[open-ils-commits] r17357 - in branches/rel_1_6/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server: admin cat (dbs)

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Thu Aug 26 20:40:02 EDT 2010

Author: dbs
Date: 2010-08-26 20:40:01 -0400 (Thu, 26 Aug 2010)
New Revision: 17357

Backport spine label editing enhancements to rel_1_6

Modified: branches/rel_1_6/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/admin/org_unit_settings.xhtml
--- branches/rel_1_6/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/admin/org_unit_settings.xhtml	2010-08-26 19:19:29 UTC (rev 17356)
+++ branches/rel_1_6/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/admin/org_unit_settings.xhtml	2010-08-27 00:40:01 UTC (rev 17357)
@@ -37,6 +37,28 @@
                     label : '&staff.server.admin.org_settings.default_price;',
                     type : 'currency',
+                'cat.label.font.family' : {
+                    label : 'Cataloging: Label font family',
+                },
+                'cat.label.font.size' : {
+                    label : 'Cataloging: Label font size',
+                    type : 'number',
+                },
+                'cat.label.font.weight' : {
+                    label : 'Cataloging: Label font weight (bold or normal)',
+                },
+                'cat.spine.line.width' : {
+                    label : 'Cataloging: Spine label width',
+                    type : 'number',
+                },
+                'cat.spine.line.height' : {
+                    label : 'Cataloging: Spine label length',
+                    type : 'number',
+                },
+                'cat.spine.line.margin' : {
+                    label : 'Cataloging: Spine label left margin',
+                    type : 'number',
+                },
                 'auth.opac_timeout' : {
                     label : '&staff.server.admin.org_settings.opac_timeout;',
                     type : 'number',

Modified: branches/rel_1_6/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/cat/spine_labels.js
--- branches/rel_1_6/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/cat/spine_labels.js	2010-08-26 19:19:29 UTC (rev 17356)
+++ branches/rel_1_6/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/cat/spine_labels.js	2010-08-27 00:40:01 UTC (rev 17357)
@@ -67,142 +67,359 @@
             alert( util.functional.map_list( g.cols, function(o) { return '%' + o.id + '%'; } ).join(" ") );
-        function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }
+        function $(id) { return dojo.byId(id); }
-        function generate() {
+        function generate(override) {
             try {
                 var idx = 0;
-                JSAN.use('util.text'); JSAN.use('util.money');
-                JSAN.use('util.widgets'); util.widgets.remove_children('panel'); var pn = $('panel'); $('preview').disabled = false;
-                var lw = Number($('lw').value) || 8; /* spine label width */
-                var ll = Number($('ll').value) || 9; /* spine label length */
-                var plw = Number($('plw').value) || 28; /* pocket label width */
-                var pll = Number($('pll').value) || 9; /* pocket label length */
-                for (var i in g.volumes) {
-                    var vb = document.createElement('vbox'); pn.appendChild(vb); vb.setAttribute('name','template'); vb.setAttribute('acn_id',g.volumes[i].id());
-                    var ds = document.createElement('description'); vb.appendChild(ds);
-                    ds.appendChild( document.createTextNode( g.volumes[i].label() ) );
-                    var ds2 = document.createElement('description'); vb.appendChild(ds2);
-                    ds2.appendChild( document.createTextNode( g.volumes[i].copies().length + (
-                        g.volumes[i].copies().length == 1 ? $("catStrings").getString('staff.cat.spine_labels.copy') : $("catStrings").getString('staff.cat.spine_labels.copies')) ) );
-                    ds2.setAttribute('style','color: green');
-                    var hb = document.createElement('hbox'); vb.appendChild(hb);
+                JSAN.use('util.text');
+                JSAN.use('util.money');
+                JSAN.use('util.widgets');
+                var pn = $('panel');
+                $('preview').disabled = false;
-                    var gb = document.createElement('groupbox'); hb.appendChild(gb); 
-                    /* take the call number and split it on whitespace */
-                    var names = String(g.volumes[i].label()).split(/\s+/);
-                    var j = 0;
-                    while (j < ll || j < pll) {
-                        var hb2 = document.createElement('hbox'); gb.appendChild(hb2);
-                        /* spine */
-                        if (j < ll) {
-                            var tb = document.createElement('textbox'); hb2.appendChild(tb); 
-                            tb.value = '';
-                            tb.setAttribute('class','plain'); tb.setAttribute('style','font-family: monospace');
-                            tb.setAttribute('size',lw+1); tb.setAttribute('maxlength',lw);
-                            tb.setAttribute('name','spine');
-                            var name = names.shift(); if (name) {
-                                name = String( name );
-                                /* if the name is greater than the label width... */
-                                if (name.length > lw) {
-                                    /* then try to split it on periods */
-                                    var sname = name.split(/\./);
-                                    if (sname.length > 1) {
-                                        /* if we can, then put the periods back in on each splitted element */
-                                        if (name.match(/^\./)) sname[0] = '.' + sname[0];
-                                        for (var k = 1; k < sname.length; k++) sname[k] = '.' + sname[k];
-                                        /* and put all but the first one back into the names array */
-                                        names = sname.slice(1).concat( names );
-                                        /* if the name fragment is still greater than the label width... */
-                                        if (sname[0].length > lw) {
-                                            /* then just truncate and throw the rest back into the names array */
-                                            tb.value = sname[0].substr(0,lw);
-                                            names = [ sname[0].substr(lw) ].concat( names );
-                                        } else {
-                                            /* otherwise we're set */
-                                            tb.value = sname[0];
-                                        }
-                                    } else {
-                                        /* if we can't split on periods, then just truncate and throw the rest back into the names array */
-                                        tb.value = name.substr(0,lw);
-                                        names = [ name.substr(lw) ].concat( names );
-                                    }
+                /* Grab from OU settings, then fall back to hardcoded defaults */
+                var label_cfg = {};
+                label_cfg.spine_width = Number($('lw').value); /* spine label width */
+                if (!label_cfg.spine_width) {
+                    label_cfg.spine_width = g.data.hash.aous['cat.spine.line.width'] || 8;
+                    $('lw').value = label_cfg.spine_width;
+                }
+                label_cfg.spine_length = Number($('ll').value); /* spine label length */
+                if (!label_cfg.spine_length) {
+                    label_cfg.spine_length = g.data.hash.aous['cat.spine.line.height'] || 9;
+                    $('ll').value = label_cfg.spine_length;
+                }
+                label_cfg.spine_left_margin = Number($('lm').value); /* left margin */
+                if (!label_cfg.spine_left_margin) {
+                    label_cfg.spine_left_margin = g.data.hash.aous['cat.spine.line.margin'] || 11;
+                    $('lm').value = label_cfg.spine_left_margin;
+                }
+                label_cfg.font_size = Number( $('pt').value );  /* font size */
+                if (!label_cfg.font_size) {
+                    label_cfg.font_size = g.data.hash.aous['cat.label.font.size'] || 10;
+                    $('pt').value = label_cfg.font_size;
+                }
+                label_cfg.font_weight = $('font_weight').value;  /* font weight */
+                if (!label_cfg.font_weight) {
+                    label_cfg.font_weight = g.data.hash.aous['cat.label.font.weight'] || 'normal';
+                    $('font_weight').value = label_cfg.font_weight;
+                }
+                label_cfg.font_family = g.data.hash.aous['cat.label.font.family'] || 'monospace';
+                label_cfg.pocket_width = Number($('plw').value) || 28; /* pocket label width */
+                label_cfg.pocket_length = Number($('pll').value) || 9; /* pocket label length */
+                if (override) {
+                    var gb = $('acn_' + g.volumes[override.acn].id());
+                    util.widgets.remove_children('acn_' + g.volumes[override.acn].id());
+                    generate_labels(g.volumes[override.acn], gb, label_cfg, override);
+                } else {
+                    util.widgets.remove_children('panel');
+                    for (var i in g.volumes) {
+                        var vb = document.createElement('vbox'); pn.appendChild(vb);
+                        vb.setAttribute('name','template');
+                        vb.setAttribute('acn_id',g.volumes[i].id());
+                        var ds = document.createElement('description'); vb.appendChild(ds);
+                        ds.appendChild( document.createTextNode( g.volumes[i].label() ) );
+                        var ds2 = document.createElement('description'); vb.appendChild(ds2);
+                        ds2.appendChild( document.createTextNode( g.volumes[i].copies().length + ' ' + (
+                            g.volumes[i].copies().length == 1 ? $("catStrings").getString('staff.cat.spine_labels.copy') : $("catStrings").getString('staff.cat.spine_labels.copies')) ) );
+                        ds2.setAttribute('style','color: green');
+                        var hb = document.createElement('hbox'); vb.appendChild(hb);
+                        var gb = document.createElement('groupbox');
+                        hb.appendChild(gb); 
+                        gb.setAttribute('id','acn_' + g.volumes[i].id());
+                        gb.setAttribute('style','border: solid black 2px');
+                        generate_labels(g.volumes[i], gb, label_cfg, override);
+                        idx++;
+                    }
+                }
+            } catch(E) {
+                g.error.standard_unexpected_error_alert($("catStrings").getString('staff.cat.spine_labels.generate.std_unexpeceted_err'),E);
+            }
+        }
+        function generate_labels(volume, label_node, label_cfg, override) {
+            var names;
+            if (override && volume.id() == override.acn) {
+                /* If we're calling ourself, we'll have an altered label */
+                names = String(override.label).split(/\s+/);
+            } else {
+                /* take the call number and split it on whitespace */
+                names = String(volume.label()).split(/\s+/);
+            }
+            var j = 0;
+            while (j < label_cfg.spine_length || j < label_cfg.pocket_length) {
+                var hb2 = document.createElement('hbox'); label_node.appendChild(hb2);
+                /* spine */
+                if (j < label_cfg.spine_length) {
+                    var tb = document.createElement('textbox'); hb2.appendChild(tb); 
+                    tb.value = '';
+                    tb.setAttribute('class','plain');
+                    tb.setAttribute('style',
+                        'font-family: ' + label_cfg.font_family
+                        + '; font-size: ' + label_cfg.font_size
+                        + '; font-weight: ' + label_cfg.font_weight
+                    );
+                    tb.setAttribute('size',label_cfg.spine_width+1);
+                    tb.setAttribute('maxlength',label_cfg.spine_width);
+                    tb.setAttribute('name','spine');
+                    var spine_row_id = 'acn_' + volume.id() + '_spine_' + j;
+                    tb.setAttribute('id',spine_row_id);
+                    var name = names.shift();
+                    if (name) {
+                        name = String( name );
+                        /* if the name is greater than the label width... */
+                        if (name.length > label_cfg.spine_width) {
+                            /* then try to split it on periods */
+                            var sname = name.split(/\./);
+                            if (sname.length > 1) {
+                                /* if we can, then put the periods back in on each splitted element */
+                                if (name.match(/^\./)) sname[0] = '.' + sname[0];
+                                for (var k = 1; k < sname.length; k++) sname[k] = '.' + sname[k];
+                                /* and put all but the first one back into the names array */
+                                names = sname.slice(1).concat( names );
+                                /* if the name fragment is still greater than the label width... */
+                                if (sname[0].length > label_cfg.spine_width) {
+                                    /* then just truncate and throw the rest back into the names array */
+                                    tb.value = sname[0].substr(0,label_cfg.spine_width);
+                                    names = [ sname[0].substr(label_cfg.spine_width) ].concat( names );
                                 } else {
                                     /* otherwise we're set */
-                                    tb.value = name;
+                                    tb.value = sname[0];
+                            } else {
+                                /* if we can't split on periods, then just truncate and throw the rest back into the names array */
+                                tb.value = name.substr(0,label_cfg.spine_width);
+                                names = [ name.substr(label_cfg.spine_width) ].concat( names );
+                        } else {
+                            /* otherwise we're set */
+                            tb.value = name;
+                    }
+                    dojo.connect($(spine_row_id), 'onkeypress', 'spine_label_key_events');
+                }
-                        /* pocket */
-                        if ($('pl').checked && j < pll) {
-                            var tb2 = document.createElement('textbox'); hb2.appendChild(tb2); 
+                /* pocket */
+                if ($('pl').checked && j < label_cfg.pocket_length) {
+                    var tb2 = document.createElement('textbox'); hb2.appendChild(tb2); 
+                    tb2.value = '';
+                    tb2.setAttribute('class','plain');
+                    tb2.setAttribute('style',
+                        'font-family: ' + label_cfg.font_family
+                        + '; font-size: ' + label_cfg.font_size
+                        + '; font-weight: ' + label_cfg.font_weight
+                    );
+                    tb2.setAttribute('size',label_cfg.pocket_width+1); tb2.setAttribute('maxlength',label_cfg.pocket_width);
+                    tb2.setAttribute('name','pocket');
+                    if ($('title').checked && $('title_line').value == j + 1 && instanceOf(volume.record(),mvr)) {
+                        if (volume.record().title()) {
+                            tb2.value = util.text.wrap_on_space( volume.record().title(), label_cfg.pocket_width )[0];
+                        } else {
                             tb2.value = '';
-                            tb2.setAttribute('class','plain'); tb2.setAttribute('style','font-family: monospace');
-                            tb2.setAttribute('size',plw+1); tb2.setAttribute('maxlength',plw);
-                            tb2.setAttribute('name','pocket');
-                            if ($('title').checked && $('title_line').value == j + 1 && instanceOf(g.volumes[i].record(),mvr)) {
-                                if (g.volumes[i].record().title()) {
-                                    tb2.value = util.text.wrap_on_space( g.volumes[i].record().title(), plw )[0];
-                                } else {
-                                    tb2.value = '';
-                                }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if ($('title_r').checked && $('title_r_line').value == j + 1 && instanceOf(volume.record(),mvr)) {
+                        if (volume.record().title()) {
+                            tb2.value = ( ($('title_r_indent').checked ? ' ' : '') + util.text.wrap_on_space( volume.record().title(), label_cfg.pocket_width )[1]).substr(0,label_cfg.pocket_width);
+                        } else {
+                            tb2.value = '';
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if ($('author').checked && $('author_line').value == j + 1 && instanceOf(volume.record(),mvr)) {
+                        if (volume.record().author()) {
+                            tb2.value = volume.record().author().substr(0,label_cfg.pocket_width);
+                        } else {
+                            tb2.value = '';
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if ($('call_number').checked && $('call_number_line').value == j + 1) {
+                        tb2.value = volume.label().substr(0,label_cfg.pocket_width);
+                    }
+                    if ($('owning_lib_shortname').checked && $('owning_lib_shortname_line').value == j + 1) {
+                        var lib = volume.owning_lib();
+                        if (!instanceOf(lib,aou)) lib = g.data.hash.aou[ lib ];
+                        tb2.value = lib.shortname().substr(0,label_cfg.pocket_width);
+                    }
+                    if ($('owning_lib').checked && $('owning_lib_line').value == j + 1) {
+                        var lib = volume.owning_lib();
+                        if (!instanceOf(lib,aou)) lib = g.data.hash.aou[ lib ];
+                        tb2.value = lib.name().substr(0,label_cfg.pocket_width);
+                    }
+                    if ($('shelving_location').checked && $('shelving_location_line').value == j + 1) {
+                        tb2.value = '%location%';
+                    }
+                    if ($('barcode').checked && $('barcode_line').value == j + 1) {
+                        tb2.value = '%barcode%';
+                    }
+                    if ($('custom1').checked && $('custom1_line').value == j + 1) {
+                        tb2.value = $('custom1_tb').value;
+                    }
+                    if ($('custom2').checked && $('custom2_line').value == j + 1) {
+                        tb2.value = $('custom2_tb').value;
+                    }
+                    if ($('custom3').checked && $('custom3_line').value == j + 1) {
+                        tb2.value = $('custom3_tb').value;
+                    }
+                    if ($('custom4').checked && $('custom4_line').value == j + 1) {
+                        tb2.value = $('custom4_tb').value;
+                    }
+                }
+                j++;
+            }
+        }
+        function spine_label_key_events (event) {
+            /* Current value of the inpux box */
+            var line_value = event.target.value;
+            /* Cursor positions */
+            var sel_start = event.target.selectionStart;
+            var sel_end = event.target.selectionEnd;
+            /* Identifiers for this row: "acn_ID_spine_ROW" */
+            var atts = event.target.id.split('_');
+            var row_id = {
+                "acn": atts[1],
+                "spine": atts[3],
+                "prefix": 'acn_' + atts[1] + '_spine_'
+            };
+            switch (event.charOrCode) {
+                case dojo.keys.ENTER : {
+                    /* Create a new row by inserting a space at the
+                     * current cursor point, then regenerating the
+                     * label
+                     */
+                    if (sel_start == sel_end) {
+                        if (sel_start == 0) {
+                            /* If the cursor is at the start of the line:
+                             * insert new line
+                             */
+                            line_value = ' ' + line_value;
+                        } else if (sel_start == line_value.length) {
+                            /* Special case if the cursor is at the end of the line:
+                             * move to next line
+                             */
+                            var next_row = $(row_id.prefix + (parseInt(row_id.spine) + 1));
+                            if (next_row) {
+                                next_row.focus();
-                            if ($('title_r').checked && $('title_r_line').value == j + 1 && instanceOf(g.volumes[i].record(),mvr)) {
-                                if (g.volumes[i].record().title()) {
-                                    tb2.value = ( ($('title_r_indent').checked ? ' ' : '') + util.text.wrap_on_space( g.volumes[i].record().title(), plw )[1]).substr(0,plw);
-                                } else {
-                                    tb2.value = '';
-                                }
+                            break;
+                        } else {
+                            line_value = line_value.substr(0, sel_start) + ' ' + line_value.substr(sel_end);
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        line_value = line_value.substr(0, sel_start) + ' ' + line_value.substr(sel_end);
+                    }
+                    event.target.value = line_value;
+                    /* Recreate the label */
+                    var new_label = '';
+                    var chunk;
+                    var x = 0;
+                    while (chunk = $(row_id.prefix + x)) {
+                        if (x > 0) {
+                            new_label += ' ' + chunk.value;
+                        } else {
+                            new_label = chunk.value;
+                        }
+                        x++;
+                    }
+                    generate({"acn": row_id.acn, "label": new_label});
+                    $(row_id.prefix + row_id.spine).focus();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case dojo.keys.BACKSPACE : {
+                    /* Delete line if at the start of an input box */
+                    if (sel_start == 0) {
+                        var new_label = '';
+                        var chunk;
+                        var x = 0;
+                        while (x <= (row_id.spine - 1) && (chunk = $(row_id.prefix + x))) {
+                            if (x > 0) {
+                                new_label += ' ' + chunk.value;
+                            } else {
+                                new_label = chunk.value;
-                            if ($('author').checked && $('author_line').value == j + 1 && instanceOf(g.volumes[i].record(),mvr)) {
-                                if (g.volumes[i].record().author()) {
-                                    tb2.value = g.volumes[i].record().author().substr(0,plw);
-                                } else {
-                                    tb2.value = '';
-                                }
+                            x++;
+                        }
+                        if (chunk = $(row_id.prefix + x)) {
+                            new_label += chunk.value;
+                            x++;
+                        }
+                        while (chunk = $(row_id.prefix + x)) {
+                            new_label += ' ' + chunk.value;
+                            x++;
+                        }
+                        generate({"acn": row_id.acn, "label": new_label});
+                        $(row_id.prefix + row_id.spine).focus();
+                    }
+                    break;
+                }
+                case dojo.keys.DELETE : {
+                    /* Delete line if at the end of an input box */
+                    if (sel_start == event.target.textLength) {
+                        var new_label = '';
+                        var chunk;
+                        var x = 0;
+                        while (x <= row_id.spine && (chunk = $(row_id.prefix + x))) {
+                            if (x > 0) {
+                                new_label += ' ' + chunk.value;
+                            } else {
+                                new_label = chunk.value;
-                            if ($('call_number').checked && $('call_number_line').value == j + 1) {
-                                tb2.value = g.volumes[i].label().substr(0,plw);
-                            }
-                            if ($('owning_lib_shortname').checked && $('owning_lib_shortname_line').value == j + 1) {
-                                var lib = g.volumes[i].owning_lib();
-                                if (!instanceOf(lib,aou)) lib = g.data.hash.aou[ lib ];
-                                tb2.value = lib.shortname().substr(0,plw);
-                            }
-                            if ($('owning_lib').checked && $('owning_lib_line').value == j + 1) {
-                                var lib = g.volumes[i].owning_lib();
-                                if (!instanceOf(lib,aou)) lib = g.data.hash.aou[ lib ];
-                                tb2.value = lib.name().substr(0,plw);
-                            }
-                            if ($('shelving_location').checked && $('shelving_location_line').value == j + 1) {
-                                tb2.value = '%location%';
-                            }
-                            if ($('barcode').checked && $('barcode_line').value == j + 1) {
-                                tb2.value = '%barcode%';
-                            }
-                            if ($('custom1').checked && $('custom1_line').value == j + 1) {
-                                tb2.value = $('custom1_tb').value;
-                            }
-                            if ($('custom2').checked && $('custom2_line').value == j + 1) {
-                                tb2.value = $('custom2_tb').value;
-                            }
-                            if ($('custom3').checked && $('custom3_line').value == j + 1) {
-                                tb2.value = $('custom3_tb').value;
-                            }
-                            if ($('custom4').checked && $('custom4_line').value == j + 1) {
-                                tb2.value = $('custom4_tb').value;
-                            }
+                            x++;
-                        j++;
+                        if (chunk = $(row_id.prefix + x)) {
+                            new_label += chunk.value;
+                            x++;
+                        }
+                        while (chunk = $(row_id.prefix + x)) {
+                            new_label += ' ' + chunk.value;
+                            x++;
+                        }
+                        generate({"acn": row_id.acn, "label": new_label});
+                        $(row_id.prefix + row_id.spine).focus();
+                    break;
+                }
-                    idx++;
+                case dojo.keys.UP_ARROW : {
+                    /* Move to the previous row */
+                    var prev_row = $(row_id.prefix + (parseInt(row_id.spine) - 1));
+                    if (prev_row) {
+                        prev_row.focus();
+                    }
+                    break;
-            } catch(E) {
-                g.error.standard_unexpected_error_alert($("catStrings").getString('staff.cat.spine_labels.generate.std_unexpeceted_err'),E);
+                case dojo.keys.DOWN_ARROW : {
+                    /* Move to the next row */
+                    var next_row = $(row_id.prefix + (parseInt(row_id.spine) + 1));
+                    if (next_row) {
+                        next_row.focus();
+                    }
+                    break;
+                }
+                default : {
+                    break;
+                }
@@ -225,14 +442,35 @@
         function preview(idx) {
             try {
-                    var pt = Number( $('pt').value ) || 10;  /* font size */
-                    var lm = Number($('lm').value); if (lm == NaN) lm = 11; /* left margin */
+                    var pt = Number( $('pt').value );  /* font size */
+                    if (!pt) {
+                        pt = g.data.hash.aous['cat.spine.font.size'] || 10;
+                        $('pt').value = pt;
+                    }
+                    var ff = g.data.hash.aous['cat.spine.font.family'] || 'monospace';
+                    var fw = $('font_weight').value;  /* font weight */
+                    if (!fw) {
+                        fw = g.data.hash.aous['cat.label.font.weight'] || 'normal';
+                    }
+                    var lm = Number($('lm').value); /* left margin */
+                    if (!lm) {
+                        lm = g.data.hash.aous['cat.spine.line.margin'] || 11;
+                    }
                     var mm = Number($('mm').value); if (mm == NaN) mm = 2; /* middle margin */
-                    var lw = Number($('lw').value) || 8; var ll = Number($('ll').value) || 9; /* spine label width and length */
+                    var lw = Number($('lw').value); /* spine label width */
+                    if (!lw) {
+                        lw = g.data.hash.aous['cat.spine.line.width'] || 8;
+                        $('lw').value = lw;
+                    }
+                    var ll = Number($('ll').value); /* spine label length */
+                    if (!ll) {
+                        ll = g.data.hash.aous['cat.spine.line.height'] || 9;
+                        $('ll').value = ll;
+                    }
                     var plw = Number($('plw').value) || 28; var pll = Number($('pll').value) || 9; /* pocket label width and length */
                     var html = "<html><head>";
-                    html += "<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='/xul/server/skin/print.css'></link>"
-                    html += "<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='data:text/css,pre{font-size:" + pt + "pt;}'></link>";
+                    html += "<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='" + xulG.url_prefix('/xul/server/skin/print.css') + "'></link>"
+                    html += "<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='data:text/css,pre{font-family:" + ff + ";font-size:" + pt + "pt; font-weight: " + fw + ";}'></link>";
                     html += "<title>Spine Labels</title></head><body>\n";
                     var nl = document.getElementsByAttribute('name','template');
                     for (var i = 0; i < nl.length; i++) {
@@ -243,7 +481,7 @@
                         for (var j = 0; j < volume.copies().length; j++) {
                             var copy = volume.copies()[j];
-                            if (i == 0) {
+                            if (i == 0 && j == 0) {
                                 html += '<pre class="first_pre">\n';
                             } else {
                                 html += '<pre class="not_first_pre">\n';
@@ -263,33 +501,23 @@
                                 html += '\n';
-                            html += '</pre>\n';
+                            html += '</pre hex="0C">\n';
                     html += '</body></html>';
-                    JSAN.use('util.window'); var win = new util.window();
-                    var loc = ( urls.XUL_REMOTE_BROWSER );
-                    //+ '?url=' + window.escape('about:blank') + '&show_print_button=1&alternate_print=1&no_xulG=1&title=' + window.escape('Spine Labels');
-                    var w = win.open( loc, 'spine_preview', 'chrome,resizable,width=750,height=550');
-                    w.xulG = { 
-                        'url' : 'about:blank',
-                        'show_print_button' : 1,
-                        'alternate_print' : 1,
-                        'no_xulG' : 1,
-                        'title' : $("catStrings").getString('staff.cat.spine_labels.preview.title'),
-                        'on_url_load' : function(b) { 
-                            try { 
-                                netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalXPConnect');
-                                if (typeof w.xulG.written == 'undefined') {
-                                    w.xulG.written = true;
-                                    w.g.browser.get_content().document.write(html);
-                                    w.g.browser.get_content().document.close();
-                                }
-                            } catch(E) {
-                                alert(E);
-                            }
+                    var loc = ( urls.XUL_BROWSER );
+                    xulG.new_tab(
+                        loc,
+                        {
+                            'tab_name' : $("catStrings").getString('staff.cat.spine_labels.preview.title')
+                        },
+                        { 
+                            'url' : 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,'+window.escape(html),
+                            'html_source' : html,
+                            'show_print_button' : 1,
+                            'no_xulG' : 1
-                    };
+                    );
             } catch(E) {

Modified: branches/rel_1_6/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/cat/spine_labels.xul
--- branches/rel_1_6/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/cat/spine_labels.xul	2010-08-26 19:19:29 UTC (rev 17356)
+++ branches/rel_1_6/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/cat/spine_labels.xul	2010-08-27 00:40:01 UTC (rev 17357)
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
         <scripts id="openils_util_scripts"/>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="/xul/server/main/JSAN.js"/>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/dojo/dojo/dojo.js" />
     <script type="text/javascript" src="/xul/server/cat/spine_labels.js"/>
     <messagecatalog id="circStrings" src="/xul/server/locale/<!--#echo var='locale' -->/circ.properties"/>
@@ -48,15 +49,21 @@
                     accesskey="&staff.cat.spine_labels.close_window.accesskey;" oncommand="window.close()"/>
-            <hbox>
-                <label value="&staff.cat.spine_labels.font_size.label;" control="pt"/>
-                <textbox id="pt" value="10" onchange="this.setAttribute('value',this.value)" oils_persist="value" context="clipboard"/>
-            </hbox>
+            <grid><columns><column/><column/></columns><rows>
+                <row>
+                    <label value="&staff.cat.spine_labels.font_size.label;" control="pt"/>
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+                    <textbox id="font_weight" value="" onchange="this.setAttribute('value',this.value)" oils_persist="value" context="clipboard"/>
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-                <row> <label value="&staff.cat.spine_labels.spine_label.left_margin.label;" control="lm"/><textbox id="lm" value="0" onchange="this.setAttribute('value',this.value)" oils_persist="value" context="clipboard"/> </row>
-                <row> <label value="&staff.cat.spine_labels.spine_label.label_width.label;" control="lw"/><textbox id="lw" value="8" onchange="this.setAttribute('value',this.value)" oils_persist="value" context="clipboard"/> </row>
-                <row> <label value="&staff.cat.spine_labels.spine_label.label_length.label;" control="ll"/><textbox id="ll" value="9" onchange="this.setAttribute('value',this.value)" oils_persist="value" context="clipboard"/> </row>
+                <row> <label value="&staff.cat.spine_labels.spine_label.left_margin.label;" control="lm"/><textbox id="lm" value="" onchange="this.setAttribute('value',this.value)" oils_persist="value" context="clipboard"/> </row>
+                <row> <label value="&staff.cat.spine_labels.spine_label.label_width.label;" control="lw"/><textbox id="lw" value="" onchange="this.setAttribute('value',this.value)" oils_persist="value" context="clipboard"/> </row>
+                <row> <label value="&staff.cat.spine_labels.spine_label.label_length.label;" control="ll"/><textbox id="ll" value="" onchange="this.setAttribute('value',this.value)" oils_persist="value" context="clipboard"/> </row>
                 <row> <label class="header" value="&staff.cat.spine_labels.pocket_label.label;"/><checkbox id="pl" checked="false" oils_persist="checked" label="Enabled"/> </row>
                 <row> <label value="&staff.cat.spine_labels.pocket_label.middle_margin.label;" control="mm"/><textbox id="mm" value="2" onchange="this.setAttribute('value',this.value)" oils_persist="value" context="clipboard"/> </row>
                 <row> <label value="&staff.cat.spine_labels.pocket_label.label_width.label;" control="plw"/><textbox id="plw" value="28" onchange="this.setAttribute('value',this.value)" oils_persist="value" context="clipboard"/> </row>
@@ -77,7 +84,7 @@
                 <row> <spacer/><checkbox id="title_r_indent" checked="true" oils_persist="checked" label="&staff.cat.spine_labels.indent_title.label;"/> </row>
-                    <checkbox id="author" checked="true" oils_persist="checked" label="Include Author"/>
+                    <checkbox id="author" checked="true" oils_persist="checked" label="Include Author?"/>
                         <label value="&staff.cat.spine_labels.on_line.label;"/>
                         <textbox id="author_line" value="3" oils_persist="value" onchange="this.setAttribute('value',this.value)" context="clipboard"/>

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