[open-ils-commits] r860 - in constrictor/trunk: . constrictor (erickson)

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Sun Apr 11 10:51:38 EDT 2010

Author: erickson
Date: 2010-04-11 10:51:35 -0400 (Sun, 11 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 860

added option to bypass inserting timing data into the db.  removed old db.py module, which was replaced by data.py

Modified: constrictor/trunk/constrictor/data.py
--- constrictor/trunk/constrictor/data.py	2010-04-11 14:51:35 UTC (rev 859)
+++ constrictor/trunk/constrictor/data.py	2010-04-11 14:51:35 UTC (rev 860)
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
             self.meta.bind = self.engine
             self.runtime_data = []
             self.task_set_id = None
+            self.insert_data = True
             Data.singleton = self
     def disconnect(self):
@@ -67,28 +68,34 @@
     def create_task_set(self):
         self.task_set_start_time = time.time()
-        res = self.engine.execute(
-            self.task_set_table.insert().values(start_time = self.task_set_start_time)
-        )
-        #self.task_set_id = res.inserted_primary_key
-        self.task_set_id = res.last_inserted_ids()[0]
-        res.close()
+        if self.insert_data: 
+            res = self.engine.execute(
+                self.task_set_table.insert().values(start_time = self.task_set_start_time)
+            )
+            #self.task_set_id = res.inserted_primary_key
+            self.task_set_id = res.last_inserted_ids()[0]
+            res.close()
     def store_data(self):
         end_time = time.time()
         # close out the task set
-        self.engine.execute(
-            self.task_set_table.update(
-                ).where(
-                    self.task_set_table.c.id == self.task_set_id
-                ).values(
-                    end_time = end_time
-                )
-        ).close()
+        if self.insert_data:
+            self.engine.execute(
+                self.task_set_table.update(
+                    ).where(
+                        self.task_set_table.c.id == self.task_set_id
+                    ).values(
+                        end_time = end_time
+                    )
+            ).close()
+        task_counts = {}
         task_times = 0
         total_tasks = len(self.runtime_data)
         counter = 0
@@ -99,29 +106,38 @@
         # TODO: Create a batch insert SQL string to insert, since
         # one row at a time is pretty slow
         for task in self.runtime_data:
             task_times += task['duration']
             log.log_debug("Storing " + task['name'])
-            self.engine.execute(
-                self.task_table.insert().values(
-                    task_name = task['name'],
-                    task_set = self.task_set_id,
-                    run_time = task['run_time'],
-                    thread_id = task['thread_id'],
-                    duration = '%0.3f' % task['duration'],
-                    success = task['success']
-                )
-            ).close()
+            if task['name'] not in task_counts:
+                task_counts[task['name']] = 0;
+            task_counts[task['name']] += 1
+            if self.insert_data:
+                self.engine.execute(
+                    self.task_table.insert().values(
+                        task_name = task['name'],
+                        task_set = self.task_set_id,
+                        run_time = task['run_time'],
+                        thread_id = task['thread_id'],
+                        duration = '%0.3f' % task['duration'],
+                        success = task['success']
+                    )
+                ).close()
             counter += 1
             if counter %100 == 0:
                 log.log_info("Inserted %d rows" % counter)
         # log some basic stats
         task_set_time = end_time - self.task_set_start_time
+        log.log_info("-"*70)
+        log.log_info("Task Counts        -> %s" % str(task_counts))
         log.log_info("Total Tasks        -> %d" % len(self.runtime_data))
         log.log_info("Total time         -> %0.3f seconds" % task_set_time)
         log.log_info("Average task time  -> %0.3f seconds" % (task_times / total_tasks))
         log.log_info("Real Time / Total Tasks -> %0.3f seconds/task" % (task_set_time / total_tasks))
+        log.log_info("-"*70)

Deleted: constrictor/trunk/constrictor/db.py
--- constrictor/trunk/constrictor/db.py	2010-04-11 14:51:35 UTC (rev 859)
+++ constrictor/trunk/constrictor/db.py	2010-04-11 14:51:35 UTC (rev 860)
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2008  King County Library System
-# Bill Erickson <erickson at esilibrary.com>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
-import sys, threading, thread, time
-from log import *
-from properties import Properties
-# wrap DB access in a semaphore
-dbSema = threading.BoundedSemaphore(value=1)
-class DBConnection(object):
-    # the ID of the currently executing task set
-    taskSetID = 0
-    def __init__(self, dbFile):
-        self.conn = sqlite.connect(dbFile)
-    def createTaskSet(self):
-        SQL = '''
-            insert into task_set (start_time) values (%f)
-            ''' % time.time()
-        cur = self.execute(SQL, True)
-        DBConnection.taskSetID = cur.lastrowid
-    def finishTaskSet(self):
-        SQL = '''
-            update task_set set end_time = %f where id = %d 
-            ''' % (time.time(), DBConnection.taskSetID)
-        self.execute(SQL, True)
-    def createTables(self):
-        taskSQL = '''
-            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS task (
-                task_name TEXT,
-                task_set INTEGER,
-                runtime REAL,
-                runner INTEGER,
-                thread_id INTEGER,
-                duration INTEGER,
-                success INTEGER    
-                );
-           ''' 
-        taskSetSQL = '''
-            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS task_set (
-                start_time REAL,
-                end_time REAL
-            );
-            '''
-        self.execute(taskSQL)
-        self.execute(taskSetSQL, True)
-    def createTaskSummary(self):
-        summary = {}
-        cur = self.execute(
-            'select end_time - start_time from task_set where id = %d' % DBConnection.taskSetID)
-        row = cur.fetchone()
-        summary['task_set_duration'] = float(row[0]) or ''
-        cur = self.execute(
-            'select avg(duration) from task where success = 1 and task_set = %d' % DBConnection.taskSetID)
-        row = cur.fetchone()
-        summary['avg_task_duration'] = row[0] or ''
-        cur = self.execute(
-            'select count(*) from task where success = 1 and task_set = %d' % DBConnection.taskSetID)
-        row = cur.fetchone()
-        summary['num_task_success'] = row[0]
-        cur = self.execute(
-            'select count(*) from task where success = 0 and task_set = %d' % DBConnection.taskSetID)
-        row = cur.fetchone()
-        summary['num_task_failed'] = row[0]
-        summary['amortized_task_duration'] = ''
-        if summary['num_task_success'] > 0:
-            summary['amortized_task_duration'] = \
-                float(summary['task_set_duration']) / float(summary['num_task_success'])
-        summary['amortized_tasks_per_second'] = ''
-        if summary['num_task_success'] > 0:
-            summary['amortized_tasks_per_second'] = 1.0 / float(summary['amortized_task_duration'])
-        props = Properties.get_properties()
-        summary['thread_count'] = props.get_property('constrictor.numThreads')
-        summary['iteration_count'] = props.get_property('constrictor.numIterations')
-        self.makeTaskTypeSummary(summary)
-        log_info('created summary %s' % summary)
-        return summary
-    def makeTaskTypeSummary(self, summary):
-        ''' build a summary string for each task type of <task_name>:<num_runs>:<avg_duration>; '''
-        summary['task_type_summary'] = ''
-        tasks = self.execute(
-            'select distinct(task_name) from task where task_set = %d' % DBConnection.taskSetID)
-        for t in tasks:
-            t = t[0]
-            # grab the average duration for this type of task
-            cur = self.execute(
-                'select avg(duration) from task where task_set = %d and task_name = "%s"' % (
-                    DBConnection.taskSetID, t))
-            avg = cur.fetchone()[0]
-            # grab the number of times this task was run
-            cur = self.execute(
-                'select count(*) from task where task_set = %d and task_name = "%s"' % (
-                    DBConnection.taskSetID, t))
-            row = cur.fetchone()
-            count = row[0]
-            summary['task_type_summary'] += '%s:%d:%f;' % (t, count, float(avg))
-    def dropTables(self):
-        SQL = 'drop table task;'
-        self.execute(SQL, True)
-    def disconnect(self):
-        if self.conn is not None:
-            self.conn.close()
-    def execute(self, sql, commit=False):
-        log_debug('SQL ' + sql)
-        from script import ScriptThread
-        cur = None
-        try:
-            dbSema.acquire()
-            cur = self.conn.cursor()
-            cur.execute(sql)
-            if commit:
-                self.conn.commit()
-        except Exception, e:
-            sys.stderr.write('DB error: thread = %d : %s\n' % (ScriptThread.get_thread_id(), str(e)))
-            sys.stderr.flush()
-            dbSema.release()
-            sys.exit(1)
-        dbSema.release()
-        return cur
-    def insertTask(self, task):
-        from script import ScriptThread
-        SQL = """
-            insert into task (task_name, runtime, runner, thread_id, task_set, duration, success)
-            values ('%s', %f, %d, %d, %d, %f, %d) """ % (
-                task.name, 
-                time.time(),
-                1, # XXX get me from the task runner ?
-                ScriptThread.get_thread_id(), 
-                DBConnection.taskSetID,
-                task.duration, 
-                task.success
-        )
-        self.execute(SQL, True)

Modified: constrictor/trunk/constrictor/utils.py
--- constrictor/trunk/constrictor/utils.py	2010-04-11 14:51:35 UTC (rev 859)
+++ constrictor/trunk/constrictor/utils.py	2010-04-11 14:51:35 UTC (rev 860)
@@ -48,11 +48,12 @@
         print "WARNING: Unable to store properties to file\n%s" % str(e)
-def init_db():
+def init_db(store_data = True):
     ''' connect to the db and make sure the tables exist '''
     data = constrictor.data.Data(
         os.path.join(os.getcwd(), props.get_property('constrictor.dbFile'))
+    data.insert_data = store_data

Modified: constrictor/trunk/constrictor.py
--- constrictor/trunk/constrictor.py	2010-04-11 14:51:35 UTC (rev 859)
+++ constrictor/trunk/constrictor.py	2010-04-11 14:51:35 UTC (rev 860)
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 props = None
 props_filename = PROPS_FILENAME
 drone_controller = None
+store_data = True
 def usage():
     print '''
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
         -p port to listen for controller connections on
         -l listen address for incoming controller connections
         -x clear the local cache file cache
+        -n do not store the results in the database
 ''' % sys.argv[0]
@@ -51,9 +53,10 @@
 def read_args_and_props():
     global props
     global props_filename
+    global store_data
     # see if we have any command-line args that override the properties file
-    ops, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 's:t:i:d:p:l:f:hx')
+    ops, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 's:t:i:d:p:l:f:hxn')
     options = dict( (k,v) for k,v in ops )
     if options.has_key('-f'):
@@ -76,6 +79,8 @@
         props.set_property('constrictor.port', options['-p'])
     if options.has_key('-l'):
         props.set_property('constrictor.listenAddress', options['-l'])
+    if options.has_key('-n'):
+        store_data = False
     if options.has_key('-x'):
         # delete the cache directory
@@ -130,7 +135,7 @@
                 log_info('running ' + script)
                 f = open_script(scriptDirs, script)
                 if f:
-                    init_db()
+                    init_db(store_data)
                     except Exception, e:
@@ -143,7 +148,7 @@
-    init_db()
+    init_db(store_data)
     script = props.get_property('constrictor.script') # execute the requested script
     f = open_script(scriptDirs, script)

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