[open-ils-commits] r12017 - trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps
svn at svn.open-ils.org
svn at svn.open-ils.org
Fri Jan 30 16:38:04 EST 2009
Author: miker
Date: 2009-01-30 16:37:59 -0500 (Fri, 30 Jan 2009)
New Revision: 12017
adding Scott's dump_idl utility, and adding jump support; makefile support for dump_idl
Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/Makefile.am
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/Makefile.am 2009-01-30 21:36:44 UTC (rev 12016)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/Makefile.am 2009-01-30 21:37:59 UTC (rev 12017)
@@ -7,11 +7,15 @@
AM_CFLAGS = $(DEF_CFLAGS) -DOSRF_LOG_PARAMS -I at top_srcdir@/include/
-bin_PROGRAMS = oils_dataloader
+bin_PROGRAMS = oils_dataloader dump_idl
oils_dataloader_SOURCES = oils_dataloader.c
oils_dataloader_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) -loils_idl
oils_dataloader_DEPENDENCIES = liboils_idl.la liboils_utils.la
+dump_idl_SOURCES = dump_idl.c
+dump_idl_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) -loils_idl
+dump_idl_DEPENDENCIES = liboils_idl.la liboils_utils.la
lib_LTLIBRARIES = liboils_idl.la liboils_utils.la oils_cstore.la oils_rstore.la oils_pcrud.la oils_auth.la
liboils_idl_la_SOURCES = oils_idl-core.c
Added: trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/dump_idl.c
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/dump_idl.c (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/dump_idl.c 2009-01-30 21:37:59 UTC (rev 12017)
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+* C Implementation: dump_idl
+* Description:
+* Author: Scott McKellar <scott at esilibrary.com>, (C) 2009
+* Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <opensrf/string_array.h>
+#include <opensrf/osrf_hash.h>
+#include <openils/oils_idl.h>
+static void dump_idl( osrfHash* IDLHash );
+static void dump_class( osrfHash* class_hash, const char* class_name );
+static void dump_fields( osrfHash* field_hash );
+static void dump_one_field( osrfHash* field_hash, const char* field_name );
+static void dump_links( osrfHash* links_hash );
+static void dump_one_link( osrfHash* link_hash, const char* link_name );
+static void dump_permacrud( osrfHash* pcrud_hash );
+static void dump_action( osrfHash* action_hash, const char* action_name );
+static void dump_foreign_context( osrfHash* fc_hash );
+static void dump_fc_class( osrfHash* fc_class_hash, const char* class_name );
+static void dump_string_array(
+ osrfStringArray* sarr, const char* name, const char* indent );
+int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
+ int rc = 0;
+ // Suppress informational messages
+ osrfLogSetLevel( OSRF_LOG_WARNING );
+ // Get name of IDL file, if specified on command line
+ const char* IDL_filename = NULL;
+ int filename_expected = 0; // boolean
+ int i;
+ for( i = 1; i < argc; ++i ) {
+ const char* arg = argv[ i ];
+ printf( "%s\n", arg );
+ if( filename_expected ) {
+ IDL_filename = arg;
+ filename_expected = 0;
+ } else {
+ if( '-' == arg[ 0 ] && 'f' == arg[1] ) {
+ if( IDL_filename ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "Only one IDL file may be specified\n" );
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ if( arg[ 2 ] )
+ IDL_filename = arg + 2;
+ else
+ filename_expected = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( filename_expected ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "IDL filename expected on command line, not found\n" );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // No filename? Look in the environment
+ if( !IDL_filename )
+ IDL_filename = getenv( "OILS_IDL_FILENAME" );
+ // Still no filename? Apply a default
+ if( !IDL_filename )
+ IDL_filename = "/openils/conf/fm_IDL.xml";
+ printf( "IDL filename: %s\n", IDL_filename );
+ osrfHash* IDL = oilsIDLInit( IDL_filename );
+ if( NULL == IDL ) {
+ fputs( "Failed to build IDL\n", stderr );
+ rc = 1;
+ }
+ if( i >= argc )
+ // No classes specified? Dump them all
+ dump_idl( IDL );
+ else do {
+ // Dump the requested classes
+ dump_class( osrfHashGet( IDL, argv[ i ] ), argv[ i ] );
+ ++i;
+ } while( i < argc );
+ return rc;
+static void dump_idl( osrfHash* IDLHash ) {
+ if( NULL == IDLHash )
+ return;
+ if( 0 == osrfHashGetCount( IDLHash ) )
+ return;
+ osrfHashIterator* iter = osrfNewHashIterator( IDLHash );
+ osrfHash* class_hash = NULL;
+ // Dump each class
+ for( ;; ) {
+ class_hash = osrfHashIteratorNext( iter );
+ if( class_hash )
+ dump_class( class_hash, osrfHashIteratorKey( iter ) );
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ osrfHashIteratorFree( iter );
+static void dump_class( osrfHash* class_hash, const char* class_name )
+ if( !class_hash || !class_name )
+ return;
+ if( 0 == osrfHashGetCount( class_hash ) )
+ return;
+ printf( "Class %s\n", class_name );
+ const char* indent = " ";
+ osrfHashIterator* iter = osrfNewHashIterator( class_hash );
+ // Dump each attribute, etc. of the class hash
+ for( ;; ) {
+ void* class_attr = osrfHashIteratorNext( iter );
+ if( class_attr ) {
+ const char* attr_name = osrfHashIteratorKey( iter );
+ if( !strcmp( attr_name, "classname" ) )
+ printf( "%s%s: %s\n", indent, attr_name, (char*) class_attr );
+ else if( !strcmp( attr_name, "fieldmapper" ) )
+ printf( "%s%s: %s\n", indent, attr_name, (char*) class_attr );
+ else if( !strcmp( attr_name, "tablename" ) )
+ printf( "%s%s: %s\n", indent, attr_name, (char*) class_attr );
+ else if( !strcmp( attr_name, "virtual" ) )
+ printf( "%s%s: %s\n", indent, attr_name, (char*) class_attr );
+ else if( !strcmp( attr_name, "controller" ) )
+ dump_string_array( (osrfStringArray*) class_attr, attr_name, indent );
+ else if( !strcmp( attr_name, "fields" ) )
+ dump_fields( (osrfHash*) class_attr );
+ else if( !strcmp( attr_name, "links" ) )
+ dump_links( (osrfHash*) class_attr );
+ else if( !strcmp( attr_name, "primarykey" ) )
+ printf( "%s%s: %s\n", indent, attr_name, (char*) class_attr );
+ else if( !strcmp( attr_name, "sequence" ) )
+ printf( "%s%s: %s\n", indent, attr_name, (char*) class_attr );
+ else if( !strcmp( attr_name, "permacrud" ) )
+ dump_permacrud( (osrfHash*) class_attr );
+ else if( !strcmp( attr_name, "source_definition" ) )
+ printf( "%s%s:\n%s\n", indent, attr_name, (char*) class_attr );
+ else
+ printf( "%s%s (unknown)\n", indent, attr_name );
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
+static void dump_fields( osrfHash* fields_hash ) {
+ if( NULL == fields_hash )
+ return;
+ if( 0 == osrfHashGetCount( fields_hash ) )
+ return;
+ fputs( " fields\n", stdout );
+ osrfHashIterator* iter = osrfNewHashIterator( fields_hash );
+ osrfHash* fields_attr = NULL;
+ // Dump each field
+ for( ;; ) {
+ fields_attr = osrfHashIteratorNext( iter );
+ if( fields_attr )
+ dump_one_field( fields_attr, osrfHashIteratorKey( iter ) );
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ osrfHashIteratorFree( iter );
+static void dump_one_field( osrfHash* field_hash, const char* field_name ) {
+ if( !field_hash || !field_name )
+ return;
+ if( 0 == osrfHashGetCount( field_hash ) )
+ return;
+ printf( " %s\n", field_name );
+ osrfHashIterator* iter = osrfNewHashIterator( field_hash );
+ const char* field_attr = NULL;
+ const char* indent = " ";
+ // Dump each field attribute
+ for( ;; ) {
+ field_attr = osrfHashIteratorNext( iter );
+ if( field_attr )
+ printf( "%s%s: %s\n", indent, osrfHashIteratorKey( iter ), field_attr );
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ osrfHashIteratorFree( iter );
+static void dump_links( osrfHash* links_hash ) {
+ if( NULL == links_hash )
+ return;
+ if( 0 == osrfHashGetCount( links_hash ) )
+ return;
+ fputs( " links\n", stdout );
+ osrfHashIterator* iter = osrfNewHashIterator( links_hash );
+ osrfHash* links_attr = NULL;
+ // Dump each link
+ for( ;; ) {
+ links_attr = osrfHashIteratorNext( iter );
+ if( links_attr )
+ dump_one_link( links_attr, osrfHashIteratorKey( iter ) );
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ osrfHashIteratorFree( iter );
+static void dump_one_link( osrfHash* link_hash, const char* link_name ) {
+ if( !link_hash || !link_name )
+ return;
+ if( 0 == osrfHashGetCount( link_hash ) )
+ return;
+ printf( " %s\n", link_name );
+ osrfHashIterator* iter = osrfNewHashIterator( link_hash );
+ const void* link_attr = NULL;
+ const char* indent = " ";
+ // Dump each link attribute
+ for( ;; ) {
+ link_attr = osrfHashIteratorNext( iter );
+ if( link_attr ) {
+ const char* link_attr_name = osrfHashIteratorKey( iter );
+ if( !strcmp( link_attr_name, "reltype" ) )
+ printf( "%s%s: %s\n", indent, link_attr_name, (char*) link_attr );
+ else if( !strcmp( link_attr_name, "key" ) )
+ printf( "%s%s: %s\n", indent, link_attr_name, (char*) link_attr );
+ else if( !strcmp( link_attr_name, "class" ) )
+ printf( "%s%s: %s\n", indent, link_attr_name, (char*) link_attr );
+ else if( !strcmp( link_attr_name, "map" ) )
+ dump_string_array( (osrfStringArray*) link_attr, link_attr_name, indent );
+ else if( !strcmp( link_attr_name, "field" ) )
+ printf( "%s%s: %s\n", indent, link_attr_name, (char*) link_attr );
+ else
+ printf( "%s%s (unknown)\n", indent, link_attr_name );
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
+ osrfHashIteratorFree( iter );
+static void dump_permacrud( osrfHash* pcrud_hash ) {
+ if( NULL == pcrud_hash )
+ return;
+ if( 0 == osrfHashGetCount( pcrud_hash ) )
+ return;
+ fputs( " permacrud\n", stdout );
+ osrfHashIterator* iter = osrfNewHashIterator( pcrud_hash );
+ osrfHash* pcrud_attr = NULL;
+ // Dump each action
+ for( ;; ) {
+ pcrud_attr = osrfHashIteratorNext( iter );
+ if( pcrud_attr )
+ dump_action( pcrud_attr, osrfHashIteratorKey( iter ) );
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ osrfHashIteratorFree( iter );
+static void dump_action( osrfHash* action_hash, const char* action_name ) {
+ if( !action_hash || !action_name )
+ return;
+ if( 0 == osrfHashGetCount( action_hash ) )
+ return;
+ printf( " %s\n", action_name );
+ osrfHashIterator* iter = osrfNewHashIterator( action_hash );
+ void* action_attr = NULL;
+ const char* indent = " ";
+ // Dump each attribute of the action
+ for( ;; ) {
+ action_attr = osrfHashIteratorNext( iter );
+ if( action_attr ) {
+ const char* attr_name = osrfHashIteratorKey( iter );
+ if( !strcmp( attr_name, "permission" ) )
+ dump_string_array( action_attr, attr_name, indent );
+ else if( !strcmp( attr_name, "global_required" ) )
+ printf( "%s%s: %s\n", indent, attr_name, (char*) action_attr );
+ else if( !strcmp( attr_name, "local_context" ) )
+ dump_string_array( action_attr, attr_name, indent );
+ else if( !strcmp( attr_name, "foreign_context" ) )
+ dump_foreign_context( action_attr );
+ else
+ printf( "%s%s (unknown)\n", indent, attr_name );
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
+ osrfHashIteratorFree( iter );
+static void dump_foreign_context( osrfHash* fc_hash ) {
+ if( !fc_hash )
+ return;
+ if( 0 == osrfHashGetCount( fc_hash ) )
+ return;
+ fputs( " foreign_context\n", stdout );
+ osrfHashIterator* iter = osrfNewHashIterator( fc_hash );
+ osrfHash* fc_attr = NULL;
+ // Dump each foreign context attribute
+ for( ;; ) {
+ fc_attr = osrfHashIteratorNext( iter );
+ if( fc_attr )
+ dump_fc_class( (osrfHash*) fc_attr, osrfHashIteratorKey( iter ) );
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ osrfHashIteratorFree( iter );
+static void dump_fc_class( osrfHash* fc_class_hash, const char* class_name )
+ if( ! fc_class_hash )
+ return;
+ if( 0 == osrfHashGetCount( fc_class_hash ) )
+ return;
+ printf( " %s\n", class_name );
+ osrfHashIterator* iter = osrfNewHashIterator( fc_class_hash );
+ void* fc_class_attr = NULL;
+ const char* indent = " ";
+ // Dump each foreign context attribute
+ for( ;; ) {
+ fc_class_attr = osrfHashIteratorNext( iter );
+ if( fc_class_attr ) {
+ const char* fc_class_attr_name = osrfHashIteratorKey( iter );
+ if( !strcmp( fc_class_attr_name, "field" ) )
+ printf( "%s%s: %s\n", indent, fc_class_attr_name, (const char*) fc_class_attr );
+ else if( !strcmp( fc_class_attr_name, "fkey" ) )
+ printf( "%s%s: %s\n", indent, fc_class_attr_name, (const char*) fc_class_attr );
+ else if( !strcmp( fc_class_attr_name, "jump" ) )
+ dump_string_array( (osrfStringArray*) fc_class_attr, fc_class_attr_name, indent );
+ else if( !strcmp( fc_class_attr_name, "context" ) )
+ dump_string_array( (osrfStringArray*) fc_class_attr, fc_class_attr_name, indent );
+ else
+ printf( "%s%s\n", indent, fc_class_attr_name );
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
+ osrfHashIteratorFree( iter );
+static void dump_string_array(
+ osrfStringArray* sarr, const char* name, const char* indent ) {
+ if( !sarr || !name || !indent )
+ return;
+ int size = sarr->size;
+ // Ignore an empty array
+ if( 0 == size )
+ return;
+ printf( "%s%s (string array)\n", indent, name );
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < size; ++i )
+ printf( "%s\t%s\n", indent, osrfStringArrayGetString( sarr, i ) );
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