[open-ils-commits] r460 - in servres/trunk/conifer: static syrup syrup/views templates/phys (gfawcett)

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Wed May 6 20:15:55 EDT 2009

Author: gfawcett
Date: 2009-05-06 20:15:54 -0400 (Wed, 06 May 2009)
New Revision: 460

added preliminary 'Notify circ of wanted items' screen.

More work to be done on the backend query, as well as on the display
and possible export-format of data for circ.

Modified: servres/trunk/conifer/static/main.css
--- servres/trunk/conifer/static/main.css	2009-05-07 00:15:51 UTC (rev 459)
+++ servres/trunk/conifer/static/main.css	2009-05-07 00:15:54 UTC (rev 460)
@@ -318,6 +318,7 @@
     text-align: left; width: 120px;
 .gap { height: 24px; }
+.metadata_table td { max-width: 800px; overflow: hidden; }
 /* panels that appear when specific OPTIONs or radio-buttons are selected. */
 .specific { padding: 8px; margin: 0 16px; background-color: #eef; }

Modified: servres/trunk/conifer/syrup/urls.py
--- servres/trunk/conifer/syrup/urls.py	2009-05-07 00:15:51 UTC (rev 459)
+++ servres/trunk/conifer/syrup/urls.py	2009-05-07 00:15:54 UTC (rev 460)
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
     (r'^phys/checkout/$', 'phys_checkout'),
     (r'^phys/mark_arrived/$', 'phys_mark_arrived'),
     (r'^phys/mark_arrived/match/$', 'phys_mark_arrived_match'),
+    (r'^phys/circlist/$', 'phys_circlist'),
     (r'^course/(?P<course_id>\d+)/reseq$', 'course_reseq'),
     (ITEM_PREFIX + r'reseq', 'item_heading_reseq'),

Modified: servres/trunk/conifer/syrup/views/items.py
--- servres/trunk/conifer/syrup/views/items.py	2009-05-07 00:15:51 UTC (rev 459)
+++ servres/trunk/conifer/syrup/views/items.py	2009-05-07 00:15:54 UTC (rev 460)
@@ -481,3 +481,30 @@
             item.metadata_set.create(name='syrup:barcode', value=barcode)
     return g.render('phys/mark_arrived_outcome.xhtml')
+ at admin_only
+def phys_circlist(request):
+    term_code = request.GET.get('term')
+    if not term_code:
+        terms = models.Term.objects.order_by('code')
+        return g.render('phys/circlist_index.xhtml', terms=terms)
+    term = get_object_or_404(models.Term, code=term_code)
+    # gather the list of wanted items for this term.
+    # Fixme, I need a better way.
+    cursor = django.db.connection.cursor()
+    q = "select item_id from syrup_metadata where name='syrup:barcode'"
+    cursor.execute(q)
+    bad_ids = set([r[0] for r in cursor.fetchall()])
+    cursor.close()
+    wanted = models.Item.objects.filter(
+        item_type='PHYS', course__term=term).select_related('metadata')
+    wanted = [w for w in wanted if w.id not in bad_ids]
+    return g.render('phys/circlist_for_term.xhtml', 
+                    term=term,
+                    wanted=wanted)

Added: servres/trunk/conifer/templates/phys/circlist_for_term.xhtml
--- servres/trunk/conifer/templates/phys/circlist_for_term.xhtml	                        (rev 0)
+++ servres/trunk/conifer/templates/phys/circlist_for_term.xhtml	2009-05-07 00:15:54 UTC (rev 460)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+title = _('Wanted items: %s') % term
+from conifer.libsystems.z3950.marcxml import marcxml_dictionary_to_dc as to_dublin
+dc_keys = ['dc:title', 'dc:creator', 'dc:publisher', 'dc:date']
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
+      xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
+      xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/">
+<xi:include href="../master.xhtml"/>
+  <title>${title}</title>
+  <h1>${title}</h1>
+<table class="pagetable">
+      <thead>
+	<tr><th>#</th><th>Title</th><th>Author</th><th>Publisher</th><th>PubDate</th></tr>
+      </thead>
+      <tbody py:for="resultnum, res in enumerate(w.marc() for w in wanted)"
+	     py:with="dc=to_dublin(res)">
+	<tr>
+	  <td>${resultnum+1}.</td>
+	  <td>
+	    ${dc.get('dc:title', '???')}
+	    <a href="javascript:$('#full_${resultnum}').toggle(); void(0);">details</a>
+	    <p py:if="res.get('8569')" style="margin: 8px 0; font-size: 90%; color: darkred;">
+	      Electronic resource. <a href="${res.get('856u')}">view</a>
+	    </p>
+	  </td>
+	  <td py:for="k in dc_keys[1:]">${dc.get(k) or '&mdash;'}</td>
+	</tr>
+	<tr id="full_${resultnum}" style="display: none;">
+	  <td colspan="5" style="padding-left: 36;">
+	    <table class="metadata_table">
+	      <?python allkeys = res.keys(); allkeys.sort(); ?>
+	      <tr py:for="k in allkeys">
+		<th>${k}</th><td>${res[k]}</td>
+	      </tr>
+	    </table>
+	  </td>
+	</tr>
+      </tbody>
+    </table>

Added: servres/trunk/conifer/templates/phys/circlist_index.xhtml
--- servres/trunk/conifer/templates/phys/circlist_index.xhtml	                        (rev 0)
+++ servres/trunk/conifer/templates/phys/circlist_index.xhtml	2009-05-07 00:15:54 UTC (rev 460)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+title = _('Notify Circulation of wanted items')
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
+      xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
+      xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/">
+<xi:include href="../master.xhtml"/>
+  <title>${title}</title>
+  <h1>${title}</h1>
+  <p>Please select a term:</p>
+  <form action="." method="GET">
+    <select name="term">
+      <option py:for="term in terms" value="${term.code}">${term}</option>
+    </select>
+    <input type="submit" value="Continue"/>
+  </form>

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