[open-ils-commits] r586 - in conifer/trunk/tools: . config daily-scripts (dbs)

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Fri Jul 17 16:02:11 EDT 2009

Author: dbs
Date: 2009-07-17 16:02:07 -0400 (Fri, 17 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 586

Move daily scripts around, create a config directory for some good stuff like Z39.50 servers

Deleted: conifer/trunk/tools/circ_date_to_expire_date.pl
--- conifer/trunk/tools/circ_date_to_expire_date.pl	2009-07-16 20:37:10 UTC (rev 585)
+++ conifer/trunk/tools/circ_date_to_expire_date.pl	2009-07-17 20:02:07 UTC (rev 586)
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-# Evergreen sets due dates that are past the user's expiry date
-# Let's fix that after the fact, for now, by setting the due dates to the user's expiry date
-use DBI;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use OpenSRF::EX qw/:try/;
-use OpenSRF::Utils qw/:daemon/;
-use OpenSRF::System;
-use OpenSRF::AppSession;
-use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
-my ($config, $set_due_time) = ('/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml', 0);
-	"bootstrap=s"	=> \$config,
-	"set_due_time"	=> \$set_due_time,
-OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client( config_file => $config );
-my $sc = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new;
-my $db_driver = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => 'driver' );
-my $db_host = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'host' );
-my $db_port = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'port' );
-my $db_name = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'db' );
-my $db_user = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'user' );
-my $db_pw = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'pw' );
-my $dsn = "dbi:" . $db_driver . ":dbname=" . $db_name .';host=' . $db_host . ';port=' . $db_port;
-my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$db_user,$db_pw, {pg_enable_utf8 => 1, RaiseError => 1});
-sub end_of_day {
-	my $set_due_time = shift;
-	my $select_stmt = <<STMT;
-		SELECT aoc.due_date, au.expire_date
-		FROM action.open_circulation aoc 
-		INNER JOIN actor.usr au ON au.id = aoc.usr
-		WHERE aoc.due_date > au.expire_date
-		AND au.expire_date > NOW()
-		AND au.expire_date < NOW() + '2 years'::interval
-		AND au.home_ou IN (103, 110, 126)
-		ORDER BY au.expire_date
-        my $update_stmt = <<UPDATE;
-                UPDATE action.circulation ac SET due_date = au.expire_date
-                FROM actor.usr au 
-                WHERE au.id = ac.usr
-                        AND ac.due_date > au.expire_date
-                        AND au.expire_date > NOW()
-                        AND au.expire_date < NOW() + '2 years'::interval
-                        AND au.home_ou IN (103, 110, 126)
-                        AND ac.checkin_time IS NULL
-	my $results = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($select_stmt);
-	print localtime() . " - found " . scalar(@$results) . " circulation transactions to update where due_date > expire_date\n";
-	if ($set_due_time) {
-		my $stmt = $dbh->prepare($update_stmt);
-		my $updates = $stmt->execute();
-		print "Updated $updates circulation transactions.\n";
-	}

Added: conifer/trunk/tools/config/z3950.xml
--- conifer/trunk/tools/config/z3950.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ conifer/trunk/tools/config/z3950.xml	2009-07-17 20:02:07 UTC (rev 586)
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+        <z3950>
+            <default>biblios</default>
+            <services>
+                <AMICUS>
+                    <!-- AMICUS does not require username/password -->
+                    <name>AMICUS</name>
+                    <host>amicus.nlc-bnc.ca</host>
+                    <port>210</port>
+                    <db>NL</db>
+                    <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
+                    <record_format>F</record_format> 
+                    <!-- Record transmission format from the server.  Supported -->
+                    <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml).         -->
+                    <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format> 
+                    <attrs>
+                        <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
+                        <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
+                        <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
+                        <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
+                        <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
+                        <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
+                        <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
+                        <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
+                        <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
+                    </attrs>
+                </AMICUS>
+                <McGill>
+                    <!-- No username/password required -->
+                    <name>McGill</name>
+                    <host>aleph.mcgill.ca</host>
+                    <port>210</port>
+                    <db>MUSE</db>
+                    <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
+                    <record_format>F</record_format> 
+                    <!-- Record transmission format from the server.  Supported -->
+                    <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml).         -->
+                    <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format> 
+                    <attrs>
+                        <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
+                        <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
+                        <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
+                        <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
+                        <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
+                        <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
+                        <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
+                        <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
+                        <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
+                    </attrs>
+                </McGill>
+                <UChicago>
+                    <!-- No username/password required -->
+                    <name>UChicago</name>
+                    <host>ipac.lib.uchicago.edu</host>
+                    <port>210</port>
+                    <db>uofc</db>
+                    <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
+                    <record_format>F</record_format> 
+                    <!-- Record transmission format from the server.  Supported -->
+                    <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml).         -->
+                    <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format> 
+                    <attrs>
+                        <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
+                        <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
+                        <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
+                        <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
+                        <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
+                        <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
+                        <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
+                        <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
+                        <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
+                    </attrs>
+                </UChicago>
+                <ULaval>
+                    <!-- UofT does not require username/password -->
+                    <name>ULaval</name>
+                    <host>ariane2.ulaval.ca</host>
+                    <port>2200</port>
+                    <db>unicorn</db>
+                    <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
+                    <record_format>F</record_format> 
+                    <!-- Record transmission format from the server.  Supported -->
+                    <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml).         -->
+                    <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format> 
+                    <attrs>
+                        <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
+                        <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
+                        <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
+                        <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
+                        <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
+                        <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
+                        <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
+                        <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
+                        <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
+                    </attrs>
+                </ULaval>
+                <UManitoba>
+                    <!-- No username/password required -->
+                    <name>UManitoba</name>
+                    <host>lrpapp.cc.umanitoba.ca</host>
+                    <port>2200</port>
+                    <db>unicorn</db>
+                    <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
+                    <record_format>FI</record_format> 
+                    <!-- Record transmission format from the server.  Supported -->
+                    <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml).         -->
+                    <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format> 
+                    <attrs>
+                        <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
+                        <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
+                        <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
+                        <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
+                        <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
+                        <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
+                        <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
+                        <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
+                        <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
+                    </attrs>
+                </UManitoba>
+                <UMichigan>
+                    <!-- No username/password required -->
+                    <name>UMichigan</name>
+                    <host>z3950.lib.umich.edu</host>
+                    <port>210</port>
+                    <db>miu101_pub</db>
+                    <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
+                    <record_format>FI</record_format> 
+                    <!-- Record transmission format from the server.  Supported -->
+                    <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml).         -->
+                    <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format> 
+                    <attrs>
+                        <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
+                        <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
+                        <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
+                        <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
+                        <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
+                        <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
+                        <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
+                        <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
+                        <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
+                    </attrs>
+                </UMichigan>
+                <UMontréal>
+                    <!-- No username/password required -->
+                    <name>UMontréal</name>
+                    <host>atrium.bib.umontreal.ca</host>
+                    <port>210</port>
+                    <db>ADVANCE</db>
+                    <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
+                    <record_format>F</record_format> 
+                    <!-- Record transmission format from the server.  Supported -->
+                    <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml).         -->
+                    <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format> 
+                    <attrs>
+                        <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
+                        <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
+                        <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
+                        <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
+                        <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
+                        <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
+                        <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
+                        <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
+                        <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
+                    </attrs>
+                </UMontréal>
+                <UofT>
+                    <!-- No username/password required -->
+                    <name>UofT</name>
+                    <host>sirsi.library.utoronto.ca</host>
+                    <port>2200</port>
+                    <db>UNICORN</db>
+                    <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
+                    <record_format>F</record_format> 
+                    <!-- Record transmission format from the server.  Supported -->
+                    <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml).         -->
+                    <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format> 
+                    <attrs>
+                        <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
+                        <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
+                        <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
+                        <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
+                        <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
+                        <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
+                        <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
+                        <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
+                        <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
+                    </attrs>
+                </UofT>
+                <UWO>
+                    <!-- No username/password required -->
+                    <name>UWO</name>
+                    <host>alpha.lib.uwo.ca</host>
+                    <port>210</port>
+                    <db>INNOPAC</db>
+                    <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
+                    <record_format>F</record_format> 
+                    <!-- Record transmission format from the server.  Supported -->
+                    <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml).         -->
+                    <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format> 
+                    <attrs>
+                        <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
+                        <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
+                        <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
+                        <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
+                        <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
+                        <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
+                        <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
+                        <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
+                        <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
+                    </attrs>
+                </UWO>
+                <biblios>
+                    <!-- biblios does not require username/password -->
+                    <name>‡biblios.net</name>
+                    <host>z3950.biblios.net</host>
+                    <port>210</port>
+                    <db>bibliographic</db>
+                    <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
+                    <record_format>FI</record_format> 
+                    <!-- Record transmission format from the server.  Supported -->
+                    <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml).         -->
+                    <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format> 
+                    <attrs>
+                        <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
+                        <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
+                        <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
+                        <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
+                        <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
+                        <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
+                        <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
+                        <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
+                        <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
+                    </attrs>
+                </biblios>
+                <loc>
+                    <!-- LoC does not require username/password -->
+                    <name>loc</name>
+                    <host>z3950.loc.gov</host>
+                    <port>7090</port>
+                    <db>Voyager</db>
+                    <!-- fetch the full record with no holdings. FI is the most common choice -->
+                    <record_format>FI</record_format> 
+                    <!-- Record transmission format from the server.  Supported -->
+                    <!-- formats include usmarc and xml (for marcxml).         -->
+                    <transmission_format>usmarc</transmission_format> 
+                    <attrs>
+                        <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
+                        <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
+                        <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
+                        <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
+                        <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
+                        <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
+                        <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
+                        <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
+                        <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
+                    </attrs>
+                </loc>
+                <oclc>
+                    <!-- Z3950 settings for OCLC.  Note that OCLC requires username/password -->
+                    <host>zcat.oclc.org</host>
+                    <port>210</port>
+                    <db>OLUCWorldCat</db>
+                    <attrs>
+                        <!--
+                        These are directly from the Bib-1 Attribute Set
+                        http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/defns/bib1.html
+                        <code> is the "use attribute", <format> is the "structure attribute"
+                        This just puts some friendly names on the data.
+                        -->
+                        <tcn><code>12</code><format>1</format></tcn>
+                        <isbn><code>7</code><format>6</format></isbn>
+                        <lccn><code>9</code><format>1</format></lccn>
+                        <author><code>1003</code><format>6</format></author>
+                        <title><code>4</code><format>6</format></title>
+                        <issn><code>8</code><format>1</format></issn>
+                        <publisher><code>1018</code><format>6</format></publisher>
+                        <pubdate><code>31</code><format>1</format></pubdate>
+                        <item_type><code>1001</code><format>1</format></item_type>
+                    </attrs>
+                </oclc>
+            </services>
+        </z3950>

Copied: conifer/trunk/tools/daily-scripts/circ_date_to_expire_date.pl (from rev 581, conifer/trunk/tools/circ_date_to_expire_date.pl)
--- conifer/trunk/tools/daily-scripts/circ_date_to_expire_date.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ conifer/trunk/tools/daily-scripts/circ_date_to_expire_date.pl	2009-07-17 20:02:07 UTC (rev 586)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# Evergreen sets due dates that are past the user's expiry date
+# Let's fix that after the fact, for now, by setting the due dates to the user's expiry date
+use DBI;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use OpenSRF::EX qw/:try/;
+use OpenSRF::Utils qw/:daemon/;
+use OpenSRF::System;
+use OpenSRF::AppSession;
+use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
+my ($config, $set_due_time) = ('/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml', 0);
+	"bootstrap=s"	=> \$config,
+	"set_due_time"	=> \$set_due_time,
+OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client( config_file => $config );
+my $sc = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new;
+my $db_driver = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => 'driver' );
+my $db_host = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'host' );
+my $db_port = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'port' );
+my $db_name = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'db' );
+my $db_user = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'user' );
+my $db_pw = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'pw' );
+my $dsn = "dbi:" . $db_driver . ":dbname=" . $db_name .';host=' . $db_host . ';port=' . $db_port;
+my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$db_user,$db_pw, {pg_enable_utf8 => 1, RaiseError => 1});
+sub end_of_day {
+	my $set_due_time = shift;
+	my $select_stmt = <<STMT;
+		SELECT aoc.due_date, au.expire_date
+		FROM action.open_circulation aoc 
+		INNER JOIN actor.usr au ON au.id = aoc.usr
+		WHERE aoc.due_date > au.expire_date
+		AND au.expire_date > NOW()
+		AND au.expire_date < NOW() + '2 years'::interval
+		AND au.home_ou IN (103, 110, 126)
+		ORDER BY au.expire_date
+        my $update_stmt = <<UPDATE;
+                UPDATE action.circulation ac SET due_date = au.expire_date
+                FROM actor.usr au 
+                WHERE au.id = ac.usr
+                        AND ac.due_date > au.expire_date
+                        AND au.expire_date > NOW()
+                        AND au.expire_date < NOW() + '2 years'::interval
+                        AND au.home_ou IN (103, 110, 126)
+                        AND ac.checkin_time IS NULL
+	my $results = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($select_stmt);
+	print localtime() . " - found " . scalar(@$results) . " circulation transactions to update where due_date > expire_date\n";
+	if ($set_due_time) {
+		my $stmt = $dbh->prepare($update_stmt);
+		my $updates = $stmt->execute();
+		print "Updated $updates circulation transactions.\n";
+	}

Property changes on: conifer/trunk/tools/daily-scripts/circ_date_to_expire_date.pl
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: conifer/trunk/tools/daily-scripts/end_of_the_day.pl (from rev 575, conifer/trunk/tools/end_of_the_day.pl)
--- conifer/trunk/tools/daily-scripts/end_of_the_day.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ conifer/trunk/tools/daily-scripts/end_of_the_day.pl	2009-07-17 20:02:07 UTC (rev 586)
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Sets the due time of items with a given loan period for a given library to 23:59:59
+# This is a temporary workaround for Evergreen's assumption that the
+# fine generating script will only run once a day, to avoid dinging a patron
+# with an overdue charge at 48 hours + 5 minutes rather than at the end of the
+# day that 48 hours falls on.
+# We also found that editing the due date for a given item sets the corresponding
+# due time to 00:00 - which isn't great, as that means that it is due the minute
+# the day starts. So, for now, we'll set all daily / weekly loans or those loans
+# that are due exactly at midnight to being due at 23:59:59 - the very last second
+# of the day on which it is due. This probably meets our patrons' expectations a bit
+# better.
+use DBI;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use OpenSRF::EX qw/:try/;
+use OpenSRF::Utils qw/:daemon/;
+use OpenSRF::System;
+use OpenSRF::AppSession;
+use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
+my ($config, $set_due_time) = ('/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml', 0);
+	"bootstrap=s"	=> \$config,
+	"set_due_time"	=> \$set_due_time,
+OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client( config_file => $config );
+my $sc = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new;
+my $db_driver = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => 'driver' );
+my $db_host = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'host' );
+my $db_port = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'port' );
+my $db_name = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'db' );
+my $db_user = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'user' );
+my $db_pw = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'pw' );
+my $dsn = "dbi:" . $db_driver . ":dbname=" . $db_name .';host=' . $db_host . ';port=' . $db_port;
+my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$db_user,$db_pw, {pg_enable_utf8 => 1, RaiseError => 1});
+sub end_of_day {
+	my $set_due_time = shift;
+        my $select_stmt = <<STMT;
+		SELECT id
+		FROM action.circulation
+		WHERE checkin_time IS NULL
+		AND (
+			(
+				due_date::TIME != '23:59:59'
+				AND duration_rule LIKE ('%days%')
+				OR duration_rule LIKE ('%weeks%')
+				OR duration_rule = '48_hours_2_renew'
+			) OR (
+				due_date::TIME = '00:00:00'
+			)
+		) AND circ_lib IN (
+			SELECT id
+			FROM actor.org_unit
+			WHERE parent_ou = 105
+		)
+        my $update_stmt = <<UPDATE;
+                UPDATE action.circulation
+                SET due_date = CAST(due_date::DATE || ' ' || '23:59:59-04' AS TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE)
+		WHERE checkin_time IS NULL
+		AND (
+			(
+				due_date::TIME != '23:59:59'
+				AND duration_rule LIKE ('%days%')
+				OR duration_rule LIKE ('%weeks%')
+				OR duration_rule = '48_hours_2_renew'
+			) OR (
+				due_date::TIME = '00:00:00'
+			)
+		) AND circ_lib IN (
+			SELECT id
+			FROM actor.org_unit
+			WHERE parent_ou = 105
+		)
+        my $results = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($select_stmt);
+        print localtime() . " - found " . scalar(@$results) . " circulation transactions to update:\n";
+        foreach (@$results) {
+                print "\t$_\n";
+        }
+        if ($set_due_time) {
+                my $stmt = $dbh->prepare($update_stmt);
+                my $updates = $stmt->execute();
+                print "Updated $updates circulation transactions.\n";
+        }

Property changes on: conifer/trunk/tools/daily-scripts/end_of_the_day.pl
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: conifer/trunk/tools/daily-scripts/reingest_uningested.pl (from rev 570, conifer/trunk/tools/reingest_uningested.pl)
--- conifer/trunk/tools/daily-scripts/reingest_uningested.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ conifer/trunk/tools/daily-scripts/reingest_uningested.pl	2009-07-17 20:02:07 UTC (rev 586)
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# Reingest biblio.record_entry records that didn't get ingested due to the simple_rec_sync bug
+# Ingested records are expected to have an entry in the keyword index
+# Might want to build a variation on this that reingests edited records on a nightly basis
+use DBI;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use OpenSRF::EX qw/:try/;
+use OpenSRF::Utils qw/:daemon/;
+use OpenSRF::System;
+use OpenSRF::AppSession;
+use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
+my ($config, $reingest) = ('/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml', 0);
+	"bootstrap=s"	=> \$config,
+	"reingest"	=> \$reingest,
+OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client( config_file => $config );
+my $sc = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new;
+my $db_driver = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => 'driver' );
+my $db_host = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'host' );
+my $db_port = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'port' );
+my $db_name = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'db' );
+my $db_user = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'user' );
+my $db_pw = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'pw' );
+my $dsn = "dbi:" . $db_driver . ":dbname=" . $db_name .';host=' . $db_host . ';port=' . $db_port;
+my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$db_user,$db_pw, {pg_enable_utf8 => 1, RaiseError => 1});
+sub reingest_empty_records {
+	my $select_stmt = <<STMT;
+		SELECT bre.id
+		FROM biblio.record_entry bre
+		WHERE deleted IS FALSE
+		AND bre.id > 0
+		SELECT mrd.source
+		FROM metabib.keyword_field_entry mrd
+	my $results = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($select_stmt);
+	print localtime() . " - found " . scalar(@$results) . " records to reingest\n";
+	foreach (@$results) {
+		print "\t$_\n";
+	}
+	if ($reingest) {
+		foreach (@$results) {
+			my $r = OpenSRF::AppSession
+				->create( 'open-ils.ingest' )
+				->request( 'open-ils.ingest.full.biblio.record' => $_ );
+			while (!$r->complete) { $r->recv };
+			# Sleep for 10 seconds between each request to prevent blocking
+			sleep(10);
+		}
+	}

Property changes on: conifer/trunk/tools/daily-scripts/reingest_uningested.pl
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Deleted: conifer/trunk/tools/delete_ill_books.pl
--- conifer/trunk/tools/delete_ill_books.pl	2009-07-16 20:37:10 UTC (rev 585)
+++ conifer/trunk/tools/delete_ill_books.pl	2009-07-17 20:02:07 UTC (rev 586)
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use DBI;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use OpenSRF::EX qw/:try/;
-use OpenSRF::Utils qw/:daemon/;
-use OpenSRF::System;
-use OpenSRF::AppSession;
-use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
-use File::Find;
-my ($config) = ('/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml');
-	"bootstrap=s"	=> \$config,
-OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client( config_file => $config );
-my $sc = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new;
-my $db_driver = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => 'driver' );
-my $db_host = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'host' );
-my $db_port = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'port' );
-my $db_name = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'db' );
-my $db_user = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'user' );
-my $db_pw = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'pw' );
-my $dsn = "dbi:" . $db_driver . ":dbname=" . $db_name .';host=' . $db_host . ';port=' . $db_port;
-my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$db_user,$db_pw, {pg_enable_utf8 => 1, RaiseError => 1});
-sub delete_racer_callnumbers {
-	my $select_stmt = <<SELECT;
-		SELECT acn.id
-		FROM asset.call_number acn
-		INNER JOIN asset.copy ac ON ac.call_number = acn.id
-		INNER JOIN action.circulation acirc ON ac.id = acirc.target_copy
-		AND acn.record IN (
-			SELECT bre.id
-			FROM biblio.record_entry bre
-			WHERE bre.id IN (
-				'2237519',
-				'2239801',
-				'2239798',
-				'2239797',
-				'2239799',
-				'2239800'
-                        )
-			AND bre.deleted IS FALSE
-		) AND acirc.checkin_time IS NOT NULL
-		AND acirc.id NOT IN (
-			SELECT id 
-			FROM money.open_billable_xact_summary
-		) AND acn.deleted IS FALSE
-	my $delete_stmt = <<DELETE;
-		DELETE FROM asset.call_number acn
-		USING  asset.copy ac 
-		INNER JOIN action.circulation acirc ON ac.id = acirc.target_copy
-		WHERE acn.id = ac.call_number 
-		AND acn.record IN (
-			SELECT bre.id
-			FROM biblio.record_entry bre
-			WHERE bre.id IN (
-				'2237519',
-				'2239801',
-				'2239798',
-				'2239797',
-				'2239799',
-				'2239800'
-                        )
-			AND bre.deleted IS FALSE
-		) AND acirc.checkin_time IS NOT NULL
-		AND acirc.id NOT IN (
-			SELECT id 
-			FROM money.open_billable_xact_summary
-		) AND acn.deleted IS FALSE
-	my $results = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($select_stmt);
-	print localtime() . " - found " . scalar(@$results) . " RACER book call numbers to delete:\n";
-	if (scalar(@$results)) {
-		foreach (@$results) {
-			print "\t$_\n";
-		}
-		my $stmt = $dbh->prepare($delete_stmt);
-		my $updates = $stmt->execute();
-	}

Deleted: conifer/trunk/tools/end_of_the_day.pl
--- conifer/trunk/tools/end_of_the_day.pl	2009-07-16 20:37:10 UTC (rev 585)
+++ conifer/trunk/tools/end_of_the_day.pl	2009-07-17 20:02:07 UTC (rev 586)
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Sets the due time of items with a given loan period for a given library to 23:59:59
-# This is a temporary workaround for Evergreen's assumption that the
-# fine generating script will only run once a day, to avoid dinging a patron
-# with an overdue charge at 48 hours + 5 minutes rather than at the end of the
-# day that 48 hours falls on.
-# We also found that editing the due date for a given item sets the corresponding
-# due time to 00:00 - which isn't great, as that means that it is due the minute
-# the day starts. So, for now, we'll set all daily / weekly loans or those loans
-# that are due exactly at midnight to being due at 23:59:59 - the very last second
-# of the day on which it is due. This probably meets our patrons' expectations a bit
-# better.
-use DBI;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use OpenSRF::EX qw/:try/;
-use OpenSRF::Utils qw/:daemon/;
-use OpenSRF::System;
-use OpenSRF::AppSession;
-use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
-my ($config, $set_due_time) = ('/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml', 0);
-	"bootstrap=s"	=> \$config,
-	"set_due_time"	=> \$set_due_time,
-OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client( config_file => $config );
-my $sc = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new;
-my $db_driver = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => 'driver' );
-my $db_host = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'host' );
-my $db_port = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'port' );
-my $db_name = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'db' );
-my $db_user = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'user' );
-my $db_pw = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'pw' );
-my $dsn = "dbi:" . $db_driver . ":dbname=" . $db_name .';host=' . $db_host . ';port=' . $db_port;
-my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$db_user,$db_pw, {pg_enable_utf8 => 1, RaiseError => 1});
-sub end_of_day {
-	my $set_due_time = shift;
-        my $select_stmt = <<STMT;
-		SELECT id
-		FROM action.circulation
-		WHERE checkin_time IS NULL
-		AND (
-			(
-				due_date::TIME != '23:59:59'
-				AND duration_rule LIKE ('%days%')
-				OR duration_rule LIKE ('%weeks%')
-				OR duration_rule = '48_hours_2_renew'
-			) OR (
-				due_date::TIME = '00:00:00'
-			)
-		) AND circ_lib IN (
-			SELECT id
-			FROM actor.org_unit
-			WHERE parent_ou = 105
-		)
-        my $update_stmt = <<UPDATE;
-                UPDATE action.circulation
-                SET due_date = CAST(due_date::DATE || ' ' || '23:59:59-04' AS TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE)
-		WHERE checkin_time IS NULL
-		AND (
-			(
-				due_date::TIME != '23:59:59'
-				AND duration_rule LIKE ('%days%')
-				OR duration_rule LIKE ('%weeks%')
-				OR duration_rule = '48_hours_2_renew'
-			) OR (
-				due_date::TIME = '00:00:00'
-			)
-		) AND circ_lib IN (
-			SELECT id
-			FROM actor.org_unit
-			WHERE parent_ou = 105
-		)
-        my $results = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($select_stmt);
-        print localtime() . " - found " . scalar(@$results) . " circulation transactions to update:\n";
-        foreach (@$results) {
-                print "\t$_\n";
-        }
-        if ($set_due_time) {
-                my $stmt = $dbh->prepare($update_stmt);
-                my $updates = $stmt->execute();
-                print "Updated $updates circulation transactions.\n";
-        }

Deleted: conifer/trunk/tools/reingest_uningested.pl
--- conifer/trunk/tools/reingest_uningested.pl	2009-07-16 20:37:10 UTC (rev 585)
+++ conifer/trunk/tools/reingest_uningested.pl	2009-07-17 20:02:07 UTC (rev 586)
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-# Reingest biblio.record_entry records that didn't get ingested due to the simple_rec_sync bug
-# Ingested records are expected to have an entry in the keyword index
-# Might want to build a variation on this that reingests edited records on a nightly basis
-use DBI;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use OpenSRF::EX qw/:try/;
-use OpenSRF::Utils qw/:daemon/;
-use OpenSRF::System;
-use OpenSRF::AppSession;
-use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
-my ($config, $reingest) = ('/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml', 0);
-	"bootstrap=s"	=> \$config,
-	"reingest"	=> \$reingest,
-OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client( config_file => $config );
-my $sc = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new;
-my $db_driver = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => 'driver' );
-my $db_host = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'host' );
-my $db_port = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'port' );
-my $db_name = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'db' );
-my $db_user = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'user' );
-my $db_pw = $sc->config_value( apps => 'open-ils.storage' => app_settings => databases => database => 'pw' );
-my $dsn = "dbi:" . $db_driver . ":dbname=" . $db_name .';host=' . $db_host . ';port=' . $db_port;
-my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$db_user,$db_pw, {pg_enable_utf8 => 1, RaiseError => 1});
-sub reingest_empty_records {
-	my $select_stmt = <<STMT;
-		SELECT bre.id
-		FROM biblio.record_entry bre
-		WHERE deleted IS FALSE
-		AND bre.id > 0
-		SELECT mrd.source
-		FROM metabib.keyword_field_entry mrd
-	my $results = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($select_stmt);
-	print localtime() . " - found " . scalar(@$results) . " records to reingest\n";
-	foreach (@$results) {
-		print "\t$_\n";
-	}
-	if ($reingest) {
-		foreach (@$results) {
-			my $r = OpenSRF::AppSession
-				->create( 'open-ils.ingest' )
-				->request( 'open-ils.ingest.full.biblio.record' => $_ );
-			while (!$r->complete) { $r->recv };
-			# Sleep for 10 seconds between each request to prevent blocking
-			sleep(10);
-		}
-	}

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