[open-ils-commits] r952 - conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils (dbs)

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Wed Aug 11 13:36:13 EDT 2010

Author: dbs
Date: 2010-08-11 13:36:09 -0400 (Wed, 11 Aug 2010)
New Revision: 952

We don't use performer notes any more thanks to BibTemplate, farewell

Deleted: conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/ModsParser.pm
--- conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/ModsParser.pm	2010-08-08 19:50:54 UTC (rev 951)
+++ conifer/branches/rel_1_6_0/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/ModsParser.pm	2010-08-11 17:36:09 UTC (rev 952)
@@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
-package OpenILS::Utils::ModsParser;
-use strict; use warnings;
-use OpenSRF::EX qw/:try/;
-use XML::LibXML;
-use XML::LibXSLT;
-use Time::HiRes qw(time);
-use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
-use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
-use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger qw/$logger/;
-use Data::Dumper;
-my $parser		= XML::LibXML->new();
-my $xslt			= XML::LibXSLT->new();
-my $mods_sheet;
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# XPATH for extracting info from a MODS doc
-my $isbn_xpath			= "//mods:mods/mods:identifier[\@type='isbn']";
-my $resource_xpath	= "//mods:mods/mods:typeOfResource";
-my $pub_xpath			= "//mods:mods/mods:originInfo//mods:dateIssued[1]|" .
-	"//mods:mods/mods:originInfo//mods:dateIssued[\@encoding='marc']";
-my $tcn_xpath			= "//mods:mods/mods:recordInfo/mods:recordIdentifier";
-my $pub_place_xpath		= "//mods:mods/mods:originInfo//mods:place//mods:placeTerm[\@type='text']";
-my $publisher_xpath		= "//mods:mods/mods:originInfo//mods:publisher";
-my $edition_xpath		= "//mods:mods/mods:originInfo//mods:edition[1]";
-my $abstract_xpath	= "//mods:mods/mods:abstract";
-my $related_xpath		= "";
-my $online_loc_xpath = "//mods:location/mods:url";
-my $physical_desc		= "(//mods:physicalDescription/mods:form|//mods:physicalDescription/mods:extent|".
-	"//mods:physicalDescription/mods:reformattingQuality|//mods:physicalDescription/mods:internetMediaType|".
-	"//mods:physicalDescription/mods:digitalOrigin)";
-my $extent_xpath		= "//mods:physicalDescription/mods:extent";
-my $toc_xpath			= "//mods:tableOfContents";
-my $performers_xpath		= "//mods:note[\@type='performers']";
-my $xpathset = {
-	title => {
-		abbreviated => 
-			"//mods:mods/mods:titleInfo[mods:title and (\@type='abbreviated')]",
-		translated =>
-			"//mods:mods/mods:titleInfo[mods:title and (\@type='translated')]",
-		uniform =>
-			"//mods:mods/mods:titleInfo[mods:title and (\@type='uniform')]",
-		proper =>
-			"//mods:mods/mods:titleInfo[mods:title and not (\@type)]",
-		any =>
-			"//mods:mods/mods:titleInfo",
-	},
-	author => {
-		corporate => 
-			"//mods:mods/mods:name[\@type='corporate']/*[local-name()='namePart']".
-				"[../mods:role/mods:text[text()='creator']".
-				" or ../mods:role/mods:roleTerm[".
-				"        \@type='text'".
-				"        and \@authority='marcrelator'".
-				"        and text()='creator']".
-				"][1]",
-		personal => 
-			"//mods:mods/mods:name[\@type='personal']/*[local-name()='namePart']".
-				"[../mods:role/mods:text[text()='creator']".
-				" or ../mods:role/mods:roleTerm[".
-				"        \@type='text'".
-				"        and \@authority='marcrelator'".
-				"        and text()='creator']".
-				"][1]",
-		conference => 
-			"//mods:mods/mods:name[\@type='conference']/*[local-name()='namePart']".
-				"[../mods:role/mods:text[text()='creator']".
-				" or ../mods:role/mods:roleTerm[".
-				"        \@type='text'".
-				"        and \@authority='marcrelator'".
-				"        and text()='creator']".
-				"][1]",
-		other => 
-			"//mods:mods/mods:name[\@type='personal']/*[local-name()='namePart']",
-		any => 
-			"//mods:mods/mods:name/*[local-name()='namePart'][1]",
-	},
-	subject => {
-		topic => 
-			"//mods:mods/mods:subject/*[".
-			"   local-name()='geographic'".
-			"   or local-name()='name'".
-			"   or local-name()='temporal'".
-			"   or local-name()='topic'".
-			"]/parent::mods:subject",
-#		geographic => 
-#			"//mods:mods/*[local-name()='subject']/*[local-name()='geographic']",
-#		name => 
-#			"//mods:mods/*[local-name()='subject']/*[local-name()='name']",
-#		temporal => 
-#			"//mods:mods/*[local-name()='subject']/*[local-name()='temporal']",
-#		topic => 
-#			"//mods:mods/*[local-name()='subject']/*[local-name()='topic']",
-	},
-	#keyword => { keyword => "//mods:mods/*[not(local-name()='originInfo')]", },
-	series => {
-		series => "//mods:mods/mods:relatedItem[\@type='series']/mods:titleInfo"
-	}
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub new { return bless( {}, shift() ); }
-sub get_field_value {
-	my( $self, $mods, $xpath ) = @_;
-	my @string;
-	my $root = $mods->documentElement;
-	$root->setNamespace( "http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3", "mods", 1 );
-	try {
-		# grab the set of matching nodes
-		my @nodes = $root->findnodes( $xpath );
-		for my $value (@nodes) {
-			# grab all children of the node
-			my @children = $value->childNodes();
-			my @child_text;
-			for my $child (@children) {
-				next unless( $child->nodeType != 3 );
-				if($child->childNodes) {
-					my @a;
-					for my $c (@{$child->childNodes}){
-						push @a, $c->textContent;
-					}
-					push(@child_text, join(' ', @a));
-				} else {
-					push(@child_text, $child->textContent); 
-				}
-			}
-			if(@child_text) {
-				push(@string, \@child_text);
-			}
-			if( !@child_text  ) {
-				push(@string, $value->textContent );
-			}
-		}
-	} otherwise {
-		$logger->info("MODS-izing failure: ".shift());
-		$logger->info("Failed MODS xml: ".$root->toString);
-		$logger->info("Failed MODS xpath: $xpath");
-	};
-	return @string;
-sub _modsdoc_to_values {
-	my( $self, $mods ) = @_;
-	my $data = {};
-	for my $class (keys %$xpathset) {
-		$data->{$class} = {};
-		for my $type(keys %{$xpathset->{$class}}) {
-			my @value = $self->get_field_value( $mods, $xpathset->{$class}->{$type} );
-			if( $class eq "subject" ) {
-				push( @{$data->{$class}->{$type}},  @value );
-			} else {
-				$data->{$class}->{$type} = $value[0];
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return $data;
-sub modsdoc_to_values {
-	my( $self, $mods ) = @_;
-	my $data = {};
-	{
-		my $class = "subject";
-		$data->{$class} = {};
-		for my $type(keys %{$xpathset->{$class}}) {
-			my @value = $self->get_field_value( $mods, $xpathset->{$class}->{$type} );
-			for my $arr (@value) {
-				push( @{$data->{$class}->{$type}},  $arr);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	{
-		my $class = "title";
-		$data->{$class} = {};
-		for my $type(keys %{$xpathset->{$class}}) {
-			my @value = $self->get_field_value( $mods, $xpathset->{$class}->{$type} );
-			for my $arr (@value) {
-				if( ref($arr) ) {
-					$data->{$class}->{$type} = shift @$arr;
-					my $t = lc($data->{$class}->{$type});
-					if($t and $t =~ /^l[eoa]s|l[ae]|el|the|un[ae]?|an?\s?$/o ) {
-						my $val = shift @$arr || "";
-						$data->{$class}->{$type} .= " $val" if $data->{$class}->{$type};
-						$data->{$class}->{$type} = " $val" unless $data->{$class}->{$type};
-					}
-					for my $t (@$arr) {
-						$data->{$class}->{$type} .= ' : ' if ($data->{$class}->{$type} =~ /\w\s*$/o);
-						$data->{$class}->{$type} .= " $t";
-					}
-				} else {
-					$data->{$class}->{$type} = $arr;
-				}
-			}
-			$data->{$class}->{$type} =~ s/\s+/ /go if ($data->{$class}->{$type});
-		}
-	}
-	{
-		my $class = "author";
-		$data->{$class} = {};
-		for my $type(keys %{$xpathset->{$class}}) {
-			my @value = $self->get_field_value( $mods, $xpathset->{$class}->{$type} );
-			$data->{$class}->{$type} = $value[0];
-		}
-	}
-	{
-		my $class = "series";
-		$data->{$class} = {};
-		for my $type(keys %{$xpathset->{$class}}) {
-			my @value = $self->get_field_value( $mods, $xpathset->{$class}->{$type} );
-			for my $arr (@value) {
-				if( ref($arr) ) {
-					push(@{$data->{$class}->{$type}}, join(" ", @$arr));
-				} else {
-					push( @{$data->{$class}->{$type}}, $arr );
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return $data;
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Grabs the data 'we want' from the MODS doc and returns it in hash form
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub mods_values_to_mods_slim {
-	my( $self, $modsperl ) = @_;
-	my $title = "";
-	my $author = "";
-	my $subject = [];
-	my $series	= [];
-	my $tmp = $modsperl->{title};
-	if(!$tmp) { $title = ""; }
-	else {
-		($title = $tmp->{proper}) ||
-		($title = $tmp->{translated}) ||
-		($title = $tmp->{abbreviated}) ||
-		($title = $tmp->{uniform}) ||
-		($title = $tmp->{any});
-	}
-	$tmp = $modsperl->{author};
-	if(!$tmp) { $author = ""; }
-	else {
-		($author = $tmp->{personal}) ||
-		($author = $tmp->{corporate}) ||
-		($author = $tmp->{conference}) ||
-		($author = $tmp->{other}) ||
-		($author = $tmp->{any}); 
-	}
-	$tmp = $modsperl->{subject};
-	if(!$tmp) { $subject = {}; } 
-	else {
-		for my $key( keys %{$tmp}) {
-			push(@$subject, @{$tmp->{$key}}) if ($tmp->{$key});
-		}
-		my $subh = {};
-		for my $s (@$subject) {
-			if(defined($subh->{$s})) { $subh->{$s->[0]}++ } else { $subh->{$s->[0]} = 1;}
-		}
-		$subject = $subh
-	}
-	$tmp = $modsperl->{'series'};
-	if(!$tmp) { $series = []; }
-	else { $series = $tmp->{'series'}; }
-	return { series => $series, title => $title, 
-			author => $author, subject => $subject };
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Initializes a MARC -> Unified MODS batch process
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub start_mods_batch {
-	my( $self, $master_doc ) = @_;
-	if(!$master_doc) {
-		$self->{master_doc} = undef;
-		return;
-	}
-	if(!$mods_sheet) {
-		 my $xslt_doc = $parser->parse_file(
-			OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value(dirs => 'xsl') .  "/MARC21slim2MODS33.xsl");
-		$mods_sheet = $xslt->parse_stylesheet( $xslt_doc );
-	}
-	my $xmldoc = $parser->parse_string($master_doc);
-	my $mods = $mods_sheet->transform($xmldoc);
-	$self->{master_doc} = $self->modsdoc_to_values( $mods );
-	$self->{master_doc} = $self->mods_values_to_mods_slim( $self->{master_doc} );
-	($self->{master_doc}->{isbn}) = 
-		$self->get_field_value( $mods, $isbn_xpath );
-	$self->{master_doc}->{type_of_resource} = 
-		[ $self->get_field_value( $mods, $resource_xpath ) ];
-	($self->{master_doc}->{tcn}) = 
-		$self->get_field_value( $mods, $tcn_xpath );
-	($self->{master_doc}->{pubdate}) = 
-		$self->get_field_value( $mods, $pub_xpath );
-	my @pub_place = $self->get_field_value( $mods, $pub_place_xpath );
-	my @publisher = $self->get_field_value( $mods, $publisher_xpath );
-	if (@pub_place && @publisher) {
-		($self->{master_doc}->{publisher}) = $pub_place[0] . " : " . $publisher[0];
-	} elsif (@pub_place) {
-		($self->{master_doc}->{publisher}) = $pub_place[0];
-	} elsif (@publisher) {
-		($self->{master_doc}->{publisher}) = $publisher[0];
-	} else {
-		($self->{master_doc}->{publisher}) = undef;
-	}
-	($self->{master_doc}->{edition}) =
-		$self->get_field_value( $mods, $edition_xpath );
-	($self->{master_doc}->{performer_notes}) = 
-		$self->get_field_value( $mods, $performers_xpath );
-# ------------------------------
-	# holds an array of [ link, title, link, title, ... ]
-	$self->{master_doc}->{online_loc} = [];
-	for my $url ($mods->findnodes($online_loc_xpath)) {
-		push(@{$self->{master_doc}->{online_loc}}, $url->textContent);
-		push(@{$self->{master_doc}->{online_loc}}, $url->getAttribute('displayLabel') || '');
-		push(@{$self->{master_doc}->{online_loc}}, $url->getAttribute('note') || '');
-	}
-	($self->{master_doc}->{synopsis}) = 
-		$self->get_field_value( $mods, $abstract_xpath );
-	$self->{master_doc}->{physical_description} = [];
-	push(@{$self->{master_doc}->{physical_description}},
-		$self->get_field_value( $mods, $physical_desc ) );
-	$self->{master_doc}->{physical_description} = 
-		join( ' ', @{$self->{master_doc}->{physical_description}});
-	($self->{master_doc}->{toc}) = $self->get_field_value($mods, $toc_xpath);
-	($self->{master_doc}->{extent}) = 
-		$self->get_field_value($mods, $extent_xpath);
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Takes a MARCXML string and adds it to the growing MODS doc
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub push_mods_batch {
-	my( $self, $marcxml ) = @_;
-	my $xmldoc = $parser->parse_string($marcxml);
-	my $mods = $mods_sheet->transform($xmldoc);
-	my $xmlperl = $self->modsdoc_to_values( $mods );
-	$xmlperl = $self->mods_values_to_mods_slim( $xmlperl );
-	# for backwards compatibility, remove the array part when all is decided
-	if(ref($xmlperl->{subject}) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
-		for my $subject( @{$xmlperl->{subject}} ) {
-			push @{$self->{master_doc}->{subject}}, $subject;
-		}
-	} else {
-		for my $subject ( keys %{$xmlperl->{subject}} ) {
-			my $s = $self->{master_doc}->{subject};
-			if(defined($s->{$subject})) { $s->{$subject}++; } else { $s->{$subject} = 1; }
-		}
-	}
-	push( @{$self->{master_doc}->{type_of_resource}}, 
-		$self->get_field_value( $mods, $resource_xpath ));
-	if(!($self->{master_doc}->{isbn}) ) {
-		($self->{master_doc}->{isbn}) = 
-			$self->get_field_value( $mods, $isbn_xpath );
-	}
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Completes a MARC -> Unified MODS batch process and returns the perl hash
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub init_virtual_record {
-	my $record = Fieldmapper::metabib::virtual_record->new;
-	$record->subject([]);
-	$record->types_of_resource([]);
-	$record->call_numbers([]);
-	return $record;
-sub finish_mods_batch {
-	my $self = shift;
-	return undef unless $self->{master_doc};
-	my $perl = $self->{master_doc};
-	my $record = init_virtual_record();
-	# turn the hash into a fieldmapper object
-	#(my $title = $perl->{title}) =~ s/\[.*?\]//og;
-	#(my $author = $perl->{author}) =~ s/\(.*?\)//og;
-	my $title = $perl->{title};
-	my $author = $perl->{author};
-	my @series;
-	for my $s (@{$perl->{series}}) {
-		push @series, (split( /\s*;/, $s ))[0];
-	}
-	# uniquify the types of resource
-	my $rtypes = $perl->{type_of_resource};
-	my %hash = map { ($_ => 1) } @$rtypes;
-	$rtypes = [ keys %hash ];
-	$record->title($title);
-	$record->author($author);
-	$record->doc_id($perl->{doc_id});
-	$record->isbn($perl->{isbn});
-	$record->pubdate($perl->{pubdate});
-	$record->publisher($perl->{publisher});
-	$record->tcn($perl->{tcn});
-	$record->edition($perl->{edition});
-	$record->subject($perl->{subject});
-	$record->types_of_resource($rtypes);
-	$record->series(\@series);
-	$record->online_loc($perl->{online_loc});
-	$record->synopsis($perl->{synopsis});
-	$record->physical_description($perl->{physical_description});
-	$record->toc($perl->{toc});
-	$record->performer_notes($perl->{performer_notes});
-	$record->extent($perl->{extent});
-	$self->{master_doc} = undef;
-	return $record;

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