[open-ils-commits] r13029 - trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/WWW (dbs)
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Fri May 1 02:07:02 EDT 2009
Author: dbs
Date: 2009-05-01 02:06:59 -0400 (Fri, 01 May 2009)
New Revision: 13029
Proof of concept holdings-in-SRU results
Based on what seems to be the best holdings option of a poor lot from
http://vdxipedia.oclc.org/index.php/Holdings_Parsing - apparently
standard MFHD doesn't exist, despite http://www.loc.gov/marc/holdings/hd852.html
As miker says, code from this should be factored out
from a few different places, and this needs to be much
more configurable, and holdings values need to be escaped...
Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/WWW/SuperCat.pm
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/WWW/SuperCat.pm 2009-05-01 04:12:01 UTC (rev 13028)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/WWW/SuperCat.pm 2009-05-01 06:06:59 UTC (rev 13029)
@@ -1594,24 +1594,24 @@
my $ex_doc;
sub sru_search {
- my $cgi = new CGI;
+ my $cgi = new CGI;
- my $req = SRU::Request->newFromCGI( $cgi );
- my $resp = SRU::Response->newFromRequest( $req );
+ my $req = SRU::Request->newFromCGI( $cgi );
+ my $resp = SRU::Response->newFromRequest( $req );
- # Find the org_unit shortname, if passed as part of the URL
- # http://example.com/opac/extras/sru/SHORTNAME
- my $url = $cgi->path_info;
- my ($shortname) = $url =~ m#/?(.*)#;
+ # Find the org_unit shortname, if passed as part of the URL
+ # http://example.com/opac/extras/sru/SHORTNAME
+ my $url = $cgi->path_info;
+ my ($shortname, $holdings) = $url =~ m#/?([^/]*)(/holdings)?#;
- if ( $resp->type eq 'searchRetrieve' ) {
+ if ( $resp->type eq 'searchRetrieve' ) {
my $cql_query = $req->query;
my $search_string = $req->cql->toEvergreen;
# Ensure the search string overrides the default site
- if ($shortname and $search_string !~ m#site:#) {
- $search_string .= " site:$shortname";
- }
+ if ($shortname and $search_string !~ m#site:#) {
+ $search_string .= " site:$shortname";
+ }
my $offset = $req->startRecord;
$offset-- if ($offset);
@@ -1628,13 +1628,60 @@
my $bre = $supercat->request( 'open-ils.supercat.record.object.retrieve' => [ map { $_->[0] } @{$recs->{ids}} ] )->gather(1);
- $resp->addRecord(
- SRU::Response::Record->new(
- recordSchema => 'info:srw/schema/1/marcxml-v1.1',
- recordData => $_->marc
- )
- ) for @$bre;
+ foreach my $record (@$bre) {
+ my $marcxml = $record->marc;
+ # Make the beast conform to a VDX-supported format
+ # See http://vdxipedia.oclc.org/index.php/Holdings_Parsing
+ # Trying to implement LIBSOL_852_A format; so much for standards
+ if ($holdings) {
+ my $bib_holdings = $supercat->request('open-ils.supercat.record.basic_holdings.retrieve', $record->id, $shortname || '-')->gather(1);
+ my $marc = MARC::Record->new_from_xml($marcxml, 'UTF8', 'XML');
+ # Expects the record ID in the 001
+ $marc->delete_field($_) for ($marc->field('001'));
+ if (!$marc->field('001')) {
+ $marc->insert_fields_ordered(
+ MARC::Field->new( '001', $record->id )
+ );
+ }
+ foreach my $cn (keys %$bib_holdings) {
+ foreach my $cp (@{$bib_holdings->{$cn}->{'copies'}}) {
+ $marc->insert_fields_ordered(
+ MARC::Field->new(
+ '852', '4', '',
+ a => $cp->{'location'},
+ b => $bib_holdings->{$cn}->{'owning_lib'},
+ c => $cn,
+ d => $cp->{'circlib'},
+ g => $cp->{'barcode'},
+ n => $cp->{'status'},
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ $marc->delete_field( $_ ) for ($marc->field(901));
+ $marc->append_fields(
+ MARC::Field->new(
+ 901, '', '',
+ a => $record->tcn_value,
+ b => $record->tcn_source,
+ c => $record->id
+ )
+ );
+ $marcxml = $marc->as_xml();
+ $marcxml =~ s/^<\?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"\?>//o;
+ }
+ $resp->addRecord(
+ SRU::Response::Record->new(
+ recordSchema => 'info:srw/schema/1/marcxml-v1.1',
+ recordData => $marcxml
+ )
+ );
+ }
} elsif ( $resp->type eq 'explain' ) {
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