[open-ils-commits] r746 - in conifer/trunk/web/opac/skin/uwin: js local/images xml xml/rdetail (gliu)

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Sun Dec 13 21:19:34 EST 2009

Author: gliu
Date: 2009-12-13 21:19:33 -0500 (Sun, 13 Dec 2009)
New Revision: 746

SFX customization

Added: conifer/trunk/web/opac/skin/uwin/js/check_sfx.js
--- conifer/trunk/web/opac/skin/uwin/js/check_sfx.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ conifer/trunk/web/opac/skin/uwin/js/check_sfx.js	2009-12-14 02:19:33 UTC (rev 746)
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+	Functions to build SFX url and check holdings in SFX for the current record
+	2009 Guoying Liu
+ */
+//For now, only valid ISSN enables SFX button 
+function rdetailShowSFXButton( issnText ){
+	if (document.getElementById("rdetail_sfx_check"))
+		if( build_sfx_url(issnText) )
+			unHideMe($("rdetail_sfx_check"));
+//Build SFX url based on ISSN, return true if the url is successfully built
+//issnText can be retrieved from marcrec_State_Change, so simply pass it
+function build_sfx_url( issnText ) {
+	issnText = cleanText(issnText, " ")
+	if (issnText == "")
+		return false;
+	var http_str = "http://sfx.scholarsportal.info/windsor-default?url_ver=Z39.88-2004"
+			+ "&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF-8&ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004"
+			+ "&rfr_id=info:sid/sfxit.com:azlist&sfx.ignore_date_threshold=1"
+			+ "&rft.issn=" + escape( issnText )
+	var issnCheck = $("rdetail_sfx_check");
+	issnCheck.setAttribute(
+		"href",
+		http_str
+	);
+	issnCheck.setAttribute("target", "SFXWindow");
+	return true;
+/*	As directly retrieving ISSN text from marcrec_State_Change, following ISSN or MARC related methods are obsolete 
+  	but may be useful for some other MARC data field customizations
+ */
+//only return first ISSN subfield value with code "a"
+function getMarcDataISSNText(){
+	var issnItems = getMarcDataFieldItems("022");
+	if (issnItems == null)
+		return "";
+	//only retrieve code a subfiled for the first ISSN 
+	var issnSubfildItems = getMarcSubFieldItems(issnItems[0],"a");
+	if (issnSubfildItems == null)
+		return "";
+	//only return first subfield value with code "a" 
+	return getISSNText(issnSubfildItems[0]);
+function getMarcDataFieldItems( dataFieldTag ) {
+	var marcItems;
+	var MARCXML;
+	MARCXML = MARCRequest.responseXML;
+	if ( MARCXML == null )
+		return null;
+	//Marc data tag always 3 digits long.
+	if (dataFieldTag.length != 3)
+		 return null;
+	//for MARC21, 00X: control fields, others are data fields
+	if ((dataFieldTag.charAt(0) == "0") && (dataFieldTag.charAt(1) == "0"))
+		marcItems = getElementsByAttribute( MARCXML, "controlfield", "tag", dataFieldTag );
+	else
+		marcItems = getElementsByAttribute( MARCXML, "datafield", "tag", dataFieldTag );
+	return marcItems;
+//passing the parent item and subfield code, if code not set, return all code 
+function getMarcSubFieldItems( dataFieldItem, strSubFieldCode ) {
+	return getElementsByAttribute( dataFieldItem, "subfield", "code", ( strSubFieldCode != null ? strSubFieldCode : "*" ) );
+function getISSNText( issnElement ) {
+//	if (BrowserDetect.browser == "Explorer"){
+	if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){
+		return cleanText(dojox.data.dom.textContent( issnElement ), " ");
+	}else {
+		return cleanText(issnElement.textContent, " ");
+	} 
+/*	Clean text, trim beginning space, and only return a substring from beginning till the Delimiter
+	The Delimiter can be a character or a string 
+ */
+function cleanText(fullText, seperator) {
+	if(fullText) {
+		fullText= fullText.toString().replace(/^\s+/,"");
+		var idx = fullText.indexOf(seperator);
+		if(idx > -1) { fullText = fullText.substring(0, idx); }
+	} else 
+		fullText = "";
+	return fullText;
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: conifer/trunk/web/opac/skin/uwin/js/rdetail.js
--- conifer/trunk/web/opac/skin/uwin/js/rdetail.js	2009-12-14 00:35:39 UTC (rev 745)
+++ conifer/trunk/web/opac/skin/uwin/js/rdetail.js	2009-12-14 02:19:33 UTC (rev 746)
@@ -298,7 +298,14 @@
 	buildSearchLink(STYPE_AUTHOR, record.author(), G.ui.rdetail.author);
-	G.ui.rdetail.isbn.appendChild(text(cleanISBN(record.isbn())));
+//	G.ui.rdetail.isbn.appendChild(text(cleanISBN(record.isbn())));
+	var isbnText= text(cleanISBN(record.isbn()));
+	if (isbnText != null){
+		if (isbnText.length > 0){
+		G.ui.rdetail.isbn.appendChild(isbnText);
+		unHideMe($('rdetail_isbn_row'));		
+		}
+	}
@@ -411,6 +418,8 @@
 	// grab added content 
 	acCollectData(cleanISBN(record.isbn()), rdetailhandleAC);
+	rdetailShowCustomizedMARCs ();

Added: conifer/trunk/web/opac/skin/uwin/js/rdetail_custom.js
--- conifer/trunk/web/opac/skin/uwin/js/rdetail_custom.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ conifer/trunk/web/opac/skin/uwin/js/rdetail_custom.js	2009-12-14 02:19:33 UTC (rev 746)
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+	Customizing MARC record data fields based on Alexander O'Neill's work
+	2009 Guoying Liu
+ */
+function rdetailShowCustomizedMARCs( ) {
+	loadMARCRecord();
+var MARCRequest;
+var marctags;
+var firstResultRow;
+function loadMARCRecord( ) {
+	MARCRequest = null;
+	// Code for all new browsers
+	if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
+		MARCRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
+	// Code for IE 5 and 6
+	else if ( window.ActiveXObject )
+		MARCRequest = new ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" );
+	if ( MARCRequest != null ) {
+		MARCRequest.onreadystatechange = marcrec_State_Change;
+		MARCRequest.open( "GET", "/opac/extras/supercat/retrieve/marcxml/record/" + record.doc_id(), true );
+		MARCRequest.send(null);
+	}
+function marcrec_State_Change() {
+	var hasFirstISSN = false;
+	// 4 means "loaded"
+	if ( MARCRequest.readyState == 4 ) {
+		// 200 means "OK"
+		if ( MARCRequest.status == 200 ) {
+			marctags = document.getElementsByTagName("MARC");
+			for ( i = 0; i < marctags.length; i++ ) {
+				dataField = marctags.item(i).getAttribute('dataField');
+				controlField = marctags.item(i).getAttribute('controlField');
+				marcItems = getElementsByAttribute( MARCRequest.responseXML, 'controlfield', 'tag', controlField );
+				if ( marcItems.length > 0 ) {
+					// This is a control field, which has no subfields, rather than a data field.
+					itemString = getText( marcItems[0] );
+ 					currentField = document.createElement( 'span' );
+					setText( currentField, itemString );
+					marctags[i].parentNode.appendChild( currentField );
+					continue;
+				}
+				marcItems = getElementsByAttribute( MARCRequest.responseXML, 'datafield', 'tag', dataField );
+				buildSearchString = ( marctags[i].getAttribute( 'searchfield' ) != null ? true : false );
+				for ( j = 0; j < marcItems.length; j++ ) {
+					nextItem = getElementsByAttribute( marcItems[j], 'subfield', 'code', ( marctags[i].getAttribute('subfield') != null ? marctags[i].getAttribute('subfield') : '*' ) );
+					for ( k = 0; k < nextItem.length; k++ ) {
+						itemString = nextItem[k].firstChild.nodeValue;			
+						currentSubField = document.createElement( (buildSearchString ? 'a' : 'span') );
+			            		setText( currentSubField, itemString );
+						marctags[i].parentNode.appendChild( currentSubField );
+						//show SFX Button if dataField "022" has value;
+						if (dataField == "022"){
+							if(hasFirstISSN == false){
+								rdetailShowSFXButton( itemString );
+								hasFirstISSN = true;
+							}
+						}
+						if ( buildSearchString ) {
+							href = '../xml/rresult.xml?rt=' + marctags[i].getAttribute('searchfield') + '&tp=' + marctags[i].getAttribute('searchfield') + '&t=';
+							for ( l = 0; l <= k; l++ ) {
+								href += nextItem[l].firstChild.nodeValue + '%20'; // it's ok to have a space at the end.
+							}
+							href += '&l=1&d=0&f=&av=';
+		       			       currentSubField.setAttribute('href', href);
+				       	       currentSubField.setAttribute('title', 'Perform a search on this subject' );
+						}
+						separatorItem = document.createElement('span');
+						if ( k < nextItem.length - 1) {
+              					setText( separatorItem, ( marctags[i].getAttribute('separator') != null ? ' ' + marctags[i].getAttribute('separator') + ' ' : ' ' ) );
+				       	       marctags[i].parentNode.appendChild( separatorItem );
+						} else {
+							if ( marctags[i].getAttribute( 'newline' ) != null ) {
+								if ( marctags[i].getAttribute( 'newline' ) == 'no' ){
+									setText( separatorItem, ' ' );
+									marctags[i].parentNode.appendChild( separatorItem );
+								} else {
+									marctags[i].parentNode.appendChild( document.createElement('br') );
+								}
+							} else {
+								marctags[i].parentNode.appendChild( document.createElement('br') );
+							}  
+						}
+					}//for k
+			        } // for j
+				if ( getText(marctags[i].parentNode).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') == '' ) {
+					hideMe(marctags[i].parentNode.parentNode);
+				}
+			}
+		} 
+	} 
+function getElementsByAttribute(oElm, strTagName, strAttributeName, strAttributeValue) {
+	var arrElements = oElm.getElementsByTagName(strTagName );
+	var arrReturnElements = new Array();
+	var oAttributeValue = new XRegExp( "(^|\\s)" + strAttributeValue + "(\\s|$)", "i" );
+	var oCurrent;
+	var oAttribute;
+	for ( var i=0; i < arrElements.length; i++ ) {
+		oCurrent = arrElements[i];
+		oAttribute = oCurrent.getAttribute( strAttributeName );
+		if( oAttribute != null && oAttribute.length > 0) 
+			if( oAttributeValue && oAttributeValue.test( oAttribute ) )
+				arrReturnElements.push(oCurrent);
+	}
+	return arrReturnElements;
+function getText( control ) {
+	if ( control == null )
+		return '';
+	if (document.all)
+		return control.innerText;
+	else
+		return trimStr(control.textContent);
+function setText(control, value) {
+	if (document.all)
+		control.innerText = value;
+	else
+		control.textContent = value; 
+function trimStr( str ) {
+	if (str == null)
+		return '';
+	return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');

Added: conifer/trunk/web/opac/skin/uwin/js/xregexp.js
--- conifer/trunk/web/opac/skin/uwin/js/xregexp.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ conifer/trunk/web/opac/skin/uwin/js/xregexp.js	2009-12-14 02:19:33 UTC (rev 746)
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+    XRegExp 0.6.1
+    (c) 2007-2008 Steven Levithan
+    <http://stevenlevithan.com/regex/xregexp/>
+    MIT License
+/** provides an augmented, cross-browser implementation of regular expressions
+    including support for additional modifiers and syntax. several convenience
+    methods and a recursive-construct parser are also included.
+// prevent running twice, which would break references to native globals
+if (!window.XRegExp) {
+// anonymous function to avoid global variables
+(function () {
+// copy various native globals for reference. can't use the name ``native``
+// because it's a reserved JavaScript keyword.
+var real = {
+        exec:    RegExp.prototype.exec,
+        match:   String.prototype.match,
+        replace: String.prototype.replace,
+        split:   String.prototype.split
+    },
+    /* regex syntax parsing with support for all the necessary cross-
+       browser and context issues (escapings, character classes, etc.) */
+    lib = {
+        part:       /(?:[^\\([#\s.]+|\\(?!k<[\w$]+>|[pP]{[^}]+})[\S\s]?|\((?=\?(?!#|<[\w$]+>)))+|(\()(?:\?(?:(#)[^)]*\)|<([$\w]+)>))?|\\(?:k<([\w$]+)>|[pP]{([^}]+)})|(\[\^?)|([\S\s])/g,
+        replaceVar: /(?:[^$]+|\$(?![1-9$&`']|{[$\w]+}))+|\$(?:([1-9]\d*|[$&`'])|{([$\w]+)})/g,
+        extended:   /^(?:\s+|#.*)+/,
+        quantifier: /^(?:[?*+]|{\d+(?:,\d*)?})/,
+        classLeft:  /&&\[\^?/g,
+        classRight: /]/g
+    },
+    indexOf = function (array, item, from) {
+        for (var i = from || 0; i < array.length; i++)
+            if (array[i] === item) return i;
+        return -1;
+    },
+    brokenExecUndef = /()??/.exec("")[1] !== undefined,
+    plugins = {};
+/*** XRegExp
+    accepts a pattern and flags, returns a new, extended RegExp object.
+    differs from a native regex in that additional flags and syntax are
+    supported and browser inconsistencies are ameliorated.
+XRegExp = function (pattern, flags) {
+    if (pattern instanceof RegExp) {
+        if (flags !== undefined)
+            throw TypeError("can't supply flags when constructing one RegExp from another");
+        return pattern.addFlags(); // new copy
+    }
+    var flags           = flags || "",
+        singleline      = flags.indexOf("s") > -1,
+        extended        = flags.indexOf("x") > -1,
+        hasNamedCapture = false,
+        captureNames    = [],
+        output          = [],
+        part            = lib.part,
+        match, cc, len, index, regex;
+    part.lastIndex = 0; // in case the last XRegExp compilation threw an error (unbalanced character class)
+    while (match = real.exec.call(part, pattern)) {
+        // comment pattern. this check must come before the capturing group check,
+        // because both match[1] and match[2] will be non-empty.
+        if (match[2]) {
+            // keep tokens separated unless the following token is a quantifier
+            if (!lib.quantifier.test(pattern.slice(part.lastIndex)))
+                output.push("(?:)");
+        // capturing group
+        } else if (match[1]) {
+            captureNames.push(match[3] || null);
+            if (match[3])
+                hasNamedCapture = true;
+            output.push("(");
+        // named backreference
+        } else if (match[4]) {
+            index = indexOf(captureNames, match[4]);
+            // keep backreferences separate from subsequent literal numbers
+            // preserve backreferences to named groups that are undefined at this point as literal strings
+            output.push(index > -1 ?
+                "\\" + (index + 1) + (isNaN(pattern.charAt(part.lastIndex)) ? "" : "(?:)") :
+                match[0]
+            );
+        // unicode element (requires plugin)
+        } else if (match[5]) {
+            output.push(plugins.unicode ?
+                plugins.unicode.get(match[5], match[0].charAt(1) === "P") :
+                match[0]
+            );
+        // character class opening delimiter ("[" or "[^")
+        // (non-native unicode elements are not supported within character classes)
+        } else if (match[6]) {
+            if (pattern.charAt(part.lastIndex) === "]") {
+                // for cross-browser compatibility with ECMA-262 v3 behavior,
+                // convert [] to (?!) and [^] to [\S\s].
+                output.push(match[6] === "[" ? "(?!)" : "[\\S\\s]");
+                part.lastIndex++;
+            } else {
+                // parse the character class with support for inner escapes and
+                // ES4's infinitely nesting intersection syntax ([&&[^&&[]]]).
+                cc = XRegExp.matchRecursive("&&" + pattern.slice(match.index), lib.classLeft, lib.classRight, "", {escapeChar: "\\"})[0];
+                output.push(match[6] + cc + "]");
+                part.lastIndex += cc.length + 1;
+            }
+        // dot ("."), pound sign ("#"), or whitespace character
+        } else if (match[7]) {
+            if (singleline && match[7] === ".") {
+                output.push("[\\S\\s]");
+            } else if (extended && lib.extended.test(match[7])) {
+                len = real.exec.call(lib.extended, pattern.slice(part.lastIndex - 1))[0].length;
+                // keep tokens separated unless the following token is a quantifier
+                if (!lib.quantifier.test(pattern.slice(part.lastIndex - 1 + len)))
+                    output.push("(?:)");
+                part.lastIndex += len - 1;
+            } else {
+                output.push(match[7]);
+            }
+        } else {
+            output.push(match[0]);
+        }
+    }
+    regex = RegExp(output.join(""), real.replace.call(flags, /[sx]+/g, ""));
+    regex._x = {
+        source:       pattern,
+        captureNames: hasNamedCapture ? captureNames : null
+    };
+    return regex;
+// barebones plugin support for now (intentionally undocumented)
+XRegExp.addPlugin = function (name, o) {
+    plugins[name] = o;
+/*** RegExp.prototype.exec
+    adds named capture support, with values returned as ``result.name``.
+    also fixes two cross-browser issues, following the ECMA-262 v3 spec:
+     - captured values for non-participating capturing groups should be returned
+       as ``undefined``, rather than the empty string.
+     - the regex's ``lastIndex`` should not be incremented after zero-length
+       matches.
+RegExp.prototype.exec = function (str) {
+    var match = real.exec.call(this, str),
+        name, i, r2;
+    if (match) {
+        // fix browsers whose exec methods don't consistently return
+        // undefined for non-participating capturing groups
+        if (brokenExecUndef && match.length > 1) {
+            // r2 doesn't need /g or /y, but they shouldn't hurt
+            r2 = new RegExp("^" + this.source + "$(?!\\s)", this.getNativeFlags());
+            real.replace.call(match[0], r2, function () {
+                for (i = 1; i < arguments.length - 2; i++) {
+                    if (arguments[i] === undefined) match[i] = undefined;
+                }
+            });
+        }
+        // attach named capture properties
+        if (this._x && this._x.captureNames) {
+            for (i = 1; i < match.length; i++) {
+                name = this._x.captureNames[i - 1];
+                if (name) match[name] = match[i];
+            }
+        }
+        // fix browsers that increment lastIndex after zero-length matches
+        if (this.global && this.lastIndex > (match.index + match[0].length))
+            this.lastIndex--;
+    }
+    return match;
+/*** String.prototype.match
+    run the altered ``exec`` when called with a non-global regex.
+String.prototype.match = function (regex) {
+    if (!(regex instanceof RegExp))
+        regex = new XRegExp(regex);
+    if (regex.global)
+        return real.match.call(this, regex);
+    return regex.exec(this); // run the altered exec
+/*** String.prototype.replace
+    add named capture support to replacement strings using the syntax
+    ``${name}``, and to replacement functions as ``arguments[0].name``.
+String.prototype.replace = function (search, replacement) {
+    var captureNames = (search._x || {}).captureNames;
+    // if search is not a regex which uses named capture, use the native replace method
+    if (!(search instanceof RegExp && captureNames))
+        return real.replace.apply(this, arguments);
+    if (typeof replacement === "function") {
+        return real.replace.call(this, search, function () {
+            // change the arguments[0] string primitive to a String object which can store properties
+            arguments[0] = new String(arguments[0]);
+            // store named backreferences on arguments[0] before calling replacement
+            for (var i = 0; i < captureNames.length; i++) {
+                if (captureNames[i])
+                    arguments[0][captureNames[i]] = arguments[i + 1];
+            }
+            return replacement.apply(window, arguments);
+        });
+    } else {
+        return real.replace.call(this, search, function () {
+            var args = arguments;
+            return real.replace.call(replacement, lib.replaceVar, function ($0, $1, $2) {
+                // numbered backreference or special variable
+                if ($1) {
+                    switch ($1) {
+                        case "$": return "$";
+                        case "&": return args[0];
+                        case "`": return args[args.length - 1].slice(0, args[args.length - 2]);
+                        case "'": return args[args.length - 1].slice(args[args.length - 2] + args[0].length);
+                        // numbered backreference
+                        default:
+                            /* what does "$10" mean?
+                                - backreference 10, if 10 or more capturing groups exist
+                                - backreference 1 followed by "0", if 1-9 capturing groups exist
+                                - otherwise, it's the string "$10"
+                            */
+                            var literalNumbers = "";
+                            $1 = +$1; // type-convert
+                            while ($1 > captureNames.length) {
+                                literalNumbers = real.split.call($1, "").pop() + literalNumbers;
+                                $1 = Math.floor($1 / 10); // drop the last digit
+                            }
+                            return ($1 ? args[$1] : "$") + literalNumbers;
+                    }
+                // named backreference
+                } else if ($2) {
+                    /* what does "${name}" mean?
+                        - backreference to named capture "name", if it exists
+                        - otherwise, it's the string "${name}"
+                    */
+                    var index = indexOf(captureNames, $2);
+                    return index > -1 ? args[index + 1] : $0;
+                } else {
+                    return $0;
+                }
+            });
+        });
+    }
+/*** String.prototype.split
+    a consistent cross-browser, ECMA-262 v3 compliant split method
+String.prototype.split = function (s /* separator */, limit) {
+    // if separator is not a regex, use the native split method
+    if (!(s instanceof RegExp))
+        return real.split.apply(this, arguments);
+    var output = [],
+        origLastIndex = s.lastIndex,
+        lastLastIndex = 0,
+        i = 0, match, lastLength;
+    /* behavior for limit: if it's...
+        - undefined: no limit
+        - NaN or zero: return an empty array
+        - a positive number: use limit after dropping any decimal
+        - a negative number: no limit
+        - other: type-convert, then use the above rules
+    */
+    if (limit === undefined || +limit < 0) {
+        limit = false;
+    } else {
+        limit = Math.floor(+limit);
+        if (!limit)
+            return [];
+    }
+    if (s.global)
+        s.lastIndex = 0;
+    else
+        s = s.addFlags("g");
+    while ((!limit || i++ <= limit) && (match = s.exec(this))) { // run the altered exec!
+        if (s.lastIndex > lastLastIndex) {
+            output = output.concat(this.slice(lastLastIndex, match.index));
+            if (1 < match.length && match.index < this.length)
+                output = output.concat(match.slice(1));
+            lastLength = match[0].length; // only needed if s.lastIndex === this.length
+            lastLastIndex = s.lastIndex;
+        }
+        if (!match[0].length)
+            s.lastIndex++; // avoid an infinite loop
+    }
+    // since this uses test(), output must be generated before restoring lastIndex
+    output = lastLastIndex === this.length ?
+        (s.test("") && !lastLength ? output : output.concat("")) :
+        (limit ? output : output.concat(this.slice(lastLastIndex)));
+    s.lastIndex = origLastIndex; // only needed if s.global, else we're working with a copy of the regex
+    return output;
+})(); // end anonymous function
+} // end if(!window.XRegExp)
+// intentionally undocumented
+RegExp.prototype.getNativeFlags = function () {
+    return (this.global     ? "g" : "") +
+           (this.ignoreCase ? "i" : "") +
+           (this.multiline  ? "m" : "") +
+           (this.extended   ? "x" : "") +
+           (this.sticky     ? "y" : "");
+/*** RegExp.prototype.addFlags
+    accepts flags; returns a new XRegExp object generated by recompiling
+    the regex with the additional flags (may include non-native flags).
+    the original regex object is not altered.
+RegExp.prototype.addFlags = function (flags) {
+    var regex = new XRegExp(this.source, (flags || "") + this.getNativeFlags());
+    if (this._x) {
+        regex._x = {
+            source:       this._x.source,
+            captureNames: this._x.captureNames ? this._x.captureNames.slice(0) : null
+        };
+    }
+    return regex;
+/*** RegExp.prototype.call
+    accepts a context object and string; returns the result of calling
+    ``exec`` with the provided string. the context is ignored but is
+    accepted for congruity with ``Function.prototype.call``.
+RegExp.prototype.call = function (context, str) {
+    return this.exec(str);
+/*** RegExp.prototype.apply
+    accepts a context object and arguments array; returns the result of
+    calling ``exec`` with the first value in the arguments array. the context
+    is ignored but is accepted for congruity with ``Function.prototype.apply``.
+RegExp.prototype.apply = function (context, args) {
+    return this.exec(args[0]);
+/*** XRegExp.cache
+    accepts a pattern and flags; returns an XRegExp object. if the pattern
+    and flag combination has previously been cached, the cached copy is
+    returned, otherwise the new object is cached.
+XRegExp.cache = function (pattern, flags) {
+    var key = "/" + pattern + "/" + (flags || "");
+    return XRegExp.cache[key] || (XRegExp.cache[key] = new XRegExp(pattern, flags));
+/*** XRegExp.escape
+    accepts a string; returns the string with regex metacharacters escaped.
+    the returned string can safely be used within a regex to match a literal
+    string. escaped characters are [, ], {, }, (, ), -, *, +, ?, ., \, ^, $,
+    |, #, [comma], and whitespace.
+XRegExp.escape = function (str) {
+    return str.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|,#\s]/g, "\\$&");
+/*** XRegExp.matchRecursive
+    accepts a string to search, left and right delimiters as regex pattern
+    strings, optional regex flags (may include non-native s, x, and y flags),
+    and an options object which allows setting an escape character and changing
+    the return format from an array of matches to a two-dimensional array of
+    string parts with extended position data. returns an array of matches
+    (optionally with extended data), allowing nested instances of left and right
+    delimiters. use the g flag to return all matches, otherwise only the first
+    is returned. if delimiters are unbalanced within the subject data, an error
+    is thrown.
+    this function admittedly pushes the boundaries of what can be accomplished
+    sensibly without a "real" parser. however, by doing so it provides flexible
+    and powerful recursive parsing capabilities with minimal code weight.
+    warning: the ``escapeChar`` option is considered experimental and might be
+    changed or removed in future versions of XRegExp.
+    unsupported features:
+     - backreferences within delimiter patterns when using ``escapeChar``.
+     - although providing delimiters as regex objects adds the minor feature of
+       independent delimiter flags, it introduces other limitations and is only
+       intended to be done by the ``XRegExp`` constructor (which can't call
+       itself while building a regex).
+XRegExp.matchRecursive = function (str, left, right, flags, options) {
+    var options      = options || {},
+        escapeChar   = options.escapeChar,
+        vN           = options.valueNames,
+        flags        = flags || "",
+        global       = flags.indexOf("g") > -1,
+        ignoreCase   = flags.indexOf("i") > -1,
+        multiline    = flags.indexOf("m") > -1,
+        sticky       = flags.indexOf("y") > -1,
+        /* sticky mode has its own handling in this function, which means you
+           can use flag "y" even in browsers which don't support it natively */
+        flags        = flags.replace(/y/g, ""),
+        left         = left  instanceof RegExp ? (left.global  ? left  : left.addFlags("g"))  : new XRegExp(left,  "g" + flags),
+        right        = right instanceof RegExp ? (right.global ? right : right.addFlags("g")) : new XRegExp(right, "g" + flags),
+        output       = [],
+        openTokens   = 0,
+        delimStart   = 0,
+        delimEnd     = 0,
+        lastOuterEnd = 0,
+        outerStart, innerStart, leftMatch, rightMatch, escaped, esc;
+    if (escapeChar) {
+        if (escapeChar.length > 1) throw SyntaxError("can't supply more than one escape character");
+        if (multiline)             throw TypeError("can't supply escape character when using the multiline flag");
+        escaped = XRegExp.escape(escapeChar);
+        /* Escape pattern modifiers:
+            /g - not needed here
+            /i - included
+            /m - **unsupported**, throws error
+            /s - handled by XRegExp when delimiters are provided as strings
+            /x - handled by XRegExp when delimiters are provided as strings
+            /y - not needed here; supported by other handling in this function
+        */
+        esc = new RegExp(
+            "^(?:" + escaped + "[\\S\\s]|(?:(?!" + left.source + "|" + right.source + ")[^" + escaped + "])+)+",
+            ignoreCase ? "i" : ""
+        );
+    }
+    while (true) {
+        /* advance the starting search position to the end of the last delimiter match.
+           a couple special cases are also covered:
+            - if using an escape character, advance to the next delimiter's starting position,
+              skipping any escaped characters
+            - first time through, reset lastIndex in case delimiters were provided as regexes
+        */
+        left.lastIndex = right.lastIndex = delimEnd +
+            (escapeChar ? (esc.exec(str.slice(delimEnd)) || [""])[0].length : 0);
+        leftMatch  = left.exec(str);
+        rightMatch = right.exec(str);
+        // only keep the result which matched earlier in the string
+        if (leftMatch && rightMatch) {
+            if (leftMatch.index <= rightMatch.index)
+                 rightMatch = null;
+            else leftMatch  = null;
+        }
+        /* paths*:
+        leftMatch | rightMatch | openTokens | result
+        1         | 0          | 1          | ...
+        1         | 0          | 0          | ...
+        0         | 1          | 1          | ...
+        0         | 1          | 0          | throw
+        0         | 0          | 1          | throw
+        0         | 0          | 0          | break
+        * - does not include the sticky mode special case
+          - the loop ends after the first completed match if not in global mode
+        */
+        if (leftMatch || rightMatch) {
+            delimStart = (leftMatch || rightMatch).index;
+            delimEnd   = (leftMatch ? left : right).lastIndex;
+        } else if (!openTokens) {
+            break;
+        }
+        if (sticky && !openTokens && delimStart > lastOuterEnd)
+            break;
+        if (leftMatch) {
+            if (!openTokens++) {
+                outerStart = delimStart;
+                innerStart = delimEnd;
+            }
+        } else if (rightMatch && openTokens) {
+            if (!--openTokens) {
+                if (vN) {
+                    if (vN[0] && outerStart > lastOuterEnd)
+                               output.push([vN[0], str.slice(lastOuterEnd, outerStart), lastOuterEnd, outerStart]);
+                    if (vN[1]) output.push([vN[1], str.slice(outerStart,   innerStart), outerStart,   innerStart]);
+                    if (vN[2]) output.push([vN[2], str.slice(innerStart,   delimStart), innerStart,   delimStart]);
+                    if (vN[3]) output.push([vN[3], str.slice(delimStart,   delimEnd),   delimStart,   delimEnd]);
+                } else {
+                    output.push(str.slice(innerStart, delimStart));
+                }
+                lastOuterEnd = delimEnd;
+                if (!global)
+                    break;
+            }
+        } else {
+            // reset lastIndex in case delimiters were provided as regexes
+            left.lastIndex = right.lastIndex = 0;
+            throw Error("subject data contains unbalanced delimiters");
+        }
+        // if the delimiter matched an empty string, advance delimEnd to avoid an infinite loop
+        if (delimStart === delimEnd)
+            delimEnd++;
+    }
+    if (global && !sticky && vN && vN[0] && str.length > lastOuterEnd)
+        output.push([vN[0], str.slice(lastOuterEnd), lastOuterEnd, str.length]);
+    // reset lastIndex in case delimiters were provided as regexes
+    left.lastIndex = right.lastIndex = 0;
+    return output;

Added: conifer/trunk/web/opac/skin/uwin/local/images/sfx_button.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: conifer/trunk/web/opac/skin/uwin/local/images/sfx_button.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Modified: conifer/trunk/web/opac/skin/uwin/xml/page_rdetail.xml
--- conifer/trunk/web/opac/skin/uwin/xml/page_rdetail.xml	2009-12-14 00:35:39 UTC (rev 745)
+++ conifer/trunk/web/opac/skin/uwin/xml/page_rdetail.xml	2009-12-14 02:19:33 UTC (rev 746)
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
 	<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript' src='<!--#echo var="OILS_OPAC_JS_HOST"-->/skin/uwin/js/holds.js'></script>
 	<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript' src='<!--#echo var="OILS_OPAC_JS_HOST"-->/skin/uwin/js/cn_browse.js'></script>
 	<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript' src='<!--#echo var="OILS_OPAC_JS_HOST"-->/skin/uwin/js/container.js'></script>
+	<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript' src='../js/rdetail_custom.js'></script>
+	<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript' src='../js/xregexp.js'></script>
+	<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript' src='../js/check_sfx.js'></script>
 	<script src='http://www.google.com/jsapi' type='text/javascript' language='javascript'></script>
 	<script type='text/javascript' src='http://books.google.com/books/api.js?key=notsupplied&amp;v=0&amp;callback=google.loader.callbacks.books'></script>

Modified: conifer/trunk/web/opac/skin/uwin/xml/rdetail/rdetail_summary.xml
--- conifer/trunk/web/opac/skin/uwin/xml/rdetail/rdetail_summary.xml	2009-12-14 00:35:39 UTC (rev 745)
+++ conifer/trunk/web/opac/skin/uwin/xml/rdetail/rdetail_summary.xml	2009-12-14 02:19:33 UTC (rev 746)
@@ -20,7 +20,9 @@
                             class='classic_link' id='rdetail.jacket_attrib_link'>&vendor.name;</a></div>
-				<td nowrap='nowrap' class='rdetail_desc'>&common.title;</td>		
+				<td nowrap='nowrap' class='rdetail_desc'>
+					<a style='float:right; white-space:nowrap;' class='hide_me' id='rdetail_sfx_check' title='Check All Holdings'>
+					<img border='0' target='_top' src='../local/images/sfx_button.gif' /></a>&common.title;</td>		
                 <!-- *** Example of how to use the openils.BibTemplate infrastructure to augment the stock
                      *** summary screen with more and/or different information.  In this case, the raw MARC 245. -->
                 <td type='opac/slot-data' query='datafield[tag=245]' class='rdetail_item' id='rdetail_title'> </td>
@@ -33,27 +35,36 @@
-			<tr>
+			<tr class='hide_me' id='rdetail_isbn_row'>
 				<td nowrap='nowrap' class='rdetail_desc'>&common.isbn;</td>			
 				<td class='rdetail_item' id='rdetail_isbn'> </td>
+				<td nowrap='nowrap' class='rdetail_desc'>&common.issn;</td>			
+				<td class='rdetail_item' id='rdetail_issn'><MARC datafield="022"></MARC></td>
+			</tr>
+			<tr>
 				<td nowrap='nowrap' class='rdetail_desc'>&common.edition;</td>		
 				<td class='rdetail_item' id='rdetail_edition'> </td>
-				<td nowrap='nowrap' class='rdetail_desc'>&common.pubdate;</td>		
-				<td class='rdetail_item' id='rdetail_pubdate'> </td>
+				<td nowrap='nowrap' class='rdetail_desc'>Place of Publication</td>			
+				<td class='rdetail_item' id='rdetail_place_of_pub'><MARC datafield="260" subfield='a'></MARC></td>
-				<td nowrap='nowrap' class='rdetail_desc'>&common.publisher;</td>		
-				<td type='opac/slot-data' query='datafield[tag=260]' class='rdetail_item' id='rdetail_publisher'> </td>
+				<td nowrap='nowrap' class='rdetail_desc'>&common.publisher;</td>			
+				<td class='rdetail_item' id='rdetail_publisher'><MARC datafield="260" subfield='b'></MARC></td>
+			<tr>
+				<td nowrap='nowrap' class='rdetail_desc'>&common.pubdate;</td>		
+				<td class='rdetail_item' id='rdetail_pubdate'> </td>
+			</tr>
 				<td nowrap='nowrap' class='rdetail_desc'>&common.physical;</td>		
 				<td class='rdetail_item' id='rdetail_physical_desc'> </td>

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