[open-ils-commits] r12490 - in trunk/Open-ILS: src/extras web/opac/extras/slimpac web/opac/skin/default/xml/common (dbs)
svn at svn.open-ils.org
svn at svn.open-ils.org
Thu Mar 12 11:57:40 EDT 2009
Author: dbs
Date: 2009-03-12 11:57:37 -0400 (Thu, 12 Mar 2009)
New Revision: 12490
Enable slimpac and dynamic OPAC to have localized org trees
Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/autogen.sh
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/autogen.sh 2009-03-12 15:55:45 UTC (rev 12489)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/autogen.sh 2009-03-12 15:57:37 UTC (rev 12490)
@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@
perl fieldmapper.pl "$CONFIG" "web_core" > "$JSDIR/fmcore.js";
echo "Updating OrgTree";
-perl org_tree_js.pl "$CONFIG" > "$JSDIR/OrgTree.js";
-cp "$JSDIR/OrgTree.js" "$FMDOJODIR/"
+perl org_tree_js.pl "$CONFIG" "$JSDIR" "OrgTree.js";
+cp "$JSDIR/en-US/OrgTree.js" "$FMDOJODIR/"
echo "Updating OrgTree HTML";
-perl org_tree_html_options.pl "$CONFIG" "$SLIMPACDIR/lib_list.inc";
+perl org_tree_html_options.pl "$CONFIG" "$SLIMPACDIR" "lib_list.inc";
echo "Updating locales selection HTML";
perl locale_html_options.pl "$CONFIG" "$SLIMPACDIR/locales.inc";
Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/org_tree_html_options.pl
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/org_tree_html_options.pl 2009-03-12 15:55:45 UTC (rev 12489)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/org_tree_html_options.pl 2009-03-12 15:57:37 UTC (rev 12490)
@@ -1,56 +1,64 @@
-# turns the orgTree and orgTypes into a static HTML option list
+# for each supported locale, turn the orgTree and orgTypes into a static HTML option list
use OpenSRF::AppSession;
use OpenSRF::System;
use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
+use OpenILS::Application::AppUtils;
use Unicode::Normalize;
use Data::Dumper;
+use File::Spec;
-die "usage: perl org_tree_html_options.pl <bootstrap_config> <output_file>" unless $ARGV[1];
+die "usage: perl org_tree_html_options.pl <bootstrap_config> <output_path> <output_file>" unless $ARGV[2];
OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client(config_file => $ARGV[0]);
-open FILE, ">$ARGV[1]";
+my $path = $ARGV[1];
+my $filename = $ARGV[2];
+my @types;
Fieldmapper->import(IDL => OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value("IDL"));
-my $ses = OpenSRF::AppSession->create("open-ils.actor");
-my $tree = $ses->request("open-ils.actor.org_tree.retrieve")->gather(1);
+#Get our list of locales
+my $session = OpenSRF::AppSession->create("open-ils.cstore");
+my $locales = $session->request("open-ils.cstore.direct.config.i18n_locale.search.atomic", {"code" => {"!=" => undef}}, {"order_by" => {"i18n_l" => "name"}})->gather();
-my @types;
-my $aout = $ses->request("open-ils.actor.org_types.retrieve")->gather(1);
-foreach my $type (@$aout) {
- $types[int($type->id)] = $type;
+foreach my $locale (@$locales) {
+ my $ses = OpenSRF::AppSession->create("open-ils.actor");
+ $ses->session_locale($locale->code);
+ my $tree = $ses->request("open-ils.actor.org_tree.retrieve")->gather(1);
+ my $aout = $ses->request("open-ils.actor.org_types.retrieve")->gather(1);
+ foreach my $type (@$aout) {
+ $types[int($type->id)] = $type;
+ }
+ my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($path, $locale->code);
+ if (!-d $dir) {
+ mkdir($dir) or die "Could not create output directory: $dir $!\n";
+ }
-close FILE;
+ my @org_tree_html;
+ print_option($tree, \@org_tree_html);
+ $ses->disconnect();
+ open(FILE, '>', File::Spec->catfile($dir, $filename)) or die $!;
+ print FILE @org_tree_html;
+ close FILE;
sub print_option {
my $node = shift;
+ my $org_tree_html = shift;
return unless ($node->opac_visible =~ /^[y1t]+/i);
my $depth = $types[$node->ou_type]->depth;
- my $sname = entityize($node->shortname);
- my $name = entityize($node->name);
+ my $sname = OpenILS::Application::AppUtils->entityize($node->shortname);
+ my $name = OpenILS::Application::AppUtils->entityize($node->name);
my $kids = $node->children;
- print FILE "<option value='$sname'>" . '   'x$depth . "$name</option>\n";
- print_option($_) for (@$kids);
+ push @$org_tree_html, "<option value='$sname'>" . '   'x$depth . "$name</option>\n";
+ print_option($_, $org_tree_html) for (@$kids);
-sub entityize {
- my $stuff = shift || return "";
- $stuff =~ s/\</</og;
- $stuff =~ s/\>/>/og;
- $stuff =~ s/\&/&/og;
- $stuff = NFD($stuff);
- $stuff =~ s/([\x{0080}-\x{fffd}])/sprintf('&#x%X;',ord($1))/sgoe;
- return $stuff;
Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/org_tree_js.pl
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/org_tree_js.pl 2009-03-12 15:55:45 UTC (rev 12489)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/extras/org_tree_js.pl 2009-03-12 15:57:37 UTC (rev 12490)
@@ -9,33 +9,47 @@
use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
use OpenSRF::Utils::Cache;
+use File::Spec;
-die "usage: perl org_tree_js.pl <bootstrap_config>" unless $ARGV[0];
+die "usage: perl org_tree_js.pl <bootstrap_config> <path> <filename>" unless $ARGV[2];
OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client(config_file => $ARGV[0]);
-my $locale = $ARGV[1] || '';
+my $path = $ARGV[1];
+my $filename = $ARGV[2];
Fieldmapper->import(IDL => OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value("IDL"));
# must be loaded after the IDL is parsed
require OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor;
-warn "removing OrgTree from the cache...\n";
-my $cache = OpenSRF::Utils::Cache->new;
+# Get our list of locales
+my $session = OpenSRF::AppSession->create("open-ils.cstore");
+my $locales = $session->request("open-ils.cstore.direct.config.i18n_locale.search.atomic", {"code" => {"!=" => undef}}, {"order_by" => {"i18n_l" => "name"}})->gather();
-# fetch the org_unit's and org_unit_type's
-my $e = OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor->new;
-$e->session->session_locale($locale) if ($locale);
+foreach my $locale (@$locales) {
+ warn "removing OrgTree from the cache for locale " . $locale->code . "...\n";
+ my $cache = OpenSRF::Utils::Cache->new;
+ $cache->delete_cache("orgtree.$locale->code");
-my $types = $e->retrieve_all_actor_org_unit_type;
-my $tree = $e->request(
- 'open-ils.cstore.direct.actor.org_unit.search.atomic',
- {id => {"!=" => undef}},
- {order_by => {aou => 'name'}, no_i18n => $locale ? 0 : 1 }
+ # fetch the org_unit's and org_unit_type's
+ my $e = OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor->new;
+ $e->session->session_locale($locale->code) if ($locale->code);
+ my $types = $e->retrieve_all_actor_org_unit_type;
+ my $tree = $e->request(
+ 'open-ils.cstore.direct.actor.org_unit.search.atomic',
+ {id => {"!=" => undef}},
+ {order_by => {aou => 'name'}, no_i18n => $locale->code ? 0 : 1 }
+ );
+ my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($path, $locale->code);
+ if (!-d $dir) {
+ mkdir($dir);
+ }
+ build_tree_js($types, $tree, File::Spec->catfile($dir, $filename));
sub val {
my $v = shift;
return 'null' unless defined $v;
@@ -50,28 +64,36 @@
return "\"$v\"";
-my $pile = "var _l = [";
+sub build_tree_js {
+ my $types = shift;
+ my $tree = shift;
+ my $outfile = shift;
-my @array;
-for my $o (@$tree) {
- my ($i,$t,$p,$n,$v,$s) = ($o->id,$o->ou_type,$o->parent_ou,val($o->name),val($o->opac_visible),val($o->shortname));
- $p ||= 'null';
- push @array, "[$i,$t,$p,$n,$v,$s]";
+ my $pile = "var _l = [";
-$pile .= join ',', @array;
-$pile .= "]; /* Org Units */ \n";
+ my @array;
+ for my $o (@$tree) {
+ my ($i,$t,$p,$n,$v,$s) = ($o->id,$o->ou_type,$o->parent_ou,val($o->name),val($o->opac_visible),val($o->shortname));
+ $p ||= 'null';
+ push @array, "[$i,$t,$p,$n,$v,$s]";
+ }
+ $pile .= join ',', @array;
+ $pile .= "]; /* Org Units */ \n";
-$pile .= 'var globalOrgTypes = [';
-for my $t (@$types) {
- my ($u,$v,$d,$i,$n,$o,$p) = (val($t->can_have_users),val($t->can_have_vols),$t->depth,$t->id,val($t->name),val($t->opac_label),$t->parent);
- $p ||= 'null';
- $pile .= "new aout([null,null,null,null,$u,$v,$d,$i,$n,$o,$p]), ";
+ $pile .= 'var globalOrgTypes = [';
+ for my $t (@$types) {
+ my ($u,$v,$d,$i,$n,$o,$p) = (val($t->can_have_users),val($t->can_have_vols),$t->depth,$t->id,val($t->name),val($t->opac_label),$t->parent);
+ $p ||= 'null';
+ $pile .= "new aout([null,null,null,null,$u,$v,$d,$i,$n,$o,$p]), ";
+ }
+ $pile =~ s/, $//; # remove trailing comma
+ $pile .= ']; /* OU Types */';
+ open(OUTFH, '>', $outfile) or die "Could not open $outfile : $!";
+ print OUTFH "$pile\n";
+ close(OUTFH);
-$pile =~ s/, $//; # remove trailing comma
-$pile .= ']; /* OU Types */';
-print "$pile\n";
Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/web/opac/extras/slimpac/advanced.html
--- trunk/Open-ILS/web/opac/extras/slimpac/advanced.html 2009-03-12 15:55:45 UTC (rev 12489)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/web/opac/extras/slimpac/advanced.html 2009-03-12 15:57:37 UTC (rev 12490)
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
<select name="searchOrg">
- <!--#include file="lib_list.inc" -->
+ <!--#include file="${locale}/lib_list.inc" -->
Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/web/opac/extras/slimpac/start.html
--- trunk/Open-ILS/web/opac/extras/slimpac/start.html 2009-03-12 15:55:45 UTC (rev 12489)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/web/opac/extras/slimpac/start.html 2009-03-12 15:57:37 UTC (rev 12490)
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
<div class='search_field'>
<select name="searchOrg">
- <!--#include file="lib_list.inc" -->
+ <!--#include file="${locale}/lib_list.inc" -->
Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/web/opac/skin/default/xml/common/js_common.xml
--- trunk/Open-ILS/web/opac/skin/default/xml/common/js_common.xml 2009-03-12 15:55:45 UTC (rev 12489)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/web/opac/skin/default/xml/common/js_common.xml 2009-03-12 15:57:37 UTC (rev 12490)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<script language='javascript' src='<!--#echo var="OILS_JS_BASE"-->/fmcore.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script language='javascript' src='<!--#echo var="OILS_JS_BASE"-->/fmgen.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script language='javascript' src='<!--#echo var="OILS_JS_BASE"-->/opac_utils.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
- <script language='javascript' src='<!--#echo var="OILS_JS_BASE"-->/OrgTree.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
+ <script language='javascript' src='<!--#echo var="OILS_JS_BASE"-->/<!--#echo var="locale"-->/OrgTree.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script language='javascript' src='<!--#echo var="OILS_JS_BASE"-->/OrgLasso.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script language='javascript' src='<!--#echo var="OILS_JS_BASE"-->/org_utils.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script language='javascript' src='<!--#echo var="OILS_JS_BASE"-->/RemoteRequest.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
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