[open-ils-commits] r15447 - in trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg: . upgrade (scottmk)

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Thu Feb 4 09:23:56 EST 2010

Author: scottmk
Date: 2010-02-04 09:23:54 -0500 (Thu, 04 Feb 2010)
New Revision: 15447

Add a function acq.attribute_debits() to attribute debits to funding
source credits, and thereby to funding sources.

This version is a rewrite.  The original version didn't work in
PostgreSQL 8.2 because it used arrays of composite types.  This
new version uses temporary tables instead.

M    Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/200.schema.acq.sql
M    Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql
A    Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0149.schema.acq.attribute-debits.sql

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql	2010-02-04 05:00:54 UTC (rev 15446)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql	2010-02-04 14:23:54 UTC (rev 15447)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0148'); -- Scott McKellar
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0149'); -- Scott McKellar
 CREATE TABLE config.bib_source (

Modified: trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/200.schema.acq.sql
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/200.schema.acq.sql	2010-02-04 05:00:54 UTC (rev 15446)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/200.schema.acq.sql	2010-02-04 14:23:54 UTC (rev 15447)
@@ -1280,6 +1280,359 @@
 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+Function to attribute expenditures and encumbrances to funding source credits,
+and thereby to funding sources.
+Read the debits in chonological order, attributing each one to one or
+more funding source credits.  Constraints:
+1. Don't attribute more to a credit than the amount of the credit.
+2. For a given fund, don't attribute more to a funding source than the
+source has allocated to that fund.
+3. Attribute debits to credits with deadlines before attributing them to
+credits without deadlines.  Otherwise attribute to the earliest credits
+first, based on the deadline date when present, or on the effective date
+when there is no deadline.  Use funding_source_credit.id as a tie-breaker.
+This ordering is defined by an ORDER BY clause on the view
+Start by truncating the table acq.debit_attribution.  Then insert a row
+into that table for each attribution.  If a debit cannot be fully
+attributed, insert a row for the unattributable balance, with the 
+funding_source_credit and credit_amount columns NULL.
+	curr_fund_source_bal RECORD;
+	seqno                INT;     -- sequence num for credits applicable to a fund
+	fund_credit          RECORD;  -- current row in temp t_fund_credit table
+	fc                   RECORD;  -- used for loading t_fund_credit table
+	sc                   RECORD;  -- used for loading t_fund_credit table
+	--
+	-- Used exclusively in the main loop:
+	--
+	deb                 RECORD;   -- current row from acq.fund_debit table
+	curr_credit_bal     RECORD;   -- current row from temp t_credit table
+	debit_balance       NUMERIC;  -- amount left to attribute for current debit
+	conv_debit_balance  NUMERIC;  -- debit balance in currency of the fund
+	attr_amount         NUMERIC;  -- amount being attributed, in currency of debit
+	conv_attr_amount    NUMERIC;  -- amount being attributed, in currency of source
+	conv_cred_balance   NUMERIC;  -- credit_balance in the currency of the fund
+	conv_alloc_balance  NUMERIC;  -- allocated balance in the currency of the fund
+	attrib_count        INT;      -- populates id of acq.debit_attribution
+	--
+	-- Load a temporary table.  For each combination of fund and funding source,
+	-- load an entry with the total amount allocated to that fund by that source.
+	-- This sum may reflect transfers as well as original allocations.  We will
+	-- reduce this balance whenever we attribute debits to it.
+	--
+	CREATE TEMP TABLE t_fund_source_bal
+			fund AS fund,
+			funding_source AS source,
+			sum( amount ) AS balance
+			acq.fund_allocation
+			fund,
+			funding_source
+			sum( amount ) > 0;
+	--
+	CREATE INDEX t_fund_source_bal_idx
+		ON t_fund_source_bal( fund, source );
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	--
+	-- Load another temporary table.  For each fund, load zero or more
+	-- funding source credits from which that fund can get money.
+	--
+	CREATE TEMP TABLE t_fund_credit (
+		fund        INT,
+		seq         INT,
+		credit      INT
+	--
+	FOR fc IN
+		FROM acq.fund_allocation
+		ORDER BY fund
+	LOOP                  -- Loop over the funds
+		seqno := 1;
+		FOR sc IN
+				ofsc.id
+			FROM
+				acq.ordered_funding_source_credit AS ofsc
+				ofsc.funding_source IN
+				(
+					SELECT funding_source
+					FROM acq.fund_allocation
+					WHERE fund = fc.fund
+				)
+    		ORDER BY
+    		    ofsc.sort_priority,
+    		    ofsc.sort_date,
+    		    ofsc.id
+		LOOP                        -- Add each credit to the list
+			INSERT INTO t_fund_credit (
+				fund,
+				seq,
+				credit
+			) VALUES (
+				fc.fund,
+				seqno,
+				sc.id
+			);
+			--RAISE NOTICE 'Fund % credit %', fc.fund, sc.id;
+			seqno := seqno + 1;
+		END LOOP;     -- Loop over credits for a given fund
+	END LOOP;         -- Loop over funds
+	--
+	CREATE INDEX t_fund_credit_idx
+		ON t_fund_credit( fund, seq );
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	--
+	-- Load yet another temporary table.  This one is a list of funding source
+	-- credits, with their balances.  We shall reduce those balances as we
+	-- attribute debits to them.
+	--
+        SELECT
+            fsc.id AS credit,
+            fsc.funding_source AS source,
+            fsc.amount AS balance,
+            fs.currency_type AS currency_type
+        FROM
+            acq.funding_source_credit AS fsc,
+            acq.funding_source fs
+        WHERE
+            fsc.funding_source = fs.id
+			AND fsc.amount > 0;
+	--
+	CREATE INDEX t_credit_idx
+		ON t_credit( credit );
+	--
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	--
+	-- Now that we have loaded the lookup tables: loop through the debits,
+	-- attributing each one to one or more funding source credits.
+	-- 
+	truncate table acq.debit_attribution;
+	--
+	attrib_count := 0;
+	FOR deb in
+			fd.id,
+			fd.fund,
+			fd.amount,
+			f.currency_type,
+			fd.encumbrance
+			acq.fund_debit fd,
+			acq.fund f
+			fd.fund = f.id
+			fd.id
+		--RAISE NOTICE 'Debit %, fund %', deb.id, deb.fund;
+		--
+		debit_balance := deb.amount;
+		--
+		-- Loop over the funding source credits that are eligible
+		-- to pay for this debit
+		--
+		FOR fund_credit IN
+				credit
+			FROM
+				t_fund_credit
+				fund = deb.fund
+				seq
+			--RAISE NOTICE '   Examining credit %', fund_credit.credit;
+			--
+			-- Look up the balance for this credit.  If it's zero, then
+			-- it's not useful, so treat it as if you didn't find it.
+			-- (Actually there shouldn't be any zero balances in the table,
+			-- but we check just to make sure.)
+			--
+			SELECT *
+			INTO curr_credit_bal
+			FROM t_credit
+				credit = fund_credit.credit
+				AND balance > 0;
+			--
+			IF curr_credit_bal IS NULL THEN
+				--
+				-- This credit is exhausted; try the next one.
+				--
+			END IF;
+			--
+			--
+			-- At this point we have an applicable credit with some money left.
+			-- Now see if the relevant funding_source has any money left.
+			--
+			-- Look up the balance of the allocation for this combination of
+			-- fund and source.  If you find such an entry, but it has a zero
+			-- balance, then it's not useful, so treat it as unfound.
+			-- (Actually there shouldn't be any zero balances in the table,
+			-- but we check just to make sure.)
+			--
+			SELECT *
+			INTO curr_fund_source_bal
+			FROM t_fund_source_bal
+				fund = deb.fund
+				AND source = curr_credit_bal.source
+				AND balance > 0;
+			--
+			IF curr_fund_source_bal IS NULL THEN
+				--
+				-- This fund/source doesn't exist or is already exhausted,
+				-- so we can't use this credit.  Go on to the next one.
+				--
+			END IF;
+			--
+			-- Convert the available balances to the currency of the fund
+			--
+			conv_alloc_balance := curr_fund_source_bal.balance * acq.exchange_ratio(
+				curr_credit_bal.currency_type, deb.currency_type );
+			conv_cred_balance := curr_credit_bal.balance * acq.exchange_ratio(
+				curr_credit_bal.currency_type, deb.currency_type );
+			--
+			-- Determine how much we can attribute to this credit: the minimum
+			-- of the debit amount, the fund/source balance, and the
+			-- credit balance
+			--
+			--RAISE NOTICE '   deb bal %', debit_balance;
+			--RAISE NOTICE '      source % balance %', curr_credit_bal.source, conv_alloc_balance;
+			--RAISE NOTICE '      credit % balance %', curr_credit_bal.credit, conv_cred_balance;
+			--
+			conv_attr_amount := NULL;
+			attr_amount := debit_balance;
+			--
+			IF attr_amount > conv_alloc_balance THEN
+				attr_amount := conv_alloc_balance;
+				conv_attr_amount := curr_fund_source_bal.balance;
+			END IF;
+			IF attr_amount > conv_cred_balance THEN
+				attr_amount := conv_cred_balance;
+				conv_attr_amount := curr_credit_bal.balance;
+			END IF;
+			--
+			-- If we're attributing all of one of the balances, then that's how
+			-- much we will deduct from the balances, and we already captured
+			-- that amount above.  Otherwise we must convert the amount of the
+			-- attribution from the currency of the fund back to the currency of
+			-- the funding source.
+			--
+			IF conv_attr_amount IS NULL THEN
+				conv_attr_amount := attr_amount * acq.exchange_ratio(
+					deb.currency_type, curr_credit_bal.currency_type );
+			END IF;
+			--
+			-- Insert a row to record the attribution
+			--
+			attrib_count := attrib_count + 1;
+			INSERT INTO acq.debit_attribution (
+				id,
+				fund_debit,
+				debit_amount,
+				funding_source_credit,
+				credit_amount
+			) VALUES (
+				attrib_count,
+				deb.id,
+				attr_amount,
+				curr_credit_bal.credit,
+				conv_attr_amount
+			);
+			--
+			-- Subtract the attributed amount from the various balances
+			--
+			debit_balance := debit_balance - attr_amount;
+			curr_fund_source_bal.balance := curr_fund_source_bal.balance - conv_attr_amount;
+			--
+			IF curr_fund_source_bal.balance <= 0 THEN
+				--
+				-- This allocation is exhausted.  Delete it so
+				-- that we don't waste time looking at it again.
+				--
+				DELETE FROM t_fund_source_bal
+				WHERE
+					fund = curr_fund_source_bal.fund
+					AND source = curr_fund_source_bal.source;
+			ELSE
+				UPDATE t_fund_source_bal
+				SET balance = balance - conv_attr_amount
+				WHERE
+					fund = curr_fund_source_bal.fund
+					AND source = curr_fund_source_bal.source;
+			END IF;
+			--
+			IF curr_credit_bal.balance <= 0 THEN
+				--
+				-- This funding source credit is exhausted.  Delete it
+				-- so that we don't waste time looking at it again.
+				--
+				--DELETE FROM t_credit
+				--WHERE
+				--	credit = curr_credit_bal.credit;
+				--
+				DELETE FROM t_fund_credit
+				WHERE
+					credit = curr_credit_bal.credit;
+			ELSE
+				UPDATE t_credit
+				SET balance = curr_credit_bal.balance
+				WHERE
+					credit = curr_credit_bal.credit;
+			END IF;
+			--
+			-- Are we done with this debit yet?
+			--
+			IF debit_balance <= 0 THEN
+				EXIT;       -- We've fully attributed this debit; stop looking at credits.
+			END IF;
+		END LOOP;       -- End loop over credits
+		--
+		IF debit_balance <> 0 THEN
+			--
+			-- We weren't able to attribute this debit, or at least not
+			-- all of it.  Insert a row for the unattributed balance.
+			--
+			attrib_count := attrib_count + 1;
+			INSERT INTO acq.debit_attribution (
+				id,
+				fund_debit,
+				debit_amount,
+				funding_source_credit,
+				credit_amount
+			) VALUES (
+				attrib_count,
+				deb.id,
+				debit_balance,
+				NULL,
+				NULL
+			);
+		END IF;
+	END LOOP;   -- End of loop over debits
+$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION acq.propagate_funds_by_org_unit(
 	old_year INTEGER,
 	user_id INTEGER,

Added: trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0149.schema.acq.attribute-debits.sql
--- trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0149.schema.acq.attribute-debits.sql	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0149.schema.acq.attribute-debits.sql	2010-02-04 14:23:54 UTC (rev 15447)
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0149'); -- Scott McKellar
+Function to attribute expenditures and encumbrances to funding source credits,
+and thereby to funding sources.
+Read the debits in chonological order, attributing each one to one or
+more funding source credits.  Constraints:
+1. Don't attribute more to a credit than the amount of the credit.
+2. For a given fund, don't attribute more to a funding source than the
+source has allocated to that fund.
+3. Attribute debits to credits with deadlines before attributing them to
+credits without deadlines.  Otherwise attribute to the earliest credits
+first, based on the deadline date when present, or on the effective date
+when there is no deadline.  Use funding_source_credit.id as a tie-breaker.
+This ordering is defined by an ORDER BY clause on the view
+Start by truncating the table acq.debit_attribution.  Then insert a row
+into that table for each attribution.  If a debit cannot be fully
+attributed, insert a row for the unattributable balance, with the 
+funding_source_credit and credit_amount columns NULL.
+	curr_fund_source_bal RECORD;
+	seqno                INT;     -- sequence num for credits applicable to a fund
+	fund_credit          RECORD;  -- current row in temp t_fund_credit table
+	fc                   RECORD;  -- used for loading t_fund_credit table
+	sc                   RECORD;  -- used for loading t_fund_credit table
+	--
+	-- Used exclusively in the main loop:
+	--
+	deb                 RECORD;   -- current row from acq.fund_debit table
+	curr_credit_bal     RECORD;   -- current row from temp t_credit table
+	debit_balance       NUMERIC;  -- amount left to attribute for current debit
+	conv_debit_balance  NUMERIC;  -- debit balance in currency of the fund
+	attr_amount         NUMERIC;  -- amount being attributed, in currency of debit
+	conv_attr_amount    NUMERIC;  -- amount being attributed, in currency of source
+	conv_cred_balance   NUMERIC;  -- credit_balance in the currency of the fund
+	conv_alloc_balance  NUMERIC;  -- allocated balance in the currency of the fund
+	attrib_count        INT;      -- populates id of acq.debit_attribution
+	--
+	-- Load a temporary table.  For each combination of fund and funding source,
+	-- load an entry with the total amount allocated to that fund by that source.
+	-- This sum may reflect transfers as well as original allocations.  We will
+	-- reduce this balance whenever we attribute debits to it.
+	--
+	CREATE TEMP TABLE t_fund_source_bal
+			fund AS fund,
+			funding_source AS source,
+			sum( amount ) AS balance
+			acq.fund_allocation
+			fund,
+			funding_source
+			sum( amount ) > 0;
+	--
+	CREATE INDEX t_fund_source_bal_idx
+		ON t_fund_source_bal( fund, source );
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	--
+	-- Load another temporary table.  For each fund, load zero or more
+	-- funding source credits from which that fund can get money.
+	--
+	CREATE TEMP TABLE t_fund_credit (
+		fund        INT,
+		seq         INT,
+		credit      INT
+	--
+	FOR fc IN
+		FROM acq.fund_allocation
+		ORDER BY fund
+	LOOP                  -- Loop over the funds
+		seqno := 1;
+		FOR sc IN
+				ofsc.id
+			FROM
+				acq.ordered_funding_source_credit AS ofsc
+				ofsc.funding_source IN
+				(
+					SELECT funding_source
+					FROM acq.fund_allocation
+					WHERE fund = fc.fund
+				)
+    		ORDER BY
+    		    ofsc.sort_priority,
+    		    ofsc.sort_date,
+    		    ofsc.id
+		LOOP                        -- Add each credit to the list
+			INSERT INTO t_fund_credit (
+				fund,
+				seq,
+				credit
+			) VALUES (
+				fc.fund,
+				seqno,
+				sc.id
+			);
+			--RAISE NOTICE 'Fund % credit %', fc.fund, sc.id;
+			seqno := seqno + 1;
+		END LOOP;     -- Loop over credits for a given fund
+	END LOOP;         -- Loop over funds
+	--
+	CREATE INDEX t_fund_credit_idx
+		ON t_fund_credit( fund, seq );
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	--
+	-- Load yet another temporary table.  This one is a list of funding source
+	-- credits, with their balances.  We shall reduce those balances as we
+	-- attribute debits to them.
+	--
+        SELECT
+            fsc.id AS credit,
+            fsc.funding_source AS source,
+            fsc.amount AS balance,
+            fs.currency_type AS currency_type
+        FROM
+            acq.funding_source_credit AS fsc,
+            acq.funding_source fs
+        WHERE
+            fsc.funding_source = fs.id
+			AND fsc.amount > 0;
+	--
+	CREATE INDEX t_credit_idx
+		ON t_credit( credit );
+	--
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	--
+	-- Now that we have loaded the lookup tables: loop through the debits,
+	-- attributing each one to one or more funding source credits.
+	-- 
+	truncate table acq.debit_attribution;
+	--
+	attrib_count := 0;
+	FOR deb in
+			fd.id,
+			fd.fund,
+			fd.amount,
+			f.currency_type,
+			fd.encumbrance
+			acq.fund_debit fd,
+			acq.fund f
+			fd.fund = f.id
+			fd.id
+		--RAISE NOTICE 'Debit %, fund %', deb.id, deb.fund;
+		--
+		debit_balance := deb.amount;
+		--
+		-- Loop over the funding source credits that are eligible
+		-- to pay for this debit
+		--
+		FOR fund_credit IN
+				credit
+			FROM
+				t_fund_credit
+				fund = deb.fund
+				seq
+			--RAISE NOTICE '   Examining credit %', fund_credit.credit;
+			--
+			-- Look up the balance for this credit.  If it's zero, then
+			-- it's not useful, so treat it as if you didn't find it.
+			-- (Actually there shouldn't be any zero balances in the table,
+			-- but we check just to make sure.)
+			--
+			SELECT *
+			INTO curr_credit_bal
+			FROM t_credit
+				credit = fund_credit.credit
+				AND balance > 0;
+			--
+			IF curr_credit_bal IS NULL THEN
+				--
+				-- This credit is exhausted; try the next one.
+				--
+			END IF;
+			--
+			--
+			-- At this point we have an applicable credit with some money left.
+			-- Now see if the relevant funding_source has any money left.
+			--
+			-- Look up the balance of the allocation for this combination of
+			-- fund and source.  If you find such an entry, but it has a zero
+			-- balance, then it's not useful, so treat it as unfound.
+			-- (Actually there shouldn't be any zero balances in the table,
+			-- but we check just to make sure.)
+			--
+			SELECT *
+			INTO curr_fund_source_bal
+			FROM t_fund_source_bal
+				fund = deb.fund
+				AND source = curr_credit_bal.source
+				AND balance > 0;
+			--
+			IF curr_fund_source_bal IS NULL THEN
+				--
+				-- This fund/source doesn't exist or is already exhausted,
+				-- so we can't use this credit.  Go on to the next one.
+				--
+			END IF;
+			--
+			-- Convert the available balances to the currency of the fund
+			--
+			conv_alloc_balance := curr_fund_source_bal.balance * acq.exchange_ratio(
+				curr_credit_bal.currency_type, deb.currency_type );
+			conv_cred_balance := curr_credit_bal.balance * acq.exchange_ratio(
+				curr_credit_bal.currency_type, deb.currency_type );
+			--
+			-- Determine how much we can attribute to this credit: the minimum
+			-- of the debit amount, the fund/source balance, and the
+			-- credit balance
+			--
+			--RAISE NOTICE '   deb bal %', debit_balance;
+			--RAISE NOTICE '      source % balance %', curr_credit_bal.source, conv_alloc_balance;
+			--RAISE NOTICE '      credit % balance %', curr_credit_bal.credit, conv_cred_balance;
+			--
+			conv_attr_amount := NULL;
+			attr_amount := debit_balance;
+			--
+			IF attr_amount > conv_alloc_balance THEN
+				attr_amount := conv_alloc_balance;
+				conv_attr_amount := curr_fund_source_bal.balance;
+			END IF;
+			IF attr_amount > conv_cred_balance THEN
+				attr_amount := conv_cred_balance;
+				conv_attr_amount := curr_credit_bal.balance;
+			END IF;
+			--
+			-- If we're attributing all of one of the balances, then that's how
+			-- much we will deduct from the balances, and we already captured
+			-- that amount above.  Otherwise we must convert the amount of the
+			-- attribution from the currency of the fund back to the currency of
+			-- the funding source.
+			--
+			IF conv_attr_amount IS NULL THEN
+				conv_attr_amount := attr_amount * acq.exchange_ratio(
+					deb.currency_type, curr_credit_bal.currency_type );
+			END IF;
+			--
+			-- Insert a row to record the attribution
+			--
+			attrib_count := attrib_count + 1;
+			INSERT INTO acq.debit_attribution (
+				id,
+				fund_debit,
+				debit_amount,
+				funding_source_credit,
+				credit_amount
+			) VALUES (
+				attrib_count,
+				deb.id,
+				attr_amount,
+				curr_credit_bal.credit,
+				conv_attr_amount
+			);
+			--
+			-- Subtract the attributed amount from the various balances
+			--
+			debit_balance := debit_balance - attr_amount;
+			curr_fund_source_bal.balance := curr_fund_source_bal.balance - conv_attr_amount;
+			--
+			IF curr_fund_source_bal.balance <= 0 THEN
+				--
+				-- This allocation is exhausted.  Delete it so
+				-- that we don't waste time looking at it again.
+				--
+				DELETE FROM t_fund_source_bal
+				WHERE
+					fund = curr_fund_source_bal.fund
+					AND source = curr_fund_source_bal.source;
+			ELSE
+				UPDATE t_fund_source_bal
+				SET balance = balance - conv_attr_amount
+				WHERE
+					fund = curr_fund_source_bal.fund
+					AND source = curr_fund_source_bal.source;
+			END IF;
+			--
+			IF curr_credit_bal.balance <= 0 THEN
+				--
+				-- This funding source credit is exhausted.  Delete it
+				-- so that we don't waste time looking at it again.
+				--
+				--DELETE FROM t_credit
+				--WHERE
+				--	credit = curr_credit_bal.credit;
+				--
+				DELETE FROM t_fund_credit
+				WHERE
+					credit = curr_credit_bal.credit;
+			ELSE
+				UPDATE t_credit
+				SET balance = curr_credit_bal.balance
+				WHERE
+					credit = curr_credit_bal.credit;
+			END IF;
+			--
+			-- Are we done with this debit yet?
+			--
+			IF debit_balance <= 0 THEN
+				EXIT;       -- We've fully attributed this debit; stop looking at credits.
+			END IF;
+		END LOOP;       -- End loop over credits
+		--
+		IF debit_balance <> 0 THEN
+			--
+			-- We weren't able to attribute this debit, or at least not
+			-- all of it.  Insert a row for the unattributed balance.
+			--
+			attrib_count := attrib_count + 1;
+			INSERT INTO acq.debit_attribution (
+				id,
+				fund_debit,
+				debit_amount,
+				funding_source_credit,
+				credit_amount
+			) VALUES (
+				attrib_count,
+				deb.id,
+				debit_balance,
+				NULL,
+				NULL
+			);
+		END IF;
+	END LOOP;   -- End of loop over debits
+$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

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