[open-ils-commits] r11841 - trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Thu Jan 15 09:05:11 EST 2009

Author: miker
Date: 2009-01-15 09:05:09 -0500 (Thu, 15 Jan 2009)
New Revision: 11841

initial revision of the generalized (ILS action) trigger schema

Added: trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/400.schema.action_trigger.sql
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/400.schema.action_trigger.sql	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/400.schema.action_trigger.sql	2009-01-15 14:05:09 UTC (rev 11841)
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2009  Equinox Software, Inc.
+ * Mike Rylander <miker at esilibrary.com> 
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ */
+DROP SCHEMA action_trigger CASCADE;
+CREATE SCHEMA action_trigger;
+CREATE TABLE action_trigger.hook (
+    key         TEXT    PRIMARY KEY,
+    core_type   TEXT    NOT NULL,
+    description TEXT,
+    passive     BOOL    NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.hook (key,core_type,description) VALUES ('checkout','circ','Item checked out to user');
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.hook (key,core_type,description) VALUES ('checkin','circ','Item checked in');
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.hook (key,core_type,description) VALUES ('lost','circ','Circulating Item marked Lost');
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.hook (key,core_type,description) VALUES ('lost.found','circ','Lost Circulating Item checked in');
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.hook (key,core_type,description) VALUES ('claims_returned','circ','Circulating Item marked Claims Returned');
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.hook (key,core_type,description) VALUES ('claims_returned.found','circ','Claims Returned Circulating Item is checked in');
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.hook (key,core_type,description) VALUES ('missing','acp','Item marked Missing');
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.hook (key,core_type,description) VALUES ('missing.found','acp','Missing Item checked in');
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.hook (key,core_type,description) VALUES ('transit.start','acp','An Item is placed into transit');
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.hook (key,core_type,description) VALUES ('transit.finish','acp','An Item is received from a transit');
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.hook (key,core_type,description) VALUES ('hold_request.success','ahr','A hold is succefully placed');
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.hook (key,core_type,description) VALUES ('hold_request.failure','ahr','A hold is attempted by not succefully placed');
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.hook (key,core_type,description) VALUES ('hold.capture','ahr','A targeted Item is captured for a hold');
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.hook (key,core_type,description) VALUES ('hold_transit.start','ahtc','A hold-captured Item is placed into transit');
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.hook (key,core_type,description) VALUES ('hold_transit.finish','ahtc','A hold-captured Item is received from a transit');
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.hook (key,core_type,description,passive) VALUES ('checkout.due','circ','Checked out Item is Due',TRUE);
+-- and much more, I'm sure
+-- Specialized collection modules.  Given an FM object, gather some info and return a scalar or ref.
+CREATE TABLE action_trigger.collector (
+    module      TEXT    PRIMARY KEY, -- All live under the OpenILS::Trigger::Collector:: namespace
+    description TEXT    
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.collector (module,description) VALUES ('CircCountsByCircMod','Count of Circulations for a User, broken down by circulation modifier');
+-- Simple tests on an FM object from hook.core_type to test for "should we still do this."
+CREATE TABLE action_trigger.validator (
+    module      TEXT    PRIMARY KEY, -- All live under the OpenILS::Trigger::Validator:: namespace
+    description TEXT    
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.validator (module,description) VALUES ('CircIsOpen','Check that the circulation is still open');
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.validator (module,description) VALUES ('HoldIsAvailable','Check that an item is on the hold shelf');
+-- After an event passes validation (action_trigger.validator), the reactor processes it.
+CREATE TABLE action_trigger.reactor (
+    module      TEXT    PRIMARY KEY, -- All live under the OpenILS::Trigger::Reactor:: namespace
+    description TEXT    
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module,description) VALUES ('SendEmail','Send an email based on a user-defined template');
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module,description) VALUES ('GenerateBatchOverduePDF','Output a batch PDF of overdue notices for printing');
+-- After an event is reacted to (either succes or failure) a cleanup module is run against the resulting environment
+CREATE TABLE action_trigger.cleanup (
+    module      TEXT    PRIMARY KEY, -- All live under the OpenILS::Trigger::Cleanup:: namespace
+    description TEXT    
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.cleanup (module,description) VALUES ('ClearAllPending','Remove all future, pending notifications for this target');
+CREATE TABLE action_trigger.event_definition (
+    id              SERIAL      PRIMARY KEY,
+    active          BOOL        NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,
+    owner           INT         NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id),
+    hook            INT         NOT NULL REFERENCES action_trigger.hook (key),
+    validator       INT         NOT NULL REFERENCES action_trigger.validator (module),
+    reactor         INT         NOT NULL REFERENCES action_trigger.reactor (module),
+    cleanup_success INT         REFERENCES action_trigger.reactor (module),
+    cleanup_failure INT         REFERENCES action_trigger.reactor (module),
+    delay           INTERVAL    NOT NULL DEFAULT '5 minutes',
+    delay_field     TEXT,                 -- for instance, xact_start on a circ hook ... look for fields on hook.core_type where datatype=timestamp? If not set, delay from now()
+    group_field     TEXT,                 -- field from this.hook.core_type to batch event targets together on, fed into reactor a group at a time.
+    template        TEXT        NOT NULL, -- the TT block.  will have an 'environment' hash (or array of hashes, grouped events) built up by validator and collector(s), which can be modified.
+    CONSTRAINT ev_def_owner_hook_val_react_clean_delay_once UNIQUE (owner, hook, validator, reactor, cleanup, delay, delay_field)
+CREATE TABLE action_trigger.environment (
+    id          SERIAL  PRIMARY KEY,
+    event_def   INT     NOT NULL REFERENCES action_trigger.event_definition (id),
+    path        TEXT,       -- fields to flesh. given a hook with a core_type of circ, imagine circ_lib.parent_ou expanding to
+                            -- {flesh: 2, flesh_fields: {circ: ['circ_lib'], aou: ['parent_ou']}} ... default is to flesh all
+                            -- at flesh depth 1
+    collector   TEXT    REFERENCES action_trigger.collector (module), -- if set, given the object at 'path', return some data
+                                                                      -- to be stashed at environment.<label>
+    label       TEXT    CHECK (label NOT IN ('result','target','event')),
+    CONSTRAINT env_event_label_once UNIQUE (event_def,label)
+CREATE TABLE action_trigger.event (
+    id              BIGSERIAL   PRIMARY KEY,
+    target          BIGINT      NOT NULL, -- points at the id from class defined by event_def.hook.core_type
+    event_def       INT         REFERENCES action_trigger.event_definition (id),
+    add_time        TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(),
+    run_time        TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL,
+    start_time      TIMESTAMPTZ,
+    update_time     TIMESTAMPTZ,
+    complete_time   TIMESTAMPTZ,
+    update_process  INT,
+    state           TEXT        NOT NULL DEFAULT 'pending' CHECK (state IN ('pending','found','collecting','validating','reacting','cleanup','complete','error'))
+    template_output TEXT,
+    error_output    TEXT
+CREATE TABLE action_trigger.event_params (
+    id          BIGSERIAL   PRIMARY KEY,
+    event_def   INT         NOT NULL REFERENCES action_trigger.event_definition (id),
+    param       TEXT        NOT NULL, -- the key under environment.event.params to store the output of ...
+    value       TEXT        NOT NULL, -- ... the eval() output of this.  Has access to environmen (and, well, all of perl)
+    CONSTRAINT event_params_event_def_param_once UNIQUE (event_def,param)

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