[open-ils-commits] r1134 - servres/trunk/conifer (gfawcett)

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Tue Dec 28 15:36:11 EST 2010

Author: gfawcett
Date: 2010-12-28 15:36:06 -0500 (Tue, 28 Dec 2010)
New Revision: 1134

revise TODOs

Modified: servres/trunk/conifer/TODO
--- servres/trunk/conifer/TODO	2010-12-28 19:11:53 UTC (rev 1133)
+++ servres/trunk/conifer/TODO	2010-12-28 20:36:06 UTC (rev 1134)
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
+* add URL form should have same metadata as ELEC form (except for copyright status)
-* allow concat.ca, windsor.concat.ca, etc. for paste-in item queries.
+* add new staff member
-* for Windsor, write temporary web-services for directory services.
+* why are .focus() calls not working properly?
-* Notify circulation of wanted items. What should it do?
+* edit URL item fails with error. KeyError: author2
-* set up a proper issue-tracker?
+* add Joan's new text
-* opensrf alternatives for SIP calls?
+* write up some documentation
-* need more than 10 results on physical-item search results.
+* add/remove individuals in course sites
+* review CLEW integration. KISS.
+* set up a proper issue-tracker?
 * if someone has item checked out, show due date/time on item-about page.
 * Send me email when my sites change?
 * Import of reserves data from Leddy voyager. Laurentian, others?
-* accented characters in z3950 queries seem to fail. More tests needed.
 * manage z3950 targets? Search z3950 targets?
 * title-details links in circ-needs, that needs to be made non EG specific.
-* Generating barcodes in emails, printable screens? (3 of 9 enough?)
-* add a hook for a MARC-record-to-maybe-cover-image-URL function
 > Functions need "cancel" or "go back"
 > Course details -- seems a little terse -- but may be what folks use
-> Notify circulation of wanted items -- FAIL
 > Why is staff a member of a course? is that a requirement? (proxy
 > instructor makes more sense; but how to accomplish that?).

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