[open-ils-commits] r17275 - in trunk/Open-ILS/web: js/ui/default js/ui/default/cat js/ui/default/cat/authority templates/default/cat/authority (dbs)

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Thu Aug 19 23:27:07 EDT 2010

Author: dbs
Date: 2010-08-19 23:27:04 -0400 (Thu, 19 Aug 2010)
New Revision: 17275

Give the Authority List interface the ability to merge records... almost

Separate the interface into separate JavaScript vs markup files

  * Provide a middle layer method that accepts the array of records to merge and merges them
  * Teach the mergeRecords() to call that method when it exists
  * Provide a way of reordering the records or otherwise flagging which record should be the lead
  * Prevent the same record from being added to the merge slushbox twice

Added: trunk/Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/cat/authority/list.js
--- trunk/Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/cat/authority/list.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/cat/authority/list.js	2010-08-20 03:27:04 UTC (rev 17275)
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+var cgi = new openils.CGI();
+// OrgUnits do not currently affect the retrieval of authority records,
+// but this is how to display them if they become OrgUnit-aware
+function authOUListInit() {
+    new openils.User().buildPermOrgSelector(
+        "STAFF_LOGIN", // anywhere you can log in
+        dijit.byId("authOU"),
+        null, // pre-selected org
+        null
+    );
+function displayAuthorities(data) { 
+    // Grab each record from the returned authority records
+    dojo.query("record", data).forEach(function(node) {
+        authText = '';
+        authId = 0;
+        // Grab each authority record field from the authority record
+        dojo.query("datafield[tag^='1']", node).forEach(function(dfNode) {
+            authText += dojox.xml.parser.textContent(dfNode); 
+        });
+        // Grab the ID of the authority record
+        dojo.query("datafield[tag='901'] subfield[code='c']", node).forEach(function(dfNode) {
+            authId = dojox.xml.parser.textContent(dfNode); 
+        });
+        // Create the authority record listing entry
+        dojo.place('<div class="authEntry" id="auth' + authId + '"><span class="text">' + authText + '</span></div>', "authlist-div", "last");
+        // Add the menu of new/edit/delete/mark-for-merge options
+        var auth_menu = new dijit.Menu({});
+        // "Edit" menu item
+        new dijit.MenuItem({"id": "edit_" + authId, "onClick": function(){
+            recId = this.id.slice(this.id.lastIndexOf('_') + 1);
+            pcrud = new openils.PermaCrud();
+            auth_rec = pcrud.retrieve("are", recId);
+            if (auth_rec) {
+                loadMarcEditor(pcrud, auth_rec);
+            }
+        }, "label":"Edit"}).placeAt(auth_menu, "first");
+        // "Merge" menu item
+        new dijit.MenuItem({"id": "merge_" + authId, "onClick":function(){
+            authText = '';
+            recId = this.id.slice(this.id.lastIndexOf('_') + 1);
+            dojo.query('#auth' + recId + ' span.text').forEach(function(node) {
+                authText += dojox.xml.parser.textContent(node); 
+            });
+            dojo.place('<div class="toMerge" id="toMerge_' + recId + '">' +  authText + '</div>', 'mergebox-div', 'last');
+            dojo.removeClass('mergebox-div', 'hidden');
+        }, "label":"Mark for Merge"}).placeAt(auth_menu, "last");
+        // "Delete" menu item
+        new dijit.MenuItem({"id": "delete_" + authId, "onClick":function(){
+            recId = this.id.slice(this.id.lastIndexOf('_') + 1);
+            pcrud = new openils.PermaCrud();
+            auth_rec = pcrud.retrieve("are", recId);
+            if (auth_rec) {
+                pcrud.eliminate(auth_rec);
+                alert("Deleted authority record # " + recId);
+            }
+        }, "label":"Delete"}).placeAt(auth_menu, "last");
+        auth_mb = new dijit.form.DropDownButton({dropDown: auth_menu, label:"Actions"});
+        auth_mb.placeAt("auth" + authId, "first");
+        auth_menu.startup();
+    });
+function loadMarcEditor(pcrud, rec) {
+    /*
+       To run in Firefox directly, must set signed.applets.codebase_principal_support
+       to true in about:config
+     */
+    netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalXPConnect');
+    win = window.open('/xul/server/cat/marcedit.xul'); // XXX version?
+    win.xulG = {
+        "record": {"marc": rec.marc()},
+        "save": {
+            "label": "Save",
+            "func": function(xmlString) {
+                rec.marc(xmlString);
+                rec.ischanged(true);
+                pcrud.update(rec);
+                alert("Record was saved");
+                win.close();
+            }
+        }
+    };
+function authListInit() {
+    term = cgi.param('authTerm') || '';
+    page = cgi.param('authPage') || 0;
+    axis = cgi.param('authAxis') || 'authority.author';
+    if (axis) {
+        dijit.byId('authAxis').attr('value', axis);
+    }
+    if (page) {
+        dijit.byId('authPage').attr('value', page);
+    }
+    if (term) {
+        dijit.byId('authTerm').attr('value', term);
+        displayRecords();
+    }
+    dojo.connect(dijit.byId('authTerm'), 'onBlur', 'displayRecords');
+function displayRecords(parms) {
+    if (parms && parms.page) {
+        if (parms.page == 'next') {
+            page = dijit.byId('authPage').attr('value');
+            dijit.byId('authPage').attr('value', page + 1);
+        } else if (parms.page == 'prev') {
+            page = dijit.byId('authPage').attr('value');
+            dijit.byId('authPage').attr('value', page - 1);
+        } else {
+            dijit.byId('authPage').attr('value', parms.page);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Protect against null input */
+    if (!dijit.byId('authTerm').attr('value')) {
+        return;
+    }
+    /* Clear out the current contents of the page */
+    widgets = dijit.findWidgets(dojo.byId('authlist-div'));
+    dojo.forEach(widgets, function(w) { w.destroyRecursive(true); });
+    dojo.query("#authlist-div div").orphan();
+    url = '/opac/extras/startwith/marcxml/'
+        + dijit.byId('authAxis').attr('value')
+        // + '/' + dijit.byId('authOU').attr('value')
+        + '/1' // replace with preceding line if OUs gain some meaning
+        + '/' + dijit.byId('authTerm').attr('value')
+        + '/' + dijit.byId('authPage').attr('value')
+    ;
+    dojo.xhrGet({"url":url, "handleAs":"xml", "content":{"format":"marcxml"}, "preventCache": true, "load":displayAuthorities });
+function clearMergeRecords() {
+    records = dojo.query('.toMerge').orphan();
+    dojo.addClass('mergebox-div', 'hidden');
+function mergeRecords() {
+    records = dojo.query('.toMerge').attr('id');
+    dojo.forEach(records, function(item, idx) {
+        records[idx] = parseInt(item.slice(item.lastIndexOf('_') + 1));
+    });
+    alert('TODO: actually merge the gathered records: ' + dojo.toJson(records));

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/web/templates/default/cat/authority/list.tt2
--- trunk/Open-ILS/web/templates/default/cat/authority/list.tt2	2010-08-19 22:16:01 UTC (rev 17274)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/web/templates/default/cat/authority/list.tt2	2010-08-20 03:27:04 UTC (rev 17275)
@@ -1,166 +1,25 @@
 [% ctx.page_title = 'Authority record list' %]
 [% WRAPPER default/base.tt2 %]
+<script type="text/javascript" src='[% ctx.media_prefix %]/js/ui/default/cat/authority/list.js'> </script>
-var cgi = new openils.CGI();
+<div id='mergebox-div' class='hidden' style='float:right; border: 4px solid; width: 25%;'>
+    <div style="border-bottom: 4px solid; text-align: center;">
+        <div dojoType="dijit.form.Form" encType="multipart/form-data" action="" method="">
+            <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" type="button" value="Merge">Merge
+                <script type="dojo/method" event="onClick" args="evt">
+                    mergeRecords();
+                </script>
+            </div>
+            <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" type="button" value="Clear">Clear
+                <script type="dojo/method" event="onClick" args="evt">
+                    clearMergeRecords();
+                </script>
+            </div>
+        </div>
+    </div>
-// OrgUnits do not currently affect the retrieval of authority records,
-// but this is how to display them if they become OrgUnit-aware
-function authOUListInit() {
-    new openils.User().buildPermOrgSelector(
-        "STAFF_LOGIN", // anywhere you can log in
-        dijit.byId("authOU"),
-        null, // pre-selected org
-        null
-    );
-function displayAuthorities(data) { 
-    // Grab each record from the returned authority records
-    dojo.query("record", data).forEach(function(node) {
-        authText = '';
-        authId = 0;
-        // Grab each authority record field from the authority record
-        dojo.query("datafield[tag^='1']", node).forEach(function(dfNode) {
-            authText += dojox.xml.parser.textContent(dfNode); 
-        });
-        // Grab the ID of the authority record
-        dojo.query("datafield[tag='901'] subfield[code='c']", node).forEach(function(dfNode) {
-            authId = dojox.xml.parser.textContent(dfNode); 
-        });
-        // Create the authority record listing entry
-        dojo.place('<div class="authEntry" id="auth' + authId + '">' + authText + '</div>', "authlist-div", "last");
-        // Add the menu of new/edit/delete/mark-for-merge options
-        var auth_menu = new dijit.Menu({});
-        // "Edit" menu item
-        new dijit.MenuItem({"id": "edit_" + authId, "onClick": function(){
-            recId = this.id.slice(this.id.lastIndexOf('_') + 1);
-            pcrud = new openils.PermaCrud();
-            auth_rec = pcrud.retrieve("are", recId);
-            if (auth_rec) {
-                loadMarcEditor(pcrud, auth_rec);
-            }
-        }, "label":"Edit"}).placeAt(auth_menu, "first");
-        // "Delete" menu item
-        new dijit.MenuItem({"id": "delete_" + authId, "onClick":function(){
-            recId = this.id.slice(this.id.lastIndexOf('_') + 1);
-            pcrud = new openils.PermaCrud();
-            auth_rec = pcrud.retrieve("are", recId);
-            if (auth_rec) {
-                pcrud.eliminate(auth_rec);
-                alert("Deleted authority record # " + recId);
-            }
-        }, "label":"Delete"}).placeAt(auth_menu, "last");
-        auth_mb = new dijit.form.DropDownButton({dropDown: auth_menu, label:"Actions"});
-        auth_mb.placeAt("auth" + authId, "first");
-        auth_menu.startup();
-    });
-function loadMarcEditor(pcrud, rec) {
-    /*
-       To run in Firefox directly, must set signed.applets.codebase_principal_support
-       to true in about:config
-     */
-    netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalXPConnect');
-    win = window.open('/xul/server/cat/marcedit.xul'); // XXX version?
-    win.xulG = {
-        "record": {"marc": rec.marc()},
-        "save": {
-            "label": "Save",
-            "func": function(xmlString) {
-                rec.marc(xmlString);
-                rec.ischanged(true);
-                pcrud.update(rec);
-                alert("Record was saved");
-                win.close();
-            }
-        }
-    };
-function authListInit() {
-    /* Parse CGI params so we can display records on load */
-    term = cgi.param('authTerm') || '';
-    page = cgi.param('authPage') || 0;
-    axis = cgi.param('authAxis') || 'authority.author';
-    if (axis) {
-        dijit.byId('authAxis').attr('value', axis);
-    }
-    if (page) {
-        dijit.byId('authPage').attr('value', page);
-    }
-    /* If we receive a term, go ahead and display the records */
-    if (term) {
-        dijit.byId('authTerm').attr('value', term);
-        displayRecords();
-    }
-    /* Make searching possible without having to click Submit */
-    dojo.connect(dijit.byId('authTerm'), 'onBlur', 'displayRecords');
-function displayRecords(parms) {
-    if (parms && parms.page) {
-        if (parms.page == 'next') {
-            page = dijit.byId('authPage').attr('value');
-            dijit.byId('authPage').attr('value', page + 1);
-        } else if (parms.page == 'prev') {
-            page = dijit.byId('authPage').attr('value');
-            dijit.byId('authPage').attr('value', page - 1);
-        } else {
-            dijit.byId('authPage').attr('value', parms.page);
-        }
-    }
-    /* Protect against null input */
-    if (!dijit.byId('authTerm').attr('value')) {
-        return;
-    }
-    /* Clear out the current contents of the page */
-    widgets = dijit.findWidgets(dojo.byId('authlist-div'));
-    dojo.forEach(widgets, function(w) { w.destroyRecursive(true); });
-    dojo.query("#authlist-div div").orphan();
-    url = '/opac/extras/startwith/marcxml/'
-        + dijit.byId('authAxis').attr('value')
-        // + '/' + dijit.byId('authOU').attr('value')
-        + '/1' // replace with preceding line if OUs gain some meaning
-        + '/' + dijit.byId('authTerm').attr('value')
-        + '/' + dijit.byId('authPage').attr('value')
-    ;
-    dojo.xhrGet({"url":url, "handleAs":"xml", "content":{"format":"marcxml"}, "preventCache": true, "load":displayAuthorities });
 <div dojoType="dijit.form.Form" id="myForm" jsId="myForm" encType="multipart/form-data" action="" method="">
     <label for="authTerm">Search term: </label><input type="text" name="authTerm" value="" dojoType="dijit.form.TextBox" trim="true" id="authTerm" propercase="false"/>
     <label for="authAxis">Authority type: </label><select type="text" name="authAxis" value="" dojoType="dijit.form.FilteringSelect" trim="true" id="authAxis" propercase="false" style="width: 10em;">

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