[open-ils-commits] r854 - grpl/trunk/phone_renewal/lib/TelephoneRenewals (bott)

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Wed Apr 7 14:37:46 EDT 2010

Author: bott
Date: 2010-04-07 14:37:42 -0400 (Wed, 07 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 854

* Clean up some nasty regex hackery and utilize Fieldmapper calls in their places
* Update the code so it works with 1.6 

Modified: grpl/trunk/phone_renewal/lib/TelephoneRenewals/ERGateway.pm
--- grpl/trunk/phone_renewal/lib/TelephoneRenewals/ERGateway.pm	2010-04-05 04:11:39 UTC (rev 853)
+++ grpl/trunk/phone_renewal/lib/TelephoneRenewals/ERGateway.pm	2010-04-07 18:37:42 UTC (rev 854)
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 use HTTP::Request::Common;
 use JSON;
+use TelephoneRenewals::Fieldmapper;
 my %service = (
 		'ACTOR' => 'open-ils.actor',
@@ -17,8 +18,10 @@
   my ($class, $host) = @_;
   my $self = {};
   $self->{host} = $host;
-  $self->{host_url} = "http://$host/gateway";
+  $self->{host_url} = "http://$host/osrf-gateway-v1";
   bless $self, ref $class || $class;
+  system ("wget http://$host/reports/fm_IDL.xml -q -O /tmp/IDL.xml");
+  TelephoneRenewals::Fieldmapper->import(IDL => '/tmp/IDL.xml');
   return $self;
@@ -94,11 +97,9 @@
 	my $cid = shift;
 	my $aref = [$cid];
 	my $res = $self->call_osrf('CIRC','open-ils.circ.fleshed.retrieve',$aref);
-	##  The nasty kludge(tm)
-	$res =~ s/(.*?S\sacp\-\-\*\/\[)(.*?)(\/\*\-\-S\s.*)/$2/;
-	$res =~ s/\"//g;
-	my @a = split(/,/,$res);
-	return $a[6];
+	my $ac = decode_json $res;
+	my $copy = TelephoneRenewals::Fieldmapper::asset::copy->new($ac->{payload}->[0]->{copy}->{__p});
+	return $copy->barcode;
 sub get_patron_id_from_circ {
@@ -106,11 +107,9 @@
         my $cid = shift;
         my $aref = [$cid];
         my $res = $self->call_osrf('CIRC','open-ils.circ.fleshed.retrieve',$aref);
-        ##  The nasty kludge(tm)
-	$res =~ s/(.*?S\scirc\-\-\*\/\[)(.*?)(\]\/\*\-\-.*)/$2/;
-	$res =~ s/\"//g;
-	my @a = split(/,/,$res);
-	return $a[24];
+	my $ac = decode_json $res;
+	my $circ = TelephoneRenewals::Fieldmapper::action::circulation->new($ac->{payload}->[0]->{circ}->{__p});
+	return $circ->usr;
 sub renew_item {
@@ -129,14 +128,13 @@
 	my $res = $ua->request($req);
-	my $eg_status;
-	my $due_date; 
-	($eg_status = $res->content) =~ s/.*(textcode)(\":\")(\w*).*/$3/; 
-	if ($eg_status eq 'SUCCESS') {
-                (my $due_date = $res->content) =~ s/.*(S circ--\*\/\[)(.*)(\]).*/$2/;
-                my @due = split(/,/, $due_date);
-                $due[9] =~ s/(\"\d\d\d\d-)(.*)T.*/$2/;
-                $eg_status .= '|' . $due[9];
+        my $circ = decode_json $res->content;
+        my $ac = TelephoneRenewals::Fieldmapper::action::circulation->new($circ->{payload}->[0]->{payload}{circ}->{__p});
+        my $eg_status = $circ->{payload}->[0]->{textcode};
+        my $due_date = $ac->due_date;
+        if ($eg_status eq 'SUCCESS') {
+                $due_date =~ s/(\d\d\d\d-)(.*)(T.*)/$2/;
+                $eg_status .= '|' . $due_date;
 	return $eg_status; # any string other than "SUCCESS" will contain the failure reason

Modified: grpl/trunk/phone_renewal/lib/TelephoneRenewals/EvergreenRenewal.pm
--- grpl/trunk/phone_renewal/lib/TelephoneRenewals/EvergreenRenewal.pm	2010-04-05 04:11:39 UTC (rev 853)
+++ grpl/trunk/phone_renewal/lib/TelephoneRenewals/EvergreenRenewal.pm	2010-04-07 18:37:42 UTC (rev 854)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
   my $res;
   if ($ver =~ /^1-2/){
   	$res = $self->{erg}->patron_exists($self->{authtoken},$library_card_number);
-  }elsif ($ver =~ /^1-4/){
+  }else{
 	$res = $self->{erg}->get_patron_id($self->{authtoken},$library_card_number);
   if ( $res eq 'ACTOR_USER_NOT_FOUND' ) {

Added: grpl/trunk/phone_renewal/lib/TelephoneRenewals/Fieldmapper.pm
--- grpl/trunk/phone_renewal/lib/TelephoneRenewals/Fieldmapper.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ grpl/trunk/phone_renewal/lib/TelephoneRenewals/Fieldmapper.pm	2010-04-07 18:37:42 UTC (rev 854)
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+package TelephoneRenewals::Fieldmapper;
+use TelephoneRenewals::JSON;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use XML::LibXML;
+use vars qw/$fieldmap $VERSION/;
+sub publish_fieldmapper {
+	my ($self,$client,$class) = @_;
+	return $fieldmap unless (defined $class);
+	return undef unless (exists($$fieldmap{$class}));
+	return {$class => $$fieldmap{$class}};
+sub classes {
+	return () unless (defined $fieldmap);
+	return keys %$fieldmap;
+sub get_attribute {
+	my $attr_list = shift;
+	my $attr_name = shift;
+	my $attr = $attr_list->getNamedItem( $attr_name );
+	if( defined( $attr ) ) {
+		return $attr->getValue();
+	}
+	return undef;
+sub load_fields {
+	my $field_list = shift;
+	my $fm = shift;
+	# Get attributes of the field list.  Since there is only one
+	# <field> per class, these attributes logically belong to the
+	# enclosing class, and that's where we load them.
+	my $field_attr_list = $field_list->attributes();
+	my $sequence  = get_attribute( $field_attr_list, 'oils_persist:sequence' );
+	if( ! defined( $sequence ) ) {
+		$sequence = '';
+	}
+	my $primary   = get_attribute( $field_attr_list, 'oils_persist:primary' );
+	# Load attributes into the Fieldmapper ----------------------
+	$$fieldmap{$fm}{ sequence } = $sequence;
+	$$fieldmap{$fm}{ identity } = $primary;
+	# Load each field -------------------------------------------
+	my $array_position = 0;
+	for my $field ( $field_list->childNodes() ) {    # For each <field>
+		if( $field->nodeName eq 'field' ) {
+			my $attribute_list = $field->attributes();
+			my $name     = get_attribute( $attribute_list, 'name' );
+			next if( $name eq 'isnew' || $name eq 'ischanged' || $name eq 'isdeleted' );
+			my $virtual  = get_attribute( $attribute_list, 'oils_persist:virtual' );
+			if( ! defined( $virtual ) ) {
+				$virtual = "false";
+			}
+			my $selector = get_attribute( $attribute_list, 'reporter:selector' );
+			$$fieldmap{$fm}{fields}{ $name } =
+				{ virtual => ( $virtual eq 'true' ) ? 1 : 0,
+				  position => $array_position,
+				};
+			# The selector attribute, if present at all, attaches to only one
+			# of the fields in a given class.  So if we see it, we store it at
+			# the level of the enclosing class.
+			if( defined( $selector ) ) {
+				$$fieldmap{$fm}{selector} = $selector;
+			}
+			++$array_position;
+		}
+	}
+	# Load the standard 3 virtual fields ------------------------
+	for my $vfield ( qw/isnew ischanged isdeleted/ ) {
+		$$fieldmap{$fm}{fields}{ $vfield } =
+			{ position => $array_position,
+			  virtual => 1
+			};
+		++$array_position;
+	}
+sub load_links {
+	my $link_list = shift;
+	my $fm = shift;
+	for my $link ( $link_list->childNodes() ) {    # For each <link>
+		if( $link->nodeName eq 'link' ) {
+			my $attribute_list = $link->attributes();
+			my $field   = get_attribute( $attribute_list, 'field' );
+			my $reltype = get_attribute( $attribute_list, 'reltype' );
+			my $key     = get_attribute( $attribute_list, 'key' );
+			my $class   = get_attribute( $attribute_list, 'class' );
+			$$fieldmap{$fm}{links}{ $field } =
+				{ class   => $class,
+				  reltype => $reltype,
+				  key     => $key,
+				};
+		}
+	}
+sub load_class {
+	my $class_node = shift;
+	# Get attributes ---------------------------------------------
+	my $attribute_list = $class_node->attributes();
+	my $fm               = get_attribute( $attribute_list, 'oils_obj:fieldmapper' );
+	$fm                  = 'TelephoneRenewals::Fieldmapper::' . $fm;
+	my $id               = get_attribute( $attribute_list, 'id' );
+	my $controller       = get_attribute( $attribute_list, 'controller' );
+	my $virtual          = get_attribute( $attribute_list, 'virtual' );
+	if( ! defined( $virtual ) ) {
+		$virtual = 'false';
+	}
+	my $tablename        = get_attribute( $attribute_list, 'oils_persist:tablename' );
+	if( ! defined( $tablename ) ) {
+		$tablename = '';
+	}
+	my $restrict_primary = get_attribute( $attribute_list, 'oils_persist:restrict_primary' );
+	# Load the attributes into the Fieldmapper --------------------
+	$$fieldmap{$fm}{ hint }             = $id;
+	$$fieldmap{$fm}{ virtual }          = ( $virtual eq 'true' ) ? 1 : 0;
+	$$fieldmap{$fm}{ table }            = $tablename;
+	$$fieldmap{$fm}{ controller }       = [ split ' ', $controller ];
+	$$fieldmap{$fm}{ restrict_primary } = $restrict_primary;
+	# Load fields and links
+	for my $child ( $class_node->childNodes() ) {
+		my $nodeName = $child->nodeName;
+		if( $nodeName eq 'fields' ) {
+			load_fields( $child, $fm );
+		} elsif( $nodeName eq 'links' ) {
+			load_links( $child, $fm );
+		}
+	}
+sub import {
+	my $class = shift;
+	my %args = @_;
+	return if (keys %$fieldmap);
+	return if (!$args{IDL});
+	# parse the IDL ...
+	my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
+	my $file = $args{IDL} ;
+	my $fmdoc = $parser->parse_file( $file );
+	my $rootnode = $fmdoc->documentElement();
+	for my $child ( $rootnode->childNodes() ) {    # For each <class>
+		my $nodeName = $child->nodeName;
+		if( $nodeName eq 'class' ) {
+			load_class( $child );
+		}
+	}
+	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# Now comes the evil!  Generate classes
+	for my $pkg ( __PACKAGE__->classes ) {
+		(my $cdbi = $pkg) =~ s/^TelephoneRenewals::Fieldmapper:://o;
+		eval <<"		PERL";
+			package $pkg;
+			use base 'TelephoneRenewals::Fieldmapper';
+		if (exists $$fieldmap{$pkg}{proto_fields}) {
+			for my $pfield ( sort keys %{ $$fieldmap{$pkg}{proto_fields} } ) {
+				$$fieldmap{$pkg}{fields}{$pfield} = { position => $pos, virtual => $$fieldmap{$pkg}{proto_fields}{$pfield} };
+				$pos++;
+			}
+		}
+		TelephoneRenewals::JSON->register_class_hint(
+			hint => $pkg->json_hint,
+			name => $pkg,
+			type => 'array',
+		);
+	}
+sub new {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $value = shift;
+	$value = [] unless (defined $value);
+	return bless $value => $self->class_name;
+sub decast {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return [ @$self ];
+sub DESTROY {}
+	my $obj = shift;
+	my $value = shift;
+	(my $field = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/^.*://o;
+	my $class_name = $obj->class_name;
+	my $fpos = $field;
+	$fpos  =~ s/^clear_//og ;
+	my $pos = $$fieldmap{$class_name}{fields}{$fpos}{position};
+	if ($field =~ /^clear_/o) {
+		{	no strict 'subs';
+			*{$obj->class_name."::$field"} = sub {
+				my $self = shift;
+				$self->[$pos] = undef;
+				return 1;
+			};
+		}
+		return $obj->$field();
+	}
+	die "No field by the name $field in $class_name!"
+		unless (exists $$fieldmap{$class_name}{fields}{$field} && defined($pos));
+	{	no strict 'subs';
+		*{$obj->class_name."::$field"} = sub {
+			my $self = shift;
+			my $new_val = shift;
+			$self->[$pos] = $new_val if (defined $new_val);
+			return $self->[$pos];
+		};
+	}
+	return $obj->$field($value);
+sub Selector {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $$fieldmap{$self->class_name}{selector};
+sub Identity {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $$fieldmap{$self->class_name}{identity};
+sub RestrictPrimary {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $$fieldmap{$self->class_name}{restrict_primary};
+sub Sequence {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $$fieldmap{$self->class_name}{sequence};
+sub Table {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $$fieldmap{$self->class_name}{table};
+sub Controller {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $$fieldmap{$self->class_name}{controller};
+sub class_name {
+	my $class_name = shift;
+	return ref($class_name) || $class_name;
+sub real_fields {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $class_name = $self->class_name;
+	my $fields = $$fieldmap{$class_name}{fields};
+	my @f = grep {
+			!$$fields{$_}{virtual}
+		} sort {$$fields{$a}{position} <=> $$fields{$b}{position}} keys %$fields;
+	return @f;
+sub has_field {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $field = shift;
+	my $class_name = $self->class_name;
+	return 1 if grep { $_ eq $field } keys %{$$fieldmap{$class_name}{fields}};
+	return 0;
+sub properties {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $class_name = $self->class_name;
+	return keys %{$$fieldmap{$class_name}{fields}};
+sub to_bare_hash {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my %hash = ();
+	for my $f ($self->properties) {
+		my $val = $self->$f;
+		$hash{$f} = $val;
+	}
+	return \%hash;
+sub clone {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->new( [@$self] );
+sub api_level {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $fieldmap->{$self->class_name}->{api_level};
+sub cdbi {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $fieldmap->{$self->class_name}->{cdbi};
+sub is_virtual {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $field = shift;
+	return $fieldmap->{$self->class_name}->{proto_fields}->{$field} if ($field);
+	return $fieldmap->{$self->class_name}->{virtual};
+sub is_readonly {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $field = shift;
+	return $fieldmap->{$self->class_name}->{readonly};
+sub json_hint {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $fieldmap->{$self->class_name}->{hint};

Added: grpl/trunk/phone_renewal/lib/TelephoneRenewals/JSON.pm
--- grpl/trunk/phone_renewal/lib/TelephoneRenewals/JSON.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ grpl/trunk/phone_renewal/lib/TelephoneRenewals/JSON.pm	2010-04-07 18:37:42 UTC (rev 854)
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+package TelephoneRenewals::JSON;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use JSON::XS;
+our $parser = JSON::XS->new;
+$parser->ascii(1);        # output \u escaped strings for any char with a value over 127
+$parser->allow_nonref(1); # allows non-reference values to equate to themselves (see perldoc)
+our %_class_map = ();
+our $JSON_CLASS_KEY = '__c';   # points to the classname of encoded objects
+our $JSON_PAYLOAD_KEY = '__p'; # same, for payload
+=head1 NAME
+OpenSRF::Utils::JSON - Serialize/Vivify objects
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+C<O::U::JSON> is a functional-style package which exports nothing. All
+calls to routines must use the fully-qualified name, and expect an
+invocant, as in
+    OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->JSON2perl($string);
+The routines which are called by existing external code all deal with
+the serialization/stringification of objects and their revivification.
+=head1 ROUTINES
+=head2 register_class_hint
+This routine is used by objects which wish to serialize themselves
+with the L</perl2JSON> routine. It has two required arguments, C<name>
+and C<hint>.
+    O::U::J->register_class_hint( hint => 'osrfException',
+                                  name => 'OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsException');
+Where C<hint> can be any unique string (but canonically is the name
+from the IDL which matches the object being operated on), and C<name>
+is the language-specific classname which objects will be revivified
+sub register_class_hint {
+    # FIXME hint can't be a dupe?
+    # FIXME fail unless we have hint and name?
+    # FIXME validate hint against IDL?
+    my ($pkg, %args) = @_;
+    # FIXME maybe not just store a reference to %args; the lookup
+    # functions are really confusing at first glance as a side effect
+    # of this
+    $_class_map{hints}{$args{hint}} = \%args;
+    $_class_map{classes}{$args{name}} = \%args;
+=head2 JSON2perl
+Given a JSON-encoded string, returns a vivified Perl object built from
+that string.
+sub JSON2perl {
+    # FIXME $string is not checked for any criteria, even existance
+    my( $pkg, $string ) = @_;
+    my $perl = $pkg->rawJSON2perl($string);
+    return $pkg->JSONObject2Perl($perl);
+=head2 perl2JSON
+Given a Perl object, returns a JSON stringified representation of that
+sub perl2JSON {
+    my( $pkg, $obj ) = @_;
+    # FIXME no validation of any sort
+    my $json = $pkg->perl2JSONObject($obj);
+    return $pkg->rawPerl2JSON($json);
+=head2 rawJSON2perl
+Performs actual JSON -> data transformation, before
+L</JSONObject2Perl> is called.
+sub rawJSON2perl {
+    my ($pkg, $json) = @_;
+    return undef unless (defined $json and $json =~ /\S/o);
+    return $parser->decode($json);
+=head2 rawPerl2JSON
+Performs actual data -> JSON transformation, after L</perl2JSONObject>
+has been called.
+sub rawPerl2JSON {
+    # FIXME is there a reason this doesn't return undef with no
+    # content as rawJSON2perl does?
+    my ($pkg, $perl) = @_;
+    return $parser->encode($perl);
+=head2 JSONObject2Perl
+Routine called by L</JSON2perl> after L</rawJSON2perl> is called.
+At this stage, the JSON string will have been vivified as data. This
+routine's job is to turn it back into an OpenSRF system object of some
+sort, if possible.
+If it's not possible, the original data (structure), or one very much
+like it will be returned.
+sub JSONObject2Perl {
+    my ($pkg, $obj) = @_;
+    # if $obj is a hash
+    if ( ref $obj eq 'HASH' ) {
+        # and if it has the "I'm a class!" marker
+        if ( defined $obj->{$JSON_CLASS_KEY} ) {
+            # vivify the payload
+            my $vivobj = $pkg->JSONObject2Perl($obj->{$JSON_PAYLOAD_KEY});
+            return undef unless defined $vivobj;
+            # and bless it back into an object
+            my $class = $obj->{$JSON_CLASS_KEY};
+            $class =~ s/^\s+//; # FIXME pretty sure these lines could condense to 's/\s+//g'
+            $class =~ s/\s+$//;
+            $class = $pkg->lookup_class($class) if $pkg->lookup_class($class);
+            return bless(\$vivobj, $class) unless ref $vivobj;
+            return bless($vivobj, $class);
+        }
+        # is a hash, but no class marker; simply revivify innards
+        for my $k (keys %$obj) {
+            $obj->{$k} = $pkg->JSONObject2Perl($obj->{$k})
+              unless ref $obj->{$k} eq 'JSON::XS::Boolean';
+        }
+    } elsif ( ref $obj eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+        # not a hash; an array. revivify.
+        for my $i (0..scalar(@$obj) - 1) {
+            $obj->[$i] = $pkg->JSONObject2Perl($obj->[$i])
+              unless (ref $obj->[$i] eq 'JSON::XS::Boolean');
+              # FIXME? This does nothing except leave any Booleans in
+              # place, without recursively calling this sub on
+              # them. I'm not sure if that's what's supposed to
+              # happen, or if they're supposed to be thrown out of the
+              # array
+        }
+    }
+    # return vivified non-class hashes, all arrays, and anything that
+    # isn't a hash or array ref
+    return $obj;
+=head2 perl2JSONObject
+Routine called by L</perl2JSON> before L</rawPerl2JSON> is called.
+For OpenSRF system objects which have had hints about their classes
+stowed via L</register_class_hint>, this routine acts as a wrapper,
+encapsulating the incoming object in metadata about itself. It is not
+unlike the process of encoding IP datagrams.
+The only metadata encoded at the moment is the class hint, which is
+used to reinflate the data as an object of the appropriate type in the
+L</JSONObject2perl> routine.
+Other forms of data more-or-less come out as they went in, although
+C<CODE> or C<SCALAR> references will return what looks like an OpenSRF
+packet, but with a class hint of their reference type and an C<undef>
+sub perl2JSONObject {
+    my ($pkg, $obj) = @_;
+    my $ref = ref $obj;
+    return $obj unless $ref;
+    return $obj if $ref eq 'JSON::XS::Boolean';
+    my $jsonobj;
+    if(UNIVERSAL::isa($obj, 'HASH')) {
+        $jsonobj = {};
+        $jsonobj->{$_} = $pkg->perl2JSONObject($obj->{$_}) for (keys %$obj);
+    } elsif(UNIVERSAL::isa($obj, 'ARRAY')) {
+        $jsonobj = [];
+        $jsonobj->[$_] = $pkg->perl2JSONObject($obj->[$_]) for(0..scalar(@$obj) - 1);
+    }
+    if($ref ne 'HASH' and $ref ne 'ARRAY') {
+        $ref = $pkg->lookup_hint($ref) if $pkg->lookup_hint($ref);
+        $jsonobj = {$JSON_CLASS_KEY => $ref, $JSON_PAYLOAD_KEY => $jsonobj};
+    }
+    return $jsonobj;
+=head2 lookup_class
+Given a class hint, returns the classname matching it. Returns undef
+on failure.
+sub lookup_class {
+    # FIXME when there are tests, see if these two routines can be
+    # rewritten as one, or at least made to do lookup in the structure
+    # they're named after. best case: flatten _class_map, since hints
+    # and classes are identical
+    my ($pkg, $hint) = @_;
+    return undef unless $hint;
+    return $_class_map{hints}{$hint}{name}
+=head2 lookup_hint
+Given a classname, returns the class hint matching it. Returns undef
+on failure.
+sub lookup_hint {
+    my ($pkg, $class) = @_;
+    return undef unless $class;
+    return $_class_map{classes}{$class}{hint}
+=head2 true
+Wrapper for JSON::XS::true. J::X::true and J::X::false, according to
+its documentation, "are JSON atoms become JSON::XS::true and
+JSON::XS::false, respectively. They are overloaded to act almost
+exactly like the numbers 1 and 0"
+sub true { return $parser->true }
+=head2 false
+See L</true>
+sub false { return $parser->false }

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