::Field->new(
+	my $field901 = MARC::Field->new(
 		'901' => ('', ''),
-		a => $id,
-		b => do { $source_map{$source} || 'System' },
+		a => $tcn_value,
+		b => $tcn_source,
+		c => $id
-	return ($rec,$tcn);
+	return ($field901, $tcn_value, $tcn_source);
 sub entityize {
@@ -315,3 +399,13 @@
         return $stuff;
+sub despace {
+	my $value = shift;
+	# remove all leading/trailing spaces and trucate at first internal space if present
+	$value =~ s/\s*$//o;
+	$value =~ s/^\s*//o;
+	$value =~ s/^(\S+).*$/$1/o;
+	return $value;

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