[open-ils-commits] r12793 - trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD (djfiander)

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Sat Apr 4 20:57:27 EDT 2009

Author: djfiander
Date: 2009-04-04 20:57:26 -0400 (Sat, 04 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 12793

Move 'next' calcuations into MFHD::Caption, since they depend primarily on the caption and pattern fields.
Leave Holding::next() where it is, so a holding statement can report
on the 'next' date.

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD/Caption.pm
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD/Caption.pm	2009-04-05 00:28:00 UTC (rev 12792)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD/Caption.pm	2009-04-05 00:57:26 UTC (rev 12793)
@@ -434,4 +434,294 @@
     return 0;
+my %increments = (
+		  a => {years => 1}, # annual
+		  b => {months => 2}, # bimonthly
+		  c => {days => 3}, # semiweekly
+		  d => {days => 1}, # daily
+		  e => {weeks => 2}, # biweekly
+		  f => {months => 6}, # semiannual
+		  g => {years => 2},  # biennial
+		  h => {years => 3},  # triennial
+		  i => {days => 2}, # three times / week
+		  j => {days => 10}, # three times /month
+		  # k => continuous
+		  m => {months => 1}, # monthly
+		  q => {months => 3}, # quarterly
+		  s => {days => 15},  # semimonthly
+		  t => {months => 4}, # three times / year
+		  w => {weeks => 1},  # weekly
+		  # x => completely irregular
+sub incr_date {
+    my $incr = shift;
+    my @new = @_;
+    if (scalar(@new) == 1) {
+	# only a year is specified. Next date is easy
+	$new[0] += $incr->{years} || 1;
+    } elsif (scalar(@new) == 2) {
+	# Year and month or season
+	if ($new[1] > 20) {
+	    # season
+	    $new[1] += ($incr->{months}/3) || 1;
+	    if ($new[1] > 24) {
+		# carry
+		$new[0] += 1;
+		$new[1] -= 4;	# 25 - 4 == 21 == Spring after Winter
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    # month
+	    $new[1] += $incr->{months} || 1;
+	    if ($new[1] > 12) {
+		# carry
+		$new[0] += 1;
+		$new[1] -= 12;
+	    }
+	    $new[1] = '0' . $new[1] if ($new[1] < 10);
+	}
+    } elsif (scalar(@new) == 3) {
+	# Year, Month, Day: now it gets complicated.
+	if ($new[2] =~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
+	    # A single number for the day of month, relatively simple
+	    my $dt = DateTime->new(year => $new[0],
+				   month=> $new[1],
+				   day  => $new[2]);
+	    $dt->add(%{$incr});
+	    $new[0] = $dt->year;
+	    $new[1] = $dt->month;
+	    $new[2] = $dt->day;
+	}
+	$new[1] = '0' . $new[1] if ($new[1] < 10);
+	$new[2] = '0' . $new[2] if ($new[2] < 10);
+    } else {
+	warn("Don't know how to cope with @new");
+    }
+    return @new;
+# Test to see if $m1/$d1 is on or after $m2/$d2
+# if $d2 is undefined, test is based on just months
+sub on_or_after {
+    my ($m1, $d1, $m2, $d2) = @_;
+    return (($m1 > $m2)
+	    || ($m1 == $m2 && ((!defined $d2) || ($d1 >= $d2))));
+sub calendar_increment {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $cur = shift;
+    my @new = @_;
+    my $cal_change = $self->calendar_change;
+    my $month;
+    my $day;
+    my $cur_before;
+    my $new_on_or_after;
+    # A calendar change is defined, need to check if it applies
+    if ((scalar(@new) == 2 && $new[1] > 20) || (scalar(@new) == 1)) {
+	carp "Can't calculate date change for ", $self->as_string;
+	return;
+    }
+    foreach my $change (@{$cal_change}) {
+	my $incr;
+	if (length($change) == 2) {
+	    $month = $change;
+	} elsif (length($change) == 4) {
+	    ($month, $day) = unpack("a2a2", $change);
+	}
+	if ($cur->[0] == $new[0]) {
+	    # Same year, so a 'simple' month/day comparison will be fine
+	    $incr = (!on_or_after($cur->[1], $cur->[2], $month, $day)
+		     && on_or_after($new[1], $new[2], $month, $day));
+	} else {
+	    # @cur is in the year before @new. There are
+	    # two possible cases for the calendar change date that
+	    # indicate that it's time to change the volume:
+	    # (1) the change date is AFTER @cur in the year, or
+	    # (2) the change date is BEFORE @new in the year.
+	    # 
+	    #  -------|------|------X------|------|
+	    #       @cur    (1)   Jan 1   (2)   @new
+	    $incr = (on_or_after($new[1], $new[2], $month, $day)
+		     || !on_or_after($cur->[1], $cur->[2], $month, $day));
+	}
+	return $incr if $incr;
+    }
+sub next_date {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $next = shift;
+    my $carry = shift;
+    my @keys = @_;
+    my @cur;
+    my @new;
+    my $incr;
+    my $reg = $self->{_mfhdc_REGULARITY};
+    my $pattern = $self->{_mfhdc_PATTERN};
+    my $freq = $pattern->{w};
+    foreach my $i (0..$#keys) {
+	$new[$i] = $cur[$i] = $next->{$keys[$i]} if exists $next->{$keys[$i]};
+    }
+    # If the current issue has a combined date (eg, May/June)
+    # get rid of the first date and base the calculation
+    # on the final date in the combined issue.
+    $new[-1] =~ s|^[^/]+/||;
+    # If $frequency is not one of the standard codes defined in %increments
+    # then there has to be a $yp publication regularity pattern that
+    # lists the dates of publication. Use that that list to find the next
+    # date following the current one.
+    # XXX: the code doesn't handle this case yet.
+    if (!defined($freq)) {
+	carp "Undefined frequency in next_date!";
+    } elsif (!exists $increments{$freq}) {
+	carp "Don't know how to deal with frequency '$freq'!";
+    } else {
+	#
+	# One of the standard defined issue frequencies
+	#
+	@new = incr_date($increments{$freq}, @new);
+	while ($self->is_omitted(@new)) {
+	    @new = incr_date($increments{$freq}, @new);
+	}
+	if ($self->is_combined(@new)) {
+	    my @second_date = incr_date($increments{$freq}, @new);
+	    # I am cheating: This code assumes that only the smallest
+	    # time increment is combined. So, no "Apr 15/May 1" allowed.
+	    $new[-1] = $new[-1] . '/' . $second_date[-1];
+	}
+    }
+    for my $i (0..$#new) {
+	$next->{$keys[$i]} = $new[$i];
+    }
+    # Figure out if we need to adust volume number
+    # right now just use the $carry that was passed in.
+    # in long run, need to base this on ($carry or date_change)
+    if ($carry) {
+	# if $carry is set, the date doesn't matter: we're not
+	# going to increment the v. number twice at year-change.
+	$next->{a} += $carry;
+    } elsif (defined $self->{_mfhdc_PATTERN}->{x}) {
+	$next->{a} += $self->calendar_increment(\@cur, @new);
+    }
+sub next_alt_enum {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $next = shift;
+    # First handle any "alternative enumeration", since they're
+    # a lot simpler, and don't depend on the the calendar
+    foreach my $key ('h', 'g') {
+	next if !exists $next->{$key};
+	if (!$self->capstr($key)) {
+	    warn "Holding data exists for $key, but no caption specified";
+	    $next->{$key} += 1;
+	    last;
+	}
+	my $cap = $self->capfield($key);
+	if ($cap->{RESTART} && $cap->{COUNT}
+	    && ($next->{$key} == $cap->{COUNT})) {
+	    $next->{$key} = 1;
+	} else {
+	    $next->{$key} += 1;
+	    last;
+	}
+    }
+sub next_enum {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $next = shift;
+    my $carry;
+    # $carry keeps track of whether we need to carry into the next
+    # higher level of enumeration. It's not actually necessary except
+    # for when the loop ends: if we need to carry from $b into $a
+    # then $carry will be set when the loop ends.
+    #
+    # We need to keep track of this because there are two different
+    # reasons why we might increment the highest level of enumeration ($a)
+    # 1) we hit the correct number of items in $b (ie, 5th iss of quarterly)
+    # 2) it's the right time of the year.
+    #
+    $carry = 0;
+    foreach my $key (reverse('b'..'f')) {
+	next if !exists $next->{$key};
+	if (!$self->capstr($key)) {
+	    # Just assume that it increments continuously and give up
+	    warn "Holding data exists for $key, but no caption specified";
+	    $next->{$key} += 1;
+	    $carry = 0;
+	    last;
+	}
+	# If the current issue has a combined issue number (eg, 2/3)
+	# get rid of the first issue number and base the calculation
+	# on the final issue number in the combined issue.
+	if ($next->{$key} =~ m|/|) {
+	    $next->{$key} =~ s|^[^/]+/||;
+	}
+	my $cap = $self->capfield($key);
+	if ($cap->{RESTART} && $cap->{COUNT}
+	    && ($next->{$key} eq $cap->{COUNT})) {
+	    $next->{$key} = 1;
+	    $carry = 1;
+	} else {
+	    # If I don't need to "carry" beyond here, then I just increment
+	    # this level of the enumeration and stop looping, since the
+	    # "next" hash has been initialized with the current values
+	    $next->{$key} += 1;
+	    $carry = 0;
+	}
+	# You can't have a combined issue that spans two volumes: no.12/1
+	# is forbidden
+	if ($self->enum_is_combined($key, $next->{$key})) {
+	    $next->{$key} .= '/' . ($next->{$key} + 1);
+	}
+	last if !$carry;
+    }
+    # The easy part is done. There are two things left to do:
+    # 1) Calculate the date of the next issue, if necessary
+    # 2) Increment the highest level of enumeration (either by date
+    #    or because $carry is set because of the above loop
+    if (!$self->subfield('i')) {
+	# The simple case: if there is no chronology specified
+	# then just check $carry and return
+	$next->{'a'} += $carry;
+    } else {
+	# Figure out date of next issue, then decide if we need
+	# to adjust top level enumeration based on that
+	$self->next_date($next, $carry, ('i'..'m'));
+    }

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD/Holding.pm
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD/Holding.pm	2009-04-05 00:28:00 UTC (rev 12792)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD/Holding.pm	2009-04-05 00:57:26 UTC (rev 12793)
@@ -184,298 +184,7 @@
     return $str;
-my %increments = (
-		  a => {years => 1}, # annual
-		  b => {months => 2}, # bimonthly
-		  c => {days => 3}, # semiweekly
-		  d => {days => 1}, # daily
-		  e => {weeks => 2}, # biweekly
-		  f => {months => 6}, # semiannual
-		  g => {years => 2},  # biennial
-		  h => {years => 3},  # triennial
-		  i => {days => 2}, # three times / week
-		  j => {days => 10}, # three times /month
-		  # k => continuous
-		  m => {months => 1}, # monthly
-		  q => {months => 3}, # quarterly
-		  s => {days => 15},  # semimonthly
-		  t => {months => 4}, # three times / year
-		  w => {weeks => 1},  # weekly
-		  # x => completely irregular
-sub incr_date {
-    my $incr = shift;
-    my @new = @_;
-    if (scalar(@new) == 1) {
-	# only a year is specified. Next date is easy
-	$new[0] += $incr->{years} || 1;
-    } elsif (scalar(@new) == 2) {
-	# Year and month or season
-	if ($new[1] > 20) {
-	    # season
-	    $new[1] += ($incr->{months}/3) || 1;
-	    if ($new[1] > 24) {
-		# carry
-		$new[0] += 1;
-		$new[1] -= 4;	# 25 - 4 == 21 == Spring after Winter
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    # month
-	    $new[1] += $incr->{months} || 1;
-	    if ($new[1] > 12) {
-		# carry
-		$new[0] += 1;
-		$new[1] -= 12;
-	    }
-	    $new[1] = '0' . $new[1] if ($new[1] < 10);
-	}
-    } elsif (scalar(@new) == 3) {
-	# Year, Month, Day: now it gets complicated.
-	if ($new[2] =~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
-	    # A single number for the day of month, relatively simple
-	    my $dt = DateTime->new(year => $new[0],
-				   month=> $new[1],
-				   day  => $new[2]);
-	    $dt->add(%{$incr});
-	    $new[0] = $dt->year;
-	    $new[1] = $dt->month;
-	    $new[2] = $dt->day;
-	}
-	$new[1] = '0' . $new[1] if ($new[1] < 10);
-	$new[2] = '0' . $new[2] if ($new[2] < 10);
-    } else {
-	warn("Don't know how to cope with @new");
-    }
-    return @new;
-# Test to see if $m1/$d1 is on or after $m2/$d2
-# if $d2 is undefined, test is based on just months
-sub on_or_after {
-    my ($m1, $d1, $m2, $d2) = @_;
-    return (($m1 > $m2)
-	    || ($m1 == $m2 && ((!defined $d2) || ($d1 >= $d2))));
-sub calendar_increment {
-    my $caption = shift;
-    my $cur = shift;
-    my @new = @_;
-    my $cal_change = $caption->calendar_change;
-    my $month;
-    my $day;
-    my $cur_before;
-    my $new_on_or_after;
-    # A calendar change is defined, need to check if it applies
-    if ((scalar(@new) == 2 && $new[1] > 20) || (scalar(@new) == 1)) {
-	carp "Can't calculate date change for ", $caption->as_string;
-	return;
-    }
-    foreach my $change (@{$cal_change}) {
-	my $incr;
-	if (length($change) == 2) {
-	    $month = $change;
-	} elsif (length($change) == 4) {
-	    ($month, $day) = unpack("a2a2", $change);
-	}
-	if ($cur->[0] == $new[0]) {
-	    # Same year, so a 'simple' month/day comparison will be fine
-	    $incr = (!on_or_after($cur->[1], $cur->[2], $month, $day)
-		     && on_or_after($new[1], $new[2], $month, $day));
-	} else {
-	    # @cur is in the year before @new. There are
-	    # two possible cases for the calendar change date that
-	    # indicate that it's time to change the volume:
-	    # (1) the change date is AFTER @cur in the year, or
-	    # (2) the change date is BEFORE @new in the year.
-	    # 
-	    #  -------|------|------X------|------|
-	    #       @cur    (1)   Jan 1   (2)   @new
-	    $incr = (on_or_after($new[1], $new[2], $month, $day)
-		     || !on_or_after($cur->[1], $cur->[2], $month, $day));
-	}
-	return $incr if $incr;
-    }
-sub next_date {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $next = shift;
-    my $carry = shift;
-    my @keys = @_;
-    my @cur;
-    my @new;
-    my $incr;
-    my $caption = $self->{_mfhdh_CAPTION};
-    my $reg = $caption->{_mfhdc_REGULARITY};
-    my $pattern = $caption->{_mfhdc_PATTERN};
-    my $freq = $pattern->{w};
-    foreach my $i (0..$#keys) {
-	$new[$i] = $cur[$i] = $next->{$keys[$i]} if exists $next->{$keys[$i]};
-    }
-    # If the current issue has a combined date (eg, May/June)
-    # get rid of the first date and base the calculation
-    # on the final date in the combined issue.
-    $new[-1] =~ s|^[^/]+/||;
-    # If $frequency is not one of the standard codes defined in %increments
-    # then there has to be a $yp publication regularity pattern that
-    # lists the dates of publication. Use that that list to find the next
-    # date following the current one.
-    # XXX: the code doesn't handle this case yet.
-    if (!defined($freq)) {
-	carp "Undefined frequency in next_date!";
-    } elsif (!exists $increments{$freq}) {
-	carp "Don't know how to deal with frequency '$freq'!";
-    } else {
-	#
-	# One of the standard defined issue frequencies
-	#
-	@new = incr_date($increments{$freq}, @new);
-	while ($caption->is_omitted(@new)) {
-	    @new = incr_date($increments{$freq}, @new);
-	}
-	if ($caption->is_combined(@new)) {
-	    my @second_date = incr_date($increments{$freq}, @new);
-	    # I am cheating: This code assumes that only the smallest
-	    # time increment is combined. So, no "Apr 15/May 1" allowed.
-	    $new[-1] = $new[-1] . '/' . $second_date[-1];
-	}
-    }
-    for my $i (0..$#new) {
-	$next->{$keys[$i]} = $new[$i];
-    }
-    # Figure out if we need to adust volume number
-    # right now just use the $carry that was passed in.
-    # in long run, need to base this on ($carry or date_change)
-    if ($carry) {
-	# if $carry is set, the date doesn't matter: we're not
-	# going to increment the v. number twice at year-change.
-	$next->{a} += $carry;
-    } elsif (defined $caption->calendar_change) {
-	$next->{a} += calendar_increment($caption, \@cur, @new);
-    }
-sub next_alt_enum {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $next = shift;
-    my $caption = $self->{_mfhdh_CAPTION};
-    # First handle any "alternative enumeration", since they're
-    # a lot simpler, and don't depend on the the calendar
-    foreach my $key ('h', 'g') {
-	next if !exists $next->{$key};
-	if (!$caption->capstr($key)) {
-	    warn "Holding data exists for $key, but no caption specified";
-	    $next->{$key} += 1;
-	    last;
-	}
-	my $cap = $caption->capfield($key);
-	if ($cap->{RESTART} && $cap->{COUNT}
-	    && ($next->{$key} == $cap->{COUNT})) {
-	    $next->{$key} = 1;
-	} else {
-	    $next->{$key} += 1;
-	    last;
-	}
-    }
-sub next_enum {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $next = shift;
-    my $caption = $self->{_mfhdh_CAPTION};
-    my $carry;
-    # $carry keeps track of whether we need to carry into the next
-    # higher level of enumeration. It's not actually necessary except
-    # for when the loop ends: if we need to carry from $b into $a
-    # then $carry will be set when the loop ends.
-    #
-    # We need to keep track of this because there are two different
-    # reasons why we might increment the highest level of enumeration ($a)
-    # 1) we hit the correct number of items in $b (ie, 5th iss of quarterly)
-    # 2) it's the right time of the year.
-    #
-    $carry = 0;
-    foreach my $key (reverse('b'..'f')) {
-	next if !exists $next->{$key};
-	if (!$caption->capstr($key)) {
-	    # Just assume that it increments continuously and give up
-	    warn "Holding data exists for $key, but no caption specified";
-	    $next->{$key} += 1;
-	    $carry = 0;
-	    last;
-	}
-	# If the current issue has a combined issue number (eg, 2/3)
-	# get rid of the first issue number and base the calculation
-	# on the final issue number in the combined issue.
-	if ($next->{$key} =~ m|/|) {
-	    $next->{$key} =~ s|^[^/]+/||;
-	}
-	my $cap = $caption->capfield($key);
-	if ($cap->{RESTART} && $cap->{COUNT}
-	    && ($next->{$key} eq $cap->{COUNT})) {
-	    $next->{$key} = 1;
-	    $carry = 1;
-	} else {
-	    # If I don't need to "carry" beyond here, then I just increment
-	    # this level of the enumeration and stop looping, since the
-	    # "next" hash has been initialized with the current values
-	    $next->{$key} += 1;
-	    $carry = 0;
-	}
-	# You can't have a combined issue that spans two volumes: no.12/1
-	# is forbidden
-	if ($caption->enum_is_combined($key, $next->{$key})) {
-	    $next->{$key} .= '/' . ($next->{$key} + 1);
-	}
-	last if !$carry;
-    }
-    # The easy part is done. There are two things left to do:
-    # 1) Calculate the date of the next issue, if necessary
-    # 2) Increment the highest level of enumeration (either by date
-    #    or because $carry is set because of the above loop
-    if (!$caption->subfield('i')) {
-	# The simple case: if there is no chronology specified
-	# then just check $carry and return
-	$next->{'a'} += $carry;
-    } else {
-	# Figure out date of next issue, then decide if we need
-	# to adjust top level enumeration based on that
-	$self->next_date($next, $carry, ('i'..'m'));
-    }
 # next: Given a holding statement, return a hash containing the
 # enumeration values for the next issues, whether we hold it or not
@@ -493,7 +202,7 @@
 	    $next->{$key} = $self->{_mfhdh_SUBFIELDS}->{$key}
 	      if exists $self->{_mfhdh_SUBFIELDS}->{$key};
-	$self->next_date($next, $carry, ('a' .. 'h'));
+	$caption->next_date($next, $carry, ('a' .. 'h'));
 	return $next;
@@ -509,10 +218,10 @@
     if (exists $next->{'h'}) {
-	$self->next_alt_enum($next);
+	$caption->next_alt_enum($next);
-    $self->next_enum($next);
+    $caption->next_enum($next);

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